Main repository for waf 1.7 on ------------------------------------------------------------- waflib the core library waflib/Tools essential waf tools waflib/extras contributed tools which are not included in the waf file by default (except "compat15") build_system_kit examples of build systems that can be created from waf tests various unit tests, most are unused anymore playground experiments and integration tests for the tools in the folder waflib/extras demos integration tests - the folder can be configured as a standalone project demos/* integration tests and examples used as documentation docs documentation docs/sphinx project extracting the docstrings from the source code to create the apidocs Documentation repository on --------------------------------------------------------------- Contains the documentation: API documentation The Waf Book The Waf Book for Waf 1.5 (deprecated) Programming details ------------------- * Do not use x.split("\n") but x.splitlines() * Do not catch all exceptions unless you have a good reason to do so * File handles are too easy to get wrong, use Node.readf/Node.writef/Utils.readf/Utils.writef Wiki documentation on --------------------------------------------------------- ... Previous branches ----------------- old svn repository (for waf 1.5, read-only and unused) old branch for waf 1.5 (again, read-only and unused)