#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Christoph Koke, 2013 # Alibek Omarov, 2019 """ Writes the c and cpp compile commands into build/compile_commands.json see http://clang.llvm.org/docs/JSONCompilationDatabase.html Usage: Load this tool in `options` to be able to generate database by request in command-line and before build: $ waf clangdb def options(opt): opt.load('clang_compilation_database') Otherwise, load only in `configure` to generate it always before build. def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx') ... conf.load('clang_compilation_database') """ import os from waflib import Logs, TaskGen, Task, Build, Scripting Task.Task.keep_last_cmd = True @TaskGen.feature('c', 'cxx') @TaskGen.after_method('process_use') def collect_compilation_db_tasks(self): "Add a compilation database entry for compiled tasks" if not isinstance(self.bld, ClangDbContext): return tup = tuple(y for y in [Task.classes.get(x) for x in ('c', 'cxx')] if y) for task in getattr(self, 'compiled_tasks', []): if isinstance(task, tup): self.bld.clang_compilation_database_tasks.append(task) class ClangDbContext(Build.BuildContext): '''generates compile_commands.json by request''' cmd = 'clangdb' clang_compilation_database_tasks = [] def write_compilation_database(self): """ Write the clang compilation database as JSON """ database_file = self.bldnode.make_node('compile_commands.json') Logs.info('Build commands will be stored in %s', database_file.path_from(self.path)) try: root = database_file.read_json() except IOError: root = [] clang_db = dict((x['file'], x) for x in root) for task in self.clang_compilation_database_tasks: try: cmd = task.last_cmd except AttributeError: continue directory = getattr(task, 'cwd', self.variant_dir) f_node = task.inputs[0] filename = os.path.relpath(f_node.abspath(), directory) entry = { "directory": directory, "arguments": cmd, "file": filename, } clang_db[filename] = entry root = list(clang_db.values()) database_file.write_json(root) def execute(self): """ Build dry run """ self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.recurse([self.run_dir]) self.pre_build() # we need only to generate last_cmd, so override # exec_command temporarily def exec_command(self, *k, **kw): return 0 for g in self.groups: for tg in g: try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() if isinstance(tg, Task.Task): lst = [tg] else: lst = tg.tasks for tsk in lst: tup = tuple(y for y in [Task.classes.get(x) for x in ('c', 'cxx')] if y) if isinstance(tsk, tup): old_exec = tsk.exec_command tsk.exec_command = exec_command tsk.run() tsk.exec_command = old_exec self.write_compilation_database() EXECUTE_PATCHED = False def patch_execute(): global EXECUTE_PATCHED if EXECUTE_PATCHED: return def new_execute_build(self): """ Invoke clangdb command before build """ if type(self) == Build.BuildContext: Scripting.run_command('clangdb') old_execute_build(self) old_execute_build = getattr(Build.BuildContext, 'execute_build', None) setattr(Build.BuildContext, 'execute_build', new_execute_build) EXECUTE_PATCHED = True patch_execute()