#!/usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # Brant Young, 2007 "Process *.rc* files for C/C++: X{.rc -> [.res|.rc.o]}" import os import re from waflib import Task from waflib.TaskGen import extension from waflib.Tools import c_preproc from waflib import Utils @extension('.rc') def rc_file(self, node): """ Binds the .rc extension to a winrc task """ obj_ext = '.rc.o' if self.env.WINRC_TGT_F == '/fo': obj_ext = '.res' rctask = self.create_task('winrc', node, node.change_ext(obj_ext)) try: self.compiled_tasks.append(rctask) except AttributeError: self.compiled_tasks = [rctask] re_lines = re.compile( r'(?:^[ \t]*(#|%:)[ \t]*(ifdef|ifndef|if|else|elif|endif|include|import|define|undef|pragma)[ \t]*(.*?)\s*$)|'\ r'(?:^\w+[ \t]*(ICON|BITMAP|CURSOR|HTML|FONT|MESSAGETABLE|TYPELIB|REGISTRY|D3DFX)[ \t]*(.*?)\s*$)', re.IGNORECASE | re.MULTILINE) class rc_parser(c_preproc.c_parser): """ Calculates dependencies in .rc files """ def filter_comments(self, node): """ Overrides :py:meth:`waflib.Tools.c_preproc.c_parser.filter_comments` """ code = node.read() if c_preproc.use_trigraphs: for (a, b) in c_preproc.trig_def: code = code.split(a).join(b) code = c_preproc.re_nl.sub('', code) code = c_preproc.re_cpp.sub(c_preproc.repl, code) ret = [] for m in re.finditer(re_lines, code): if m.group(2): ret.append((m.group(2), m.group(3))) else: ret.append(('include', m.group(5))) return ret class winrc(Task.Task): """ Compiles resource files """ run_str = '${WINRC} ${WINRCFLAGS} ${CPPPATH_ST:INCPATHS} ${DEFINES_ST:DEFINES} ${WINRC_TGT_F} ${TGT} ${WINRC_SRC_F} ${SRC}' color = 'BLUE' def scan(self): tmp = rc_parser(self.generator.includes_nodes) tmp.start(self.inputs[0], self.env) return (tmp.nodes, tmp.names) def exec_command(self, cmd, **kw): if self.env.WINRC_TGT_F == '/fo': # Since winres include paths may contain spaces, they do not fit in # response files and are best passed as environment variables replace_cmd = [] incpaths = [] while cmd: # filter include path flags flag = cmd.pop(0) if flag.upper().startswith('/I'): if len(flag) == 2: incpaths.append(cmd.pop(0)) else: incpaths.append(flag[2:]) else: replace_cmd.append(flag) cmd = replace_cmd if incpaths: # append to existing environment variables in INCLUDE env = kw['env'] = dict(kw.get('env') or self.env.env or os.environ) pre_includes = env.get('INCLUDE', '') env['INCLUDE'] = pre_includes + os.pathsep + os.pathsep.join(incpaths) return super(winrc, self).exec_command(cmd, **kw) def quote_flag(self, flag): if self.env.WINRC_TGT_F == '/fo': # winres does not support quotes around flags in response files return flag return super(winrc, self).quote_flag(flag) def configure(conf): """ Detects the programs RC or windres, depending on the C/C++ compiler in use """ v = conf.env if not v.WINRC: if v.CC_NAME == 'msvc': conf.find_program('RC', var='WINRC', path_list=v.PATH) v.WINRC_TGT_F = '/fo' v.WINRC_SRC_F = '' else: conf.find_program('windres', var='WINRC', path_list=v.PATH) v.WINRC_TGT_F = '-o' v.WINRC_SRC_F = '-i'