import random from layers.layer import Layer from scapy.all import DNS class DNSLayer(Layer): """ Defines an interface to access DNS header fields. """ name = "DNS" protocol = DNS _fields = [ "id", "qr", "opcode", "aa", "tc", "rd", "ra", "z", "ad", "cd", "qd", "rcode", "qdcount", "ancount", "nscount", "arcount" ] fields = _fields def __init__(self, layer): """ Initializes the DNS layer. """ Layer.__init__(self, layer) self.getters = { "qr" : self.get_bitfield, "aa" : self.get_bitfield, "tc" : self.get_bitfield, "rd" : self.get_bitfield, "ra" : self.get_bitfield, "z" : self.get_bitfield, "ad" : self.get_bitfield, "cd" : self.get_bitfield } self.setters = { "qr" : self.set_bitfield, "aa" : self.set_bitfield, "tc" : self.set_bitfield, "rd" : self.set_bitfield, "ra" : self.set_bitfield, "z" : self.set_bitfield, "ad" : self.set_bitfield, "cd" : self.set_bitfield } self.generators = { "id" : self.gen_id, "qr" : self.gen_bitfield, "opcode" : self.gen_opcode, "aa" : self.gen_bitfield, "tc" : self.gen_bitfield, "rd" : self.gen_bitfield, "ra" : self.gen_bitfield, "z" : self.gen_bitfield, "ad" : self.gen_bitfield, "cd" : self.gen_bitfield, "rcode" : self.gen_rcode, "qdcount" : self.gen_count, "ancount" : self.gen_count, "nscount" : self.gen_count, "arcount" : self.gen_count } def get_bitfield(self, field): """""" return int(getattr(self.layer, field)) def set_bitfield(self, packet, field, value): """""" return setattr(self.layer, field, int(value)) def gen_bitfield(self, field): """""" return random.choice([0,1]) def gen_id(self, field): return random.randint(0, 65535) def gen_opcode(self, field): return random.randint(0, 15) def gen_rcode(self, field): return random.randint(0, 15) def gen_count(self, field): return random.randint(0, 65535) @staticmethod def dns_decompress(packet, logger): """ Performs DNS decompression on the given scapy packet, if applicable. Note that DNS compression/decompression must be done on the boundaries of a label, so DNS compression does not support arbitrary offsets. """ # If this is a TCP packet if packet.haslayer("TCP"): raise NotImplementedError # Perform no action if this is not a DNS or DNSRQ packet if not packet.haslayer("DNS") or not packet.haslayer("DNSQR"): return packet # Extract the query from the DNSQR layer query = packet["DNSQR"].qname.decode() if query[len(query) - 1] != '.': query += '.' # Split the query by label labels = query.split(".") # Collect the first and second half of the query fhalf = labels[0] shalf = ".".join(labels[1:]) # Build the first DNS query directly. The format of this a byte string like this: # b'\x07minghui\xc0\x1a\x00\x01\x00\x01' # \x07 = the length of the label in this DNSQR # minghui = the portion of the domain we will request in the first DNSQR # \xc0\x1a = offset into the DNS packet where the rest of the query will be. The actual offset # here is the \x1a - DNS mandates that if compression is used, the first two bits be 11 # to differentiate them from the rest. \x1A = 26, which is the length of the DNS header # plus the length of this DNSQR. # \x00\x01 = type A record # \x00\x01 = IN length = bytes([len(fhalf)]) label = fhalf.encode() # Since the domain will include an extra ".", add 1 # 2 * 6 is the DNS header # 1 is the byte that determines the length of the label # len(label) is the length of the label # 2 is the offset pointer # 4 - other record information (class, IN) packet_offset = 2 * 6 + 1 + len(label) + 2 + 2 + 2 # The word must start with binary 11, so OR the offset with 0xC000. offset = (0xc000 | packet_offset).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big') request = b'\x00\x01\x00\x01' dns_qr1 = length + label + offset + request # Build the second DNS query directly. The format of the byte string is the same as above # b'\x02ca\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01' # \x02 = length of the remaining domain # ca = portion of the domain in this DNSQR # \x00 = null byte to signify the end of the query # \x00\x01 = type A record # \x00\x01 = IN # Since the second half could potentially contain many labels, this is done in a list comprehension dns_qr2 = b"".join([bytes([len(tld)]) + tld.encode() for tld in shalf.split(".")]) + b"\x00\x01\x00\x01" # Next, we must rebuild the DNS packet itself. If we try to have scapy parse either dns_qr1 or dns_qr2, they # will look malformed, since neither contains a complete request. Therefore, we must build the entire # DNS packet at once. First, we must remove the original DNSQR, since this contains the original request # Need to set qd field to None instead of deleting it to be compatible with scapy 2.5.0 # deleting the qd field in scapy 2.5.0 causes the qd field to be populated with a question record for packet["DNS"].qd = None # Once the DNSQR is removed, scapy automatically sets the qdcount to 0. Adjust it to 2 packet["DNS"].qdcount = 2 # Extract the DNS header standalone now for building dns_header = bytes(packet["DNS"]) dns_packet = DNS(dns_header + dns_qr1 + dns_qr2) del packet["DNS"] packet = packet / dns_packet # Since the size and data of the packet have changed, force scapy to recalculate the important fields # in below layers, if applicable if packet.haslayer("IP"): del packet["IP"].chksum del packet["IP"].len if packet.haslayer("UDP"): del packet["UDP"].chksum del packet["UDP"].len return packet