#!/usr/bin/python # Grygoriy Fuchedzhy 2010 """ Support for converting linked targets to ihex, srec or binary files using objcopy. Use the 'objcopy' feature in conjuction with the 'cc' or 'cxx' feature. The 'objcopy' feature uses the following attributes: objcopy_bfdname Target object format name (eg. ihex, srec, binary). Defaults to ihex. objcopy_target File name used for objcopy output. This defaults to the target name with objcopy_bfdname as extension. objcopy_install_path Install path for objcopy_target file. Defaults to ${PREFIX}/fw. objcopy_flags Additional flags passed to objcopy. """ from waflib.Utils import def_attrs from waflib import Task from waflib.TaskGen import feature, after_method class objcopy(Task.Task): run_str = '${OBJCOPY} -O ${TARGET_BFDNAME} ${OBJCOPYFLAGS} ${SRC} ${TGT}' color = 'CYAN' @feature('objcopy') @after_method('apply_link') def objcopy(self): def_attrs(self, objcopy_bfdname = 'ihex', objcopy_target = None, objcopy_install_path = "${PREFIX}/firmware", objcopy_flags = '') link_output = self.link_task.outputs[0] if not self.objcopy_target: self.objcopy_target = link_output.change_ext('.' + self.objcopy_bfdname).name task = self.create_task('objcopy', src=link_output, tgt=self.path.find_or_declare(self.objcopy_target)) task.env.append_unique('TARGET_BFDNAME', self.objcopy_bfdname) try: task.env.append_unique('OBJCOPYFLAGS', getattr(self, 'objcopy_flags')) except AttributeError: pass if self.objcopy_install_path: self.bld.install_files(self.objcopy_install_path, task.outputs[0], env=task.env.derive()) def configure(ctx): objcopy = ctx.find_program('objcopy', var='OBJCOPY', mandatory=True)