mirror of https://github.com/Kkevsterrr/geneva
Added dns tampering, tamper tests
This commit is contained in:
@ -2,17 +2,25 @@
One of the four packet-level primitives supported by Geneva. Responsible for any packet-level
modifications (particularly header modifications). It supports replace and corrupt mode -
in replace mode, it changes a packet field to a fixed value; in corrupt mode, it changes a packet
field to a randomly generated value each time it is run.
modifications (particularly header modifications). It supports the following primitives:
- no operation: it returns the packet given
- replace: it changes a packet field to a fixed value
- corrupt: it changes a packet field to a randomly generated value each time it is run
- add: adds a given value to the value in a field
- compress: performs DNS decompression on the packet (if applicable)
from actions.action import Action
import actions.utils
from actions.layer import DNSLayer
import random
# All supported tamper primitives
SUPPORTED_PRIMITIVES = ["corrupt", "replace", "add", "compress"]
class TamperAction(Action):
Defines the TamperAction for Geneva.
@ -23,10 +31,7 @@ class TamperAction(Action):
self.tamper_value = tamper_value
self.tamper_proto = actions.utils.string_to_protocol(tamper_proto)
self.tamper_proto_str = tamper_proto
self.tamper_type = tamper_type
if not self.tamper_type:
self.tamper_type = random.choice(["corrupt", "replace"])
def tamper(self, packet, logger):
@ -41,8 +46,19 @@ class TamperAction(Action):
new_value = self.tamper_value
# If corrupting the packet field, generate a value for it
if self.tamper_type == "corrupt":
new_value = packet.gen(self.tamper_proto_str, self.field)
if self.tamper_type == "corrupt":
new_value = packet.gen(self.tamper_proto_str, self.field)
elif self.tamper_type == "add":
new_value = int(self.tamper_value) + int(old_value)
elif self.tamper_type == "compress":
return packet.dns_decompress(logger)
except NotImplementedError:
# If a primitive does not support the type of packet given
return packet
except Exception:
# If an unexpected error has occurred
return packet
logger.debug(" - Tampering %s field `%s` (%s) by %s (to %s)" %
(self.tamper_proto_str, self.field, str(old_value), self.tamper_type, str(new_value)))
@ -67,8 +83,10 @@ class TamperAction(Action):
s = Action.__str__(self)
if self.tamper_type == "corrupt":
s += "{%s:%s:%s}" % (self.tamper_proto_str, self.field, self.tamper_type)
elif self.tamper_type in ["replace"]:
elif self.tamper_type in ["replace", "add"]:
s += "{%s:%s:%s:%s}" % (self.tamper_proto_str, self.field, self.tamper_type, self.tamper_value)
elif self.tamper_type == "compress":
s += "{%s:%s:compress}" % ("DNS", "qd", )
return s
@ -0,0 +1,383 @@
import copy
import logging
import sys
import pytest
import random
# Include the root of the project
import actions.strategy
import actions.packet
import actions.utils
import actions.tamper
import actions.layer
from scapy.all import IP, TCP, UDP, DNS, DNSQR, sr1
logger = logging.getLogger("test")
def test_tamper():
Tests tampering with replace
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="flags", tamper_type="replace", tamper_value="R")
lpacket, rpacket = tamper.run(packet, logger)
assert not rpacket, "Tamper must not return right child"
assert lpacket, "Tamper must give a left child"
assert id(lpacket) == id(packet), "Tamper must edit in place"
# Confirm tamper replaced the field it was supposed to
assert packet[TCP].flags == "R", "Tamper did not replace flags."
new_value = packet[TCP].flags
# Must run this check repeatedly - if a scapy fuzz-ed value is not properly
# ._fix()-ed, it will return different values each time it's requested
for _ in range(0, 5):
assert packet[TCP].flags == new_value, "Replaced value is not stable"
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["flags"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_tamper_ip():
Tests tampering with IP
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src='', dst='')/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="src", tamper_type="replace", tamper_value="", tamper_proto="IP")
lpacket, rpacket = tamper.run(packet, logger)
assert not rpacket, "Tamper must not return right child"
assert lpacket, "Tamper must give a left child"
assert id(lpacket) == id(packet), "Tamper must edit in place"
# Confirm tamper replaced the field it was supposed to
assert packet[IP].src == "", "Tamper did not replace flags."
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, [])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, ["src"])
def test_tamper_udp():
Tests tampering with UDP
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src='', dst='')/UDP(sport=2222, dport=53))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="chksum", tamper_type="replace", tamper_value=4444, tamper_proto="UDP")
lpacket, rpacket = tamper.run(packet, logger)
assert not rpacket, "Tamper must not return right child"
assert lpacket, "Tamper must give a left child"
assert id(lpacket) == id(packet), "Tamper must edit in place"
# Confirm tamper replaced the field it was supposed to
assert packet[UDP].chksum == 4444, "Tamper did not replace flags."
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, UDP, ["chksum"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_tamper_ip_ident():
Tests tampering with IP and that the checksum is correctly changed
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src='', dst='')/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field='id', tamper_type='replace', tamper_value=3333, tamper_proto="IP")
lpacket, rpacket = tamper.run(packet, logger)
assert not rpacket, "Tamper must not return right child"
assert lpacket, "Tamper must give a left child"
assert id(lpacket) == id(packet), "Tamper must edit in place"
# Confirm tamper replaced the field it was supposed to
assert packet[IP].id == 3333, "Tamper did not replace flags."
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, [])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, ["id"])
def confirm_unchanged(packet, original, protocol, changed):
Checks that no other field besides the given array of changed fields
are different between these two packets.
for header in packet.layers:
if packet.layers[header].protocol != protocol:
for field in packet.layers[header].fields:
# Skip checking the field we just changed
if field in changed or field == "load":
assert packet.get(protocol.__name__, field) == original.get(protocol.__name__, field), "Tamper changed %s field %s." % (str(protocol), field)
return True
def test_parse_parameters():
Tests that tamper properly rejects malformed tamper actions
with pytest.raises(Exception):
actions.tamper.TamperAction().parse("this:has:too:many:parameters", logger)
with pytest.raises(Exception):
actions.tamper.TamperAction().parse("not:enough", logger)
def test_corrupt():
Tests the tamper 'corrupt' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="flags", tamper_type="corrupt", tamper_value="R")
assert tamper.field == "flags", "Tamper action changed fields."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "corrupt", "Tamper action changed types."
assert str(tamper) == "tamper{TCP:flags:corrupt}", "Tamper returned incorrect string representation: %s" % str(tamper)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
new_value = packet[TCP].flags
# Must run this check repeatedly - if a scapy fuzz-ed value is not properly
# ._fix()-ed, it will return different values each time it's requested
for _ in range(0, 5):
assert packet[TCP].flags == new_value, "Corrupted value is not stable"
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["flags"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_add():
Tests the tamper 'add' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="seq", tamper_type="add", tamper_value=10)
assert tamper.field == "seq", "Tamper action changed fields."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "add", "Tamper action changed types."
assert str(tamper) == "tamper{TCP:seq:add:10}", "Tamper returned incorrect string representation: %s" % str(tamper)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
new_value = packet[TCP].seq
assert new_value == 110, "Tamper did not add"
# Must run this check repeatedly - if a scapy fuzz-ed value is not properly
# ._fix()-ed, it will return different values each time it's requested
for _ in range(0, 5):
assert packet[TCP].seq == new_value, "Corrupted value is not stable"
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["seq"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_decompress():
Tests the tamper 'decompress' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="qd", tamper_type="compress", tamper_value=10, tamper_proto="DNS")
assert tamper.field == "qd", "Tamper action changed fields."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "compress", "Tamper action changed types."
assert str(tamper) == "tamper{DNS:qd:compress}", "Tamper returned incorrect string representation: %s" % str(tamper)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=53)/DNS(qd=DNSQR(qname="minghui.ca.")))
original = packet.copy()
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
assert bytes(packet["DNS"]) == b'\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x07minghui\xc0\x1a\x00\x01\x00\x01\x02ca\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01'
resp = sr1(packet.packet)
assert resp["DNS"]
assert resp["DNS"].rcode != 1
assert resp["DNSQR"]
assert resp["DNSRR"].rdata
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, ["len"])
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(dst="")/UDP(dport=53)/DNS(qd=DNSQR(qname="maps.google.com")))
original = packet.copy()
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
assert bytes(packet["DNS"]) == b'\x00\x00\x01\x00\x00\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x04maps\xc0\x17\x00\x01\x00\x01\x06google\x03com\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01'
resp = sr1(packet.packet)
assert resp["DNS"]
assert resp["DNS"].rcode != 1
assert resp["DNSQR"]
assert resp["DNSRR"].rdata
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, ["len"])
# Confirm this is a NOP on normal packets
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP()/UDP())
original = packet.copy()
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
assert packet.packet.summary() == original.packet.summary()
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, UDP, [])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_corrupt_chksum():
Tests the tamper 'replace' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="chksum", tamper_type="corrupt", tamper_value="R")
assert tamper.field == "chksum", "Tamper action changed checksum."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "corrupt", "Tamper action changed types."
assert str(tamper) == "tamper{TCP:chksum:corrupt}", "Tamper returned incorrect string representation: %s" % str(tamper)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
# Confirm tamper actually corrupted the checksum
assert packet[TCP].chksum != 0
new_value = packet[TCP].chksum
# Must run this check repeatedly - if a scapy fuzz-ed value is not properly
# ._fix()-ed, it will return different values each time it's requested
for _ in range(0, 5):
assert packet[TCP].chksum == new_value, "Corrupted value is not stable"
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["chksum"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_corrupt_dataofs():
Tests the tamper 'replace' primitive.
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S", dataofs="6L"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="dataofs", tamper_type="corrupt")
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
# Confirm tamper actually corrupted the checksum
assert packet[TCP].dataofs != "0"
new_value = packet[TCP].dataofs
# Must run this check repeatedly - if a scapy fuzz-ed value is not properly
# ._fix()-ed, it will return different values each time it's requested
for _ in range(0, 5):
assert packet[TCP].dataofs == new_value, "Corrupted value is not stable"
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["dataofs"])
# Confirm tamper didn't corrupt anything in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_replace():
Tests the tamper 'replace' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="flags", tamper_type="replace", tamper_value="R")
assert tamper.field == "flags", "Tamper action changed fields."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "replace", "Tamper action changed types."
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
# Confirm tamper replaced the field it was supposed to
assert packet[TCP].flags == "R", "Tamper did not replace flags."
# Confirm tamper didn't replace anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["flags"])
# Confirm tamper didn't replace anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
# chksums must be handled specially by tamper, so run a second check on this value
tamper.field = "chksum"
tamper.tamper_value = 0x4444
original = copy.deepcopy(packet)
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
assert packet[TCP].chksum == 0x4444, "Tamper failed to change chksum."
# Confirm tamper didn't replace anything else in the TCP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, TCP, ["chksum"])
# Confirm tamper didn't replace anything else in the IP header
assert confirm_unchanged(packet, original, IP, [])
def test_parse_flags():
Tests the tamper 'replace' primitive.
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="flags", tamper_type="replace", tamper_value="FRAPUN")
assert tamper.field == "flags", "Tamper action changed checksum."
assert tamper.tamper_type == "replace", "Tamper action changed types."
assert str(tamper) == "tamper{TCP:flags:replace:FRAPUN}", "Tamper returned incorrect string representation: %s" % str(tamper)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
tamper.tamper(packet, logger)
assert packet[TCP].flags == "FRAPUN", "Tamper failed to change flags."
@pytest.mark.parametrize("test_type", ["parsed", "direct"])
@pytest.mark.parametrize("value", ["EOL", "NOP", "Timestamp", "MSS", "WScale", "SAckOK", "SAck", "Timestamp", "AltChkSum", "AltChkSumOpt", "UTO"])
def test_options(value, test_type):
Tests tampering options
if test_type == "direct":
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None, field="options-%s" % value.lower(), tamper_type="corrupt", tamper_value=bytes([12]))
tamper = actions.tamper.TamperAction(None)
assert tamper.parse("TCP:options-%s:corrupt" % value.lower(), logger)
packet = actions.packet.Packet(IP(src="", dst="")/TCP(sport=2222, dport=3333, seq=100, ack=100, flags="S"))
tamper.run(packet, logger)
opts_dict_lookup = value.lower().replace(" ", "_")
for optname, optval in packet["TCP"].options:
if optname == value:
elif optname == actions.layer.TCPLayer.options_names[opts_dict_lookup]:
pytest.fail("Failed to find %s in options" % value)
assert len(packet["TCP"].options) == 1
raw_p = bytes(packet)
assert raw_p, "options broke scapy bytes"
p2 = actions.packet.Packet(IP(bytes(raw_p)))
assert p2.haslayer("IP")
assert p2.haslayer("TCP")
# EOLs might be added for padding, so just check >= 1
assert len(p2["TCP"].options) >= 1
for optname, optval in p2["TCP"].options:
if optname == value:
elif optname == actions.layer.TCPLayer.options_names[opts_dict_lookup]:
pytest.fail("Failed to find %s in options" % value)
Reference in New Issue