// Copyright 2009 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. package gmp // #include // #include // #cgo LDFLAGS: -lgmp import "C" import ( "os" "unsafe" ) /* * one of a kind */ // An Int represents a signed multi-precision integer. // The zero value for an Int represents the value 0. type Int struct { i C.mpz_t init bool } // NewInt returns a new Int initialized to x. func NewInt(x int64) *Int { return new(Int).SetInt64(x) } // Int promises that the zero value is a 0, but in gmp // the zero value is a crash. To bridge the gap, the // init bool says whether this is a valid gmp value. // doinit initializes z.i if it needs it. This is not inherent // to FFI, just a mismatch between Go's convention of // making zero values useful and gmp's decision not to. func (z *Int) doinit() { if z.init { return } z.init = true C.mpz_init(&z.i[0]) } // Bytes returns z's representation as a big-endian byte array. func (z *Int) Bytes() []byte { b := make([]byte, (z.Len()+7)/8) n := C.size_t(len(b)) C.mpz_export(unsafe.Pointer(&b[0]), &n, 1, 1, 1, 0, &z.i[0]) return b[0:n] } // Len returns the length of z in bits. 0 is considered to have length 1. func (z *Int) Len() int { z.doinit() return int(C.mpz_sizeinbase(&z.i[0], 2)) } // Set sets z = x and returns z. func (z *Int) Set(x *Int) *Int { z.doinit() C.mpz_set(&z.i[0], &x.i[0]) return z } // SetBytes interprets b as the bytes of a big-endian integer // and sets z to that value. func (z *Int) SetBytes(b []byte) *Int { z.doinit() if len(b) == 0 { z.SetInt64(0) } else { C.mpz_import(&z.i[0], C.size_t(len(b)), 1, 1, 1, 0, unsafe.Pointer(&b[0])) } return z } // SetInt64 sets z = x and returns z. func (z *Int) SetInt64(x int64) *Int { z.doinit() // TODO(rsc): more work on 32-bit platforms C.mpz_set_si(&z.i[0], C.long(x)) return z } // SetString interprets s as a number in the given base // and sets z to that value. The base must be in the range [2,36]. // SetString returns an error if s cannot be parsed or the base is invalid. func (z *Int) SetString(s string, base int) os.Error { z.doinit() if base < 2 || base > 36 { return os.EINVAL } p := C.CString(s) defer C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) if C.mpz_set_str(&z.i[0], p, C.int(base)) < 0 { return os.EINVAL } return nil } // String returns the decimal representation of z. func (z *Int) String() string { if z == nil { return "nil" } z.doinit() p := C.mpz_get_str(nil, 10, &z.i[0]) s := C.GoString(p) C.free(unsafe.Pointer(p)) return s } func (z *Int) destroy() { if z.init { C.mpz_clear(&z.i[0]) } z.init = false } /* * arithmetic */ // Add sets z = x + y and returns z. func (z *Int) Add(x, y *Int) *Int { x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_add(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) return z } // Sub sets z = x - y and returns z. func (z *Int) Sub(x, y *Int) *Int { x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_sub(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) return z } // Mul sets z = x * y and returns z. func (z *Int) Mul(x, y *Int) *Int { x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_mul(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) return z } // Div sets z = x / y, rounding toward zero, and returns z. func (z *Int) Div(x, y *Int) *Int { x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_tdiv_q(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) return z } // Mod sets z = x % y and returns z. // Like the result of the Go % operator, z has the same sign as x. func (z *Int) Mod(x, y *Int) *Int { x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_tdiv_r(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) return z } // Lsh sets z = x << s and returns z. func (z *Int) Lsh(x *Int, s uint) *Int { x.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_mul_2exp(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], C.mp_bitcnt_t(s)) return z } // Rsh sets z = x >> s and returns z. func (z *Int) Rsh(x *Int, s uint) *Int { x.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_div_2exp(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], C.mp_bitcnt_t(s)) return z } // Exp sets z = x^y % m and returns z. // If m == nil, Exp sets z = x^y. func (z *Int) Exp(x, y, m *Int) *Int { m.doinit() x.doinit() y.doinit() z.doinit() if m == nil { C.mpz_pow_ui(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], C.mpz_get_ui(&y.i[0])) } else { C.mpz_powm(&z.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0], &m.i[0]) } return z } func (z *Int) Int64() int64 { if !z.init { return 0 } return int64(C.mpz_get_si(&z.i[0])) } // Neg sets z = -x and returns z. func (z *Int) Neg(x *Int) *Int { x.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_neg(&z.i[0], &x.i[0]) return z } // Abs sets z to the absolute value of x and returns z. func (z *Int) Abs(x *Int) *Int { x.doinit() z.doinit() C.mpz_abs(&z.i[0], &x.i[0]) return z } /* * functions without a clear receiver */ // CmpInt compares x and y. The result is // // -1 if x < y // 0 if x == y // +1 if x > y // func CmpInt(x, y *Int) int { x.doinit() y.doinit() switch cmp := C.mpz_cmp(&x.i[0], &y.i[0]); { case cmp < 0: return -1 case cmp == 0: return 0 } return +1 } // DivModInt sets q = x / y and r = x % y. func DivModInt(q, r, x, y *Int) { q.doinit() r.doinit() x.doinit() y.doinit() C.mpz_tdiv_qr(&q.i[0], &r.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0]) } // GcdInt sets d to the greatest common divisor of a and b, // which must be positive numbers. // If x and y are not nil, GcdInt sets x and y such that d = a*x + b*y. // If either a or b is not positive, GcdInt sets d = x = y = 0. func GcdInt(d, x, y, a, b *Int) { d.doinit() x.doinit() y.doinit() a.doinit() b.doinit() C.mpz_gcdext(&d.i[0], &x.i[0], &y.i[0], &a.i[0], &b.i[0]) } // ProbablyPrime performs n Miller-Rabin tests to check whether z is prime. // If it returns true, z is prime with probability 1 - 1/4^n. // If it returns false, z is not prime. func (z *Int) ProbablyPrime(n int) bool { z.doinit() return int(C.mpz_probab_prime_p(&z.i[0], C.int(n))) > 0 }