/*** * * Copyright (c) 1996-2002, Valve LLC. All rights reserved. * * This product contains software technology licensed from Id * Software, Inc. ("Id Technology"). Id Technology (c) 1996 Id Software, Inc. * All Rights Reserved. * * This source code contains proprietary and confidential information of * Valve LLC and its suppliers. Access to this code is restricted to * persons who have executed a written SDK license with Valve. Any access, * use or distribution of this code by or to any unlicensed person is illegal. * ****/ #include "extdll.h" #include "util.h" #include "cbase.h" #include "monsters.h" #include "weapons.h" #include "nodes.h" #include "soundent.h" #include "effects.h" #include "customentity.h" typedef struct { int isValid; EHANDLE hGrunt; Vector vecOrigin; Vector vecAngles; } t_ospreygrunt; #define SF_WAITFORTRIGGER 0x40 #define MAX_CARRY 24 class COsprey : public CBaseMonster { public: int Save( CSave &save ); int Restore( CRestore &restore ); static TYPEDESCRIPTION m_SaveData[]; int ObjectCaps( void ) { return CBaseMonster::ObjectCaps() & ~FCAP_ACROSS_TRANSITION; } void Spawn( void ); void Precache( void ); int Classify( void ) { return CLASS_MACHINE; } int BloodColor( void ) { return DONT_BLEED; } void Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib ); void UpdateGoal( void ); BOOL HasDead( void ); void EXPORT FlyThink( void ); void EXPORT DeployThink( void ); void Flight( void ); void EXPORT HitTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void EXPORT FindAllThink( void ); void EXPORT HoverThink( void ); CBaseMonster *MakeGrunt( Vector vecSrc ); void EXPORT CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ); void EXPORT DyingThink( void ); void EXPORT CommandUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ); // int TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ); void TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType ); void ShowDamage( void ); CBaseEntity *m_pGoalEnt; Vector m_vel1; Vector m_vel2; Vector m_pos1; Vector m_pos2; Vector m_ang1; Vector m_ang2; float m_startTime; float m_dTime; Vector m_velocity; float m_flIdealtilt; float m_flRotortilt; float m_flRightHealth; float m_flLeftHealth; int m_iUnits; EHANDLE m_hGrunt[MAX_CARRY]; Vector m_vecOrigin[MAX_CARRY]; EHANDLE m_hRepel[4]; int m_iSoundState; int m_iSpriteTexture; int m_iPitch; int m_iExplode; int m_iTailGibs; int m_iBodyGibs; int m_iEngineGibs; int m_iDoLeftSmokePuff; int m_iDoRightSmokePuff; }; LINK_ENTITY_TO_CLASS( monster_osprey, COsprey ) TYPEDESCRIPTION COsprey::m_SaveData[] = { DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_pGoalEnt, FIELD_CLASSPTR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_vel1, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_vel2, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_pos1, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_pos2, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_ang1, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_ang2, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_startTime, FIELD_TIME ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_dTime, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_velocity, FIELD_VECTOR ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_flIdealtilt, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_flRotortilt, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_flRightHealth, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_flLeftHealth, FIELD_FLOAT ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iUnits, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_ARRAY( COsprey, m_hGrunt, FIELD_EHANDLE, MAX_CARRY ), DEFINE_ARRAY( COsprey, m_vecOrigin, FIELD_POSITION_VECTOR, MAX_CARRY ), DEFINE_ARRAY( COsprey, m_hRepel, FIELD_EHANDLE, 4 ), // DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iSoundState, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iSpriteTexture, FIELD_INTEGER ), // DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iPitch, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iDoLeftSmokePuff, FIELD_INTEGER ), DEFINE_FIELD( COsprey, m_iDoRightSmokePuff, FIELD_INTEGER ), }; IMPLEMENT_SAVERESTORE( COsprey, CBaseMonster ) void COsprey::Spawn( void ) { Precache(); // motor pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; pev->solid = SOLID_BBOX; if (pev->model) SET_MODEL(ENT(pev), STRING(pev->model)); //LRC else SET_MODEL( ENT( pev ), "models/osprey.mdl" ); UTIL_SetSize( pev, Vector( -400, -400, -100 ), Vector( 400, 400, 32 ) ); UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pev->origin ); //ALERT(at_console, "Osprey origin %f %f %f\n", pev->origin.x, pev->origin.y, pev->origin.z); pev->flags |= FL_MONSTER; pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_YES; m_flRightHealth = 200; m_flLeftHealth = 200; pev->health = 400; pev->speed = 80; //LRC - default speed, in case path corners don't give a speed. m_flFieldOfView = 0; // 180 degrees pev->sequence = 0; ResetSequenceInfo(); pev->frame = RANDOM_LONG( 0, 0xFF ); InitBoneControllers(); SetThink( &COsprey::FindAllThink ); SetUse( &COsprey::CommandUse ); if( !( pev->spawnflags & SF_WAITFORTRIGGER ) ) { SetNextThink( 1.0f ); } m_pos2 = pev->origin; m_ang2 = pev->angles; m_vel2 = pev->velocity; } void COsprey::Precache( void ) { UTIL_PrecacheOther( "monster_human_grunt" ); if (pev->model) PRECACHE_MODEL(STRING(pev->model)); //LRC else PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/osprey.mdl" ); PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/HVR.mdl" ); PRECACHE_SOUND( "apache/ap_rotor4.wav" ); PRECACHE_SOUND( "weapons/mortarhit.wav" ); m_iSpriteTexture = PRECACHE_MODEL( "sprites/rope.spr" ); m_iExplode = PRECACHE_MODEL( "sprites/fexplo.spr" ); m_iTailGibs = PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/osprey_tailgibs.mdl" ); m_iBodyGibs = PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/osprey_bodygibs.mdl" ); m_iEngineGibs = PRECACHE_MODEL( "models/osprey_enginegibs.mdl" ); } void COsprey::CommandUse( CBaseEntity *pActivator, CBaseEntity *pCaller, USE_TYPE useType, float value ) { SetNextThink( 0.1f ); } void COsprey::FindAllThink( void ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity = NULL; m_iUnits = 0; while( m_iUnits < MAX_CARRY && ( pEntity = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( pEntity, "monster_human_grunt" ) ) != NULL ) { if( pEntity->IsAlive() ) { m_hGrunt[m_iUnits] = pEntity; m_vecOrigin[m_iUnits] = pEntity->pev->origin; m_iUnits++; } } if( m_iUnits == 0 ) { m_iUnits = 4; //LRC - stop whining, just make the damn grunts... // ALERT( at_console, "osprey error: no grunts to resupply\n"); // UTIL_Remove( this ); // return; } SetThink( &COsprey::FlyThink ); SetNextThink( 0.1f ); m_startTime = gpGlobals->time; } void COsprey::DeployThink( void ) { UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles ); Vector vecForward = gpGlobals->v_forward; Vector vecRight = gpGlobals->v_right; Vector vecUp = gpGlobals->v_up; Vector vecSrc; TraceResult tr; UTIL_TraceLine( pev->origin, pev->origin + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, -4096.0f ), ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr ); CSoundEnt::InsertSound( bits_SOUND_DANGER, tr.vecEndPos, 400, 0.3f ); vecSrc = pev->origin + vecForward * 32 + vecRight * 100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[0] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = pev->origin + vecForward * -64 + vecRight * 100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[1] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = pev->origin + vecForward * 32 + vecRight * -100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[2] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); vecSrc = pev->origin + vecForward * -64 + vecRight * -100 + vecUp * -96; m_hRepel[3] = MakeGrunt( vecSrc ); SetThink( &COsprey::HoverThink ); SetNextThink( 0.1f ); } BOOL COsprey::HasDead() { for( int i = 0; i < m_iUnits; i++ ) { if( m_hGrunt[i] == 0 || !m_hGrunt[i]->IsAlive() ) { return TRUE; } else { m_vecOrigin[i] = m_hGrunt[i]->pev->origin; // send them to where they died } } return FALSE; } CBaseMonster *COsprey::MakeGrunt( Vector vecSrc ) { CBaseEntity *pEntity; CBaseMonster *pGrunt; TraceResult tr; UTIL_TraceLine( vecSrc, vecSrc + Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, -4096.0f ), dont_ignore_monsters, ENT( pev ), &tr ); if( tr.pHit && Instance( tr.pHit )->pev->solid != SOLID_BSP ) return NULL; for( int i = 0; i < m_iUnits; i++ ) { if( m_hGrunt[i] == 0 || !m_hGrunt[i]->IsAlive() ) { if( m_hGrunt[i] != 0 && m_hGrunt[i]->pev->rendermode == kRenderNormal ) { m_hGrunt[i]->SUB_StartFadeOut(); } pEntity = Create( "monster_human_grunt", vecSrc, pev->angles ); pGrunt = pEntity->MyMonsterPointer(); pGrunt->pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_FLY; pGrunt->pev->velocity = Vector( 0, 0, RANDOM_FLOAT( -196, -128 ) ); pGrunt->SetActivity( ACT_GLIDE ); CBeam *pBeam = CBeam::BeamCreate( "sprites/rope.spr", 10 ); pBeam->PointEntInit( vecSrc + Vector(0,0,112), pGrunt->entindex() ); pBeam->SetFlags( BEAM_FSOLID ); pBeam->SetColor( 255, 255, 255 ); pBeam->SetThink(&CBeam:: SUB_Remove ); pBeam->SetNextThink( -4096.0f * tr.flFraction / pGrunt->pev->velocity.z + 0.5f ); // ALERT( at_console, "%d at %.0f %.0f %.0f\n", i, m_vecOrigin[i].x, m_vecOrigin[i].y, m_vecOrigin[i].z ); pGrunt->m_vecLastPosition = m_vecOrigin[i]; m_hGrunt[i] = pGrunt; return pGrunt; } } // ALERT( at_console, "none dead\n"); return NULL; } void COsprey::HoverThink( void ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { if( m_hRepel[i] != 0 && m_hRepel[i]->pev->health > 0 && !( m_hRepel[i]->pev->flags & FL_ONGROUND ) ) { break; } } if( i == 4 ) { m_startTime = gpGlobals->time; SetThink( &COsprey::FlyThink ); } SetNextThink( 0.1f ); UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles ); ShowDamage(); } void COsprey::UpdateGoal() { if( m_pGoalEnt ) { m_pos1 = m_pos2; m_ang1 = m_ang2; m_vel1 = m_vel2; m_pos2 = m_pGoalEnt->pev->origin; m_ang2 = m_pGoalEnt->pev->angles; UTIL_MakeAimVectors( Vector( 0, m_ang2.y, 0 ) ); //LRC - ugh. we shouldn't require our path corners to specify a speed! if (m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed) pev->speed = m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed; m_vel2 = gpGlobals->v_forward * pev->speed; //LRC m_startTime = m_startTime + m_dTime; m_dTime = 2.0f * ( m_pos1 - m_pos2 ).Length() / ( m_vel1.Length() + pev->speed ); //ALERT(at_console, "osprey m_dTime = %f / %f + %f\n", (m_pos1 - m_pos2).Length(), m_vel1.Length(), m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed); if( m_ang1.y - m_ang2.y < -180 ) { m_ang1.y += 360; } else if( m_ang1.y - m_ang2.y > 180 ) { m_ang1.y -= 360; } if (pev->speed < 400) m_flIdealtilt = 0; else m_flIdealtilt = -90; } else { ALERT( at_console, "osprey missing target" ); } } void COsprey::FlyThink( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( 0.1f ); if( m_pGoalEnt == NULL && !FStringNull( pev->target) )// this monster has a target { m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( pev->target ) ); UpdateGoal(); } if( gpGlobals->time > m_startTime + m_dTime ) { if( m_pGoalEnt ) { if( m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed == 0 ) { SetThink( &COsprey::DeployThink ); } int loopbreaker = 100; //LRC - don't loop indefinitely! do{ m_pGoalEnt = UTIL_FindEntityByTargetname( NULL, STRING( m_pGoalEnt->pev->target ) ); loopbreaker--; //LRC } while (m_pGoalEnt && m_pGoalEnt->pev->speed < 400 && !HasDead() && loopbreaker > 0); } UpdateGoal(); } Flight(); ShowDamage(); } void COsprey::Flight() { float t = ( gpGlobals->time - m_startTime ); float scale = 1.0f / m_dTime; float f = UTIL_SplineFraction( t * scale, 1.0f ); Vector pos = ( m_pos1 + m_vel1 * t ) * ( 1.0f - f ) + ( m_pos2 - m_vel2 * ( m_dTime - t ) ) * f; Vector ang = ( m_ang1 ) * ( 1.0f - f ) + ( m_ang2 ) * f; m_velocity = m_vel1 * ( 1.0f - f ) + m_vel2 * f; UTIL_SetOrigin( this, pos ); pev->angles = ang; UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles ); float flSpeed = DotProduct( gpGlobals->v_forward, m_velocity ); // float flSpeed = DotProduct( gpGlobals->v_forward, pev->velocity ); m_flIdealtilt = ( 160.0f - flSpeed ) / 10.0f; // ALERT( at_console, "%f %f\n", flSpeed, flIdealtilt ); if( m_flRotortilt < m_flIdealtilt ) { m_flRotortilt += 0.5f; if ( m_flRotortilt > 0 ) m_flRotortilt = 0; } if( m_flRotortilt > m_flIdealtilt ) { m_flRotortilt -= 0.5f; if( m_flRotortilt < -90 ) m_flRotortilt = -90; } SetBoneController( 0, m_flRotortilt ); if( m_iSoundState == 0 ) { EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "apache/ap_rotor4.wav", 1.0, 0.15, 0, 110 ); // EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "apache/ap_whine1.wav", 0.5, 0.2, 0, 110 ); m_iSoundState = SND_CHANGE_PITCH; // hack for going through level transitions } else { CBaseEntity *pPlayer = NULL; pPlayer = UTIL_FindEntityByClassname( NULL, "player" ); // UNDONE: this needs to send different sounds to every player for multiplayer. if( pPlayer ) { float pitch = DotProduct( m_velocity - pPlayer->pev->velocity, ( pPlayer->pev->origin - pev->origin ).Normalize() ); pitch = (int)( 100 + pitch / 75.0f ); if( pitch > 250 ) pitch = 250; if( pitch < 50 ) pitch = 50; if( pitch == 100 ) pitch = 101; if( pitch != m_iPitch ) { m_iPitch = pitch; EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "apache/ap_rotor4.wav", 1.0, 0.15, SND_CHANGE_PITCH | SND_CHANGE_VOL, pitch ); // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f\n", pitch ); } } // EMIT_SOUND_DYN( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "apache/ap_whine1.wav", flVol, 0.2, SND_CHANGE_PITCH | SND_CHANGE_VOL, pitch ); } } void COsprey::HitTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { SetNextThink( 2.0f ); } /* int COsprey::TakeDamage( entvars_t *pevInflictor, entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, int bitsDamageType ) { if( m_flRotortilt <= -90 ) { m_flRotortilt = 0; } else { m_flRotortilt -= 45; } SetBoneController( 0, m_flRotortilt ); return 0; } */ void COsprey::Killed( entvars_t *pevAttacker, int iGib ) { pev->movetype = MOVETYPE_TOSS; pev->gravity = 0.3f; pev->velocity = m_velocity; pev->avelocity = Vector( RANDOM_FLOAT( -20, 20 ), 0, RANDOM_FLOAT( -50, 50 ) ); STOP_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "apache/ap_rotor4.wav" ); UTIL_SetSize( pev, Vector( -32, -32, -64 ), Vector( 32, 32, 0 ) ); SetThink( &COsprey::DyingThink ); SetTouch( &COsprey::CrashTouch ); SetNextThink( 0.1f ); pev->health = 0; pev->takedamage = DAMAGE_NO; m_startTime = gpGlobals->time + 4.0f; } void COsprey::CrashTouch( CBaseEntity *pOther ) { // only crash if we hit something solid if( pOther->pev->solid == SOLID_BSP ) { SetTouch( NULL ); m_startTime = gpGlobals->time; SetNextThink( 0 ); m_velocity = pev->velocity; } } void COsprey::DyingThink( void ) { StudioFrameAdvance(); SetNextThink( 0.1f ); pev->avelocity = pev->avelocity * 1.02f; // still falling? if( m_startTime > gpGlobals->time ) { UTIL_MakeAimVectors( pev->angles ); ShowDamage(); Vector vecSpot = pev->origin + pev->velocity * 0.2f; // random explosions MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSpot ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_EXPLOSION ); // This just makes a dynamic light now WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, 150.0f ) ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, 150.0f ) ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, -50.0f ) ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexFireball ); WRITE_BYTE( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 29 ) + 30 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 12 ); // framerate WRITE_BYTE( TE_EXPLFLAG_NONE ); MESSAGE_END(); // lots of smoke MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSpot ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, 150.0f ) ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, 150.0f ) ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + RANDOM_FLOAT( -150.0f, -50.0f ) ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( 100 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 10 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); vecSpot = pev->origin + ( pev->mins + pev->maxs ) * 0.5f; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSpot ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BREAKMODEL); // position WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z ); // size WRITE_COORD( 800 ); WRITE_COORD( 800 ); WRITE_COORD( 132 ); // velocity WRITE_COORD( pev->velocity.x ); WRITE_COORD( pev->velocity.y ); WRITE_COORD( pev->velocity.z ); // randomization WRITE_BYTE( 50 ); // Model WRITE_SHORT( m_iTailGibs ); //model id# // # of shards WRITE_BYTE( 8 ); // let client decide // duration WRITE_BYTE( 200 );// 10.0 seconds // flags WRITE_BYTE( BREAK_METAL ); MESSAGE_END(); // don't stop it we touch a entity pev->flags &= ~FL_ONGROUND; SetNextThink( 0.2f ); return; } else { Vector vecSpot = pev->origin + ( pev->mins + pev->maxs ) * 0.5f; /* MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_EXPLOSION); // This just makes a dynamic light now WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + 512 ); WRITE_SHORT( m_iExplode ); WRITE_BYTE( 250 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 10 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); */ // gibs MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSpot ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SPRITE ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + 512 ); WRITE_SHORT( m_iExplode ); WRITE_BYTE( 250 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // brightness MESSAGE_END(); /* MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_BROADCAST, SVC_TEMPENTITY ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + 300 ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( 250 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 6 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); */ // blast circle MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, pev->origin ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BEAMCYLINDER ); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.x); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.y); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.z); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.x); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.y); WRITE_COORD( pev->origin.z + 2000 ); // reach damage radius over .2 seconds WRITE_SHORT( m_iSpriteTexture ); WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // startframe WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // framerate WRITE_BYTE( 4 ); // life WRITE_BYTE( 32 ); // width WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // noise WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( 255 ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( 192 ); // r, g, b WRITE_BYTE( 128 ); // brightness WRITE_BYTE( 0 ); // speed MESSAGE_END(); EMIT_SOUND( ENT( pev ), CHAN_STATIC, "weapons/mortarhit.wav", 1.0, 0.3f ); RadiusDamage( pev->origin, pev, pev, 300, CLASS_NONE, DMG_BLAST ); // gibs vecSpot = pev->origin + ( pev->mins + pev->maxs ) * 0.5f; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PAS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSpot ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_BREAKMODEL); // position WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSpot.z + 64 ); // size WRITE_COORD( 800 ); WRITE_COORD( 800 ); WRITE_COORD( 128 ); // velocity WRITE_COORD( m_velocity.x ); WRITE_COORD( m_velocity.y ); WRITE_COORD( fabs( m_velocity.z ) * 0.25f ); // randomization WRITE_BYTE( 40 ); // Model WRITE_SHORT( m_iBodyGibs ); //model id# // # of shards WRITE_BYTE( 128 ); // duration WRITE_BYTE( 200 );// 10.0 seconds // flags WRITE_BYTE( BREAK_METAL ); MESSAGE_END(); UTIL_Remove( this ); } } void COsprey::ShowDamage( void ) { if( m_iDoLeftSmokePuff > 0 || RANDOM_LONG( 0, 99 ) > m_flLeftHealth ) { Vector vecSrc = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * -340; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSrc ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.z ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 9 ) + 20 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 12 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); if( m_iDoLeftSmokePuff > 0 ) m_iDoLeftSmokePuff--; } if( m_iDoRightSmokePuff > 0 || RANDOM_LONG( 0, 99 ) > m_flRightHealth ) { Vector vecSrc = pev->origin + gpGlobals->v_right * 340; MESSAGE_BEGIN( MSG_PVS, SVC_TEMPENTITY, vecSrc ); WRITE_BYTE( TE_SMOKE ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.x ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.y ); WRITE_COORD( vecSrc.z ); WRITE_SHORT( g_sModelIndexSmoke ); WRITE_BYTE( RANDOM_LONG( 0, 9 ) + 20 ); // scale * 10 WRITE_BYTE( 12 ); // framerate MESSAGE_END(); if( m_iDoRightSmokePuff > 0 ) m_iDoRightSmokePuff--; } } void COsprey::TraceAttack( entvars_t *pevAttacker, float flDamage, Vector vecDir, TraceResult *ptr, int bitsDamageType ) { // ALERT( at_console, "%d %.0f\n", ptr->iHitgroup, flDamage ); // only so much per engine if( ptr->iHitgroup == 3 ) { if( m_flRightHealth < 0 ) return; else m_flRightHealth -= flDamage; m_iDoLeftSmokePuff = 3 + ( flDamage / 5.0f ); } if( ptr->iHitgroup == 2 ) { if( m_flLeftHealth < 0 ) return; else m_flLeftHealth -= flDamage; m_iDoRightSmokePuff = 3 + ( flDamage / 5.0f ); } // hit hard, hits cockpit, hits engines if( flDamage > 50 || ptr->iHitgroup == 1 || ptr->iHitgroup == 2 || ptr->iHitgroup == 3 ) { // ALERT( at_console, "%.0f\n", flDamage ); AddMultiDamage( pevAttacker, this, flDamage, bitsDamageType ); } else { UTIL_Sparks( ptr->vecEndPos ); } }