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#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Copyright Garmin International or its subsidiaries, 2012-2013
Off-load dependency scanning from Python code to MSVC compiler
This tool is safe to load in any environment; it will only activate the
MSVC exploits when it finds that a particular taskgen uses MSVC to
Empirical testing shows about a 10% execution time savings from using
this tool as compared to c_preproc.
The technique of gutting scan() and pushing the dependency calculation
down to post_run() is cribbed from gccdeps.py.
This affects the cxx class, so make sure to load Qt5 after this tool.
import os
import sys
import tempfile
import threading
from waflib import Context, Errors, Logs, Task, Utils
from waflib.Tools import c_preproc, c, cxx, msvc
from waflib.TaskGen import feature, before_method
lock = threading.Lock()
nodes = {} # Cache the path -> Node lookup
PREPROCESSOR_FLAG = '/showIncludes'
INCLUDE_PATTERN = 'Note: including file:'
# Extensible by outside tools
supported_compilers = ['msvc']
@feature('c', 'cxx')
def apply_msvcdeps_flags(taskgen):
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if taskgen.env.CC_NAME not in supported_compilers:
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for flag in ('CFLAGS', 'CXXFLAGS'):
if taskgen.env.get_flat(flag).find(PREPROCESSOR_FLAG) < 0:
taskgen.env.append_value(flag, PREPROCESSOR_FLAG)
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# Figure out what casing conventions the user's shell used when
# launching Waf
(drive, _) = os.path.splitdrive(taskgen.bld.srcnode.abspath())
taskgen.msvcdeps_drive_lowercase = drive == drive.lower()
def path_to_node(base_node, path, cached_nodes):
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# Take the base node and the path and return a node
# Results are cached because searching the node tree is expensive
# The following code is executed by threads, it is not safe, so a lock is needed...
if getattr(path, '__hash__'):
node_lookup_key = (base_node, path)
# Not hashable, assume it is a list and join into a string
node_lookup_key = (base_node, os.path.sep.join(path))
node = cached_nodes[node_lookup_key]
except KeyError:
node = base_node.find_resource(path)
cached_nodes[node_lookup_key] = node
return node
def post_run(self):
if self.env.CC_NAME not in supported_compilers:
return super(self.derived_msvcdeps, self).post_run()
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2016-07-27 20:22:48 +02:00
# TODO this is unlikely to work with netcache
if getattr(self, 'cached', None):
return Task.Task.post_run(self)
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bld = self.generator.bld
unresolved_names = []
resolved_nodes = []
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lowercase = self.generator.msvcdeps_drive_lowercase
correct_case_path = bld.path.abspath()
correct_case_path_len = len(correct_case_path)
correct_case_path_norm = os.path.normcase(correct_case_path)
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# Dynamically bind to the cache
cached_nodes = bld.cached_nodes
except AttributeError:
cached_nodes = bld.cached_nodes = {}
for path in self.msvcdeps_paths:
node = None
if os.path.isabs(path):
# Force drive letter to match conventions of main source tree
drive, tail = os.path.splitdrive(path)
if os.path.normcase(path[:correct_case_path_len]) == correct_case_path_norm:
# Path is in the sandbox, force it to be correct. MSVC sometimes returns a lowercase path.
path = correct_case_path + path[correct_case_path_len:]
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# Check the drive letter
if lowercase and (drive != drive.lower()):
path = drive.lower() + tail
elif (not lowercase) and (drive != drive.upper()):
path = drive.upper() + tail
node = path_to_node(bld.root, path, cached_nodes)
base_node = bld.bldnode
# when calling find_resource, make sure the path does not begin by '..'
path = [k for k in Utils.split_path(path) if k and k != '.']
while path[0] == '..':
path = path[1:]
base_node = base_node.parent
node = path_to_node(base_node, path, cached_nodes)
if not node:
raise ValueError('could not find %r for %r' % (path, self))
if not c_preproc.go_absolute:
if not (node.is_child_of(bld.srcnode) or node.is_child_of(bld.bldnode)):
# System library
Logs.debug('msvcdeps: Ignoring system include %r', node)
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if id(node) == id(self.inputs[0]):
# Self-dependency
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2016-07-25 22:12:35 +02:00
bld.node_deps[self.uid()] = resolved_nodes
bld.raw_deps[self.uid()] = unresolved_names
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del self.cache_sig
except AttributeError:
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2016-07-25 22:12:35 +02:00
def scan(self):
if self.env.CC_NAME not in supported_compilers:
return super(self.derived_msvcdeps, self).scan()
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resolved_nodes = self.generator.bld.node_deps.get(self.uid(), [])
unresolved_names = []
return (resolved_nodes, unresolved_names)
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def sig_implicit_deps(self):
if self.env.CC_NAME not in supported_compilers:
return super(self.derived_msvcdeps, self).sig_implicit_deps()
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return Task.Task.sig_implicit_deps(self)
except Errors.WafError:
return Utils.SIG_NIL
def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw):
if self.env.CC_NAME not in supported_compilers:
return super(self.derived_msvcdeps, self).exec_command(cmd, **kw)
if not 'cwd' in kw:
kw['cwd'] = self.get_cwd()
if self.env.PATH:
env = kw['env'] = dict(kw.get('env') or self.env.env or os.environ)
env['PATH'] = self.env.PATH if isinstance(self.env.PATH, str) else os.pathsep.join(self.env.PATH)
# The Visual Studio IDE adds an environment variable that causes
# the MS compiler to send its textual output directly to the
# debugging window rather than normal stdout/stderr.
# This is unrecoverably bad for this tool because it will cause
# all the dependency scanning to see an empty stdout stream and
# assume that the file being compiled uses no headers.
# See http://blogs.msdn.com/b/freik/archive/2006/04/05/569025.aspx
# Attempting to repair the situation by deleting the offending
# envvar at this point in tool execution will not be good enough--
# its presence poisons the 'waf configure' step earlier. We just
# want to put a sanity check here in order to help developers
# quickly diagnose the issue if an otherwise-good Waf tree
# is then executed inside the MSVS IDE.
assert 'VS_UNICODE_OUTPUT' not in kw['env']
cmd, args = self.split_argfile(cmd)
(fd, tmp) = tempfile.mkstemp()
os.write(fd, '\r\n'.join(args).encode())
self.msvcdeps_paths = []
kw['env'] = kw.get('env', os.environ.copy())
kw['cwd'] = kw.get('cwd', os.getcwd())
kw['quiet'] = Context.STDOUT
kw['output'] = Context.STDOUT
out = []
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raw_out = self.generator.bld.cmd_and_log(cmd + ['@' + tmp], **kw)
ret = 0
except Errors.WafError as e:
raw_out = e.stdout
ret = e.returncode
for line in raw_out.splitlines():
if line.startswith(INCLUDE_PATTERN):
inc_path = line[len(INCLUDE_PATTERN):].strip()
Logs.debug('msvcdeps: Regex matched %s', inc_path)
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2016-07-25 22:12:35 +02:00
# Pipe through the remaining stdout content (not related to /showIncludes)
if self.generator.bld.logger:
self.generator.bld.logger.debug('out: %s' % os.linesep.join(out))
sys.stdout.write(os.linesep.join(out) + os.linesep)
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return ret
except OSError:
# anti-virus and indexers can keep files open -_-
def wrap_compiled_task(classname):
derived_class = type(classname, (Task.classes[classname],), {})
derived_class.derived_msvcdeps = derived_class
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derived_class.post_run = post_run
derived_class.scan = scan
derived_class.sig_implicit_deps = sig_implicit_deps
derived_class.exec_command = exec_command
for k in ('c', 'cxx'):
if k in Task.classes:
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