#! /usr/bin/env python # Thomas Nagy, 2011 # Try to cancel the tasks that cannot run with the option -k when an error occurs: # 1 direct file dependencies # 2 tasks listed in the before/after/ext_in/ext_out attributes from waflib import Task, Runner Task.CANCELED = 4 def cancel_next(self, tsk): if not isinstance(tsk, Task.TaskBase): return if tsk.hasrun >= Task.SKIPPED: # normal execution, no need to do anything here return try: canceled_tasks, canceled_nodes = self.canceled_tasks, self.canceled_nodes except AttributeError: canceled_tasks = self.canceled_tasks = set() canceled_nodes = self.canceled_nodes = set() try: canceled_nodes.update(tsk.outputs) except AttributeError: pass try: canceled_tasks.add(tsk) except AttributeError: pass def get_out(self): tsk = self.out.get() if not self.stop: self.add_more_tasks(tsk) self.count -= 1 self.dirty = True self.cancel_next(tsk) # new code def error_handler(self, tsk): if not self.bld.keep: self.stop = True self.error.append(tsk) self.cancel_next(tsk) # new code Runner.Parallel.cancel_next = cancel_next Runner.Parallel.get_out = get_out Runner.Parallel.error_handler = error_handler def get_next_task(self): tsk = self.get_next_task_smart_continue() if not tsk: return tsk try: canceled_tasks, canceled_nodes = self.canceled_tasks, self.canceled_nodes except AttributeError: pass else: # look in the tasks that this one is waiting on # if one of them was canceled, cancel this one too for x in tsk.run_after: if x in canceled_tasks: tsk.hasrun = Task.CANCELED self.cancel_next(tsk) break else: # so far so good, now consider the nodes for x in getattr(tsk, 'inputs', []) + getattr(tsk, 'deps', []): if x in canceled_nodes: tsk.hasrun = Task.CANCELED self.cancel_next(tsk) break return tsk Runner.Parallel.get_next_task_smart_continue = Runner.Parallel.get_next_task Runner.Parallel.get_next_task = get_next_task