#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ Take a group of C++ files and compile them at once. def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx unity') """ import re from waflib import Task, Options, Logs from waflib.Tools import ccroot, cxx, c_preproc from waflib.TaskGen import extension, taskgen_method MAX_BATCH = 20 def options(opt): global MAX_BATCH opt.add_option('--batchsize', action='store', dest='batchsize', type='int', default=MAX_BATCH, help='batch size (0 for no batch)') class unity(Task.Task): color = 'BLUE' scan = c_preproc.scan def run(self): lst = ['#include "%s"\n' % node.abspath() for node in self.inputs] txt = ''.join(lst) self.outputs[0].write(txt) @taskgen_method def batch_size(self): return Options.options.batchsize @extension('.cpp', '.cc', '.cxx', '.C', '.c++') def make_cxx_batch(self, node): cnt = self.batch_size() if cnt <= 1: tsk = self.create_compiled_task('cxx', node) return tsk try: self.cnt_cxx except AttributeError: self.cnt_cxx = 0 x = getattr(self, 'master_cxx', None) if not x or len(x.inputs) >= cnt: x = self.master_cxx = self.create_task('unity') cxxnode = node.parent.find_or_declare('union_%s_%d_%d.cxx' % (self.idx, self.cnt_cxx, cnt)) self.master_cxx.outputs = [cxxnode] self.cnt_cxx += 1 self.create_compiled_task('cxx', cxxnode) x.inputs.append(node)