/* vid_sdl.c - SDL vid component Copyright (C) 2018 a1batross This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. */ #include "r_local.h" ref_api_t gEngfuncs; ref_globals_t *gpGlobals; ref_instance_t RI; gl_globals_t tr; ref_speeds_t r_stats; byte *r_temppool; cvar_t *gl_emboss_scale; cvar_t *r_drawentities; cvar_t *r_norefresh; cvar_t *vid_gamma; cvar_t *vid_brightness; viddef_t vid; static void R_ClearScreen( void ) { } static qboolean IsNormalPass( void ) { return RP_NORMALPASS(); } static void R_IncrementSpeedsCounter( int type ) { switch( type ) { case RS_ACTIVE_TENTS: r_stats.c_active_tents_count++; break; default: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "R_IncrementSpeedsCounter: unsupported type %d\n", type ); } } static const byte *R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer( unsigned int idx ) { /*gl_texture_t *glt = R_GetTexture( idx ); if( !glt || !glt->original || !glt->original->buffer ) return NULL;*/ return NULL; } static int R_GetBuiltinTexture( enum ref_shared_texture_e type ) { switch( type ) { case REF_DEFAULT_TEXTURE: return tr.defaultTexture; case REF_GRAY_TEXTURE: return tr.grayTexture; case REF_WHITE_TEXTURE: return tr.whiteTexture; case REF_SOLIDSKY_TEXTURE: return tr.solidskyTexture; case REF_ALPHASKY_TEXTURE: return tr.alphaskyTexture; default: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "R_GetBuiltinTexture: unsupported type %d\n", type ); } return 0; } static void R_FreeSharedTexture( enum ref_shared_texture_e type ) { int num = 0; switch( type ) { case REF_SOLIDSKY_TEXTURE: num = tr.solidskyTexture; tr.solidskyTexture = 0; break; case REF_ALPHASKY_TEXTURE: num = tr.alphaskyTexture; tr.alphaskyTexture = 0; break; case REF_DEFAULT_TEXTURE: case REF_GRAY_TEXTURE: case REF_WHITE_TEXTURE: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "R_FreeSharedTexture: invalid type %d\n", type ); default: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "R_FreeSharedTexture: unsupported type %d\n", type ); } GL_FreeTexture( num ); } /* ============= CL_FillRGBA ============= */ static void CL_FillRGBA( float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { } /* ============= pfnFillRGBABlend ============= */ static void GAME_EXPORT CL_FillRGBABlend( float _x, float _y, float _w, float _h, int r, int g, int b, int a ) { } qboolean Mod_ProcessRenderData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buf ) { qboolean loaded = true; if( create ) { switch( mod->type ) { case mod_studio: // Mod_LoadStudioModel( mod, buf, loaded ); break; case mod_sprite: //Mod_LoadSpriteModel( mod, buf, &loaded, mod->numtexinfo ); break; case mod_alias: //Mod_LoadAliasModel( mod, buf, &loaded ); break; case mod_brush: // Mod_LoadBrushModel( mod, buf, loaded ); break; default: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "Mod_LoadModel: unsupported type %d\n", mod->type ); } } if( loaded && gEngfuncs.drawFuncs->Mod_ProcessUserData ) gEngfuncs.drawFuncs->Mod_ProcessUserData( mod, create, buf ); //if( !create ) //Mod_UnloadTextures( mod ); return loaded; } static int GL_RenderGetParm( int parm, int arg ) { image_t *glt; switch( parm ) { case PARM_TEX_WIDTH: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->width; case PARM_TEX_HEIGHT: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->height; case PARM_TEX_SRC_WIDTH: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->srcWidth; case PARM_TEX_SRC_HEIGHT: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->srcHeight; case PARM_TEX_MIPCOUNT: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->numMips; case PARM_TEX_DEPTH: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->depth; case PARM_TEX_SKYBOX: Assert( arg >= 0 && arg < 6 ); return tr.skyboxTextures[arg]; case PARM_TEX_SKYTEXNUM: return tr.skytexturenum; case PARM_TEX_LIGHTMAP: arg = bound( 0, arg, MAX_LIGHTMAPS - 1 ); return tr.lightmapTextures[arg]; case PARM_WIDESCREEN: return gpGlobals->wideScreen; case PARM_FULLSCREEN: return gpGlobals->fullScreen; case PARM_SCREEN_WIDTH: return gpGlobals->width; case PARM_SCREEN_HEIGHT: return gpGlobals->height; case PARM_TEX_FLAGS: glt = R_GetTexture( arg ); return glt->flags; case PARM_LIGHTSTYLEVALUE: arg = bound( 0, arg, MAX_LIGHTSTYLES - 1 ); return tr.lightstylevalue[arg]; case PARM_MAX_IMAGE_UNITS: return 1; case PARM_REBUILD_GAMMA: return 0;//glConfig.softwareGammaUpdate; case PARM_SURF_SAMPLESIZE: if( arg >= 0 && arg < WORLDMODEL->numsurfaces ) return gEngfuncs.Mod_SampleSizeForFace( &WORLDMODEL->surfaces[arg] ); return LM_SAMPLE_SIZE; case PARM_SKY_SPHERE: return ENGINE_GET_PARM_( parm, arg ) && !tr.fCustomSkybox; default: return ENGINE_GET_PARM_( parm, arg ); } return 0; } static void R_GetDetailScaleForTexture( int texture, float *xScale, float *yScale ) { image_t *glt = R_GetTexture( texture ); if( xScale ) *xScale = glt->xscale; if( yScale ) *yScale = glt->yscale; } static void R_GetExtraParmsForTexture( int texture, byte *red, byte *green, byte *blue, byte *density ) { image_t *glt = R_GetTexture( texture ); if( red ) *red = glt->fogParams[0]; if( green ) *green = glt->fogParams[1]; if( blue ) *blue = glt->fogParams[2]; if( density ) *density = glt->fogParams[3]; } static void R_SetCurrentEntity( cl_entity_t *ent ) { RI.currententity = ent; // set model also if( RI.currententity != NULL ) { RI.currentmodel = RI.currententity->model; } } static void R_SetCurrentModel( model_t *mod ) { RI.currentmodel = mod; } static float R_GetFrameTime( void ) { return tr.frametime; } static const char *GL_TextureName( unsigned int texnum ) { return "";//return R_GetTexture( texnum )->name; } const byte *GL_TextureData( unsigned int texnum ) { // rgbdata_t *pic = R_GetTexture( texnum )->original; //if( pic != NULL ) //return pic->buffer; return NULL; } void Mod_BrushUnloadTextures( model_t *mod ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < mod->numtextures; i++ ) { texture_t *tx = mod->textures[i]; if( !tx || tx->gl_texturenum == tr.defaultTexture ) continue; // free slot GL_FreeTexture( tx->gl_texturenum ); // main texture GL_FreeTexture( tx->fb_texturenum ); // luma texture } } void Mod_UnloadTextures( model_t *mod ) { int i, j; Assert( mod != NULL ); switch( mod->type ) { case mod_studio: //Mod_StudioUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; case mod_alias: //Mod_AliasUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; case mod_brush: Mod_BrushUnloadTextures( mod ); break; case mod_sprite: //Mod_SpriteUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; default: gEngfuncs.Host_Error( "Mod_UnloadModel: unsupported type %d\n", mod->type ); } } void R_ProcessEntData( qboolean allocate ) { } // stubs void GL_SetTexCoordArrayMode() { } void GL_OnContextCreated() { //R_InitBlit(); } void GL_InitExtensions() { } void GL_ClearExtensions() { } void GL_BackendStartFrame() { } void GL_BackendEndFrame() { } void GL_SetRenderMode(int mode) { vid.rendermode = mode; /// TODO: table shading/blending??? /// maybe, setup block drawing function pointers here } void CL_AddCustomBeam(cl_entity_t *pEnvBeam) { // same for beams } void R_ShowTextures() { // textures undone too } void R_ShowTree() { // do we really need this here??? } void R_SetupSky(const char *skyboxname) { } qboolean VID_ScreenShot(const char *filename, int shot_type) { } qboolean VID_CubemapShot(const char *base, uint size, const float *vieworg, qboolean skyshot) { // cubemaps? in my softrender??? } void R_DecalShoot(int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, vec3_t pos, int flags, float scale) { } void R_DecalRemoveAll(int texture) { } int R_CreateDecalList(decallist_t *pList) { return 0; } void R_ClearAllDecals() { } void R_InitSkyClouds(mip_t *mt, texture_t *tx, qboolean custom_palette) { } void GL_SubdivideSurface(msurface_t *fa) { } void Mod_LoadMapSprite(model_t *mod, const void *buffer, size_t size, qboolean *loaded) { } void CL_DrawParticles(double frametime, particle_t *cl_active_particles, float partsize) { } void CL_DrawBeams(int fTrans, BEAM *active_beams) { } void CL_DrawTracers(double frametime, particle_t *cl_active_tracers) { } qboolean R_BeamCull(const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, qboolean pvsOnly) { return false; } void DrawSingleDecal(decal_t *pDecal, msurface_t *fa) { } float *R_DecalSetupVerts(decal_t *pDecal, msurface_t *surf, int texture, int *outCount) { return NULL; } void R_EntityRemoveDecals(model_t *mod) { } void GL_SelectTexture(int texture) { } void GL_LoadTexMatrixExt(const float *glmatrix) { } void GL_LoadIdentityTexMatrix() { } void GL_CleanUpTextureUnits(int last) { } void GL_TexGen(unsigned int coord, unsigned int mode) { } void GL_TextureTarget(uint target) { } void CL_DrawParticlesExternal(const ref_viewpass_t *rvp, qboolean trans_pass, float frametime) { // no renderapi support } void GL_BuildLightmaps() { CL_RunLightStyles(); } void Mod_SetOrthoBounds(const float *mins, const float *maxs) { } qboolean R_SpeedsMessage(char *out, size_t size) { return false; } byte *Mod_GetCurrentVis() { return NULL; } void R_ScreenToWorld(const vec3_t screen, vec3_t point) { } void GL_SetupAttributes( int safegl ) { gEngfuncs.Con_Reportf( "Creating an extended GL context for debug...\n" ); gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_CONTEXT_FLAGS, REF_GL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_FLAG ); // untill we have any blitter in ref api, setup GL gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK, REF_GL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_COMPATIBILITY ); gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_DOUBLEBUFFER, 1 ); gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_RED_SIZE, 5 ); gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_GREEN_SIZE, 6 ); gEngfuncs.GL_SetAttribute( REF_GL_BLUE_SIZE, 5 ); } ref_interface_t gReffuncs = { R_Init, R_Shutdown, GL_SetupAttributes, GL_OnContextCreated, GL_InitExtensions, GL_ClearExtensions, R_BeginFrame, R_RenderScene, R_EndFrame, R_PushScene, R_PopScene, GL_BackendStartFrame, GL_BackendEndFrame, R_ClearScreen, R_AllowFog, GL_SetRenderMode, R_AddEntity, CL_AddCustomBeam, R_ProcessEntData, IsNormalPass, R_ShowTextures, R_ShowTree, R_IncrementSpeedsCounter, R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer, GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer, R_GetBuiltinTexture, R_FreeSharedTexture, GL_ProcessTexture, R_SetupSky, R_Set2DMode, R_DrawStretchRaw, R_DrawStretchPic, R_DrawTileClear, CL_FillRGBA, CL_FillRGBABlend, VID_ScreenShot, VID_CubemapShot, R_LightPoint, R_DecalShoot, R_DecalRemoveAll, R_CreateDecalList, R_ClearAllDecals, R_StudioEstimateFrame, R_StudioLerpMovement, CL_InitStudioAPI, R_InitSkyClouds, GL_SubdivideSurface, CL_RunLightStyles, R_GetSpriteParms, R_GetSpriteTexture, Mod_LoadMapSprite, Mod_ProcessRenderData, Mod_StudioLoadTextures, CL_DrawParticles, CL_DrawTracers, CL_DrawBeams, R_BeamCull, GL_RenderGetParm, R_GetDetailScaleForTexture, R_GetExtraParmsForTexture, R_GetFrameTime, R_SetCurrentEntity, R_SetCurrentModel, GL_FindTexture, GL_TextureName, GL_TextureData, GL_LoadTexture, GL_CreateTexture, GL_LoadTextureArray, GL_CreateTextureArray, GL_FreeTexture, DrawSingleDecal, R_DecalSetupVerts, R_EntityRemoveDecals, R_UploadStretchRaw, GL_Bind, GL_SelectTexture, GL_LoadTexMatrixExt, GL_LoadIdentityTexMatrix, GL_CleanUpTextureUnits, GL_TexGen, GL_TextureTarget, GL_SetTexCoordArrayMode, GL_UpdateTexSize, NULL, NULL, CL_DrawParticlesExternal, R_LightVec, R_StudioGetTexture, R_RenderFrame, GL_BuildLightmaps, Mod_SetOrthoBounds, R_SpeedsMessage, Mod_GetCurrentVis, R_NewMap, R_ClearScene, TriRenderMode, TriBegin, TriEnd, _TriColor4f, TriColor4ub, TriTexCoord2f, TriVertex3fv, TriVertex3f, TriWorldToScreen, TriFog, R_ScreenToWorld, TriGetMatrix, TriFogParams, TriCullFace, VGUI_DrawInit, VGUI_DrawShutdown, VGUI_SetupDrawingText, VGUI_SetupDrawingRect, VGUI_SetupDrawingImage, VGUI_BindTexture, VGUI_EnableTexture, VGUI_CreateTexture, VGUI_UploadTexture, VGUI_UploadTextureBlock, VGUI_DrawQuad, VGUI_GetTextureSizes, VGUI_GenerateTexture, }; int EXPORT GAME_EXPORT GetRefAPI( int version, ref_interface_t *funcs, ref_api_t *engfuncs, ref_globals_t *globals ) { if( version != REF_API_VERSION ) return 0; // fill in our callbacks memcpy( funcs, &gReffuncs, sizeof( ref_interface_t )); memcpy( &gEngfuncs, engfuncs, sizeof( ref_api_t )); gpGlobals = globals; return REF_API_VERSION; }