import re from waflib import Utils, Task, Errors, Logs from waflib.Configure import conf from waflib.TaskGen import extension, taskgen_method HAXE_COMPILERS = { 'JS': {'tgt': '--js', 'ext_out': ['.js']}, 'LUA': {'tgt': '--lua', 'ext_out': ['.lua']}, 'SWF': {'tgt': '--swf', 'ext_out': ['.swf']}, 'NEKO': {'tgt': '--neko', 'ext_out': ['.n']}, 'PHP': {'tgt': '--php', 'ext_out': ['.php']}, 'CPP': {'tgt': '--cpp', 'ext_out': ['.h', '.cpp']}, 'CPPIA': {'tgt': '--cppia', 'ext_out': ['.cppia']}, 'CS': {'tgt': '--cs', 'ext_out': ['.cs']}, 'JAVA': {'tgt': '--java', 'ext_out': ['.java']}, 'JVM': {'tgt': '--jvm', 'ext_out': ['.jar']}, 'PYTHON': {'tgt': '--python', 'ext_out': ['.py']}, 'HL': {'tgt': '--hl', 'ext_out': ['.hl']}, 'HLC': {'tgt': '--hl', 'ext_out': ['.h', '.c']}, } @conf def check_haxe_pkg(self, **kw): self.find_program('haxelib') libs = kw.get('libs') if not libs or not (type(libs) == str or (type(libs) == list and all(isinstance(s, str) for s in libs))): self.fatal('Specify correct libs value in ensure call') return fetch = kw.get('fetch') if not fetch is None and not type(fetch) == bool: self.fatal('Specify correct fetch value in ensure call') libs = [libs] if type(libs) == str else libs halt = False for lib in libs: try: self.start_msg('Checking for library %s' % lib) output = self.cmd_and_log(self.env.HAXELIB + ['list', lib]) except Errors.WafError: self.end_msg(False) self.fatal('Can\'t run haxelib list, ensuring halted') return if lib in output: self.end_msg(lib in output) else: if not fetch: self.end_msg(False) halt = True continue try: status = self.exec_command(self.env.HAXELIB + ['install', lib]) if status: self.end_msg(False) self.fatal('Can\'t get %s with haxelib, ensuring halted' % lib) return else: self.end_msg('downloaded', color='YELLOW') except Errors.WafError: self.end_msg(False) self.fatal('Can\'t run haxelib install, ensuring halted') return postfix = kw.get('uselib_store') or lib.upper() self.env.append_unique('LIB_' + postfix, lib) if halt: self.fatal('Can\'t find libraries in haxelib list, ensuring halted') return class haxe(Task.Task): vars = ['HAXE_VERSION', 'HAXE_FLAGS'] ext_in = ['.hx'] def run(self): cmd = self.env.HAXE + self.env.HAXE_FLAGS_DEFAULT + self.env.HAXE_FLAGS return self.exec_command(cmd) for COMP in HAXE_COMPILERS: # create runners for each compile target type("haxe_" + COMP, (haxe,), {'ext_out': HAXE_COMPILERS[COMP]['ext_out']}) @taskgen_method def init_haxe(self): errmsg = '%s not found, specify correct value' try: compiler = HAXE_COMPILERS[self.compiler] comp_tgt = compiler['tgt'] comp_mod = '/main.c' if self.compiler == 'HLC' else '' except (AttributeError, KeyError): self.bld.fatal(errmsg % 'COMPILER' + ': ' + ', '.join(HAXE_COMPILERS.keys())) return self.env.append_value( 'HAXE_FLAGS', [comp_tgt, self.path.get_bld().make_node( + comp_mod).abspath()]) if hasattr(self, 'use'): if not (type(self.use) == str or type(self.use) == list): self.bld.fatal(errmsg % 'USE') return self.use = [self.use] if type(self.use) == str else self.use for dep in self.use: if self.env['LIB_' + dep]: for lib in self.env['LIB_' + dep]: self.env.append_value('HAXE_FLAGS', ['-lib', lib]) if hasattr(self, 'res'): if not type(self.res) == str: self.bld.fatal(errmsg % 'RES') return self.env.append_value('HAXE_FLAGS', ['-D', 'resourcesPath=%s' % self.res]) @extension('.hx') def haxe_hook(self, node): if len(self.source) > 1: self.bld.fatal('Use separate task generators for multiple files') return src = node tgt = self.path.get_bld().find_or_declare( self.init_haxe() self.create_task('haxe_' + self.compiler, src, tgt) @conf def check_haxe(self, mini=None, maxi=None): self.start_msg('Checking for haxe version') try: curr = r'(\d+.?)+', self.cmd_and_log(self.env.HAXE + ['-version'])).group() except Errors.WafError: self.end_msg(False) self.fatal('Can\'t get haxe version') return if mini and Utils.num2ver(curr) < Utils.num2ver(mini): self.end_msg('wrong', color='RED') self.fatal('%s is too old, need >= %s' % (curr, mini)) return if maxi and Utils.num2ver(curr) > Utils.num2ver(maxi): self.end_msg('wrong', color='RED') self.fatal('%s is too new, need <= %s' % (curr, maxi)) return self.end_msg(curr, color='GREEN') self.env.HAXE_VERSION = curr def configure(self): self.env.append_value( 'HAXE_FLAGS_DEFAULT', ['-D', 'no-compilation', '-cp', self.path.abspath()]) Logs.warn('Default flags: %s' % ' '.join(self.env.HAXE_FLAGS_DEFAULT)) self.find_program('haxe')