For ELF binaries (e.g., Linux): default compatible version (SONAME =
`<library-name>.so.<MAJOR>`) can be specialized using additional `cnum`
parameter to `<library-name>.so.<MAJOR>.<MINOR>` or
For Mach-O binaries (e.g., OS X):
- (bugfix) install-name points to compatible version (not absolute path
to a non-versioned library)
- Default install-name `<install-path>/<library-name>.<MAJOR>.dylib` can
be specialized using `cnum` parameter to
`<install-path>/<library-name>.<MAJOR>.<MINOR>.dylib` or
- `-Wl,-compatibility_version` and `-Wl,-current_version` flags use
version from cnum/vnum (default cnum is vnum.split('.')[0])
gcc, gxx, and fc_config for Darwin platform were specifying
-compatibility_version and -current_version compilation flags. These
flags are actually are link flags and generate warnings by clang
Also, these flags were specified in non-standard way, which was
confusing clang compiler.
Signed-off-by: Thomas Nagy <>