#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2007-2010 (ita) """ Debugging helper for parallel compilation, outputs a file named pdebug.svg in the source directory:: def options(opt): opt.load('parallel_debug') def build(bld): ... """ import os, time, sys, re try: from Queue import Queue except: from queue import Queue from waflib import Runner, Options, Utils, Task, Logs, Errors #import random #random.seed(100) SVG_TEMPLATE = """ ${if project.title} ${project.title} ${endif} ${for cls in project.groups} ${for rect in cls.rects} ${endfor} ${endfor} ${for info in project.infos} ${info.text} ${endfor} """ COMPILE_TEMPLATE = '''def f(project): lst = [] def xml_escape(value): return value.replace("&", "&").replace('"', """).replace("'", "'").replace("<", "<").replace(">", ">") %s return ''.join(lst) ''' reg_act = re.compile(r"(?P\\)|(?P\$\$)|(?P\$\{(?P[^}]*?)\})", re.M) def compile_template(line): extr = [] def repl(match): g = match.group if g('dollar'): return "$" elif g('backslash'): return "\\" elif g('subst'): extr.append(g('code')) return "<<|@|>>" return None line2 = reg_act.sub(repl, line) params = line2.split('<<|@|>>') assert(extr) indent = 0 buf = [] app = buf.append def app(txt): buf.append(indent * '\t' + txt) for x in range(len(extr)): if params[x]: app("lst.append(%r)" % params[x]) f = extr[x] if f.startswith('if') or f.startswith('for'): app(f + ':') indent += 1 elif f.startswith('py:'): app(f[3:]) elif f.startswith('endif') or f.startswith('endfor'): indent -= 1 elif f.startswith('else') or f.startswith('elif'): indent -= 1 app(f + ':') indent += 1 elif f.startswith('xml:'): app('lst.append(xml_escape(%s))' % f[4:]) else: #app('lst.append((%s) or "cannot find %s")' % (f, f)) app('lst.append(str(%s))' % f) if extr: if params[-1]: app("lst.append(%r)" % params[-1]) fun = COMPILE_TEMPLATE % "\n\t".join(buf) # uncomment the following to debug the template #for i, x in enumerate(fun.splitlines()): # print i, x return Task.funex(fun) # red #ff4d4d # green #4da74d # lila #a751ff color2code = { 'GREEN' : '#4da74d', 'YELLOW' : '#fefe44', 'PINK' : '#a751ff', 'RED' : '#cc1d1d', 'BLUE' : '#6687bb', 'CYAN' : '#34e2e2', } mp = {} info = [] # list of (text,color) def map_to_color(name): if name in mp: return mp[name] try: cls = Task.classes[name] except KeyError: return color2code['RED'] if cls.color in mp: return mp[cls.color] if cls.color in color2code: return color2code[cls.color] return color2code['RED'] def process(self): m = self.master if m.stop: m.out.put(self) return self.master.set_running(1, id(Utils.threading.currentThread()), self) # remove the task signature immediately before it is executed # in case of failure the task will be executed again try: del self.generator.bld.task_sigs[self.uid()] except: pass try: self.generator.bld.returned_tasks.append(self) self.log_display(self.generator.bld) ret = self.run() except Exception: self.err_msg = Utils.ex_stack() self.hasrun = Task.EXCEPTION # TODO cleanup m.error_handler(self) m.out.put(self) return if ret: self.err_code = ret self.hasrun = Task.CRASHED else: try: self.post_run() except Errors.WafError: pass except Exception: self.err_msg = Utils.ex_stack() self.hasrun = Task.EXCEPTION else: self.hasrun = Task.SUCCESS if self.hasrun != Task.SUCCESS: m.error_handler(self) self.master.set_running(-1, id(Utils.threading.currentThread()), self) m.out.put(self) Task.TaskBase.process_back = Task.TaskBase.process Task.TaskBase.process = process old_start = Runner.Parallel.start def do_start(self): try: Options.options.dband except AttributeError: self.bld.fatal('use def options(opt): opt.load("parallel_debug")!') self.taskinfo = Queue() old_start(self) if self.dirty: make_picture(self) Runner.Parallel.start = do_start def set_running(self, by, i, tsk): self.taskinfo.put( (i, id(tsk), time.time(), tsk.__class__.__name__, self.processed, self.count, by) ) Runner.Parallel.set_running = set_running def name2class(name): return name.replace(' ', '_').replace('.', '_') def make_picture(producer): # first, cast the parameters if not hasattr(producer.bld, 'path'): return tmp = [] try: while True: tup = producer.taskinfo.get(False) tmp.append(list(tup)) except: pass try: ini = float(tmp[0][2]) except: return if not info: seen = [] for x in tmp: name = x[3] if not name in seen: seen.append(name) else: continue info.append((name, map_to_color(name))) info.sort(key=lambda x: x[0]) thread_count = 0 acc = [] for x in tmp: thread_count += x[6] acc.append("%d %d %f %r %d %d %d" % (x[0], x[1], x[2] - ini, x[3], x[4], x[5], thread_count)) data_node = producer.bld.path.make_node('pdebug.dat') data_node.write('\n'.join(acc)) tmp = [lst[:2] + [float(lst[2]) - ini] + lst[3:] for lst in tmp] st = {} for l in tmp: if not l[0] in st: st[l[0]] = len(st.keys()) tmp = [ [st[lst[0]]] + lst[1:] for lst in tmp ] THREAD_AMOUNT = len(st.keys()) st = {} for l in tmp: if not l[1] in st: st[l[1]] = len(st.keys()) tmp = [ [lst[0]] + [st[lst[1]]] + lst[2:] for lst in tmp ] BAND = Options.options.dband seen = {} acc = [] for x in range(len(tmp)): line = tmp[x] id = line[1] if id in seen: continue seen[id] = True begin = line[2] thread_id = line[0] for y in range(x + 1, len(tmp)): line = tmp[y] if line[1] == id: end = line[2] #print id, thread_id, begin, end #acc.append( ( 10*thread_id, 10*(thread_id+1), 10*begin, 10*end ) ) acc.append( (BAND * begin, BAND*thread_id, BAND*end - BAND*begin, BAND, line[3]) ) break if Options.options.dmaxtime < 0.1: gwidth = 1 for x in tmp: m = BAND * x[2] if m > gwidth: gwidth = m else: gwidth = BAND * Options.options.dmaxtime ratio = float(Options.options.dwidth) / gwidth gwidth = Options.options.dwidth gheight = BAND * (THREAD_AMOUNT + len(info) + 1.5) # simple data model for our template class tobject(object): pass model = tobject() model.x = 0 model.y = 0 model.width = gwidth + 4 model.height = gheight + 4 model.title = Options.options.dtitle model.title_x = gwidth / 2 model.title_y = gheight + - 5 groups = {} for (x, y, w, h, clsname) in acc: try: groups[clsname].append((x, y, w, h)) except: groups[clsname] = [(x, y, w, h)] # groups of rectangles (else js highlighting is slow) model.groups = [] for cls in groups: g = tobject() model.groups.append(g) g.classname = name2class(cls) g.rects = [] for (x, y, w, h) in groups[cls]: r = tobject() g.rects.append(r) r.x = 2 + x * ratio r.y = 2 + y r.width = w * ratio r.height = h r.color = map_to_color(cls) cnt = THREAD_AMOUNT # caption model.infos = [] for (text, color) in info: inf = tobject() model.infos.append(inf) inf.classname = name2class(text) inf.x = 2 + BAND inf.y = 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND inf.width = BAND/2 inf.height = BAND/2 inf.color = color inf.text = text inf.text_x = 2 + 2 * BAND inf.text_y = 5 + (cnt + 0.5) * BAND + 10 cnt += 1 # write the file... template1 = compile_template(SVG_TEMPLATE) txt = template1(model) node = producer.bld.path.make_node('pdebug.svg') node.write(txt) Logs.warn('Created the diagram %r' % node.abspath()) def options(opt): opt.add_option('--dtitle', action='store', default='Parallel build representation for %r' % ' '.join(sys.argv), help='title for the svg diagram', dest='dtitle') opt.add_option('--dwidth', action='store', type='int', help='diagram width', default=800, dest='dwidth') opt.add_option('--dtime', action='store', type='float', help='recording interval in seconds', default=0.009, dest='dtime') opt.add_option('--dband', action='store', type='int', help='band width', default=22, dest='dband') opt.add_option('--dmaxtime', action='store', type='float', help='maximum time, for drawing fair comparisons', default=0, dest='dmaxtime')