I propose a new library naming scheme, which will allow to distribute mods and games in single archive to different operating systems and CPUs: Legend: * $os -- Q_buildos() return value, in lower case. * $arch -- Q_buildarch() return value, in lower case. * $ext -- OS-specific extension: dll, so, dylib, etc. The scheme will be: 1. Client library: * ```client.$ext``` for **Win/Lin/Mac** with **x86**. * ```client_$arch.$ext``` for **Win/Lin/Mac** with **NON-x86**. * ```client_$os_$arch.$ext``` for everything else. 2. Menu library: * ```menu.$ext``` for **Win/Lin/Mac** with **x86**. * ```menu_$arch.$ext``` for **Win/Lin/Mac** with **NON-x86**. * ```menu_$os_$arch.$ext``` for everything else. 3. Server library: * On **Win/Lin/Mac** with **x86**, it **MUST** use the raw gamedll name for corresponding OS field from `gameinfo.txt`. * On **Win/Lin/Mac** with **NON-x86**, it **MUST** use the raw gamedll name for corresponding OS field from `gameinfo.txt`, but append ```_$arch``` before file extension. Like: ```hl_amd64.so``` or ```cs_e2k.so```. * On everything else, it must use gamedll name from ```gamedll_linux``` field, but append ```_$os_$arch``` before file extension. Like: ```hl_haiku_amd64.so``` or ```cs_freebsd_armhf.so```. Why ```gamedll_linux``` and not ```gamedll```? Because it looks more logic that way, most operating systems are *nix-like and share code with Linux, rather than Windows. 4. Refresh library: not needed, as RefAPI is not stable and it's not intended to distribute with mods. For any libraries distributed **with** engine, naming scheme should be used more convenient for OS port. Issue #0. Inconsistency between ABI and Q_buildarch. Resolution: Change Q_buildarch return value to use Debian-styled architectures list: https://www.debian.org/ports/, which includes a special naming for big/little-endian and hard/soft-float ARM. Issue #1: Build-system integration. Resolution: extend MACRO_TO_DEST_CPU and MACRO_TO_DESTOS from Waf: https://gitlab.com/ita1024/waf/blob/master/waflib/Tools/c_config.py#L1002, if needed. Issue #2(related to #0): Which ARM flavours we actually need to handle? Resolution: Little-endian only, as there is no known big-endian ARM platforms in the wild. Architecture is coded this way: * ```armvxy```, where `x` is ARM instruction set level and `y` is hard-float ABI presence: `hf` where hard float ABI used, otherwise `l`. See discussion: https://github.com/FWGS/xash3d-fwgs/issues/39