#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2016 (ita) # Federico Pellegrin, 2019 (fedepell) VERSION='0.0.1' APPNAME='qt5_test' top = '.' out = 'build' def options(opt): opt.load('compiler_cxx qt5 waf_unit_test') def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx qt5 waf_unit_test') #conf.env.append_value('CXXFLAGS', ['-g']) # test if not conf.env.QT_LRELEASE: # While qt5 detects most Qt tools, most of them are optional conf.fatal('lrelease was not found') # These tests would run on Ubuntu but not on other platforms conf.check( define_name = 'XYZ_QT5_TESTS', mandatory = False, execute = True, features = 'qt5 cxx cxxprogram', includes = '.', defines = 'QT_WIDGETS_LIB', use = 'QT5CORE QT5GUI QT5WIDGETS QT5TEST', msg = 'Checking whether Qt5 tests can run', fragment = ''' #include class TestQt5Test: public QObject { Q_OBJECT private: void testGui() { QWidget *widget = NULL; QTest::mouseClick(widget, Qt::LeftButton, Qt::NoModifier, QPoint(5,5), 0); } }; QTEST_MAIN(TestQt5Test) #include "test.moc" ''') def build(bld): # According to the Qt5 documentation: # Qt classes in foo.h -> declare foo.h as a header to be processed by moc # add the resulting moc_foo.cpp to the source files # Qt classes in foo.cpp -> include foo.moc at the end of foo.cpp # bld( features = 'qt5 cxx cxxprogram', use = 'QT5CORE QT5GUI QT5SVG QT5WIDGETS', source = 'main.cpp res.qrc but.ui foo.cpp', moc = 'foo.h', target = 'window', includes = '.', lang = bld.path.ant_glob('linguist/*.ts'), langname = 'somefile', # include the .qm files from somefile.qrc ) if bld.env.XYZ_QT5_TESTS: # Example of integration of Qt5 Unit tests using Qt5Test using waf_unit_test bld( features = 'qt5 cxx cxxprogram test', use = 'QT5CORE QT5GUI QT5WIDGETS QT5TEST', defines = 'QT_WIDGETS_LIB', source = 'foo.cpp testqt5.cpp', moc = 'foo.h', target = 'footest', includes = '.', # ut_str = './${SRC} -o test-report.xml,xunitxml', # put output to a xunit xml ) bld.add_post_fun(print_test_results) # print output of test runner to user def print_test_results(bld): lst = getattr(bld, 'utest_results', []) if not lst: return for result in lst: print(result.out.decode('utf-8')) print(result.err.decode('utf-8'))