#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 """ waf-powered distributed network builds, with a network cache. Caching files from a server has advantages over a NFS/Samba shared folder: - builds are much faster because they use local files - builds just continue to work in case of a network glitch - permissions are much simpler to manage """ import os, urllib, tarfile, re, shutil, tempfile, sys from collections import OrderedDict from waflib import Context, Utils, Logs try: from urllib.parse import urlencode except ImportError: urlencode = urllib.urlencode def safe_urlencode(data): x = urlencode(data) try: x = x.encode('utf-8') except Exception: pass return x try: from urllib.error import URLError except ImportError: from urllib2 import URLError try: from urllib.request import Request, urlopen except ImportError: from urllib2 import Request, urlopen DISTNETCACHE = os.environ.get('DISTNETCACHE', '/tmp/distnetcache') DISTNETSERVER = os.environ.get('DISTNETSERVER', 'http://localhost:8000/cgi-bin/') TARFORMAT = 'w:bz2' TIMEOUT = 60 REQUIRES = 'requires.txt' re_com = re.compile('\s*#.*', re.M) def total_version_order(num): lst = num.split('.') template = '%10s' * len(lst) ret = template % tuple(lst) return ret def get_distnet_cache(): return getattr(Context.g_module, 'DISTNETCACHE', DISTNETCACHE) def get_server_url(): return getattr(Context.g_module, 'DISTNETSERVER', DISTNETSERVER) def get_download_url(): return '%s/download.py' % get_server_url() def get_upload_url(): return '%s/upload.py' % get_server_url() def get_resolve_url(): return '%s/resolve.py' % get_server_url() def send_package_name(): out = getattr(Context.g_module, 'out', 'build') pkgfile = '%s/package_to_upload.tarfile' % out return pkgfile class package(Context.Context): fun = 'package' cmd = 'package' def execute(self): try: files = self.files except AttributeError: files = self.files = [] Context.Context.execute(self) pkgfile = send_package_name() if not pkgfile in files: if not REQUIRES in files: files.append(REQUIRES) self.make_tarfile(pkgfile, files, add_to_package=False) def make_tarfile(self, filename, files, **kw): if kw.get('add_to_package', True): self.files.append(filename) with tarfile.open(filename, TARFORMAT) as tar: endname = os.path.split(filename)[-1] endname = endname.split('.')[0] + '/' for x in files: tarinfo = tar.gettarinfo(x, x) tarinfo.uid = tarinfo.gid = 0 tarinfo.uname = tarinfo.gname = 'root' tarinfo.size = os.stat(x).st_size # TODO - more archive creation options? if kw.get('bare', True): tarinfo.name = os.path.split(x)[1] else: tarinfo.name = endname + x # todo, if tuple, then.. Logs.debug('distnet: adding %r to %s', tarinfo.name, filename) with open(x, 'rb') as f: tar.addfile(tarinfo, f) Logs.info('Created %s', filename) class publish(Context.Context): fun = 'publish' cmd = 'publish' def execute(self): if hasattr(Context.g_module, 'publish'): Context.Context.execute(self) mod = Context.g_module rfile = getattr(self, 'rfile', send_package_name()) if not os.path.isfile(rfile): self.fatal('Create the release file with "waf release" first! %r' % rfile) fdata = Utils.readf(rfile, m='rb') data = safe_urlencode([('pkgdata', fdata), ('pkgname', mod.APPNAME), ('pkgver', mod.VERSION)]) req = Request(get_upload_url(), data) response = urlopen(req, timeout=TIMEOUT) data = response.read().strip() if sys.hexversion>0x300000f: data = data.decode('utf-8') if data != 'ok': self.fatal('Could not publish the package %r' % data) class constraint(object): def __init__(self, line=''): self.required_line = line self.info = [] line = line.strip() if not line: return lst = line.split(',') if lst: self.pkgname = lst[0] self.required_version = lst[1] for k in lst: a, b, c = k.partition('=') if a and c: self.info.append((a, c)) def __str__(self): buf = [] buf.append(self.pkgname) buf.append(self.required_version) for k in self.info: buf.append('%s=%s' % k) return ','.join(buf) def __repr__(self): return "requires %s-%s" % (self.pkgname, self.required_version) def human_display(self, pkgname, pkgver): return '%s-%s requires %s-%s' % (pkgname, pkgver, self.pkgname, self.required_version) def why(self): ret = [] for x in self.info: if x[0] == 'reason': ret.append(x[1]) return ret def add_reason(self, reason): self.info.append(('reason', reason)) def parse_constraints(text): assert(text is not None) constraints = [] text = re.sub(re_com, '', text) lines = text.splitlines() for line in lines: line = line.strip() if not line: continue constraints.append(constraint(line)) return constraints def list_package_versions(cachedir, pkgname): pkgdir = os.path.join(cachedir, pkgname) try: versions = os.listdir(pkgdir) except OSError: return [] versions.sort(key=total_version_order) versions.reverse() return versions class package_reader(Context.Context): cmd = 'solver' fun = 'solver' def __init__(self, **kw): Context.Context.__init__(self, **kw) self.myproject = getattr(Context.g_module, 'APPNAME', 'project') self.myversion = getattr(Context.g_module, 'VERSION', '1.0') self.cache_constraints = {} self.constraints = [] def compute_dependencies(self, filename=REQUIRES): text = Utils.readf(filename) data = safe_urlencode([('text', text)]) if '--offline' in sys.argv: self.constraints = self.local_resolve(text) else: req = Request(get_resolve_url(), data) try: response = urlopen(req, timeout=TIMEOUT) except URLError as e: Logs.warn('The package server is down! %r', e) self.constraints = self.local_resolve(text) else: ret = response.read() try: ret = ret.decode('utf-8') except Exception: pass self.trace(ret) self.constraints = parse_constraints(ret) self.check_errors() def check_errors(self): errors = False for c in self.constraints: if not c.required_version: errors = True reasons = c.why() if len(reasons) == 1: Logs.error('%s but no matching package could be found in this repository', reasons[0]) else: Logs.error('Conflicts on package %r:', c.pkgname) for r in reasons: Logs.error(' %s', r) if errors: self.fatal('The package requirements cannot be satisfied!') def load_constraints(self, pkgname, pkgver, requires=REQUIRES): try: return self.cache_constraints[(pkgname, pkgver)] except KeyError: text = Utils.readf(os.path.join(get_distnet_cache(), pkgname, pkgver, requires)) ret = parse_constraints(text) self.cache_constraints[(pkgname, pkgver)] = ret return ret def apply_constraint(self, domain, constraint): vname = constraint.required_version.replace('*', '.*') rev = re.compile(vname, re.M) ret = [x for x in domain if rev.match(x)] return ret def trace(self, *k): if getattr(self, 'debug', None): Logs.error(*k) def solve(self, packages_to_versions={}, packages_to_constraints={}, pkgname='', pkgver='', todo=[], done=[]): # breadth first search n_packages_to_versions = dict(packages_to_versions) n_packages_to_constraints = dict(packages_to_constraints) self.trace("calling solve with %r %r %r" % (packages_to_versions, todo, done)) done = done + [pkgname] constraints = self.load_constraints(pkgname, pkgver) self.trace("constraints %r" % constraints) for k in constraints: try: domain = n_packages_to_versions[k.pkgname] except KeyError: domain = list_package_versions(get_distnet_cache(), k.pkgname) self.trace("constraints?") if not k.pkgname in done: todo = todo + [k.pkgname] self.trace("domain before %s -> %s, %r" % (pkgname, k.pkgname, domain)) # apply the constraint domain = self.apply_constraint(domain, k) self.trace("domain after %s -> %s, %r" % (pkgname, k.pkgname, domain)) n_packages_to_versions[k.pkgname] = domain # then store the constraint applied constraints = list(packages_to_constraints.get(k.pkgname, [])) constraints.append((pkgname, pkgver, k)) n_packages_to_constraints[k.pkgname] = constraints if not domain: self.trace("no domain while processing constraint %r from %r %r" % (domain, pkgname, pkgver)) return (n_packages_to_versions, n_packages_to_constraints) # next package on the todo list if not todo: return (n_packages_to_versions, n_packages_to_constraints) n_pkgname = todo[0] n_pkgver = n_packages_to_versions[n_pkgname][0] tmp = dict(n_packages_to_versions) tmp[n_pkgname] = [n_pkgver] self.trace("fixed point %s" % n_pkgname) return self.solve(tmp, n_packages_to_constraints, n_pkgname, n_pkgver, todo[1:], done) def get_results(self): return '\n'.join([str(c) for c in self.constraints]) def solution_to_constraints(self, versions, constraints): solution = [] for p in versions: c = constraint() solution.append(c) c.pkgname = p if versions[p]: c.required_version = versions[p][0] else: c.required_version = '' for (from_pkgname, from_pkgver, c2) in constraints.get(p, ''): c.add_reason(c2.human_display(from_pkgname, from_pkgver)) return solution def local_resolve(self, text): self.cache_constraints[(self.myproject, self.myversion)] = parse_constraints(text) p2v = OrderedDict({self.myproject: [self.myversion]}) (versions, constraints) = self.solve(p2v, {}, self.myproject, self.myversion, []) return self.solution_to_constraints(versions, constraints) def download_to_file(self, pkgname, pkgver, subdir, tmp): data = safe_urlencode([('pkgname', pkgname), ('pkgver', pkgver), ('pkgfile', subdir)]) req = urlopen(get_download_url(), data, timeout=TIMEOUT) with open(tmp, 'wb') as f: while True: buf = req.read(8192) if not buf: break f.write(buf) def extract_tar(self, subdir, pkgdir, tmpfile): with tarfile.open(tmpfile) as f: temp = tempfile.mkdtemp(dir=pkgdir) try: f.extractall(temp) os.rename(temp, os.path.join(pkgdir, subdir)) finally: try: shutil.rmtree(temp) except Exception: pass def get_pkg_dir(self, pkgname, pkgver, subdir): pkgdir = os.path.join(get_distnet_cache(), pkgname, pkgver) if not os.path.isdir(pkgdir): os.makedirs(pkgdir) target = os.path.join(pkgdir, subdir) if os.path.exists(target): return target (fd, tmp) = tempfile.mkstemp(dir=pkgdir) try: os.close(fd) self.download_to_file(pkgname, pkgver, subdir, tmp) if subdir == REQUIRES: os.rename(tmp, target) else: self.extract_tar(subdir, pkgdir, tmp) finally: try: os.remove(tmp) except OSError: pass return target def __iter__(self): if not self.constraints: self.compute_dependencies() for x in self.constraints: if x.pkgname == self.myproject: continue yield x raise StopIteration def execute(self): self.compute_dependencies() packages = package_reader() def load_tools(ctx, extra): global packages for c in packages: packages.get_pkg_dir(c.pkgname, c.required_version, extra) noarchdir = packages.get_pkg_dir(c.pkgname, c.required_version, 'noarch') for x in os.listdir(noarchdir): if x.startswith('waf_') and x.endswith('.py'): ctx.load([x.rstrip('.py')], tooldir=[noarchdir]) def options(opt): opt.add_option('--offline', action='store_true') packages.execute() load_tools(opt, REQUIRES) def configure(conf): load_tools(conf, conf.variant) def build(bld): load_tools(bld, bld.variant)