Replace param 'source_files' with 'group_files'.

The 'source_files' param to the xcode6 tool was originally separated from the
conventional 'source' param because it was used to control how the source files
would appear in the XCode folder UI. Also, it'd allow to add any file extensions,
and not limited to those extensions supported by the loaded set of waf tools.

This commit renames 'source_files' param to 'group_files'. It also changes the semantic so that 'group_files' now is used like the following:

 source='...', # These are now the files compiled by XCode
 'group_files': ..., # Optionally customize the way source files appear i the UI

Previously, 'source_files' was used to collect source files for compilation in XCode, and to customize the UI folder structure. In this commit source_files is used only to let the user group files in different UI folders (and add additional resource files besides source files). I want to do the renaming to better reflect the param's meaning.

Additional changes:

* Remove unique_filereference

* Updated examples
This commit is contained in:
Simon 2017-04-15 16:08:52 +02:00 committed by ita1024
parent 8bc0cfbcb3
commit c967d29e48
3 changed files with 120 additions and 100 deletions

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
Sample text file.

View File

@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ a static library target and an executable target.
The generated XCode project can then be opened
and XCode can then build those targets.
Tested with XCode 8.
def options(opt):
@ -45,46 +46,58 @@ def configure(conf):
conf.check(cxxflags='-std=c++11', uselib_store='STD11', mandatory=False)
def build(bld):
# Make .framework targets
tg = bld.framework(
# Specify source files for xcode
# This will become the groups (folders) inside XCode.
# Give a dictionary to group by name. Use a list to add everything in one
'MyLibSource': bld.path.ant_glob('src/MyLib/*.cpp|*.m|*.mm'),
'Include': bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h', 'include'], dir=True)
# source files for waf builds
# Source files
# export_headers will put the files in the
# 'Header Build Phase' in Xcode - i.e tell XCode to ship them with your .framework
export_headers=bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h', 'include/MyLib/SupportLib'], dir=True),
# If you don't want the source files to appear in a default
# 'Source' folder, you can define your own folder structure
# using a dictionary, where the key is the desired name of the folder
# and the value are the files.
'Source files': bld.path.ant_glob('src/MyLib/*.cpp|*.m|*.mm'),
'Include': bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h'], dir=True),
'Help': ['src/sample.txt']
# If you want to ship your header files with your .framework, then
# specify them using the 'export_headers' param
export_headers=bld.path.ant_glob(incl=['include/MyLib/*.h', 'include/MyLib/SupportLib/*.h']),
# The 'install' param will set the INSTALL_PATH for the
# binary, and will also trigger XCode to copy the target to that
# path
# Make .a static library targets
includes = 'include',
# Make standard executable target
# Make .dylib shared libraries
#bld.env.LIB_SDL2 = '/Library/Frameworks/SDL2.framework/SDL2'
# Make an app bundle target
tg2 =
@ -96,5 +109,3 @@ def build(bld):
# Override default setting in a target
settings={"Debug": {"CONFIG_NAME": 'Debug'}}

View File

@ -6,52 +6,10 @@
# XCode project file format based on
See playground/xcode6/ for usage examples.
See also demos/xcode6/ folder
def options(opt):
opt.load('compiler_cxx xcode6')
def configure(cnf):
# For example
cnf.env.SDKROOT = 'macosx10.9'
# Use cnf.PROJ_CONFIGURATION to completely set/override
# global project settings
# 'Debug': {
# 'SDKROOT': 'macosx10.9'
# }
# 'MyCustomReleaseConfig': {
# 'SDKROOT': 'macosx10.10'
# }
# }
# In the end of configure() do
cnf.load('compiler_cxx xcode6')
def build(bld):
# Make a Framework target
'Include': bld.path.ant_glob('include/MyLib/*.h'),
'Source': bld.path.ant_glob('src/MyLib/*.cpp')
# You can also make bld.dylib,, bld.stlib ...
# To generate your XCode project, open the folder with the wscript
# in your terminal and run the following:
# $ waf configure xcode6
# TODO: support iOS projects(?)
from waflib import Context, TaskGen, Build, Utils, Errors, Logs
import os, sys
@ -185,6 +143,13 @@ def newid():
id += 1
return "%04X%04X%04X%012d" % (0, 10000, 0, id)
Represents a tree node in the XCode project plist file format.
When written to a file, all attributes of XCodeNode are stringified together with
its value. However, attributes starting with an underscore _ are ignored
during that process and allows you to store arbitray values that are not supposed
to be written out.
class XCodeNode:
def __init__(self):
self._id = newid()
@ -256,6 +221,7 @@ class XCConfigurationList(XCodeNode):
# Group/Files
class PBXFileReference(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, path, filetype = '', sourcetree = "SOURCE_ROOT"):
self.fileEncoding = 4
if not filetype:
@ -291,16 +257,49 @@ class PBXBuildFile(XCodeNode):
return self.fileRef == other.fileRef
class PBXGroup(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, sourcetree = "<group>"):
def __init__(self, name, sourcetree = 'SOURCE_TREE'):
self.children = [] = name
self.sourceTree = sourcetree
# Maintain a lookup table for all PBXFileReferences
# that are contained in this group.
self._filerefs = {}
def add(self, sources):
""" sources param should be a list of PBXFileReference objects """
Add a list of PBXFileReferences to this group
:param sources: list of PBXFileReferences objects
self._filerefs.update(dict(zip(sources, sources)))
def get_sub_groups(self):
Returns all child PBXGroup objects contained in this group
return list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, PBXGroup), self.children))
def find_fileref(self, fileref):
Recursively search this group for an existing PBXFileReference. Returns None
if none were found.
The reason you'd want to reuse existing PBXFileReferences from a PBXGroup is that XCode doesn't like PBXFileReferences that aren't part of a PBXGroup heirarchy.
If it isn't, the consequence is that certain UI features like 'Reveal in Finder'
stops working.
if fileref in self._filerefs:
return self._filerefs[fileref]
elif self.children:
for childgroup in self.get_sub_groups():
f = childgroup.find_fileref(fileref)
if f:
return f
return None
class PBXContainerItemProxy(XCodeNode):
""" This is the element for to decorate a target item. """
def __init__(self, containerPortal, remoteGlobalIDString, remoteInfo='', proxyType=1):
@ -501,38 +500,49 @@ def process_xcode(self):
if hasattr(self, 'source_files') or hasattr(self, 'source'):
# Create list of PBXFileReferences
sources = []
if hasattr(self, 'source_files') and isinstance(self.source_files, dict):
for grpname,files in self.source_files.items():
# Pull source files from the 'source' attribute and assign them to a UI group.
# Use a default UI group named 'Source' unless the user
# provides a 'group_files' dictionary to customize the UI grouping.
sources = getattr(self, 'source', [])
if hasattr(self, 'group_files'):
group_files = getattr(self, 'group_files', [])
for grpname,files in group_files.items():
group = bld.create_group(grpname, files)
src = getattr(self, 'source_files', []) or self.source
group = bld.create_group("Source", src)
group = bld.create_group('Source', sources)
# FIXME too complex
sources = list(filter(lambda fileref: os.path.splitext(fileref.path)[1] in XCODE_EXTS, sources))
# Create a PBXFileReference for each source file.
# If the source file already exists as a PBXFileReference in any of the UI groups, then
# reuse that PBXFileReference object (XCode does not like it if we don't reuse)
for idx, path in enumerate(sources):
fileref = PBXFileReference(, path.abspath())
existing_fileref = target_group.find_fileref(fileref)
if existing_fileref:
sources[idx] = existing_fileref
sources[idx] = fileref
# If the 'source' attribute contains any file extension that XCode can't work with,
# then remove it. The allowed file extensions are defined in XCODE_EXTS.
is_valid_file_extension = lambda file: os.path.splitext(file.path)[1] in XCODE_EXTS
sources = list(filter(is_valid_file_extension, sources))
buildfiles = [bld.unique_buildfile(PBXBuildFile(fileref)) for fileref in sources]
# Create build settings which can override the project settings. Defaults to none if user
# did not pass argument. However, this will be filled up further below with target specific
# search paths, libs to link etc.
settings = getattr(self, 'settings', {})
# Check if any framework to link against is some other target we've made
libs = getattr(self, 'tmp_use_seen', [])
for lib in libs:
use_target = p.get_target(lib)
if use_target:
# Create an XCode dependency so that XCode knows to build the other target before this target
dependency = p.create_target_dependency(use_target,
buildphase = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase([PBXBuildFile(use_target.productReference)])
if lib in self.env.LIB:
self.env.LIB = list(filter(lambda x: x != lib, self.env.LIB))
@ -540,8 +550,10 @@ def process_xcode(self):
# These are files that'll get packed into the Framework for instance.
exp_hdrs = getattr(self, 'export_headers', [])
hdrs = bld.as_nodes(Utils.to_list(exp_hdrs))
files = [bld.unique_filereference(PBXFileReference(, n.abspath())) for n in hdrs]
target.add_build_phase(PBXHeadersBuildPhase([PBXBuildFile(f, {'ATTRIBUTES': ('Public',)}) for f in files]))
files = [p.mainGroup.find_fileref(PBXFileReference(, n.abspath())) for n in hdrs]
files = [PBXBuildFile(f, {'ATTRIBUTES': ('Public',)}) for f in files]
buildphase = PBXHeadersBuildPhase(files)
# Merge frameworks and libs into one list, and prefix the frameworks
ld_flags = ['-framework %s' % lib.split('.framework')[0] for lib in Utils.to_list(self.env.FRAMEWORK)]
@ -566,6 +578,11 @@ def process_xcode(self):
if not bldsettings['INSTALL_PATH']:
del bldsettings['INSTALL_PATH']
# Create build settings which can override the project settings. Defaults to none if user
# did not pass argument. This will be filled up with target specific
# search paths, libs to link etc.
settings = getattr(self, 'settings', {})
# The keys represents different build configuration, e.g. Debug, Release and so on..
# Insert our generated build settings to all configuration names
keys = set(settings.keys() + bld.env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION.keys())
@ -593,6 +610,8 @@ class xcode(Build.BuildContext):
d = x
d = self.srcnode.find_node(x)
if not d:
raise Errors.WafError('File \'%s\' was not found' % x)
return nodes
@ -606,24 +625,13 @@ class xcode(Build.BuildContext):
Do not use unique file reference here, since XCode seem to allow only one file reference
to be referenced by a group.
files = [(PBXFileReference(, d.abspath())) for d in self.as_nodes(files)]
files_ = []
for d in self.as_nodes(Utils.to_list(files)):
fileref = PBXFileReference(, d.abspath())
return group
def unique_filereference(self, ref):
Returns a unique file reference, possibly an existing one if the paths are the same.
Use this after you've constructed a PBXFileReference to make sure there is
only one PBXFileReference for the same file in the same project.
file_refs = self.file_refs
except AttributeError:
file_refs = self.file_refs = {}
if ref not in file_refs:
file_refs[ref] = ref
return file_refs[ref]
def unique_buildfile(self, buildfile):
Returns a unique buildfile, possibly an existing one.