package awais.instagrabber.utils import android.content.Context import android.content.DialogInterface import android.content.UriPermission import import android.provider.DocumentsContract import android.util.Log import android.widget.Toast import import androidx.core.util.Pair import androidx.documentfile.provider.DocumentFile import* import awais.instagrabber.R import awais.instagrabber.fragments.settings.PreferenceKeys import awais.instagrabber.models.StoryModel import awais.instagrabber.models.enums.MediaItemType import awais.instagrabber.repositories.responses.Media import awais.instagrabber.utils.TextUtils.isEmpty import awais.instagrabber.workers.DownloadWorker import import import import import java.util.* import java.util.regex.Pattern object DownloadUtils { private val TAG = // private static final String DIR_BARINSTA = "Barinsta"; private const val DIR_DOWNLOADS = "Downloads" private const val DIR_CAMERA = "Camera" private const val DIR_EDIT = "Edit" private const val DIR_RECORDINGS = "Sent Recordings" private const val DIR_TEMP = "Temp" private const val DIR_BACKUPS = "Backups" private var root: DocumentFile? = null @JvmStatic @Throws(ReselectDocumentTreeException::class) fun init( context: Context, barinstaDirUri: String? ) { if (isEmpty(barinstaDirUri)) { throw ReselectDocumentTreeException("folder path is null or empty") } val uri = Uri.parse(barinstaDirUri) if (!barinstaDirUri!!.startsWith("content://")) { // reselect the folder in selector view throw ReselectDocumentTreeException(uri) } val existingPermissions = context.contentResolver.persistedUriPermissions if (existingPermissions.isEmpty()) { // reselect the folder in selector view throw ReselectDocumentTreeException(uri) } val anyMatch = .anyMatch { uriPermission: UriPermission -> uriPermission.uri == uri } if (!anyMatch) { // reselect the folder in selector view throw ReselectDocumentTreeException(uri) } root = DocumentFile.fromTreeUri(context, uri) if (root == null || !root!!.exists() || root!!.lastModified() == 0L) { root = null throw ReselectDocumentTreeException(uri) } Utils.settingsHelper.putString(PreferenceKeys.PREF_BARINSTA_DIR_URI, uri.toString()) } fun destroy() { root = null } fun getDownloadDir(vararg dirs: String?): DocumentFile? { if (root == null) { return null } var subDir = root for (dir in dirs) { if (subDir == null || isEmpty(dir)) continue val subDirFile = subDir.findFile(dir!!) val exists = subDirFile != null && subDirFile.exists() subDir = if (exists) subDirFile else subDir.createDirectory(dir) } return subDir } @JvmStatic val downloadDir: DocumentFile? get() = getDownloadDir(DIR_DOWNLOADS) @JvmStatic fun getCameraDir(): DocumentFile? { return getDownloadDir(DIR_CAMERA) } @JvmStatic fun getImageEditDir(sessionId: String?): DocumentFile? { return getDownloadDir(DIR_EDIT, sessionId) } fun getRecordingsDir(): DocumentFile? { return getDownloadDir(DIR_RECORDINGS) } @JvmStatic fun getBackupsDir(): DocumentFile? { return getDownloadDir(DIR_BACKUPS) } // @Nullable // private static DocumentFile getDownloadDir(@NonNull final Context context, @Nullable final String username) { // return getDownloadDir(context, username, false); // } private fun getDownloadDir( context: Context?, username: String? ): DocumentFile? { val userFolderPaths: List = getSubPathForUserFolder(username) var dir = root for (dirName in userFolderPaths) { val file = dir!!.findFile(dirName) if (file != null) { dir = file continue } dir = dir.createDirectory(dirName) if (dir == null) break } // final String joined = android.text.TextUtils.join("/", userFolderPaths); // final Uri userFolderUri = DocumentsContract.buildDocumentUriUsingTree(root.getUri(), joined); // final DocumentFile userFolder = DocumentFile.fromSingleUri(context, userFolderUri); if (context != null && (dir == null || !dir.exists())) { Toast.makeText(context, R.string.error_creating_folders, Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show() return null } return dir } private fun getSubPathForUserFolder(username: String?): MutableList { val list: MutableList = ArrayList() if (!Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_USER_FOLDER) || username.isNullOrEmpty()) { list.add(DIR_DOWNLOADS) return list } val finalUsername = if (username.startsWith("@")) username.substring(1) else username list.add(DIR_DOWNLOADS) list.add(finalUsername) return list } private fun getTempDir(): DocumentFile? { var file = root!!.findFile(DIR_TEMP) if (file == null) { file = root!!.createDirectory(DIR_TEMP) } return file } private fun getDownloadSavePaths( paths: MutableList, postId: String?, displayUrl: String? ): Pair, String?>? { return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, "", displayUrl, "") } private fun getDownloadSavePaths( paths: MutableList, postId: String?, displayUrl: String, username: String ): Pair, String?>? { return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, "", displayUrl, username) } private fun getDownloadChildSavePaths( paths: MutableList, postId: String?, childPosition: Int, url: String?, username: String ): Pair, String?>? { val sliderPostfix = "_slide_$childPosition" return getDownloadSavePaths(paths, postId, sliderPostfix, url, username) } private fun getDownloadSavePaths( paths: MutableList?, postId: String?, sliderPostfix: String, displayUrl: String?, username: String ): Pair, String?>? { if (paths == null) return null val extension = getFileExtensionFromUrl(displayUrl) val usernamePrepend = if (isEmpty(username)) "" else username + "_" val fileName = usernamePrepend + postId + sliderPostfix + extension // return new File(finalDir, fileName); // DocumentFile file = finalDir.findFile(fileName); // if (file == null) { val mimeType = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension( if (extension.startsWith(".")) extension.substring(1) else extension ) // file = finalDir.createFile(mimeType, fileName); // } paths.add(fileName) return Pair(paths, mimeType) } // public static DocumentFile getTempFile() { // return getTempFile(null, null); // } fun getTempFile(fileName: String?, extension: String): DocumentFile? { val dir = getTempDir() var name = fileName if (isEmpty(name)) { name = UUID.randomUUID().toString() } var mimeType: String? = "application/octet-stream" if (!isEmpty(extension)) { name += ".$extension" val mimeType1 = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension(extension) if (mimeType1 != null) { mimeType = mimeType1 } } var file = dir!!.findFile(name!!) if (file == null) { file = dir.createFile(mimeType!!, name) } return file } /** * Copied from [MimeTypeMap.getFileExtensionFromUrl]) * * * Returns the file extension or an empty string if there is no * extension. This method is a convenience method for obtaining the * extension of a url and has undefined results for other Strings. * * @param url URL * @return The file extension of the given url. */ @JvmStatic fun getFileExtensionFromUrl(url: String?): String { var url = url if (!isEmpty(url)) { val fragment = url!!.lastIndexOf('#') if (fragment > 0) { url = url.substring(0, fragment) } val query = url.lastIndexOf('?') if (query > 0) { url = url.substring(0, query) } val filenamePos = url.lastIndexOf('/') val filename = if (0 <= filenamePos) url.substring(filenamePos + 1) else url // if the filename contains special characters, we don't // consider it valid for our matching purposes: if (!filename.isEmpty() && Pattern.matches("[a-zA-Z_0-9.\\-()%]+", filename) ) { val dotPos = filename.lastIndexOf('.') if (0 <= dotPos) { return filename.substring(dotPos) } } } return "" } @JvmStatic fun checkDownloaded(media: Media, context: Context): List { val checkList: MutableList = LinkedList() val user = media.user var username = "username" if (user != null) { username = user.username } val userFolderPaths: List = getSubPathForUserFolder(username) when (media.mediaType) { MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO -> { val url = if (media.mediaType == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ResponseBodyUtils.getVideoUrl( media ) else ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(media) val file = getDownloadSavePaths(ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, url, "") val fileExists = file!!.first != null && checkPathExists(file.first, context) var usernameFileExists = false if (!fileExists) { val usernameFile = getDownloadSavePaths( ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, url, username ) usernameFileExists = usernameFile!!.first != null && checkPathExists(usernameFile.first, context) } checkList.add(fileExists || usernameFileExists) } MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER -> { val sliderItems = media.carouselMedia var i = 0 while (i < sliderItems!!.size) { val child = sliderItems[i] val url = if (child.mediaType == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) ResponseBodyUtils.getVideoUrl( child ) else ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(child) val file = getDownloadChildSavePaths( ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, "" ) val fileExists = file!!.first != null && checkPathExists(file.first, context) var usernameFileExists = false if (!fileExists) { val usernameFile = getDownloadChildSavePaths( ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, username ) usernameFileExists = usernameFile!!.first != null && checkPathExists(usernameFile.first, context) } checkList.add(fileExists || usernameFileExists) i++ } } else -> { } } return checkList } private fun checkPathExists(paths: List, context: Context): Boolean { if (root == null) return false val uri = root!!.uri var found = false var docId = DocumentsContract.getTreeDocumentId(uri) for (path in paths) { val docUri = DocumentsContract.buildChildDocumentsUriUsingTree(uri, docId) val docCursor = context.contentResolver.query( docUri, arrayOf( DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_DISPLAY_NAME, DocumentsContract.Document.COLUMN_DOCUMENT_ID ), null, null, null ) if (docCursor == null) return false while (docCursor.moveToNext() && !found) { if (path.equals(docCursor.getString(0))) { docId = docCursor.getString(1) found = true } } docCursor.close() if (!found) return false found = false } return true } @JvmStatic fun showDownloadDialog( context: Context, feedModel: Media, childPosition: Int ) { if (childPosition >= 0) { val clickListener = DialogInterface.OnClickListener { dialog: DialogInterface, which: Int -> when (which) { 0 -> download(context, feedModel, childPosition) 1 -> download(context, feedModel) DialogInterface.BUTTON_NEGATIVE -> dialog.dismiss() else -> dialog.dismiss() } } val items = arrayOf( context.getString(R.string.post_viewer_download_current), context.getString(R.string.post_viewer_download_album) ) AlertDialog.Builder(context) .setTitle(R.string.post_viewer_download_dialog_title) .setItems(items, clickListener) .setNegativeButton(R.string.cancel, null) .show() return } download(context, feedModel) } @JvmStatic fun download( context: Context, storyModel: StoryModel ) { val downloadDir = getDownloadDir(context, storyModel.username) ?: return val url = if (storyModel.itemType == MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO) storyModel.videoUrl else storyModel.storyUrl val extension = getFileExtensionFromUrl(url) val baseFileName = (storyModel.storyMediaId + "_" + storyModel.timestamp + extension) val usernamePrepend = if (Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_PREPEND_USER_NAME) && storyModel.username != null ) storyModel.username + "_" else "" val fileName = usernamePrepend + baseFileName var saveFile = downloadDir.findFile(fileName) if (saveFile == null) { val mimeType = Utils.mimeTypeMap.getMimeTypeFromExtension( if (extension.startsWith(".")) extension.substring(1) else extension ) ?: return saveFile = downloadDir.createFile(mimeType, fileName) } // final File saveFile = new File(downloadDir, fileName); download(context, url, saveFile) } @JvmOverloads @JvmStatic fun download( context: Context, feedModel: Media, position: Int = -1 ) { download(context, listOf(feedModel), position) } @JvmStatic fun download( context: Context, feedModels: List ) { download(context, feedModels, -1) } private fun download( context: Context, feedModels: List, childPositionIfSingle: Int ) { val map: MutableMap = HashMap() for (media in feedModels) { val mediaUser = media.user val username = mediaUser?.username ?: "" val userFolderPaths = getSubPathForUserFolder(username) when (media.mediaType) { MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE, MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO -> { val url = getUrlOfType(media) var fileName = if (mediaUser != null && isEmpty(media.code)) { fileName = mediaUser.username + "_" + fileName } if (!isEmpty(media.code)) { fileName = media.code if (Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_PREPEND_USER_NAME) && mediaUser != null) { fileName = mediaUser.username + "_" + fileName } } val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(userFolderPaths, fileName, url) val file = createFile(pair!!) ?: continue map[url!!] = file } MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VOICE -> { val url = getUrlOfType(media) var fileName = if (mediaUser != null) { fileName = mediaUser.username + "_" + fileName } val pair = getDownloadSavePaths(userFolderPaths, fileName, url) val file = createFile(pair!!) ?: continue map[url!!] = file } MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_SLIDER -> { val sliderItems = media.carouselMedia var i = 0 while (i < sliderItems!!.size) { if (childPositionIfSingle >= 0 && feedModels.size == 1 && i != childPositionIfSingle) { i++ continue } val child = sliderItems[i] val url = getUrlOfType(child) val usernamePrepend = if (Utils.settingsHelper.getBoolean(PreferenceKeys.DOWNLOAD_PREPEND_USER_NAME) && mediaUser != null) mediaUser.username else "" val pair = getDownloadChildSavePaths( ArrayList(userFolderPaths), media.code, i + 1, url, usernamePrepend ) val file = createFile(pair!!) if (file == null) { i++ continue } map[url!!] = file i++ } } } } if (map.isEmpty()) return download(context, map) } private fun createFile(pair: Pair, String?>): DocumentFile? { if (root == null) return null if (pair.first == null || pair.second == null) return null var dir = root val first = pair.first for (i in first.indices) { val name = first[i] val file = dir!!.findFile(name) if (file != null) { dir = file continue } dir = if (i == first.size - 1) dir.createFile( pair.second!!, name ) else dir.createDirectory(name) if (dir == null) break } return dir } private fun getUrlOfType(media: Media): String? { when (media.mediaType) { MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_IMAGE -> { return ResponseBodyUtils.getImageUrl(media) } MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VIDEO -> { val videoVersions = media.videoVersions var url: String? = null if (videoVersions != null && !videoVersions.isEmpty()) { url = videoVersions[0].url } return url } MediaItemType.MEDIA_TYPE_VOICE -> { val audio = var url: String? = null if (audio != null) { url = audio.audioSrc } return url } } return null } @JvmStatic fun download( context: Context?, url: String?, filePath: DocumentFile? ) { if (context == null || filePath == null) return download(context, Collections.singletonMap(url!!, filePath)) } private fun download(context: Context?, urlFilePathMap: Map) { if (context == null) return val constraints = Constraints.Builder() .setRequiredNetworkType(NetworkType.CONNECTED) .build() val request = DownloadWorker.DownloadRequest.builder() .setUrlToFilePathMap(urlFilePathMap) .build() val requestJson = Gson().toJson(request) val tempFile = getTempFile(null, "json") if (tempFile == null) { Log.e(TAG, "download: temp file is null") return } val uri = tempFile.uri val contentResolver = context.contentResolver ?: return try { BufferedWriter(OutputStreamWriter(contentResolver.openOutputStream(uri))).use { writer -> writer.write( requestJson ) } } catch (e: IOException) { Log.e(TAG, "download: Error writing request to file", e) tempFile.delete() return } val downloadWorkRequest: WorkRequest = OneTimeWorkRequest.Builder( .setInputData( Data.Builder() .putString( DownloadWorker.KEY_DOWNLOAD_REQUEST_JSON, tempFile.uri.toString() ) .build() ) .setConstraints(constraints) .addTag("download") .build() WorkManager.getInstance(context) .enqueue(downloadWorkRequest) } @JvmStatic fun getRootDirUri(): Uri? { return if (root != null) root!!.uri else null } class ReselectDocumentTreeException : Exception { val initialUri: Uri? constructor() { initialUri = null } constructor(message: String?) : super(message) { initialUri = null } constructor(initialUri: Uri?) { this.initialUri = initialUri } } }