pipeline { agent none stages { stage('Build and Lint') { parallel { stage('Python 2.7') { agent { label "ubuntu" } steps { sh 'python2.7 ./waf-light' stash includes: 'waf', name: 'waf' } } stage('Python 3.6') { agent { label "freebsd" } steps { sh 'python3.6 ./waf-light' } } stage('Deprecation warnings') { agent { label "ubuntu" } steps { sh ''' cd waflib find . -iname "*.pyc" -exec rm -f {} \\; || true ! (((PYTHONWARNINGS=all python3.6 -m compileall . > /dev/null) 2>&1 ) 2>&1) | grep -i DeprecationWarning ''' } } stage('Pyflakes') { agent { label "freebsd" } steps { sh ''' cd waflib var=`(/usr/local/bin/pyflakes3.py *.py Tools/*.py extras/*.py 2>&1) | egrep "undefined name|invalid syntax|inconsistent use|unindent does not match any outer indentation level" | wc -l` if [ "0" -eq "$var" ] then /usr/local/bin/pyflakes3.py *.py Tools/*.py extras/*.py || true else # just do it again and fail /usr/local/bin/pyflakes3.py *.py Tools/*.py extras/*.py exit 1 fi ''' } } stage('Unit tests') { agent { label "fedora" } steps { sh ''' ./waf-light cd tests/preproc/ ../../waf distclean ../../waf configure build cd ../..''' sh ''' cd tests/install/ ../../waf distclean ../../waf configure build cd ../..''' sh ''' cd tests/general/ ../../waf distclean ../../waf configure build cd ../..''' sh ''' export PATH=$PATH:$PWD cd tests/init/ ../../waf distclean ../../waf configure build cd ../..''' sh ''' export WAF_TEST_GROUP=waftest cd tests/install_group/ ../../waf distclean ../../waf configure build ''' } } } } stage('Integration') { parallel { stage('Ubuntu') { stages { stage('py25') { agent { label "ubuntu" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=c''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=c++''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=java''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=perl''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=python''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=qt5''' sh '''cd demos; LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/lib ./waf distclean configure clean build --top=subst''' } } stage('py36') { agent { label "ubuntu" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=c''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=c++''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=java''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=perl''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=python''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=qt5''' sh '''cd demos; python3 ./waf configure clean build --top=subst''' } } stage('py27') { agent { label "ubuntu" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=c''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=c++''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=java''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=perl''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=python''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=qt5''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=subst''' } } } } stage('OpenBSD') { stages { stage('Jython') { agent { label "openbsd" } steps { sh ''' export WAF_NO_PREFORK=1 /home/jenkins/jython/bin/jython ./waf-light cp waf demos/c cd demos/c /home/jenkins/jython/bin/jython ./waf distclean configure clean build ''' } } stage('py27') { agent { label "openbsd" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos/asm; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/c; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/c++; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/glib2; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/perl; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/python; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/subst; /usr/local/bin/python2.7 ../waf configure clean build''' } } stage('py36') { agent { label "openbsd" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos/asm; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/c; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/c++; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/glib2; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/perl; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/python; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/subst; python3 ../waf configure clean build''' } } } } stage('Windows') { stages { stage('C/py34') { agent { label "windows" } steps { bat ''' C:/Python34/python.exe waf-light --tools=msvs ''' bat ''' copy waf demos\\c /Y cd demos\\c C:/Python34/python.exe waf distclean C:/Python34/python.exe waf configure --no-msvc-lazy build -v ''' bat ''' copy waf demos\\qt5 /Y cd demos\\qt5 C:/Python34/python.exe waf distclean C:/Python34/python.exe waf configure --no-msvc-lazy build -v ''' bat ''' copy waf playground\\msvs /Y cd playground\\msvs C:/Python34/python.exe waf distclean C:/Python34/python.exe waf configure C:/Python34/python.exe waf msvs ''' } } stage('C/Msys2/py27') { agent { label "windows" } steps { unstash 'waf' bat ''' copy waf demos\\c /Y cd demos\\c set MSYSTEM=MINGW64 set WD=C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin set CHERE_INVOKING=1 C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\sh --login -c 'exec /bin/bash -c "python waf configure clean build && python waf distclean"' ''' } } stage('C/Msys2/py35') { agent { label "windows" } steps { unstash 'waf' bat ''' copy waf demos\\c /Y cd demos\\c set MSYSTEM=MINGW64 set WD=C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin set CHERE_INVOKING=1 C:\\msys64\\usr\\bin\\sh --login -c 'exec /bin/bash -c "python3 waf configure clean build && python3 waf distclean"' ''' } } } } stage('OpenIndiana') { stages { stage('py27') { agent { label "openindiana" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''export CFLAGS='-std=c99 -D_STDC_C99' ''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=c''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=c++''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=dbus''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=java''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=perl''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=python''' sh '''cd demos; ./waf configure clean build --top=ruby''' } } } } stage('FreeBSD') { stages { stage('py36') { agent { label "freebsd" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos/c; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/c++; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/java; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/jni; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/perl; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/python; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/ruby; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/glib2; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/qt5; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/dbus; python3.6 ../waf distclean configure clean build''' } } } } stage('MacOS') { stages { stage('py27') { agent { label "macos" } steps { dir('demos') { unstash 'waf' } sh '''cd demos/c; ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/python; ../waf distclean configure clean build''' sh '''cd demos/mac_app; ../waf distclean configure clean build''' } } } } } } } }