mirror of https://gitlab.com/ita1024/waf.git synced 2024-12-04 16:00:37 +01:00
Simon 1d22579536 Make xcode6 tool consider standard waf build flags
Build flags like 'cflags', 'cxxflags' passed to xcode6 builds
are now considered by the xcode6 tool. For example, running command 'waf xcode6'
with the following wscript:

cnf.env.CXXFLAGS = ['-std=c++11']
bld.program(..., cxxflags='-O3')

now sets the OTHER_CPLUSCPLUSFLAGS in Xcode to '-O3 -std=c++11'
2017-08-02 00:10:42 +02:00

725 lines
23 KiB

#! /usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8
# XCode 3/XCode 4/XCode 6/Xcode 7 generator for Waf
# Based on work by Nicolas Mercier 2011
# Extended by Simon Warg 2015, https://github.com/mimon
# XCode project file format based on http://www.monobjc.net/xcode-project-file-format.html
See playground/xcode6/ for usage examples.
from waflib import Context, TaskGen, Build, Utils, Errors, Logs
import os, sys
# FIXME too few extensions
XCODE_EXTS = ['.c', '.cpp', '.m', '.mm']
HEADERS_GLOB = '**/(*.h|*.hpp|*.H|*.inl)'
'': "folder",
'.h' : "sourcecode.c.h",
'.hh': "sourcecode.cpp.h",
'.inl': "sourcecode.cpp.h",
'.hpp': "sourcecode.cpp.h",
'.c': "sourcecode.c.c",
'.m': "sourcecode.c.objc",
'.mm': "sourcecode.cpp.objcpp",
'.cc': "sourcecode.cpp.cpp",
'.cpp': "sourcecode.cpp.cpp",
'.C': "sourcecode.cpp.cpp",
'.cxx': "sourcecode.cpp.cpp",
'.c++': "sourcecode.cpp.cpp",
'.l': "sourcecode.lex", # luthor
'.ll': "sourcecode.lex",
'.y': "sourcecode.yacc",
'.yy': "sourcecode.yacc",
'.plist': "text.plist.xml",
".nib": "wrapper.nib",
".xib": "text.xib",
# Used in PBXNativeTarget elements
PRODUCT_TYPE_APPLICATION = 'com.apple.product-type.application'
PRODUCT_TYPE_FRAMEWORK = 'com.apple.product-type.framework'
PRODUCT_TYPE_EXECUTABLE = 'com.apple.product-type.tool'
PRODUCT_TYPE_LIB_STATIC = 'com.apple.product-type.library.static'
PRODUCT_TYPE_LIB_DYNAMIC = 'com.apple.product-type.library.dynamic'
PRODUCT_TYPE_EXTENSION = 'com.apple.product-type.kernel-extension'
PRODUCT_TYPE_IOKIT = 'com.apple.product-type.kernel-extension.iokit'
# Used in PBXFileReference elements
FILE_TYPE_APPLICATION = 'wrapper.cfbundle'
FILE_TYPE_FRAMEWORK = 'wrapper.framework'
FILE_TYPE_LIB_DYNAMIC = 'compiled.mach-o.dylib'
FILE_TYPE_LIB_STATIC = 'archive.ar'
FILE_TYPE_EXECUTABLE = 'compiled.mach-o.executable'
# Tuple packs of the above
# Maps target type string to its data
def delete_invalid_values(dct):
""" Deletes entries that are dictionaries or sets """
for k, v in list(dct.items()):
if isinstance(v, dict) or isinstance(v, set):
del dct[k]
return dct
Configuration of the global project settings. Sets an environment variable 'PROJ_CONFIGURATION'
which is a dictionary of configuration name and buildsettings pair.
'Debug': {
'ARCHS': 'x86',
'Release': {
'ARCHS' x86_64'
The user can define a completely customized dictionary in configure() stage. Otherwise a default Debug/Release will be created
based on env variable
def configure(self):
if not self.env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION:
self.to_log("A default project configuration was created since no custom one was given in the configure(conf) stage. Define your custom project settings by adding PROJ_CONFIGURATION to env. The env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION must be a dictionary with at least one key, where each key is the configuration name, and the value is a dictionary of key/value settings.\n")
# Check for any added config files added by the tool 'c_config'.
if 'cfg_files' in self.env:
self.env.INCLUDES = Utils.to_list(self.env.INCLUDES) + [os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(f)) for f in self.env.cfg_files]
# Create default project configuration?
if 'PROJ_CONFIGURATION' not in self.env:
defaults = delete_invalid_values(self.env.get_merged_dict())
"Debug": defaults,
"Release": defaults,
# Some build settings are required to be present by XCode. We will supply default values
# if user hasn't defined any.
defaults_required = [('PRODUCT_NAME', '$(TARGET_NAME)')]
for cfgname,settings in self.env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION.iteritems():
for default_var, default_val in defaults_required:
if default_var not in settings:
settings[default_var] = default_val
# Error check customization
if not isinstance(self.env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION, dict):
raise Errors.ConfigurationError("The env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION must be a dictionary with at least one key, where each key is the configuration name, and the value is a dictionary of key/value settings.")
part1 = 0
part2 = 10000
part3 = 0
id = 562000999
def newid():
global id
id += 1
return "%04X%04X%04X%012d" % (0, 10000, 0, id)
Represents a tree node in the XCode project plist file format.
When written to a file, all attributes of XCodeNode are stringified together with
its value. However, attributes starting with an underscore _ are ignored
during that process and allows you to store arbitray values that are not supposed
to be written out.
class XCodeNode(object):
def __init__(self):
self._id = newid()
self._been_written = False
def tostring(self, value):
if isinstance(value, dict):
result = "{\n"
for k,v in value.items():
result = result + "\t\t\t%s = %s;\n" % (k, self.tostring(v))
result = result + "\t\t}"
return result
elif isinstance(value, str):
return "\"%s\"" % value
elif isinstance(value, list):
result = "(\n"
for i in value:
result = result + "\t\t\t%s,\n" % self.tostring(i)
result = result + "\t\t)"
return result
elif isinstance(value, XCodeNode):
return value._id
return str(value)
def write_recursive(self, value, file):
if isinstance(value, dict):
for k,v in value.items():
self.write_recursive(v, file)
elif isinstance(value, list):
for i in value:
self.write_recursive(i, file)
elif isinstance(value, XCodeNode):
def write(self, file):
if not self._been_written:
self._been_written = True
for attribute,value in self.__dict__.items():
if attribute[0] != '_':
self.write_recursive(value, file)
w = file.write
w("\t%s = {\n" % self._id)
w("\t\tisa = %s;\n" % self.__class__.__name__)
for attribute,value in self.__dict__.items():
if attribute[0] != '_':
w("\t\t%s = %s;\n" % (attribute, self.tostring(value)))
# Configurations
class XCBuildConfiguration(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, settings = {}, env=None):
self.baseConfigurationReference = ""
self.buildSettings = settings
self.name = name
if env and env.ARCH:
settings['ARCHS'] = " ".join(env.ARCH)
class XCConfigurationList(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, configlst):
""" :param configlst: list of XCConfigurationList """
self.buildConfigurations = configlst
self.defaultConfigurationIsVisible = 0
self.defaultConfigurationName = configlst and configlst[0].name or ""
# Group/Files
class PBXFileReference(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, path, filetype = '', sourcetree = "SOURCE_ROOT"):
self.fileEncoding = 4
if not filetype:
_, ext = os.path.splitext(name)
filetype = MAP_EXT.get(ext, 'text')
self.lastKnownFileType = filetype
self.explicitFileType = filetype
self.name = name
self.path = path
self.sourceTree = sourcetree
def __hash__(self):
return (self.path+self.name).__hash__()
def __eq__(self, other):
return (self.path, self.name) == (other.path, other.name)
class PBXBuildFile(XCodeNode):
""" This element indicate a file reference that is used in a PBXBuildPhase (either as an include or resource). """
def __init__(self, fileRef, settings={}):
# fileRef is a reference to a PBXFileReference object
self.fileRef = fileRef
# A map of key/value pairs for additionnal settings.
self.settings = settings
def __hash__(self):
return (self.fileRef).__hash__()
def __eq__(self, other):
return self.fileRef == other.fileRef
class PBXGroup(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, sourcetree = 'SOURCE_TREE'):
self.children = []
self.name = name
self.sourceTree = sourcetree
# Maintain a lookup table for all PBXFileReferences
# that are contained in this group.
self._filerefs = {}
def add(self, sources):
Add a list of PBXFileReferences to this group
:param sources: list of PBXFileReferences objects
self._filerefs.update(dict(zip(sources, sources)))
def get_sub_groups(self):
Returns all child PBXGroup objects contained in this group
return list(filter(lambda x: isinstance(x, PBXGroup), self.children))
def find_fileref(self, fileref):
Recursively search this group for an existing PBXFileReference. Returns None
if none were found.
The reason you'd want to reuse existing PBXFileReferences from a PBXGroup is that XCode doesn't like PBXFileReferences that aren't part of a PBXGroup heirarchy.
If it isn't, the consequence is that certain UI features like 'Reveal in Finder'
stops working.
if fileref in self._filerefs:
return self._filerefs[fileref]
elif self.children:
for childgroup in self.get_sub_groups():
f = childgroup.find_fileref(fileref)
if f:
return f
return None
class PBXContainerItemProxy(XCodeNode):
""" This is the element for to decorate a target item. """
def __init__(self, containerPortal, remoteGlobalIDString, remoteInfo='', proxyType=1):
self.containerPortal = containerPortal # PBXProject
self.remoteGlobalIDString = remoteGlobalIDString # PBXNativeTarget
self.remoteInfo = remoteInfo # Target name
self.proxyType = proxyType
class PBXTargetDependency(XCodeNode):
""" This is the element for referencing other target through content proxies. """
def __init__(self, native_target, proxy):
self.target = native_target
self.targetProxy = proxy
class PBXFrameworksBuildPhase(XCodeNode):
""" This is the element for the framework link build phase, i.e. linking to frameworks """
def __init__(self, pbxbuildfiles):
self.buildActionMask = 2147483647
self.runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0
self.files = pbxbuildfiles #List of PBXBuildFile (.o, .framework, .dylib)
class PBXHeadersBuildPhase(XCodeNode):
""" This is the element for adding header files to be packaged into the .framework """
def __init__(self, pbxbuildfiles):
self.buildActionMask = 2147483647
self.runOnlyForDeploymentPostprocessing = 0
self.files = pbxbuildfiles #List of PBXBuildFile (.o, .framework, .dylib)
class PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase(XCodeNode):
Represents the PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase section. PBXBuildFile
can be added to this node to copy files after build is done.
def __init__(self, pbxbuildfiles, dstpath, dstSubpathSpec=0, *args, **kwargs):
self.files = pbxbuildfiles
self.dstPath = dstpath
self.dstSubfolderSpec = dstSubpathSpec
class PBXSourcesBuildPhase(XCodeNode):
""" Represents the 'Compile Sources' build phase in a Xcode target """
def __init__(self, buildfiles):
self.files = buildfiles # List of PBXBuildFile objects
class PBXLegacyTarget(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, action, target=''):
self.buildConfigurationList = XCConfigurationList([XCBuildConfiguration('waf', {})])
if not target:
self.buildArgumentsString = "%s %s" % (sys.argv[0], action)
self.buildArgumentsString = "%s %s --targets=%s" % (sys.argv[0], action, target)
self.buildPhases = []
self.buildToolPath = sys.executable
self.buildWorkingDirectory = ""
self.dependencies = []
self.name = target or action
self.productName = target or action
self.passBuildSettingsInEnvironment = 0
class PBXShellScriptBuildPhase(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, action, target):
self.buildActionMask = 2147483647
self.files = []
self.inputPaths = []
self.outputPaths = []
self.runOnlyForDeploymentPostProcessing = 0
self.shellPath = "/bin/sh"
self.shellScript = "%s %s %s --targets=%s" % (sys.executable, sys.argv[0], action, target)
class PBXNativeTarget(XCodeNode):
""" Represents a target in XCode, e.g. App, DyLib, Framework etc. """
def __init__(self, target, node, target_type=TARGET_TYPE_APPLICATION, configlist=[], buildphases=[]):
product_type = target_type[0]
file_type = target_type[1]
self.buildConfigurationList = XCConfigurationList(configlist)
self.buildPhases = buildphases
self.buildRules = []
self.dependencies = []
self.name = target
self.productName = target
self.productType = product_type # See TARGET_TYPE_ tuples constants
self.productReference = PBXFileReference(node.name, node.abspath(), file_type, '')
def add_configuration(self, cf):
""" :type cf: XCBuildConfiguration """
def add_build_phase(self, phase):
# Some build phase types may appear only once. If a phase type already exists, then merge them.
if ( (phase.__class__ == PBXFrameworksBuildPhase)
or (phase.__class__ == PBXSourcesBuildPhase) ):
for b in self.buildPhases:
if b.__class__ == phase.__class__:
def add_dependency(self, depnd):
# Root project object
class PBXProject(XCodeNode):
def __init__(self, name, version, env):
if not isinstance(env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION, dict):
raise Errors.WafError("Error: env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION must be a dictionary. This is done for you if you do not define one yourself. However, did you load the xcode module at the end of your wscript configure() ?")
# Retrieve project configuration
configurations = []
for config_name, settings in env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION.items():
cf = XCBuildConfiguration(config_name, settings)
self.buildConfigurationList = XCConfigurationList(configurations)
self.compatibilityVersion = version[0]
self.hasScannedForEncodings = 1
self.mainGroup = PBXGroup(name)
self.projectRoot = ""
self.projectDirPath = ""
self.targets = []
self._objectVersion = version[1]
def create_target_dependency(self, target, name):
""" : param target : PXBNativeTarget """
proxy = PBXContainerItemProxy(self, target, name)
dependecy = PBXTargetDependency(target, proxy)
return dependecy
def write(self, file):
# Make sure this is written only once
if self._been_written:
w = file.write
w("// !$*UTF8*$!\n")
w("\tarchiveVersion = 1;\n")
w("\tclasses = {\n")
w("\tobjectVersion = %d;\n" % self._objectVersion)
w("\tobjects = {\n\n")
XCodeNode.write(self, file)
w("\trootObject = %s;\n" % self._id)
def add_target(self, target):
def get_target(self, name):
""" Get a reference to PBXNativeTarget if it exists """
for t in self.targets:
if t.name == name:
return t
return None
@TaskGen.feature('c', 'cxx')
@TaskGen.after('process_uselib_vars', 'apply_incpaths')
def process_xcode(self):
bld = self.bld
p = bld.project
except AttributeError:
if not hasattr(self, 'target_type'):
products_group = bld.products_group
target_group = PBXGroup(self.name)
# Determine what type to build - framework, app bundle etc.
target_type = getattr(self, 'target_type', 'app')
if target_type not in TARGET_TYPES:
raise Errors.WafError("Target type '%s' does not exists. Available options are '%s'. In target '%s'" % (target_type, "', '".join(TARGET_TYPES.keys()), self.name))
target_type = TARGET_TYPES[target_type]
file_ext = target_type[2]
# Create the output node
target_node = self.path.find_or_declare(self.name+file_ext)
target = PBXNativeTarget(self.name, target_node, target_type, [], [])
# Pull source files from the 'source' attribute and assign them to a UI group.
# Use a default UI group named 'Source' unless the user
# provides a 'group_files' dictionary to customize the UI grouping.
sources = getattr(self, 'source', [])
if hasattr(self, 'group_files'):
group_files = getattr(self, 'group_files', [])
for grpname,files in group_files.items():
group = bld.create_group(grpname, files)
group = bld.create_group('Source', sources)
# Create a PBXFileReference for each source file.
# If the source file already exists as a PBXFileReference in any of the UI groups, then
# reuse that PBXFileReference object (XCode does not like it if we don't reuse)
for idx, path in enumerate(sources):
fileref = PBXFileReference(path.name, path.abspath())
existing_fileref = target_group.find_fileref(fileref)
if existing_fileref:
sources[idx] = existing_fileref
sources[idx] = fileref
# If the 'source' attribute contains any file extension that XCode can't work with,
# then remove it. The allowed file extensions are defined in XCODE_EXTS.
is_valid_file_extension = lambda file: os.path.splitext(file.path)[1] in XCODE_EXTS
sources = list(filter(is_valid_file_extension, sources))
buildfiles = [bld.unique_buildfile(PBXBuildFile(fileref)) for fileref in sources]
# Check if any framework to link against is some other target we've made
libs = getattr(self, 'tmp_use_seen', [])
for lib in libs:
use_target = p.get_target(lib)
if use_target:
# Create an XCode dependency so that XCode knows to build the other target before this target
dependency = p.create_target_dependency(use_target, use_target.name)
buildphase = PBXFrameworksBuildPhase([PBXBuildFile(use_target.productReference)])
if lib in self.env.LIB:
self.env.LIB = list(filter(lambda x: x != lib, self.env.LIB))
# If 'export_headers' is present, add files to the Headers build phase in xcode.
# These are files that'll get packed into the Framework for instance.
exp_hdrs = getattr(self, 'export_headers', [])
hdrs = bld.as_nodes(Utils.to_list(exp_hdrs))
files = [p.mainGroup.find_fileref(PBXFileReference(n.name, n.abspath())) for n in hdrs]
files = [PBXBuildFile(f, {'ATTRIBUTES': ('Public',)}) for f in files]
buildphase = PBXHeadersBuildPhase(files)
# Merge frameworks and libs into one list, and prefix the frameworks
frameworks = Utils.to_list(self.env.FRAMEWORK)
frameworks = ' '.join(['-framework %s' % (f.split('.framework')[0]) for f in frameworks])
libs = Utils.to_list(self.env.STLIB) + Utils.to_list(self.env.LIB)
libs = ' '.join(bld.env['STLIB_ST'] % t for t in libs)
linkflags = bld.env['LINKFLAGS']
ldflags = bld.env['LDFLAGS']
# Override target specific build settings
bldsettings = {
'HEADER_SEARCH_PATHS': ['$(inherited)'] + self.env['INCPATHS'],
'LIBRARY_SEARCH_PATHS': ['$(inherited)'] + Utils.to_list(self.env.LIBPATH) + Utils.to_list(self.env.STLIBPATH) + Utils.to_list(self.env.LIBDIR) ,
'FRAMEWORK_SEARCH_PATHS': ['$(inherited)'] + Utils.to_list(self.env.FRAMEWORKPATH),
'OTHER_LDFLAGS': libs + ' ' + frameworks,
'OTHER_CPLUSPLUSFLAGS': Utils.to_list(self.env['CXXFLAGS']),
'OTHER_CFLAGS': Utils.to_list(self.env['CFLAGS']),
# Install path
installpaths = Utils.to_list(getattr(self, 'install', []))
prodbuildfile = PBXBuildFile(target.productReference)
for instpath in installpaths:
target.add_build_phase(PBXCopyFilesBuildPhase([prodbuildfile], instpath))
if not bldsettings['INSTALL_PATH']:
del bldsettings['INSTALL_PATH']
# Create build settings which can override the project settings. Defaults to none if user
# did not pass argument. This will be filled up with target specific
# search paths, libs to link etc.
settings = getattr(self, 'settings', {})
# The keys represents different build configuration, e.g. Debug, Release and so on..
# Insert our generated build settings to all configuration names
keys = set(settings.keys() + bld.env.PROJ_CONFIGURATION.keys())
for k in keys:
if k in settings:
settings[k] = bldsettings
for k,v in settings.items():
target.add_configuration(XCBuildConfiguration(k, v))
class xcode(Build.BuildContext):
cmd = 'xcode6'
fun = 'build'
def as_nodes(self, files):
""" Returns a list of waflib.Nodes from a list of string of file paths """
nodes = []
for x in files:
if not isinstance(x, str):
d = x
d = self.srcnode.find_node(x)
if not d:
raise Errors.WafError('File \'%s\' was not found' % x)
return nodes
def create_group(self, name, files):
Returns a new PBXGroup containing the files (paths) passed in the files arg
:type files: string
group = PBXGroup(name)
Do not use unique file reference here, since XCode seem to allow only one file reference
to be referenced by a group.
files_ = []
for d in self.as_nodes(Utils.to_list(files)):
fileref = PBXFileReference(d.name, d.abspath())
return group
def unique_buildfile(self, buildfile):
Returns a unique buildfile, possibly an existing one.
Use this after you've constructed a PBXBuildFile to make sure there is
only one PBXBuildFile for the same file in the same project.
build_files = self.build_files
except AttributeError:
build_files = self.build_files = {}
if buildfile not in build_files:
build_files[buildfile] = buildfile
return build_files[buildfile]
def execute(self):
Entry point
if not self.all_envs:
appname = getattr(Context.g_module, Context.APPNAME, os.path.basename(self.srcnode.abspath()))
p = PBXProject(appname, ('Xcode 3.2', 46), self.env)
# If we don't create a Products group, then
# XCode will create one, which entails that
# we'll start to see duplicate files in the UI
# for some reason.
products_group = PBXGroup('Products')
self.project = p
self.products_group = products_group
# post all task generators
# the process_xcode method above will be called for each target
self.current_group = 0
while self.current_group < len(self.groups):
self.current_group += 1
node = self.bldnode.make_node('%s.xcodeproj' % appname)
node = node.make_node('project.pbxproj')
with open(node.abspath(), 'w') as f:
Logs.pprint('GREEN', 'Wrote %r' % node.abspath())
def bind_fun(tgtype):
def fun(self, *k, **kw):
tgtype = fun.__name__
if tgtype == 'shlib' or tgtype == 'dylib':
features = 'cxx cxxshlib'
tgtype = 'dylib'
elif tgtype == 'framework':
features = 'cxx cxxshlib'
tgtype = 'framework'
elif tgtype == 'program':
features = 'cxx cxxprogram'
tgtype = 'exe'
elif tgtype == 'app':
features = 'cxx cxxprogram'
tgtype = 'app'
elif tgtype == 'stlib':
features = 'cxx cxxstlib'
tgtype = 'stlib'
kw['features'] = features
kw['target_type'] = tgtype
return self(*k, **kw)
fun.__name__ = tgtype
setattr(Build.BuildContext, tgtype, fun)
return fun
for xx in 'app framework dylib shlib stlib program'.split():