#! /usr/bin/env python # Thomas Nagy, 2011 (ita) """ Create _moc.cpp files The builds are 30-40% faster when .moc files are included, you should NOT use this tool. If you really really want it: def configure(conf): conf.load('compiler_cxx qt4') conf.load('slow_qt4') See playground/slow_qt/wscript for a complete example. """ from waflib.TaskGen import extension from waflib import Task import waflib.Tools.qt4 import waflib.Tools.cxx @extension(*waflib.Tools.qt4.EXT_QT4) def cxx_hook(self, node): self.create_compiled_task('cxx_qt', node) class cxx_qt(waflib.Tools.cxx.cxx): def runnable_status(self): ret = waflib.Tools.cxx.cxx.runnable_status(self) if ret != Task.ASK_LATER and not getattr(self, 'moc_done', None): try: cache = self.generator.moc_cache except AttributeError: cache = self.generator.moc_cache = {} deps = self.generator.bld.node_deps[self.uid()] for x in [self.inputs[0]] + deps: if x.read().find('Q_OBJECT') > 0: # process "foo.h -> foo.moc" only if "foo.cpp" is in the sources for the current task generator # this code will work because it is in the main thread (runnable_status) if x.name.rfind('.') > -1: # a .h file... name = x.name[:x.name.rfind('.')] for tsk in self.generator.compiled_tasks: if tsk.inputs and tsk.inputs[0].name.startswith(name): break else: # no corresponding file, continue continue # the file foo.cpp could be compiled for a static and a shared library - hence the %number in the name cxx_node = x.parent.get_bld().make_node(x.name.replace('.', '_') + '_%d_moc.cpp' % self.generator.idx) if cxx_node in cache: continue cache[cxx_node] = self tsk = Task.classes['moc'](env=self.env, generator=self.generator) tsk.set_inputs(x) tsk.set_outputs(cxx_node) if x.name.endswith('.cpp'): # moc is trying to be too smart but it is too dumb: # why forcing the #include when Q_OBJECT is in the cpp file? gen = self.generator.bld.producer gen.outstanding.insert(0, tsk) gen.total += 1 self.set_run_after(tsk) else: cxxtsk = Task.classes['cxx'](env=self.env, generator=self.generator) cxxtsk.set_inputs(tsk.outputs) cxxtsk.set_outputs(cxx_node.change_ext('.o')) cxxtsk.set_run_after(tsk) try: self.more_tasks.extend([tsk, cxxtsk]) except AttributeError: self.more_tasks = [tsk, cxxtsk] try: link = self.generator.link_task except: pass else: link.set_run_after(cxxtsk) link.inputs.extend(cxxtsk.outputs) self.moc_done = True for t in self.run_after: if not t.hasrun: return Task.ASK_LATER return ret