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309 lines
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Eclipse CDT 5.0 generator for Waf
# Richard Quirk 2009-1011 (New BSD License)
# Thomas Nagy 2011 (ported to Waf 1.6)
def options(opt):
$ waf configure eclipse
import sys, os
from waflib import Utils, Logs, Context, Options, Build, TaskGen, Scripting
from xml.dom.minidom import Document
oe_cdt = 'org.eclipse.cdt'
cdt_mk = oe_cdt + '.make.core'
cdt_core = oe_cdt + '.core'
cdt_bld = oe_cdt + '.build.core'
class eclipse(Build.BuildContext):
cmd = 'eclipse'
fun = Scripting.default_cmd
def execute(self):
Entry point
if not self.all_envs:
appname = getattr(Context.g_module, Context.APPNAME, os.path.basename(self.srcnode.abspath()))
self.create_cproject(appname, pythonpath=self.env['ECLIPSE_PYTHON_PATH'])
def create_cproject(self, appname, workspace_includes=[], pythonpath=[]):
Create the Eclipse CDT .project and .cproject files
@param appname The name that will appear in the Project Explorer
@param build The BuildContext object to extract includes from
@param workspace_includes Optional project includes to prevent
"Unresolved Inclusion" errors in the Eclipse editor
@param pythonpath Optional project specific python paths
source_dirs = []
cpppath = self.env['CPPPATH']
Logs.warn('Generating Eclipse CDT project files')
for g in self.groups:
for tg in g:
if not isinstance(tg, TaskGen.task_gen):
if not getattr(tg, 'link_task', None):
l = Utils.to_list(getattr(tg, "includes", ''))
sources = Utils.to_list(getattr(tg, 'source', ''))
features = Utils.to_list(getattr(tg, 'features', ''))
is_cc = 'c' in features or 'cxx' in features
bldpath = tg.path.bldpath()
base = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(self.bldnode.name, tg.path.srcpath()))
if is_cc:
sources_dirs = set([src.parent for src in tg.to_nodes(sources)])
incnodes = tg.to_incnodes(tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'includes', [])) + tg.env['INCLUDES'])
for p in incnodes:
path = p.path_from(self.srcnode)
if is_cc and path not in source_dirs:
project = self.impl_create_project(sys.executable, appname)
waf = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[0])
project = self.impl_create_cproject(sys.executable, waf, appname, workspace_includes, cpppath, source_dirs)
project = self.impl_create_pydevproject(appname, sys.path, pythonpath)
def impl_create_project(self, executable, appname):
doc = Document()
projectDescription = doc.createElement('projectDescription')
self.add(doc, projectDescription, 'name', appname)
self.add(doc, projectDescription, 'comment')
self.add(doc, projectDescription, 'projects')
buildSpec = self.add(doc, projectDescription, 'buildSpec')
buildCommand = self.add(doc, buildSpec, 'buildCommand')
self.add(doc, buildCommand, 'name', oe_cdt + '.managedbuilder.core.genmakebuilder')
self.add(doc, buildCommand, 'triggers', 'clean,full,incremental,')
arguments = self.add(doc, buildCommand, 'arguments')
# the default make-style targets are overwritten by the .cproject values
dictionaries = {
cdt_mk + '.contents': cdt_mk + '.activeConfigSettings',
cdt_mk + '.enableAutoBuild': 'false',
cdt_mk + '.enableCleanBuild': 'true',
cdt_mk + '.enableFullBuild': 'true',
for k, v in dictionaries.items():
self.addDictionary(doc, arguments, k, v)
natures = self.add(doc, projectDescription, 'natures')
nature_list = """
for n in nature_list:
self.add(doc, natures, 'nature', oe_cdt + '.' + n)
self.add(doc, natures, 'nature', 'org.python.pydev.pythonNature')
return doc
def impl_create_cproject(self, executable, waf, appname, workspace_includes, cpppath, source_dirs=[]):
doc = Document()
doc.appendChild(doc.createProcessingInstruction('fileVersion', '4.0.0'))
cconf_id = cdt_core + '.default.config.1'
cproject = doc.createElement('cproject')
storageModule = self.add(doc, cproject, 'storageModule',
{'moduleId': cdt_core + '.settings'})
cconf = self.add(doc, storageModule, 'cconfiguration', {'id':cconf_id})
storageModule = self.add(doc, cconf, 'storageModule',
{'buildSystemId': oe_cdt + '.managedbuilder.core.configurationDataProvider',
'id': cconf_id,
'moduleId': cdt_core + '.settings',
'name': 'Default'})
self.add(doc, storageModule, 'externalSettings')
extensions = self.add(doc, storageModule, 'extensions')
extension_list = """
ext = self.add(doc, extensions, 'extension',
{'id': cdt_core + '.ELF', 'point':cdt_core + '.BinaryParser'})
for e in extension_list:
ext = self.add(doc, extensions, 'extension',
{'id': cdt_core + '.' + e, 'point':cdt_core + '.ErrorParser'})
storageModule = self.add(doc, cconf, 'storageModule',
{'moduleId': 'cdtBuildSystem', 'version': '4.0.0'})
config = self.add(doc, storageModule, 'configuration',
{'artifactName': appname,
'id': cconf_id,
'name': 'Default',
'parent': cdt_bld + '.prefbase.cfg'})
folderInfo = self.add(doc, config, 'folderInfo',
{'id': cconf_id+'.', 'name': '/', 'resourcePath': ''})
toolChain = self.add(doc, folderInfo, 'toolChain',
{'id': cdt_bld + '.prefbase.toolchain.1',
'name': 'No ToolChain',
'resourceTypeBasedDiscovery': 'false',
'superClass': cdt_bld + '.prefbase.toolchain'})
targetPlatform = self.add(doc, toolChain, 'targetPlatform',
{ 'binaryParser': 'org.eclipse.cdt.core.ELF',
'id': cdt_bld + '.prefbase.toolchain.1', 'name': ''})
waf_build = '"%s" %s'%(waf, eclipse.fun)
waf_clean = '"%s" clean'%(waf)
builder = self.add(doc, toolChain, 'builder',
{'autoBuildTarget': waf_build,
'command': executable,
'enableAutoBuild': 'false',
'cleanBuildTarget': waf_clean,
'enableIncrementalBuild': 'true',
'id': cdt_bld + '.settings.default.builder.1',
'incrementalBuildTarget': waf_build,
'managedBuildOn': 'false',
'name': 'Gnu Make Builder',
'superClass': cdt_bld + '.settings.default.builder'})
for tool_name in ("Assembly", "GNU C++", "GNU C"):
tool = self.add(doc, toolChain, 'tool',
{'id': cdt_bld + '.settings.holder.1',
'name': tool_name,
'superClass': cdt_bld + '.settings.holder'})
if cpppath or workspace_includes:
incpaths = cdt_bld + '.settings.holder.incpaths'
option = self.add(doc, tool, 'option',
{'id': incpaths+'.1',
'name': 'Include Paths',
'superClass': incpaths,
'valueType': 'includePath'})
for i in workspace_includes:
self.add(doc, option, 'listOptionValue',
{'builtIn': 'false',
'value': '"${workspace_loc:/%s/%s}"'%(appname, i)})
for i in cpppath:
self.add(doc, option, 'listOptionValue',
{'builtIn': 'false',
'value': '"%s"'%(i)})
if source_dirs:
sourceEntries = self.add(doc, config, 'sourceEntries')
for i in source_dirs:
self.add(doc, sourceEntries, 'entry',
{'excluding': i,
'kind': 'sourcePath',
'name': ''})
self.add(doc, sourceEntries, 'entry',
'kind': 'sourcePath',
'name': i})
storageModule = self.add(doc, cconf, 'storageModule',
{'moduleId': cdt_mk + '.buildtargets'})
buildTargets = self.add(doc, storageModule, 'buildTargets')
def addTargetWrap(name, runAll):
return self.addTarget(doc, buildTargets, executable, name,
'"%s" %s'%(waf, name), runAll)
addTargetWrap('configure', True)
addTargetWrap('dist', False)
addTargetWrap('install', False)
addTargetWrap('check', False)
storageModule = self.add(doc, cproject, 'storageModule',
{'moduleId': 'cdtBuildSystem',
'version': '4.0.0'})
project = self.add(doc, storageModule, 'project',
{'id': '%s.null.1'%appname, 'name': appname})
return doc
def impl_create_pydevproject(self, appname, system_path, user_path):
# create a pydevproject file
doc = Document()
doc.appendChild(doc.createProcessingInstruction('eclipse-pydev', 'version="1.0"'))
pydevproject = doc.createElement('pydev_project')
prop = self.add(doc, pydevproject,
'python %d.%d'%(sys.version_info[0], sys.version_info[1]))
prop.setAttribute('name', 'org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_VERSION')
prop = self.add(doc, pydevproject, 'pydev_property', 'Default')
prop.setAttribute('name', 'org.python.pydev.PYTHON_PROJECT_INTERPRETER')
# add waf's paths
wafadmin = [p for p in system_path if p.find('wafadmin') != -1]
if wafadmin:
prop = self.add(doc, pydevproject, 'pydev_pathproperty',
for i in wafadmin:
self.add(doc, prop, 'path', i)
if user_path:
prop = self.add(doc, pydevproject, 'pydev_pathproperty',
for i in user_path:
self.add(doc, prop, 'path', '/'+appname+'/'+i)
return doc
def addDictionary(self, doc, parent, k, v):
dictionary = self.add(doc, parent, 'dictionary')
self.add(doc, dictionary, 'key', k)
self.add(doc, dictionary, 'value', v)
return dictionary
def addTarget(self, doc, buildTargets, executable, name, buildTarget, runAllBuilders=True):
target = self.add(doc, buildTargets, 'target',
{'name': name,
'path': '',
'targetID': oe_cdt + '.build.MakeTargetBuilder'})
self.add(doc, target, 'buildCommand', executable)
self.add(doc, target, 'buildArguments', None)
self.add(doc, target, 'buildTarget', buildTarget)
self.add(doc, target, 'stopOnError', 'true')
self.add(doc, target, 'useDefaultCommand', 'false')
self.add(doc, target, 'runAllBuilders', str(runAllBuilders).lower())
def add(self, doc, parent, tag, value = None):
el = doc.createElement(tag)
if (value):
if type(value) == type(str()):
elif type(value) == type(dict()):
self.setAttributes(el, value)
return el
def setAttributes(self, node, attrs):
for k, v in attrs.items():
node.setAttribute(k, v)