
177 lines
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Raw Normal View History

Geneva superclass object for defining a packet-level action.
import inspect
import importlib
import os
import sys
import actions.utils
ACTION_CACHE["in"] = {}
ACTION_CACHE["out"] = {}
BASEPATH = os.path.sep.join(os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__)).split(os.path.sep)[:-1])
class Action():
Defines the superclass for a Geneva Action.
# Give each Action a unique ID - this is needed for graphing/visualization
ident = 0
# Each Action has a 'frequency' field - this defines how likely it is to be chosen
# when a new action is chosen
frequency = 0
def __init__(self, action_name, direction):
Initializes this action object.
action_name (str): Name of this action ("duplicate")
direction (str): Direction of this action ("out", "both", "in")
self.enabled = True
self.action_name = action_name
self.direction = direction
self.requires_undo = False
self.num_seen = 0
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.branching = False
self.terminal = False
self.ident = Action.ident
Action.ident += 1
def applies(self, direction):
Returns whether this action applies to the given direction, as
branching actions are not supported on inbound trees.
direction (str): Direction to check if this action applies ("out", "in", "both")
bool: whether or not this action can be used to a given direction
if direction == self.direction or self.direction == "both":
return True
return False
def mutate(self, environment_id=None):
Mutates packet.
def __str__(self):
Defines string representation of this action.
return "%s" % (self.action_name)
def get_actions(direction, disabled=None, allow_terminal=True):
Dynamically imports all of the Action classes in this directory.
Will only return terminal actions if terminal is set to True.
direction (str): Limit imported actions to just those that can run to this direction ("out", "in", "both")
disabled (list, optional): list of actions that are disabled
allow_terminal (bool): whether or not terminal actions ("drop") should be imported
dict: Dictionary of imported actions
if disabled is None:
disabled = []
# Recursively call this function again to enumerate in and out actions
if direction.lower() == "both":
return list(set(Action.get_actions("in", disabled=disabled, allow_terminal=allow_terminal) + \
Action.get_actions("out", disabled=disabled, allow_terminal=allow_terminal)))
terminal = "terminal"
if not allow_terminal:
terminal = "non-terminal"
if terminal not in ACTION_CACHE[direction]:
ACTION_CACHE[direction][terminal] = {}
return ACTION_CACHE[direction][terminal]
collected_actions = []
# Get the base path for the project relative to this file
path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, "actions")
for action_file in os.listdir(path):
if not action_file.endswith(".py"):
action = action_file.replace(".py", "")
if BASEPATH not in sys.path:
importlib.import_module("actions." + action)
def check_action(obj):
return inspect.isclass(obj) and \
issubclass(obj, actions.action.Action) and \
obj != actions.action.Action and \
obj().applies(direction) and \
obj().enabled and \
not any([x in str(obj) for x in disabled]) and \
(allow_terminal or not obj().terminal)
clsmembers = inspect.getmembers(sys.modules["actions."+action], predicate=check_action)
collected_actions += clsmembers
collected_actions = list(set(collected_actions))
ACTION_CACHE[direction][terminal] = collected_actions
return collected_actions
def parse_action(str_action, direction, logger):
Parses a string action into the action object.
str_action (str): String representation of an action to parse
direction (str): Limit actions searched through to just those that can run to this direction ("out", "in", "both")
logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): a logger to log with
:obj:`action.Action`: A parsed action object
# Collect all viable actions that can run for each respective direction
outs = Action.get_actions("out")
ins = Action.get_actions("in")
# If we're currently parsing the OUT forest, only search the out-compatible actions
if direction == "out":
search = outs
# Otherwise only search in-compatible actions (no branching)
search = ins
action_obj = None
data = None
# If this action has parameters (defined within {} attached to the action),
# split off the data parameters from the raw action name
if "{" in str_action:
str_action, data = str_action.split("{")
data = data.replace("}", "")
# Search through all of the actions available for this direction to find the right class
for action_name, action_cls in search:
if str_action.strip() and str_action.lower() in action_name.lower():
# Define the action, and give it a reference to its parent strategy
action_obj = action_cls()
# If this action has data, ask the new module to parse & initialize itself to it
if data:
# Pass our logger to the action to alert us if it can't parse something
action_obj.parse(data, logger)
return action_obj