//========= Copyright � 1996-2002, Valve LLC, All rights reserved. ============ // // Purpose: // // $NoKeywords: $ //============================================================================= #ifndef VGUI_CHECKBUTTON2_H #define VGUI_CHECKBUTTON2_H #ifdef _WIN32 #pragma once #endif #include "VGUI_Label.h" #include "VGUI_ImagePanel.h" #include "vgui_defaultinputsignal.h" namespace vgui { class CCheckButton2; class ICheckButton2Handler { public: virtual void StateChanged( CCheckButton2 *pButton ) = 0; }; // VGUI checkbox class. // - Provides access to the checkbox images. // - Provides an easy callback mechanism for state changes. // - Default background is invisible, and default text color is white. class CCheckButton2 : public Panel, public CDefaultInputSignal { public: CCheckButton2(); ~CCheckButton2(); // Initialize the button with these. void SetImages( char const *pChecked, char const *pUnchecked ); void SetImages( Image *pChecked, Image *pUnchecked ); // If you use this, the button will never delete the images. void DeleteImages(); // The checkbox can be to the left or the right of the text (default is left). void SetCheckboxLeft( bool bLeftAlign ); bool GetCheckboxLeft(); // Set the label text. void SetText( char const *pText, ... ); void SetTextColor( int r, int g, int b, int a ); // You can register for change notification here. void SetHandler( ICheckButton2Handler *pHandler ); // Get/set the check state. bool IsChecked(); void SetChecked( bool bChecked ); // Panel overrides. virtual void internalMousePressed( MouseCode code ); protected: void SetupControls(); // InputSignal overrides. virtual void mousePressed( MouseCode code, Panel *panel ); public: ICheckButton2Handler *m_pHandler; bool m_bCheckboxLeft; Label m_Label; ImagePanel m_CheckboxPanel; Image *m_pChecked; Image *m_pUnchecked; bool m_bOwnImages; bool m_bChecked; }; } #endif // VGUI_CHECKBUTTON2_H