#! /usr/bin/env python3.1 import os, shutil from waflib import Node, Build, Utils, Logs def exists(path): try: os.stat(path) except: return 'no' else: return 'yes' def remove(path): try: try: os.listdir(path) except OSError: os.remove(path) else: shutil.rmtree(path) except: pass def create(path): try: os.makedirs(path) except: os.listdir(path) def configure(ctx): pass def test(ctx): bld = Build.BuildContext() errors = [] def tt(msg, result, expected): color = 'RED' if result == expected: color = 'GREEN' else: errors.append(result) Logs.pprint(color, msg.ljust(20) + " %r" % result) # 1. absdir is wrong, keep the drive letter # 2. split should use os.sep # 3. replace / in d1 from d2 # 4. use os.sep in find_node absdir = os.getcwd().split(os.sep) dd = bld.root.make_node(absdir) pp = dd.parent tt('dir printed', repr(dd), os.getcwd()) tt('parent', repr(pp), os.path.split(os.getcwd())[0]) tt('path_from', dd.path_from(pp), os.path.split(os.getcwd())[1]) tt('path_from (reverse)', pp.path_from(dd), '..') tt('same path', pp.path_from(pp), '.') tt('path from root is abspath()', pp.path_from(bld.root), pp.abspath()) tt('root from root', bld.root.path_from(bld.root), bld.root.abspath()) tt('root height', bld.root.height(), 0) tt('self height', dd.height(), len(absdir)) d1 = dd.make_node(['a', 'b']) d2 = dd.make_node(['c', 'd']) tt('compare height', d1.height() - pp.height(), 3) tt('d1 from d2', d1.path_from(d2), '../../a/b'.replace('/', os.sep)) tt('d2 from d1', d2.path_from(d1), '../../c/d'.replace('/', os.sep)) d1.parent.delete() tt('d1.parent exists', exists(d1.parent.abspath()), 'no') tt('d1 exists', exists(d1.abspath()), 'no') d1.parent.mkdir() d1.parent.mkdir() tt('d1.parent exists', exists(d1.parent.abspath()), 'yes') tt('d1 exists', exists(d1.abspath()), 'no') d1.mkdir() kp = d1.make_node(['ah-ha']) ini = "this is a test" kp.write(ini) kp.chmod(493) fin = kp.read() tt('read and write text', fin, ini) rama = ['1234', '5', '6', '7'] remove('1234') create('/'.join(rama)) rr = dd.find_node(rama) tt('find a node', repr(rr), os.sep.join([os.getcwd()]+rama)) remove('src/build') create('src/build') ss = dd.find_node(['src']) bb = dd.find_node(['src', 'build']) bld.top_dir = ss.abspath() bld.out_dir = bb.abspath() bld.init_dirs() #remove(dd.abspath() + '/' +"xyz") tt('find ["xyz"]', dd.find_node(['xyz']), None) tt('bld.srcnode is src', bld.srcnode.is_src(), True) tt('bld.srcnode is bld', bld.srcnode.is_bld(), False) tt('bld.bldnode is src', bld.bldnode.is_src(), False) tt('bld.bldnode is bld', bld.bldnode.is_bld(), True) tt('bld.root is bld', bld.root.is_bld(), False) tt('bld.root is src', bld.root.is_src(), False) nf = bld.srcnode.make_node('abc') nf.write("aha") nf.get_bld_sig() tt('find_resource src/abc', bld.srcnode.find_resource(['abc']), nf) tt('find_or_declare src/abc', bld.srcnode.find_or_declare(['abc']), bld.bldnode.make_node(['abc'])) tt('src.get_bld()', bld.srcnode.get_bld(), bld.bldnode) tt('bld.get_src()', bld.bldnode.get_src(), bld.srcnode) stupid_build = bld.bldnode.make_node(['abc']) stupid_build.write("heheh") tt('find_or_declare src/abc', bld.srcnode.find_or_declare(['abc']), stupid_build) tt('find_resource src/abc', bld.srcnode.find_resource(['abc']), stupid_build) bld = Build.BuildContext() bld.top_dir = ss.abspath() bld.out_dir = bb.abspath() bld.init_dirs() create('src/a.txt') create('src/b.txt') nd = bld.srcnode.make_node('c.txt') nd.write("test") create('d.TXT') nd2 = bld.srcnode.make_node('d.TXT') nd2.write("test") nd3 = bld.srcnode.make_node('e.e+(e).txt') nd3.write("test") tt("ant_glob ->", len(bld.srcnode.ant_glob('*.txt', flat=False)), 2) tt("ant_glob (icase) ->", len(bld.srcnode.ant_glob('*.txt', flat=False, ignorecase=True)), 3) tt("ant_glob (parentheses) ->", len(bld.srcnode.ant_glob('e.e+[(]e[)].txt', flat=False)), 1) #print("ant_glob src ->", bld.srcnode.ant_glob('*.txt')) def abspath(self): try: return self.cache_abspath except AttributeError: pass if not self.parent: val = '' elif not self.parent.name: val = self.name + '\\' else: val = self.parent.abspath().rstrip('\\') + '\\' + self.name self.cache_abspath = val return val # the local class will be unused soon enough old_abspath = bld.node_class.abspath bld.node_class.abspath = abspath unc1 = '\\\\computer\\share\\file' lst = Utils.split_path_win32(unc1) node = bld.root.make_node(lst) tt('UNC head node', lst[0], '\\\\computer') tt('UNC share path', node.abspath(), unc1) unc2 = '\\\\?\\C:\\foo' lst = Utils.split_path_win32(unc2) node = bld.root.make_node(lst) tt('UNC long path', node.abspath(), 'C:\\foo') if errors: bld.fatal('There are test failures ^^')