#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Thomas Nagy, 2005-2010 (ita) """ Classes related to the build phase (build, clean, install, step, etc) The inheritance tree is the following: """ import os, sys, errno, re, shutil, stat try: import cPickle except ImportError: import pickle as cPickle from waflib import Runner, TaskGen, Utils, ConfigSet, Task, Logs, Options, Context, Errors import waflib.Node CACHE_DIR = 'c4che' """Location of the cache files""" CACHE_SUFFIX = '_cache.py' """Suffix for the cache files""" INSTALL = 1337 """Positive value '->' install, see :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.is_install`""" UNINSTALL = -1337 """Negative value '<-' uninstall, see :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.is_install`""" SAVED_ATTRS = 'root node_sigs task_sigs imp_sigs raw_deps node_deps'.split() """Build class members to save between the runs; these should be all dicts except for `root` which represents a :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` instance """ CFG_FILES = 'cfg_files' """Files from the build directory to hash before starting the build (``config.h`` written during the configuration)""" POST_AT_ONCE = 0 """Post mode: all task generators are posted before any task executed""" POST_LAZY = 1 """Post mode: post the task generators group after group, the tasks in the next group are created when the tasks in the previous groups are done""" PROTOCOL = -1 if sys.platform == 'cli': PROTOCOL = 0 class BuildContext(Context.Context): '''executes the build''' cmd = 'build' variant = '' def __init__(self, **kw): super(BuildContext, self).__init__(**kw) self.is_install = 0 """Non-zero value when installing or uninstalling file""" self.top_dir = kw.get('top_dir', Context.top_dir) self.run_dir = kw.get('run_dir', Context.run_dir) self.post_mode = POST_LAZY """post the task generators at once, group-by-group, or both (default is group-by-group)""" # output directory - may be set until the nodes are considered self.out_dir = kw.get('out_dir', Context.out_dir) self.cache_dir = kw.get('cache_dir') if not self.cache_dir: self.cache_dir = os.path.join(self.out_dir, CACHE_DIR) # map names to environments, the '' must be defined self.all_envs = {} # ======================================= # # cache variables self.node_sigs = {} """Dict mapping build nodes to task identifier (uid), it indicates whether a task created a particular file (persists between builds)""" self.task_sigs = {} """Dict mapping task identifiers (uid) to task signatures (persists between builds)""" self.imp_sigs = {} """Dict mapping task identifiers (uid) to implicit task dependencies used for scanning targets (persists between builds)""" self.node_deps = {} """Dict mapping task identifiers (uid) to node dependencies found by :py:meth:`waflib.Task.Task.scan` (persists between builds)""" self.raw_deps = {} """Dict mapping task identifiers (uid) to custom data returned by :py:meth:`waflib.Task.Task.scan` (persists between builds)""" # list of folders that are already scanned # so that we do not need to stat them one more time self.cache_dir_contents = {} self.task_gen_cache_names = {} self.launch_dir = Context.launch_dir self.jobs = Options.options.jobs self.targets = Options.options.targets self.keep = Options.options.keep self.progress_bar = Options.options.progress_bar ############ stuff below has not been reviewed # Manual dependencies. self.deps_man = Utils.defaultdict(list) """Manual dependencies set by :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.add_manual_dependency`""" # just the structure here self.current_group = 0 """ Current build group """ self.groups = [] """ List containing lists of task generators """ self.group_names = {} """ Map group names to the group lists. See :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.add_group` """ for v in SAVED_ATTRS: if not hasattr(self, v): setattr(self, v, {}) def get_variant_dir(self): """Getter for the variant_dir attribute""" if not self.variant: return self.out_dir return os.path.join(self.out_dir, self.variant) variant_dir = property(get_variant_dir, None) def __call__(self, *k, **kw): """ Create a task generator and add it to the current build group. The following forms are equivalent:: def build(bld): tg = bld(a=1, b=2) def build(bld): tg = bld() tg.a = 1 tg.b = 2 def build(bld): tg = TaskGen.task_gen(a=1, b=2) bld.add_to_group(tg, None) :param group: group name to add the task generator to :type group: string """ kw['bld'] = self ret = TaskGen.task_gen(*k, **kw) self.task_gen_cache_names = {} # reset the cache, each time self.add_to_group(ret, group=kw.get('group')) return ret def rule(self, *k, **kw): """ Wrapper for creating a task generator using the decorator notation. The following code:: @bld.rule(target="foo") def _(tsk): print("bar") is equivalent to:: def bar(tsk): print("bar") bld( target = "foo", rule = bar, ) """ def f(rule): ret = self(*k, **kw) ret.rule = rule return ret return f def __copy__(self): """Implemented to prevents copies of build contexts (raises an exception)""" raise Errors.WafError('build contexts cannot be copied') def load_envs(self): """ The configuration command creates files of the form ``build/c4che/NAMEcache.py``. This method creates a :py:class:`waflib.ConfigSet.ConfigSet` instance for each ``NAME`` by reading those files. The config sets are then stored in the dict :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.allenvs`. """ node = self.root.find_node(self.cache_dir) if not node: raise Errors.WafError('The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!') lst = node.ant_glob('**/*%s' % CACHE_SUFFIX, quiet=True) if not lst: raise Errors.WafError('The cache directory is empty: reconfigure the project') for x in lst: name = x.path_from(node).replace(CACHE_SUFFIX, '').replace('\\', '/') env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet(x.abspath()) self.all_envs[name] = env for f in env[CFG_FILES]: newnode = self.root.find_resource(f) if not newnode or not newnode.exists(): raise Errors.WafError('Missing configuration file %r, reconfigure the project!' % f) def init_dirs(self): """ Initialize the project directory and the build directory by creating the nodes :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.srcnode` and :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.bldnode` corresponding to ``top_dir`` and ``variant_dir`` respectively. The ``bldnode`` directory will be created if it does not exist. """ if not (os.path.isabs(self.top_dir) and os.path.isabs(self.out_dir)): raise Errors.WafError('The project was not configured: run "waf configure" first!') self.path = self.srcnode = self.root.find_dir(self.top_dir) self.bldnode = self.root.make_node(self.variant_dir) self.bldnode.mkdir() def execute(self): """ Restore the data from previous builds and call :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.execute_build`. Overrides from :py:func:`waflib.Context.Context.execute` """ self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.execute_build() def execute_build(self): """ Execute the build by: * reading the scripts (see :py:meth:`waflib.Context.Context.recurse`) * calling :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.pre_build` to call user build functions * calling :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.compile` to process the tasks * calling :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.post_build` to call user build functions """ Logs.info("Waf: Entering directory `%s'" % self.variant_dir) self.recurse([self.run_dir]) self.pre_build() # display the time elapsed in the progress bar self.timer = Utils.Timer() try: self.compile() finally: if self.progress_bar == 1 and sys.stderr.isatty(): c = self.producer.processed or 1 m = self.progress_line(c, c, Logs.colors.BLUE, Logs.colors.NORMAL) Logs.info(m, extra={'stream': sys.stderr, 'c1': Logs.colors.cursor_off, 'c2' : Logs.colors.cursor_on}) Logs.info("Waf: Leaving directory `%s'" % self.variant_dir) try: self.producer.bld = None del self.producer except AttributeError: pass self.post_build() def restore(self): """ Load the data from a previous run, sets the attributes listed in :py:const:`waflib.Build.SAVED_ATTRS` """ try: env = ConfigSet.ConfigSet(os.path.join(self.cache_dir, 'build.config.py')) except EnvironmentError: pass else: if env['version'] < Context.HEXVERSION: raise Errors.WafError('Version mismatch! reconfigure the project') for t in env['tools']: self.setup(**t) dbfn = os.path.join(self.variant_dir, Context.DBFILE) try: data = Utils.readf(dbfn, 'rb') except (IOError, EOFError): # handle missing file/empty file Logs.debug('build: Could not load the build cache %s (missing)', dbfn) else: try: waflib.Node.pickle_lock.acquire() waflib.Node.Nod3 = self.node_class try: data = cPickle.loads(data) except Exception as e: Logs.debug('build: Could not pickle the build cache %s: %r', dbfn, e) else: for x in SAVED_ATTRS: setattr(self, x, data[x]) finally: waflib.Node.pickle_lock.release() self.init_dirs() def store(self): """ Store the data for next runs, sets the attributes listed in :py:const:`waflib.Build.SAVED_ATTRS`. Uses a temporary file to avoid problems on ctrl+c. """ data = {} for x in SAVED_ATTRS: data[x] = getattr(self, x) db = os.path.join(self.variant_dir, Context.DBFILE) try: waflib.Node.pickle_lock.acquire() waflib.Node.Nod3 = self.node_class x = cPickle.dumps(data, PROTOCOL) finally: waflib.Node.pickle_lock.release() Utils.writef(db + '.tmp', x, m='wb') try: st = os.stat(db) os.remove(db) if not Utils.is_win32: # win32 has no chown but we're paranoid os.chown(db + '.tmp', st.st_uid, st.st_gid) except (AttributeError, OSError): pass # do not use shutil.move (copy is not thread-safe) os.rename(db + '.tmp', db) def compile(self): """ Run the build by creating an instance of :py:class:`waflib.Runner.Parallel` The cache file is not written if the build is up to date (no task executed). """ Logs.debug('build: compile()') # use another object to perform the producer-consumer logic (reduce the complexity) self.producer = Runner.Parallel(self, self.jobs) self.producer.biter = self.get_build_iterator() try: self.producer.start() except KeyboardInterrupt: self.store() raise else: if self.producer.dirty: self.store() if self.producer.error: raise Errors.BuildError(self.producer.error) def setup(self, tool, tooldir=None, funs=None): """ Import waf tools, used to import those accessed during the configuration:: def configure(conf): conf.load('glib2') def build(bld): pass # glib2 is imported implicitly :param tool: tool list :type tool: list :param tooldir: optional tool directory (sys.path) :type tooldir: list of string :param funs: unused variable """ if isinstance(tool, list): for i in tool: self.setup(i, tooldir) return module = Context.load_tool(tool, tooldir) if hasattr(module, "setup"): module.setup(self) def get_env(self): """Getter for the env property""" try: return self.all_envs[self.variant] except KeyError: return self.all_envs[''] def set_env(self, val): """Setter for the env property""" self.all_envs[self.variant] = val env = property(get_env, set_env) def add_manual_dependency(self, path, value): """ Adds a dependency from a node object to a value:: def build(bld): bld.add_manual_dependency( bld.path.find_resource('wscript'), bld.root.find_resource('/etc/fstab')) :param path: file path :type path: string or :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :param value: value to depend on :type value: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node`, string, or function returning a string """ if path is None: raise ValueError('Invalid input') if isinstance(path, waflib.Node.Node): node = path elif os.path.isabs(path): node = self.root.find_resource(path) else: node = self.path.find_resource(path) if isinstance(value, list): self.deps_man[node].extend(value) else: self.deps_man[node].append(value) def launch_node(self): """Returns the launch directory as a :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` object""" try: # private cache return self.p_ln except AttributeError: self.p_ln = self.root.find_dir(self.launch_dir) return self.p_ln def hash_env_vars(self, env, vars_lst): """ Hash configuration set variables:: def build(bld): bld.hash_env_vars(bld.env, ['CXX', 'CC']) :param env: Configuration Set :type env: :py:class:`waflib.ConfigSet.ConfigSet` :param vars_lst: list of variables :type vars_list: list of string """ if not env.table: env = env.parent if not env: return Utils.SIG_NIL idx = str(id(env)) + str(vars_lst) try: cache = self.cache_env except AttributeError: cache = self.cache_env = {} else: try: return self.cache_env[idx] except KeyError: pass lst = [env[a] for a in vars_lst] ret = Utils.h_list(lst) Logs.debug('envhash: %s %r', Utils.to_hex(ret), lst) cache[idx] = ret return ret def get_tgen_by_name(self, name): """ Retrieves a task generator from its name or its target name the name must be unique:: def build(bld): tg = bld(name='foo') tg == bld.get_tgen_by_name('foo') """ cache = self.task_gen_cache_names if not cache: # create the index lazily for g in self.groups: for tg in g: try: cache[tg.name] = tg except AttributeError: # raised if not a task generator, which should be uncommon pass try: return cache[name] except KeyError: raise Errors.WafError('Could not find a task generator for the name %r' % name) def progress_line(self, state, total, col1, col2): """ Compute the progress bar used by ``waf -p`` """ if not sys.stderr.isatty(): return '' n = len(str(total)) Utils.rot_idx += 1 ind = Utils.rot_chr[Utils.rot_idx % 4] pc = (100.*state)/total eta = str(self.timer) fs = "[%%%dd/%%%dd][%%s%%2d%%%%%%s][%s][" % (n, n, ind) left = fs % (state, total, col1, pc, col2) right = '][%s%s%s]' % (col1, eta, col2) cols = Logs.get_term_cols() - len(left) - len(right) + 2*len(col1) + 2*len(col2) if cols < 7: cols = 7 ratio = ((cols*state)//total) - 1 bar = ('='*ratio+'>').ljust(cols) msg = Logs.indicator % (left, bar, right) return msg def declare_chain(self, *k, **kw): """ Wrapper for :py:func:`waflib.TaskGen.declare_chain` provided for convenience """ return TaskGen.declare_chain(*k, **kw) def pre_build(self): """Execute user-defined methods before the build starts, see :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.add_pre_fun`""" for m in getattr(self, 'pre_funs', []): m(self) def post_build(self): """Executes the user-defined methods after the build is successful, see :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.add_post_fun`""" for m in getattr(self, 'post_funs', []): m(self) def add_pre_fun(self, meth): """ Bind a method to execute after the scripts are read and before the build starts:: def mycallback(bld): print("Hello, world!") def build(bld): bld.add_pre_fun(mycallback) """ try: self.pre_funs.append(meth) except AttributeError: self.pre_funs = [meth] def add_post_fun(self, meth): """ Bind a method to execute immediately after the build is successful:: def call_ldconfig(bld): bld.exec_command('/sbin/ldconfig') def build(bld): if bld.cmd == 'install': bld.add_pre_fun(call_ldconfig) """ try: self.post_funs.append(meth) except AttributeError: self.post_funs = [meth] def get_group(self, x): """ Get the group x, or return the current group if x is None :param x: name or number or None :type x: string, int or None """ if not self.groups: self.add_group() if x is None: return self.groups[self.current_group] if x in self.group_names: return self.group_names[x] return self.groups[x] def add_to_group(self, tgen, group=None): """add a task or a task generator for the build""" assert(isinstance(tgen, TaskGen.task_gen) or isinstance(tgen, Task.TaskBase)) tgen.bld = self self.get_group(group).append(tgen) def get_group_name(self, g): """name for the group g (utility)""" if not isinstance(g, list): g = self.groups[g] for x in self.group_names: if id(self.group_names[x]) == id(g): return x return '' def get_group_idx(self, tg): """ Index of the group containing the task generator given as argument:: def build(bld): tg = bld(name='nada') 0 == bld.get_group_idx(tg) :param tg: Task generator object :type tg: :py:class:`waflib.TaskGen.task_gen` """ se = id(tg) for i, tmp in enumerate(self.groups): for t in tmp: if id(t) == se: return i return None def add_group(self, name=None, move=True): """ Add a new group of tasks/task generators. By default the new group becomes the default group for new task generators. :param name: name for this group :type name: string :param move: set the group created as default group (True by default) :type move: bool """ #if self.groups and not self.groups[0].tasks: # error('add_group: an empty group is already present') if name and name in self.group_names: Logs.error('add_group: name %s already present' % name) g = [] self.group_names[name] = g self.groups.append(g) if move: self.current_group = len(self.groups) - 1 def set_group(self, idx): """ Set the current group to be idx: now new task generators will be added to this group by default:: def build(bld): bld(rule='touch ${TGT}', target='foo.txt') bld.add_group() # now the current group is 1 bld(rule='touch ${TGT}', target='bar.txt') bld.set_group(0) # now the current group is 0 bld(rule='touch ${TGT}', target='truc.txt') # build truc.txt before bar.txt :param idx: group name or group index :type idx: string or int """ if isinstance(idx, str): g = self.group_names[idx] for i, tmp in enumerate(self.groups): if id(g) == id(tmp): self.current_group = i break else: self.current_group = idx def total(self): """ Approximate task count: this value may be inaccurate if task generators are posted lazily (see :py:attr:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.post_mode`). The value :py:attr:`waflib.Runner.Parallel.total` is updated during the task execution. """ total = 0 for group in self.groups: for tg in group: try: total += len(tg.tasks) except AttributeError: total += 1 return total def get_targets(self): """ Return the task generator corresponding to the 'targets' list, used by :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.get_build_iterator`:: $ waf --targets=myprogram,myshlib """ to_post = [] min_grp = 0 for name in self.targets.split(','): tg = self.get_tgen_by_name(name) m = self.get_group_idx(tg) if m > min_grp: min_grp = m to_post = [tg] elif m == min_grp: to_post.append(tg) return (min_grp, to_post) def get_all_task_gen(self): """ Utility method, returns a list of all task generators - if you need something more complicated, implement your own """ lst = [] for g in self.groups: lst.extend(g) return lst def post_group(self): """ Post the task generators from the group indexed by self.cur, used by :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.get_build_iterator` """ if self.targets == '*': for tg in self.groups[self.cur]: try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() elif self.targets: if self.cur < self._min_grp: for tg in self.groups[self.cur]: try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() else: for tg in self._exact_tg: tg.post() else: ln = self.launch_node() if ln.is_child_of(self.bldnode): Logs.warn('Building from the build directory, forcing --targets=*') ln = self.srcnode elif not ln.is_child_of(self.srcnode): Logs.warn('CWD %s is not under %s, forcing --targets=* (run distclean?)' % (ln.abspath(), self.srcnode.abspath())) ln = self.srcnode for tg in self.groups[self.cur]: try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: if tg.path.is_child_of(ln): f() def get_tasks_group(self, idx): """ Return all the tasks for the group of num idx, used by :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.get_build_iterator` """ tasks = [] for tg in self.groups[idx]: try: tasks.extend(tg.tasks) except AttributeError: # not a task generator, can be the case for installation tasks tasks.append(tg) return tasks def get_build_iterator(self): """ Creates a generator object that returns lists of tasks executable in parallel (yield) :return: tasks which can be executed immediatly :rtype: list of :py:class:`waflib.Task.TaskBase` """ self.cur = 0 if self.targets and self.targets != '*': (self._min_grp, self._exact_tg) = self.get_targets() global lazy_post if self.post_mode != POST_LAZY: while self.cur < len(self.groups): self.post_group() self.cur += 1 self.cur = 0 while self.cur < len(self.groups): # first post the task generators for the group if self.post_mode != POST_AT_ONCE: self.post_group() # then extract the tasks tasks = self.get_tasks_group(self.cur) # if the constraints are set properly (ext_in/ext_out, before/after) # the call to set_file_constraints may be removed (can be a 15% penalty on no-op rebuilds) # (but leave set_file_constraints for the installation step) # # if the tasks have only files, set_file_constraints is required but set_precedence_constraints is not necessary # Task.set_file_constraints(tasks) Task.set_precedence_constraints(tasks) self.cur_tasks = tasks self.cur += 1 if not tasks: # return something else the build will stop continue yield tasks while 1: yield [] def install_files(self, dest, files, **kw): """ Create a task to install files on the system:: def build(bld): bld.install_files('${DATADIR}', self.path.find_resource('wscript')) :param dest: absolute path of the destination directory :type dest: string :param files: input files :type files: list of strings or list of nodes :param env: configuration set for performing substitutions in dest :type env: Configuration set :param relative_trick: preserve the folder hierarchy when installing whole folders :type relative_trick: bool :param cwd: parent node for searching srcfile, when srcfile is not a :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :type cwd: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :param add: add the task created to a build group - set ``False`` only if the installation task is created after the build has started :type add: bool :param postpone: execute the task immediately to perform the installation :type postpone: bool """ assert(dest) tg = self(features='install_task', install_to=dest, install_from=files, **kw) tg.dest = tg.install_to tg.type = 'install_files' # TODO if add: self.add_to_group(tsk) if not kw.get('postpone', True): tg.post() return tg def install_as(self, dest, srcfile, **kw): """ Create a task to install a file on the system with a different name:: def build(bld): bld.install_as('${PREFIX}/bin', 'myapp', chmod=Utils.O755) :param dest: absolute path of the destination file :type dest: string :param srcfile: input file :type srcfile: string or node :param cwd: parent node for searching srcfile, when srcfile is not a :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :type cwd: :py:class:`waflib.Node.Node` :param env: configuration set for performing substitutions in dest :type env: Configuration set :param add: add the task created to a build group - set ``False`` only if the installation task is created after the build has started :type add: bool :param postpone: execute the task immediately to perform the installation :type postpone: bool """ assert(dest) tg = self(features='install_task', install_to=dest, install_from=srcfile, **kw) tg.dest = tg.install_to tg.type = 'install_as' # TODO if add: self.add_to_group(tsk) if not kw.get('postpone', True): tg.post() return tg def symlink_as(self, dest, src, **kw): """ Create a task to install a symlink:: def build(bld): bld.symlink_as('${PREFIX}/lib/libfoo.so', 'libfoo.so.1.2.3') :param dest: absolute path of the symlink :type dest: string :param src: absolute or relative path of the link :type src: string :param env: configuration set for performing substitutions in dest :type env: Configuration set :param add: add the task created to a build group - set ``False`` only if the installation task is created after the build has started :type add: bool :param postpone: execute the task immediately to perform the installation :type postpone: bool :param relative_trick: make the symlink relative (default: ``False``) :type relative_trick: bool """ assert(dest) tg = self(features='install_task', install_to=dest, install_from=src, **kw) tg.dest = tg.install_to tg.type = 'symlink_as' tg.link = src # TODO if add: self.add_to_group(tsk) if not kw.get('postpone', True): tg.post() return tg @TaskGen.feature('install_task') @TaskGen.before_method('process_rule', 'process_source') def process_install_task(self): # the problem is that we want to re-use self.add_install_task(**self.__dict__) @TaskGen.taskgen_method def add_install_task(self, **kw): if not self.bld.is_install: return if not kw['install_to']: return if kw['type'] == 'symlink_as' and Utils.is_win32: if kw.get('win32_install'): kw['type'] = 'install_as' else: # just exit return tsk = self.install_task = self.create_task('inst') tsk.chmod = kw.get('chmod', Utils.O644) tsk.link = kw.get('link', '') or kw.get('install_from', '') tsk.relative_trick = kw.get('relative_trick', False) tsk.type = kw['type'] tsk.install_to = tsk.dest = kw['install_to'] tsk.install_from = kw['install_from'] tsk.relative_base = kw.get('cwd') or kw.get('relative_base', self.path) tsk.init_files() if not kw.get('postpone', True): tsk.run_now() return tsk @TaskGen.taskgen_method def add_install_files(self, **kw): kw['type'] = 'install_files' return self.add_install_task(**kw) @TaskGen.taskgen_method def add_install_as(self, **kw): kw['type'] = 'install_as' return self.add_install_task(**kw) @TaskGen.taskgen_method def add_symlink_as(self, **kw): kw['type'] = 'symlink_as' return self.add_install_task(**kw) class inst(Task.Task): def __str__(self): """Return an empty string to disable the display""" return '' def uid(self): lst = self.inputs + self.outputs + [self.link, self.generator.path.abspath()] return Utils.h_list(lst) def init_files(self): if self.type == 'symlink_as': inputs = [] else: inputs = self.generator.to_nodes(self.install_from) if self.type == 'install_as': assert len(inputs) == 1 self.set_inputs(inputs) dest = self.get_install_path() outputs = [] if self.type == 'symlink_as': if self.relative_trick: self.link = os.path.relpath(self.link, os.path.dirname(dest)) outputs.append(self.generator.bld.root.make_node(dest)) elif self.type == 'install_as': outputs.append(self.generator.bld.root.make_node(dest)) else: for y in inputs: if self.relative_trick: destfile = os.path.join(dest, y.path_from(self.relative_base)) else: destfile = os.path.join(dest, y.name) outputs.append(self.generator.bld.root.make_node(destfile)) self.set_outputs(outputs) def runnable_status(self): """ Installation tasks are always executed, so this method returns either :py:const:`waflib.Task.ASK_LATER` or :py:const:`waflib.Task.RUN_ME`. """ ret = super(inst, self).runnable_status() if ret == Task.SKIP_ME and self.generator.bld.is_install: return Task.RUN_ME return ret def post_run(self): pass def get_install_path(self, destdir=True): dest = Utils.subst_vars(self.install_to, self.env) if destdir and Options.options.destdir: dest = os.path.join(Options.options.destdir, os.path.splitdrive(dest)[1].lstrip(os.sep)) return dest def copy_fun(self, src, tgt): # override this if you want to strip executables # kw['tsk'].source is the task that created the files in the build if Utils.is_win32 and len(tgt) > 259 and not tgt.startswith('\\\\?\\'): tgt = '\\\\?\\' + tgt shutil.copy2(src, tgt) os.chmod(tgt, self.chmod) def rm_empty_dirs(self, tgt): while tgt: tgt = os.path.dirname(tgt) try: os.rmdir(tgt) except OSError: break def run(self): is_install = self.generator.bld.is_install if not is_install: # unnecessary? return for x in self.outputs: if is_install == INSTALL: x.parent.mkdir() if self.type == 'symlink_as': fun = is_install == INSTALL and self.do_link or self.do_unlink fun(self.link, self.outputs[0].abspath()) else: fun = is_install == INSTALL and self.do_install or self.do_uninstall launch_node = self.generator.bld.launch_node() for x, y in zip(self.inputs, self.outputs): fun(x.abspath(), y.abspath(), x.path_from(launch_node)) def run_now(self): """Try executing the installation task right now""" status = self.runnable_status() if status not in (Task.RUN_ME, Task.SKIP_ME): raise Errors.TaskNotReady('Could not process %r: status %r' % (self, status)) self.run() self.hasrun = Task.SUCCESS def do_install(self, src, tgt, lbl, **kw): """ Copy a file from src to tgt with given file permissions. The actual copy is not performed if the source and target file have the same size and the same timestamps. When the copy occurs, the file is first removed and then copied (prevent stale inodes). :param src: file name as absolute path :type src: string :param tgt: file destination, as absolute path :type tgt: string :param chmod: installation mode :type chmod: int """ if not Options.options.force: # check if the file is already there to avoid a copy try: st1 = os.stat(tgt) st2 = os.stat(src) except OSError: pass else: # same size and identical timestamps -> make no copy if st1.st_mtime + 2 >= st2.st_mtime and st1.st_size == st2.st_size: if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('- install %s (from %s)' % (tgt, lbl)) return False if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('+ install %s (from %s)' % (tgt, lbl)) # Give best attempt at making destination overwritable, # like the 'install' utility used by 'make install' does. try: os.chmod(tgt, Utils.O644 | stat.S_IMODE(os.stat(tgt).st_mode)) except EnvironmentError: pass # following is for shared libs and stale inodes (-_-) try: os.remove(tgt) except OSError: pass try: self.copy_fun(src, tgt) except IOError: if not src.exists(): Logs.error('File %r does not exist' % src) raise Errors.WafError('Could not install the file %r' % tgt) def do_link(self, src, tgt, **kw): """ Create a symlink from tgt to src. :param src: file name as absolute path :type src: string :param tgt: file destination, as absolute path :type tgt: string """ if os.path.islink(tgt) and os.readlink(tgt) == src: if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('- symlink %s (to %s)' % (tgt, src)) else: try: os.remove(tgt) except OSError: pass if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('+ symlink %s (to %s)' % (tgt, src)) os.symlink(src, tgt) def do_uninstall(self, src, tgt, lbl, **kw): if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('- remove %s' % tgt) #self.uninstall.append(tgt) try: os.remove(tgt) except OSError as e: if e.errno != errno.ENOENT: if not getattr(self, 'uninstall_error', None): self.uninstall_error = True Logs.warn('build: some files could not be uninstalled (retry with -vv to list them)') if Logs.verbose > 1: Logs.warn('Could not remove %s (error code %r)' % (e.filename, e.errno)) self.rm_empty_dirs(tgt) def do_unlink(self, src, tgt, **kw): # TODO do_uninstall with proper amount of args try: if not self.generator.bld.progress_bar: Logs.info('- remove %s' % tgt) os.remove(tgt) except OSError: pass self.rm_empty_dirs(tgt) class InstallContext(BuildContext): '''installs the targets on the system''' cmd = 'install' def __init__(self, **kw): super(InstallContext, self).__init__(**kw) #self.uninstall = [] self.is_install = INSTALL class UninstallContext(InstallContext): '''removes the targets installed''' cmd = 'uninstall' def __init__(self, **kw): super(UninstallContext, self).__init__(**kw) self.is_install = UNINSTALL def execute(self): """ See :py:func:`waflib.Context.Context.execute` """ # TODO just mark the tasks are already run with hasrun=Task.SKIPPED try: # do not execute any tasks def runnable_status(self): return Task.SKIP_ME setattr(Task.Task, 'runnable_status_back', Task.Task.runnable_status) setattr(Task.Task, 'runnable_status', runnable_status) super(UninstallContext, self).execute() finally: setattr(Task.Task, 'runnable_status', Task.Task.runnable_status_back) class CleanContext(BuildContext): '''cleans the project''' cmd = 'clean' def execute(self): """ See :py:func:`waflib.Context.Context.execute` """ self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.recurse([self.run_dir]) try: self.clean() finally: self.store() def clean(self): """Remove files from the build directory if possible, and reset the caches""" Logs.debug('build: clean called') if self.bldnode != self.srcnode: # would lead to a disaster if top == out lst = [] for env in self.all_envs.values(): lst.extend(self.root.find_or_declare(f) for f in env[CFG_FILES]) for n in self.bldnode.ant_glob('**/*', excl='.lock* *conf_check_*/** config.log c4che/*', quiet=True): if n in lst: continue n.delete() self.root.children = {} for v in SAVED_ATTRS: if v == 'root': continue setattr(self, v, {}) class ListContext(BuildContext): '''lists the targets to execute''' cmd = 'list' def execute(self): """ See :py:func:`waflib.Context.Context.execute`. """ self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.recurse([self.run_dir]) self.pre_build() # display the time elapsed in the progress bar self.timer = Utils.Timer() for g in self.groups: for tg in g: try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() try: # force the cache initialization self.get_tgen_by_name('') except Errors.WafError: pass for k in sorted(self.task_gen_cache_names.keys()): Logs.pprint('GREEN', k) class StepContext(BuildContext): '''executes tasks in a step-by-step fashion, for debugging''' cmd = 'step' def __init__(self, **kw): super(StepContext, self).__init__(**kw) self.files = Options.options.files def compile(self): """ Compile the tasks matching the input/output files given (regular expression matching). Derived from :py:meth:`waflib.Build.BuildContext.compile`:: $ waf step --files=foo.c,bar.c,in:truc.c,out:bar.o $ waf step --files=in:foo.cpp.1.o # link task only """ if not self.files: Logs.warn('Add a pattern for the debug build, for example "waf step --files=main.c,app"') BuildContext.compile(self) return targets = [] if self.targets and self.targets != '*': targets = self.targets.split(',') for g in self.groups: for tg in g: if targets and tg.name not in targets: continue try: f = tg.post except AttributeError: pass else: f() for pat in self.files.split(','): matcher = self.get_matcher(pat) for tg in g: if isinstance(tg, Task.TaskBase): lst = [tg] else: lst = tg.tasks for tsk in lst: do_exec = False for node in getattr(tsk, 'inputs', []): if matcher(node, output=False): do_exec = True break for node in getattr(tsk, 'outputs', []): if matcher(node, output=True): do_exec = True break if do_exec: ret = tsk.run() Logs.info('%s -> exit %r' % (str(tsk), ret)) def get_matcher(self, pat): # this returns a function inn = True out = True if pat.startswith('in:'): out = False pat = pat.replace('in:', '') elif pat.startswith('out:'): inn = False pat = pat.replace('out:', '') anode = self.root.find_node(pat) pattern = None if not anode: if not pat.startswith('^'): pat = '^.+?%s' % pat if not pat.endswith('$'): pat = '%s$' % pat pattern = re.compile(pat) def match(node, output): if output == True and not out: return False if output == False and not inn: return False if anode: return anode == node else: return pattern.match(node.abspath()) return match class EnvContext(BuildContext): """Subclass EnvContext to create commands that require configuration data in 'env'""" fun = cmd = None def execute(self): self.restore() if not self.all_envs: self.load_envs() self.recurse([self.run_dir])