from actions.action import Action class SleepAction(Action): def __init__(self, time=1, environment_id=None): Action.__init__(self, "sleep", "both") self.terminal = False self.branching = False self.time = time def run(self, packet, logger): """ The sleep action simply passes along the packet it was given with an instruction for how long the engine should sleep before sending it. """ logger.debug(" - Adding %d sleep to given packet." % self.time) packet.sleep = self.time return packet, None def __str__(self): """ Returns a string representation. """ s = Action.__str__(self) s += "{%d}" % self.time return s def parse(self, string, logger): """ Parses a string representation for this object. """ try: if string: self.time = float(string) except ValueError: logger.exception("Cannot parse time %s" % string) return False return True