#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Krzysztof KosiƄski 2014 # DragoonX6 2018 """ Detect the Clang C compiler This version is an attempt at supporting the -target and -sysroot flag of Clang. """ from waflib.Tools import ccroot, ar, gcc from waflib.Configure import conf import waflib.Context import waflib.extras.clang_cross_common def options(opt): """ Target triplet for clang:: $ waf configure --clang-target-triple=x86_64-pc-linux-gnu """ cc_compiler_opts = opt.add_option_group('Configuration options') cc_compiler_opts.add_option('--clang-target-triple', default=None, help='Target triple for clang', dest='clang_target_triple') cc_compiler_opts.add_option('--clang-sysroot', default=None, help='Sysroot for clang', dest='clang_sysroot') @conf def find_clang(conf): """ Finds the program clang and executes it to ensure it really is clang """ import os cc = conf.find_program('clang', var='CC') if conf.options.clang_target_triple != None: conf.env.append_value('CC', ['-target', conf.options.clang_target_triple]) if conf.options.clang_sysroot != None: sysroot = str() if os.path.isabs(conf.options.clang_sysroot): sysroot = conf.options.clang_sysroot else: sysroot = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(os.getcwd(), conf.options.clang_sysroot)) conf.env.append_value('CC', ['--sysroot', sysroot]) conf.get_cc_version(cc, clang=True) conf.env.CC_NAME = 'clang' @conf def clang_modifier_x86_64_w64_mingw32(conf): conf.gcc_modifier_win32() @conf def clang_modifier_i386_w64_mingw32(conf): conf.gcc_modifier_win32() @conf def clang_modifier_x86_64_windows_msvc(conf): conf.clang_modifier_msvc() # Allow the user to override any flags if they so desire. clang_modifier_user_func = getattr(conf, 'clang_modifier_x86_64_windows_msvc_user', None) if clang_modifier_user_func: clang_modifier_user_func() @conf def clang_modifier_i386_windows_msvc(conf): conf.clang_modifier_msvc() # Allow the user to override any flags if they so desire. clang_modifier_user_func = getattr(conf, 'clang_modifier_i386_windows_msvc_user', None) if clang_modifier_user_func: clang_modifier_user_func() def configure(conf): conf.find_clang() conf.find_program(['llvm-ar', 'ar'], var='AR') conf.find_ar() conf.gcc_common_flags() # Allow the user to provide flags for the target platform. conf.gcc_modifier_platform() # And allow more fine grained control based on the compiler's triplet. conf.clang_modifier_target_triple() conf.cc_load_tools() conf.cc_add_flags() conf.link_add_flags()