/* qc.c - Quake C script writer Copyright (C) 2020 Andrey Akhmichin This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include #include #include "xash3d_mathlib.h" #include "eiface.h" #include "studio.h" #include "crtlib.h" #include "version.h" #include "mdldec.h" #include "utils.h" #include "smd.h" #include "texture.h" #include "qc.h" static char **activity_names; static int activity_count; /* ============ LoadActivityList ============ */ qboolean LoadActivityList( const char *appname ) { FILE *fp; const char *p; char path[MAX_SYSPATH]; char buf[256]; fp = fopen( ACTIVITIES_FILE, "r" ); if( !fp ) { p = getenv( "MDLDEC_ACT_PATH" ); if( !p ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't find file " ACTIVITIES_FILE ".\n" \ "Place " ACTIVITIES_FILE " beside %s or set MDLDEC_ACT_PATH environment variable.\n", appname ); return false; } Q_strncpy( path, p, MAX_SYSPATH - 1 ); COM_PathSlashFix( path ); Q_strncat( path, ACTIVITIES_FILE, MAX_SYSPATH ); fp = fopen( path, "r" ); if( !fp ) { fputs( "ERROR: Couldn't open file " ACTIVITIES_FILE ".\n", stderr ); return false; } } while( fgets( buf, sizeof( buf ), fp ) ) { activity_names = realloc( activity_names, sizeof( char* ) * ++activity_count ); if( !activity_names ) { fputs( "ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for activities strings.\n", stderr ); return false; } COM_RemoveLineFeed( buf ); activity_names[activity_count - 1] = strdup( buf ); if( !activity_names[activity_count - 1] ) { fputs( "ERROR: Couldn't allocate memory for activities strings.\n", stderr ); return false; } } fclose( fp ); return true; } /* ============ FindActivityName ============ */ static const char *FindActivityName( int type ) { if( type >= 0 && type < activity_count ) return activity_names[type]; return NULL; } /* ============ GetMotionTypeString ============ */ static void GetMotionTypeString( int type, char *str, size_t size, qboolean is_composite ) { const char *p = NULL; str[0] = '\0'; if( is_composite ) { if( type & STUDIO_X ) Q_strncat( str, " X", size ); if( type & STUDIO_Y ) Q_strncat( str, " Y", size ); if( type & STUDIO_Z ) Q_strncat( str, " Z", size ); if( type & STUDIO_XR ) Q_strncat( str, " XR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_YR ) Q_strncat( str, " YR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_ZR ) Q_strncat( str, " ZR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LX ) Q_strncat( str, " LX", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LY ) Q_strncat( str, " LY", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LZ ) Q_strncat( str, " LZ", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LXR ) Q_strncat( str, " LXR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LYR ) Q_strncat( str, " LYR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LZR ) Q_strncat( str, " LZR", size ); if( type & STUDIO_LINEAR ) Q_strncat( str, " LM", size ); if( type & STUDIO_QUADRATIC_MOTION ) Q_strncat( str, " LQ", size ); return; } type &= STUDIO_TYPES; switch( type ) { case STUDIO_X: p = "X"; break; case STUDIO_Y: p = "Y"; break; case STUDIO_Z: p = "Z"; break; case STUDIO_XR: p = "XR"; break; case STUDIO_YR: p = "YR"; break; case STUDIO_ZR: p = "ZR"; break; case STUDIO_LX: p = "LX"; break; case STUDIO_LY: p = "LY"; break; case STUDIO_LZ: p = "LZ"; break; case STUDIO_LXR: p = "LXR"; break; case STUDIO_LYR: p = "LYR"; break; case STUDIO_LZR: p = "LZR"; break; case STUDIO_LINEAR: p = "LM"; break; case STUDIO_QUADRATIC_MOTION: p = "LQ"; break; default: break; } if( p ) Q_strncpy( str, p, size ); } /* ============ WriteTextureRenderMode ============ */ static void WriteTextureRenderMode( FILE *fp ) { int i; mstudiotexture_t *texture; long pos = ftell( fp ); for( i = 0; i < texture_hdr->numtextures; i++ ) { texture = (mstudiotexture_t *)( (byte *)texture_hdr + texture_hdr->textureindex ) + i; if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_FLATSHADE ) fprintf( fp,"$texrendermode \"%s\" \"flatshade\" \n", texture->name ); // sven-coop extension if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_CHROME ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"chrome\" \n", texture->name ); // sven-coop extension/may be added in HLMV if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_FULLBRIGHT ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"fullbright\" \n", texture->name ); // sven-coop extension/xash3d extension if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_NOMIPS ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"nomips\" \n", texture->name ); // sven-coop extension if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_SMOOTH ) { fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"alpha\" \n", texture->name ); // sven-coop extension fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"smooth\" \n", texture->name ); // xash3d extension } if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_ADDITIVE ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"additive\" \n", texture->name ); if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_MASKED ) { if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_ALPHASOLID ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"masked_solid\" \n", texture->name ); // xash3d extension else fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"masked\" \n", texture->name ); } if( texture->flags & STUDIO_NF_TWOSIDE ) fprintf( fp, "$texrendermode \"%s\" \"twoside\" \n", texture->name ); } if( ftell( fp ) != pos ) fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteSkinFamilyInfo ============ */ static void WriteSkinFamilyInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i, j, k; short *skinref, *index; mstudiotexture_t *texture; if( texture_hdr->numskinfamilies < 2 ) return; fprintf( fp, "// %i skin families\n", texture_hdr->numskinfamilies ); fputs( "$texturegroup \"skinfamilies\"\n{\n", fp ); skinref = (short *)( (byte *)texture_hdr + texture_hdr->skinindex ); texture = (mstudiotexture_t *)( (byte *)texture_hdr + texture_hdr->textureindex ); for( i = 0; i < texture_hdr->numskinfamilies; ++i ) { fputs( "\t{\n", fp ); index = skinref + i * texture_hdr->numskinref; for( j = 0; j < texture_hdr->numskinref; ++j, ++index ) { for( k = 0; k < texture_hdr->numskinfamilies; ++k ) { if( *index == *( skinref + k * texture_hdr->numskinref + j ) ) continue; fprintf( fp, "\t\t\"%s\"\n", texture[*index].name ); break; } } fputs( "\t}\n", fp ); } fputs( "}\n\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteAttachmentInfo ============ */ static void WriteAttachmentInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i; mstudioattachment_t *attachment; mstudiobone_t *bone; if( !model_hdr->numattachments ) return; attachment = (mstudioattachment_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->attachmentindex ); bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ); fprintf( fp, "// %i attachment%s\n", model_hdr->numattachments, model_hdr->numattachments > 1 ? "s" : "" ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numattachments; ++i, ++attachment ) fprintf( fp, "$attachment %i \"%s\" %f %f %f\n", i, bone[attachment->bone].name, attachment->org[0], attachment->org[1], attachment->org[2] ); fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteBodyGroupInfo ============ */ static void WriteBodyGroupInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i, j; mstudiobodyparts_t *bodypart = (mstudiobodyparts_t *) ( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->bodypartindex ); mstudiomodel_t *model; fprintf( fp, "// %i reference mesh%s\n", model_hdr->numbodyparts, model_hdr->numbodyparts > 1 ? "es" : "" ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbodyparts; ++i, ++bodypart ) { model = (mstudiomodel_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + bodypart->modelindex ); if( bodypart->nummodels == 1 ) { fprintf( fp, "$body \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", bodypart->name, model->name ); continue; } fprintf( fp, "$bodygroup \"%s\"\n", bodypart->name ); fputs( "{\n", fp ); for( j = 0; j < bodypart->nummodels; ++j, ++model ) { if( !Q_strncmp( model->name, "blank", 5 ) ) { fputs( "\tblank\n", fp ); continue; } fprintf( fp, "\tstudio \"%s\"\n", model->name ); } fputs( "}\n", fp ); } fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteControllerInfo ============ */ static void WriteControllerInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i; mstudiobonecontroller_t *bonecontroller; mstudiobone_t *bone; char motion_types[64]; if( !model_hdr->numbonecontrollers ) return; bonecontroller = (mstudiobonecontroller_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->bonecontrollerindex ); bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ); fprintf( fp, "// %i bone controller%s\n", model_hdr->numbonecontrollers, model_hdr->numbonecontrollers > 1 ? "s" : "" ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numbonecontrollers; ++i, ++bonecontroller ) { GetMotionTypeString( bonecontroller->type & ~STUDIO_RLOOP, motion_types, sizeof( motion_types ), false ); fputs( "$controller ", fp ); if( bonecontroller->index == 4 ) fputs( "Mouth", fp ); else fprintf( fp, "%i", bonecontroller->index ); fprintf( fp, " \"%s\" %s %f %f\n", bone[bonecontroller->bone].name, motion_types, bonecontroller->start, bonecontroller->end ); } fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteHitBoxInfo ============ */ static void WriteHitBoxInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i; mstudiobbox_t *hitbox; mstudiobone_t *bone; if( !model_hdr->numhitboxes ) return; hitbox = (mstudiobbox_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->hitboxindex ); bone = (mstudiobone_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->boneindex ); fprintf( fp, "// %i hit box%s\n", model_hdr->numhitboxes, model_hdr->numhitboxes > 1 ? "es" : "" ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numhitboxes; ++i, ++hitbox ) fprintf( fp, "$hbox %i \"%s\" %f %f %f %f %f %f\n", hitbox->group, bone[hitbox->bone].name, hitbox->bbmin[0], hitbox->bbmin[1], hitbox->bbmin[2], hitbox->bbmax[0], hitbox->bbmax[1], hitbox->bbmax[2] ); fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ CalcSequenceGroupSize ============ */ static int CalcSequenceGroupSize( void ) { int i, maxsize = 0, groupsize = DEFAULT_SEQGROUPSIZE; for( i = 1; i < model_hdr->numseqgroups; i++ ) maxsize = Q_max( anim_hdr[i]->length, maxsize ); if( maxsize > 0 ) { groupsize = maxsize / 1024; if( maxsize % 1024 ) groupsize++; } return groupsize; } /* ============ WriteSequenceInfo ============ */ static void WriteSequenceInfo( FILE *fp ) { int i, j; const char *activity; char motion_types[256]; mstudioevent_t *event; mstudioseqdesc_t *seqdesc; if( model_hdr->numseqgroups > 1 ) fprintf( fp, "$sequencegroupsize %d\n\n", CalcSequenceGroupSize( ) ); if( model_hdr->numseq > 0 ) fprintf( fp, "// %i animation sequence%s\n", model_hdr->numseq, model_hdr->numseq > 1 ? "s" : "" ); else return; seqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + model_hdr->seqindex ); for( i = 0; i < model_hdr->numseq; ++i, ++seqdesc ) { fprintf( fp, "$sequence \"%s\" {\n", seqdesc->label ); if( seqdesc->numblends > 1 ) { for( j = 0; j < seqdesc->numblends; j++ ) fprintf( fp, "\t\"" DEFAULT_SEQUENCEPATH "%s_blend%02i\"\n", seqdesc->label, j + 1 ); } else { fprintf( fp, "\t\"" DEFAULT_SEQUENCEPATH "%s\"\n", seqdesc->label ); } if( seqdesc->activity ) { activity = FindActivityName( seqdesc->activity ); if( activity ) { fprintf( fp, "\t%s %i\n", activity, seqdesc->actweight ); } else { printf( "WARNING: Sequence %s has a custom activity flag (ACT_%i %i).\n", seqdesc->label, seqdesc->activity, seqdesc->actweight ); fprintf( fp, "\tACT_%i %i\n", seqdesc->activity, seqdesc->actweight ); } } if( seqdesc->numblends > 1 ) { GetMotionTypeString( seqdesc->blendtype[0], motion_types, sizeof( motion_types ), false ); fprintf( fp, "\tblend %s %.0f %.0f\n", motion_types, seqdesc->blendstart[0], seqdesc->blendend[0] ); if( !seqdesc->blendtype[0] ) printf( "WARNING: Something wrong with blending type for sequence: %s\n", seqdesc->label ); } event = (mstudioevent_t *)( (byte *)model_hdr + seqdesc->eventindex ); for( j = 0; j < seqdesc->numevents; ++j, ++event ) { fprintf( fp, "\t{ event %i %i", event->event, event->frame ); if( event->options[0] != '\0' ) fprintf( fp, " \"%s\"", event->options ); fputs( " }\n", fp ); } fprintf( fp, "\tfps %.0f\n", seqdesc->fps ); if( seqdesc->flags == 1 ) fputs( "\tloop\n", fp ); if( seqdesc->motiontype ) { GetMotionTypeString( seqdesc->motiontype, motion_types, sizeof( motion_types ), true ); fprintf( fp, "\t%s\n", motion_types ); } if( seqdesc->entrynode && seqdesc->exitnode ) { if( seqdesc->entrynode == seqdesc->exitnode ) fprintf( fp, "\tnode %i\n", seqdesc->entrynode ); else if( seqdesc->nodeflags ) fprintf( fp, "\trtransition %i %i\n", seqdesc->entrynode, seqdesc->exitnode ); else fprintf( fp, "\ttransition %i %i\n", seqdesc->entrynode, seqdesc->exitnode ); } fputs( "}\n", fp ); } fputs( "\n", fp ); } /* ============ WriteQCScript ============ */ void WriteQCScript( void ) { FILE *fp; char filename[MAX_SYSPATH]; int len; len = Q_snprintf( filename, MAX_SYSPATH, "%s%s.qc", destdir, modelfile ); if( len == -1 ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Destination path is too long. Couldn't write %s.qc\n", modelfile ); return; } fp = fopen( filename, "w" ); if( !fp ) { fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Couldn't write %s\n", filename ); return; } fputs( "/*\n", fp ); fputs( "==============================================================================\n\n", fp ); fputs( "QC script generated by Half-Life Studio Model Decompiler " APP_VERSION "\n", fp ); fprintf( fp, "Copyright Flying With Gauss %s (c) \n\n", Q_timestamp( TIME_YEAR_ONLY ) ); fprintf( fp, "%s.mdl\n\n", modelfile ); fputs( "Original internal name:\n", fp ); fprintf( fp, "\"%s\"\n\n", model_hdr->name ); fputs( "==============================================================================\n", fp ); fputs( "*/\n\n", fp ); fprintf( fp, "$modelname \"%s.mdl\"\n", modelfile ); fputs( "$cd \".\"\n", fp ); fputs( "$cdtexture \"./" DEFAULT_TEXTUREPATH "\"\n", fp ); fputs( "$cliptotextures\n", fp ); fputs( "$scale 1.0\n", fp ); fputs( "\n", fp ); WriteBodyGroupInfo( fp ); fprintf( fp, "$flags %u\n\n", model_hdr->flags &~( STUDIO_HAS_BONEINFO | STUDIO_HAS_BONEWEIGHTS ) ); fprintf( fp, "$eyeposition %f %f %f\n\n", model_hdr->eyeposition[0], model_hdr->eyeposition[1], model_hdr->eyeposition[2] ); if( !model_hdr->numtextures ) fputs( "$externaltextures\n\n", fp ); WriteSkinFamilyInfo( fp ); WriteTextureRenderMode( fp ); if( model_hdr->flags & ( STUDIO_HAS_BONEINFO | STUDIO_HAS_BONEWEIGHTS ) ) fputs( "$boneweights\n\n", fp ); WriteAttachmentInfo( fp ); fprintf( fp, "$bbox %f %f %f", model_hdr->min[0], model_hdr->min[1], model_hdr->min[2] ); fprintf( fp, " %f %f %f\n\n", model_hdr->max[0], model_hdr->max[1], model_hdr->max[2] ); fprintf( fp, "$cbox %f %f %f", model_hdr->bbmin[0], model_hdr->bbmin[1], model_hdr->bbmin[2] ); fprintf( fp, " %f %f %f\n\n", model_hdr->bbmax[0], model_hdr->bbmax[1], model_hdr->bbmax[2] ); WriteHitBoxInfo( fp ); WriteControllerInfo( fp ); WriteSequenceInfo( fp ); fputs( "// End of QC script.\n", fp ); fclose( fp ); printf( "QC Script: %s\n", filename ); }