Issue 1138, Issue 1139, Issue 1141

This commit is contained in:
Thomas Nagy 2012-04-13 00:48:34 +02:00
parent 37854f57a2
commit 9004b1fd95
3 changed files with 340 additions and 0 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1,142 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012
Run a Stata do-file in the directory specified by **ctx.bldnode**. The
first and only argument will be the name of the do-file (no extension),
which can be accessed inside the do-file by the local macro `1'. Useful
for keeping a log file.
The tool uses the log-file that is automatically kept by Stata only
for error-catching purposes, it will be destroyed if the task finished
without error. In case of an error, you can inspect it as **do_file.log**
in the **ctx.bldnode** directory.
Note that Stata will not return an error code if it exits abnormally --
catching errors relies on parsing the log-file mentioned before. Should
the parser behave incorrectly please send an email to hmgaudecker [at] gmail.
The tool will not work if multiple do-files of the same name---but in
different directories---are run at the same time! Avoid this situation.
target=['some_table.tex', 'some_figure.eps'],
import os, re, sys
from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Logs
if sys.platform == 'darwin':
STATA_COMMANDS = ['Stata64MP', 'StataMP',
'Stata64SE', 'StataSE',
'Stata64', 'Stata']
STATAFLAGS = '-e -q do'
elif sys.platform.startswith('linux'):
STATA_COMMANDS = ['stata-mp', 'stata-se', 'stata']
STATAFLAGS = '-b -q do'
# Not sure whether this is correct...
elif sys.platform.lower().startswith('win'):
STATA_COMMANDS = ['StataMP-64', 'StataMP-ia',
'StataMP', 'StataSE-64',
'StataSE-ia', 'StataSE',
'Stata-64', 'Stata-ia',
'Stata.e', 'WMPSTATA',
STATAFLAGS = '/e do'
raise Exception("Unknown sys.platform: %s " % sys.platform)
def configure(ctx):
ctx.find_program(STATA_COMMANDS, var='STATACMD', errmsg="""\n
No Stata executable found!\n\n
If Stata is needed:\n
1) Check the settings of your system path.
2) Note we are looking for Stata executables called: %s
If yours has a different name, please report to hmgaudecker [at] gmail\n
Do not load the 'run_do_file' tool in the main wscript.\n\n""" % STATA_COMMANDS)
class run_do_file_base(Task.Task):
"""Run a Stata do-file from the bldnode directory."""
run_str = '"${STATACMD}" ${STATAFLAGS} "${SRC[0].abspath()}" "${DOFILETRUNK}"'
shell = True
class run_do_file(run_do_file_base):
"""Use the log-file automatically kept by Stata for error-catching.
Erase it if the task finished without error. If not, it will show
up as do_file.log in the bldnode directory.
def run(self):
ret, log_tail = self.check_erase_log_file()
if ret:
Logs.error("""Running Stata on %s failed with code %r.\n\nCheck the log file %s, last 10 lines\n\n%s\n\n\n""" % (
self.inputs[0].nice_path(), ret, self.env.LOGFILEPATH, log_tail))
return ret
def check_erase_log_file(self):
"""Parse Stata's default log file and erase it if everything okay.
Parser is based on Brendan Halpin's shell script found here:
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
kwargs = {'file': self.env.LOGFILEPATH, 'mode': 'r', 'encoding': self.env.STATAENCODING}
kwargs = {'name': self.env.LOGFILEPATH, 'mode': 'r'}
with open(**kwargs) as log:
log_tail = log.readlines()[-10:]
for line in log_tail:
error_found = re.match("r\(([0-9]+)\)", line)
if error_found:
return, ''.join(log_tail)
# Only end up here if the parser did not identify an error.
return None, None
def apply_run_do_file(tg):
"""Task generator customising the options etc. to call Stata in batch
mode for running a do-file.
# Convert sources and targets to nodes
src_node = tg.path.find_resource(tg.source)
tgt_nodes = [tg.path.find_or_declare(t) for t in tg.to_list(]
tsk = tg.create_task('run_do_file', src=src_node, tgt=tgt_nodes)
tsk.env.DOFILETRUNK = os.path.splitext([0]
tsk.env.LOGFILEPATH = os.path.join(tg.bld.bldnode.abspath(), '%s.log' % (tsk.env.DOFILETRUNK))
# dependencies (if the attribute 'deps' changes, trigger a recompilation)
for x in tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'deps', [])):
node = tg.path.find_resource(x)
if not node:
tg.bld.fatal('Could not find dependency %r for running %r' % (x, src_node.nice_path()))
Logs.debug('deps: found dependencies %r for running %r' % (tsk.dep_nodes, src_node.nice_path()))
# Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list
tg.source = []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,110 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012
Run a Python script in the directory specified by **ctx.bldnode**.
Select a Python version by specifying the **version** keyword for
the task generator instance as integer 2 or 3. Default is 3.
If the build environment has an attribute "PROJECT_PATHS" with
a key "PROJECT_ROOT", its value will be appended to the PYTHONPATH.
Same a string passed to the optional **add_to_pythonpath**
keyword (appended after the PROJECT_ROOT).
ctx(features='run_py_script', version=3,
target=['some_table.tex', 'some_figure.eps'],
import os, re
from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Logs
def configure(ctx):
"""TODO: Needs updating for Windows once
"PEP 397": is settled.
# Counter how many Python interpreters are found
cnt = 0
conf.find_program('python', var='PY2CMD', mandatory=False)
conf.find_program('python3', var='PY3CMD', mandatory=False)
if not conf.env.PY2CMD and not conf.env.PY3CMD:
ctx.fatal("No Python interpreter found!")
class run_py_2_script(Task.Task):
"""Run a Python 2 script."""
run_str = '${PY2CMD} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
class run_py_3_script(Task.Task):
"""Run a Python 3 script."""
run_str = '${PY3CMD} ${SRC[0].abspath()}'
def apply_run_py_script(tg):
"""Task generator for running either Python 2 or Python 3 on a single
* source -- A **single** source node or string. (required)
* target -- A single target or list of targets (nodes or strings).
* deps -- A single dependency or list of dependencies (nodes or strings)
* add_to_pythonpath -- A string that will be appended to the PYTHONPATH environment variable.
If the build environment has an attribute "PROJECT_PATHS" with
a key "PROJECT_ROOT", its value will be appended to the PYTHONPATH.
# Set the Python version to use, default to 3.
v = getattr(tg, 'version', 3)
if v not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Specify the 'version' attribute for run_py_script task generator as integer 2 or 3.\n Got: %s" %v)
# Convert sources and targets to nodes
src_node = tg.path.find_resource(tg.source)
tgt_nodes = [tg.path.find_or_declare(t) for t in tg.to_list(]
# Create the task.
tsk = tg.create_task('run_py_%d_script' %v, src=src_node, tgt=tgt_nodes)
# custom execution environment
# TODO use a list and os.sep.join(lst) at the end instead of concatenating strings
tsk.env.env = dict(os.environ)
tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = tsk.env.env.get('PYTHONPATH', '')
project_paths = getattr(tsk.env, 'PROJECT_PATHS', None)
if project_paths and 'PROJECT_ROOT' in project_paths:
tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep + project_paths['PROJECT_ROOT'].abspath()
if getattr(tg, 'add_to_pythonpath', None):
tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep + tg.add_to_pythonpath
# Clean up the PYTHONPATH -- replace double occurrences of path separator
tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = re.sub(os.pathsep + '+', os.pathsep, tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'])
# Clean up the PYTHONPATH -- doesn't like starting with path separator
if tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'].startswith(os.pathsep):
tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'][1:]
# dependencies (if the attribute 'deps' changes, trigger a recompilation)
for x in tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'deps', [])):
node = tg.path.find_resource(x)
if not node:
tg.bld.fatal('Could not find dependency %r for running %r' % (x, src_node.nice_path()))
Logs.debug('deps: found dependencies %r for running %r' % (tsk.dep_nodes, src_node.nice_path()))
# Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list
tg.source = []

View File

@ -0,0 +1,88 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012
Run a R script in the directory specified by **ctx.bldnode**.
For error-catching purposes, keep an own log-file that is destroyed if the
task finished without error. If not, it will show up as rscript_[index].log
in the bldnode directory.
target=['some_table.tex', 'some_figure.eps'],
import os, re, sys
from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Logs
R_COMMANDS = ['RTerm', 'R', 'r']
def configure(ctx):
ctx.find_program(R_COMMANDS, var='RCMD', errmsg = """\n
No R executable found!\n\n
If R is needed:\n
1) Check the settings of your system path.
2) Note we are looking for R executables called: %s
If yours has a different name, please report to hmgaudecker [at] gmail\n
Do not load the 'run_r_script' tool in the main wscript.\n\n""" % R_COMMANDS)
ctx.env.RFLAGS = 'CMD BATCH --slave'
class run_r_script_base(Task.Task):
"""Run a R script."""
run_str = '"${RCMD}" ${RFLAGS} "${SRC[0].abspath()}" "${LOGFILEPATH}"'
shell = True
class run_r_script(run_r_script_base):
"""Erase the R overall log file if everything went okay, else raise an
error and print its 10 last lines.
def run(self):
ret =
logfile = self.env.LOGFILEPATH
if ret:
mode = 'r'
if sys.version_info.major >= 3:
mode = 'rb'
with open(logfile, mode=mode) as f:
tail = f.readlines()[-10:]
Logs.error("""Running R on %s returned the error %r\n\nCheck the log file %s, last 10 lines\n\n%s\n\n\n""" % (
self.inputs[0].nice_path(), ret, logfile, '\n'.join(tail)))
return ret
def apply_run_r_script(tg):
"""Task generator customising the options etc. to call R in batch
mode for running a R script.
# Convert sources and targets to nodes
src_node = tg.path.find_resource(tg.source)
tgt_nodes = [tg.path.find_or_declare(t) for t in tg.to_list(]
tsk = tg.create_task('run_r_script', src=src_node, tgt=tgt_nodes)
tsk.env.LOGFILEPATH = os.path.join(tg.bld.bldnode.abspath(), '%s_%d.log' % (os.path.splitext([0], tg.idx))
# dependencies (if the attribute 'deps' changes, trigger a recompilation)
for x in tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'deps', [])):
node = tg.path.find_resource(x)
if not node:
tg.bld.fatal('Could not find dependency %r for running %r' % (x, src_node.nice_path()))
Logs.debug('deps: found dependencies %r for running %r' % (tsk.dep_nodes, src_node.nice_path()))
# Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list
tg.source = []