#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Hans-Martin von Gaudecker, 2012 """ Run a Python script in the directory specified by **ctx.bldnode**. Select a Python version by specifying the **version** keyword for the task generator instance as integer 2 or 3. Default is 3. If the build environment has an attribute "PROJECT_PATHS" with a key "PROJECT_ROOT", its value will be appended to the PYTHONPATH. Same a string passed to the optional **add_to_pythonpath** keyword (appended after the PROJECT_ROOT). Usage:: ctx(features='run_py_script', version=3, source='some_script.py', target=['some_table.tex', 'some_figure.eps'], deps='some_data.csv', add_to_pythonpath='src/some/library') """ import os, re from waflib import Task, TaskGen, Logs def configure(conf): """TODO: Might need to be updated for Windows once "PEP 397":http://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0397/ is settled. """ conf.find_program('python', var='PY2CMD', mandatory=False) conf.find_program('python3', var='PY3CMD', mandatory=False) if not conf.env.PY2CMD and not conf.env.PY3CMD: conf.fatal("No Python interpreter found!") @Task.update_outputs class run_py_2_script(Task.Task): """Run a Python 2 script.""" run_str = '${PY2CMD} ${SRC[0].abspath()}' shell=True @Task.update_outputs class run_py_3_script(Task.Task): """Run a Python 3 script.""" run_str = '${PY3CMD} ${SRC[0].abspath()}' shell=True @TaskGen.feature('run_py_script') @TaskGen.before_method('process_source') def apply_run_py_script(tg): """Task generator for running either Python 2 or Python 3 on a single script. Attributes: * source -- A **single** source node or string. (required) * target -- A single target or list of targets (nodes or strings). * deps -- A single dependency or list of dependencies (nodes or strings) * add_to_pythonpath -- A string that will be appended to the PYTHONPATH environment variable. If the build environment has an attribute "PROJECT_PATHS" with a key "PROJECT_ROOT", its value will be appended to the PYTHONPATH. """ # Set the Python version to use, default to 3. v = getattr(tg, 'version', 3) if v not in (2, 3): raise ValueError("Specify the 'version' attribute for run_py_script task generator as integer 2 or 3.\n Got: %s" %v) # Convert sources and targets to nodes src_node = tg.path.find_resource(tg.source) tgt_nodes = [tg.path.find_or_declare(t) for t in tg.to_list(tg.target)] # Create the task. tsk = tg.create_task('run_py_%d_script' %v, src=src_node, tgt=tgt_nodes) # custom execution environment # TODO use a list and os.sep.join(lst) at the end instead of concatenating strings tsk.env.env = dict(os.environ) tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = tsk.env.env.get('PYTHONPATH', '') project_paths = getattr(tsk.env, 'PROJECT_PATHS', None) if project_paths and 'PROJECT_ROOT' in project_paths: tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep + project_paths['PROJECT_ROOT'].abspath() if getattr(tg, 'add_to_pythonpath', None): tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] += os.pathsep + tg.add_to_pythonpath # Clean up the PYTHONPATH -- replace double occurrences of path separator tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = re.sub(os.pathsep + '+', os.pathsep, tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH']) # Clean up the PYTHONPATH -- doesn't like starting with path separator if tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'].startswith(os.pathsep): tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'] = tsk.env.env['PYTHONPATH'][1:] # dependencies (if the attribute 'deps' changes, trigger a recompilation) for x in tg.to_list(getattr(tg, 'deps', [])): node = tg.path.find_resource(x) if not node: tg.bld.fatal('Could not find dependency %r for running %r' % (x, src_node.abspath())) tsk.dep_nodes.append(node) Logs.debug('deps: found dependencies %r for running %r' % (tsk.dep_nodes, src_node.abspath())) # Bypass the execution of process_source by setting the source to an empty list tg.source = []