branches -------- trunk the current branch (waf 1.6) branches/waf-1.5 waf 1.5 (currently waf 1.5.19) branches/waf-1.6 waf 1.6.0 (before waf 1.6) tags a tag is created each time a release is made docs/apidocs located at the repository root - contains the apidocs the files have svn properties so they are browsable online from docs/wafbook the waf book of waf 1.6, browsable online from docs/ the waf book of waf 1.5, browsable online from other branches contain experimental things, most are unused now folders in trunk/ ----------------- trunk contains the source code which is being worked on (currently waf 1.6.3) waflib the core library waflib/Tools essential waf tools waflib/extras tools which are not included in the waf file by default, except for the tool "compat15" build_system_kit examples of build systems that can be created from waf tests unit tests, most are unused playground experiments and integration tests for the tools in the folder waflib/extras demos integration tests - the folder can be configured as a standalone project demos/* integration tests and examples used as documentation docs documentation docs/sphinx extract docstrings from the source code to extract the apidocs, they are put in the folder "docs/apidocs" at the root of the repository