""" Main evolution driver for Geneva (GENetic EVAsion). This file performs the genetic algorithm, and relies on the evaluator (evaluator.py) to provide fitness evaluations of each individual. """ import argparse import copy import logging import operator import os import random import subprocess as sp import sys import actions.strategy import actions.tree import actions.trigger import evaluator import layers.packet # Grab the terminal size for printing try: _, COLUMNS = sp.check_output(['stty', 'size']).decode().split() # If pytest has capturing enabled or this is run without a tty, catch the exception except sp.CalledProcessError: _, COLUMNS = 0, 0 def setup_logger(log_level): """ Sets up the logger. This will log at the specified level to "ga.log" and at debug level to "ga_debug.log". Logs are stored in the trials/ directory under a run-specific folder. Example: trials/2020-01-01_01:00:00/logs/ga.log Args: log_level (str): Log level to use in setting up the logger ("debug") """ level = log_level.upper() assert level in ["DEBUG", "INFO", "WARNING", "ERROR", "CRITICAL"], "Unknown log level %s" % level actions.utils.CONSOLE_LOG_LEVEL = level.lower() # Setup needed folders ga_log_dir = actions.utils.setup_dirs(actions.utils.RUN_DIRECTORY) ga_log = os.path.join(ga_log_dir, "ga.log") ga_debug_log = os.path.join(ga_log_dir, "ga_debug.log") # Configure logging globally formatter = logging.Formatter(fmt='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") logging.basicConfig(format='%(asctime)s %(levelname)s:%(message)s', datefmt="%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") # Set up the root logger logger = logging.getLogger("ga_%s" % actions.utils.RUN_DIRECTORY) logger.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.propagate = False setattr(logger, "ga_log_dir", ga_log_dir) # If this logger's handlers have already been set up, don't add them again if logger.handlers: return logger # Set log level of console console = logging.StreamHandler() console.setLevel(level) console.setFormatter(formatter) logger.addHandler(console) # Add a DEBUG file handler to send all the debug output to a file debug_file_handler = logging.FileHandler(ga_debug_log) debug_file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) debug_file_handler.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) logger.addHandler(debug_file_handler) # Add a file handler to send all the output to a file file_handler = logging.FileHandler(ga_log) file_handler.setFormatter(formatter) file_handler.setLevel(level) logger.addHandler(file_handler) return logger def collect_plugin_args(cmd, plugin, plugin_type, message=None): """ Collects and prints arguments for a given plugin. Args: cmd (list): sys.argv or a list of args to parse plugin (str): Name of plugin to import ("http") plugin_type (str): Component of plugin to import ("client") message (str): message to override for printing """ if not message: message = plugin_type try: _, cls = actions.utils.import_plugin(plugin, plugin_type) print("\n\n") print("=" * int(COLUMNS)) print("Options for --test-type %s %s" % (plugin, message)) cls.get_args(cmd) # Catch SystemExit here, as this is what argparse raises when --help is passed except (SystemExit, Exception): pass def get_args(cmd): """ Sets up argparse and collects arguments. Args: cmd (list): sys.argv or a list of args to parse Returns: namespace: Parsed arguments """ parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Genetic algorithm for evolving censorship evasion.\n\nevolve.py uses a pass-through argument system to pass the command line arguments through different files in the system, including the evaluator (evaluator.py) and a given plugin (plugins/). --help will collect all these arguments.', add_help=False, prog="evolve.py") parser.add_argument('--test-type', action='store', choices=actions.utils.get_plugins(), default="http", help="plugin to launch") # Add help message separately so we can collect the help messages of all of the other parsers parser.add_argument('-h', '--help', action='store_true', default=False, help='print this help message and exit') # Control aspects of individuals ind_group = parser.add_argument_group('control aspects of individual strategies') ind_group.add_argument('--in-trees', action='store', type=int, default=0, help='starting # of input-direction action trees per strategy. Disables inbound forest if set to 0') ind_group.add_argument('--out-trees', action='store', type=int, default=1, help='starting # of output-direction action trees per strategy') ind_group.add_argument('--in-actions', action='store', type=int, default=2, help='starting # of input-direction actions per action tree') ind_group.add_argument('--out-actions', action='store', type=int, default=2, help='starting # of output-direction actions per action tree') ind_group.add_argument('--fix-trigger', action='store', help='fix all triggers for this evolution to a given trigger') # Options to control the population pool pop_group = parser.add_argument_group('control aspects of the population pool') pop_group.add_argument('--load-from', action='store', help="Load population from a generation file") pop_group.add_argument('--seed', action='store', help='seed strategy to initialize the population to.') # Options to evaluate and exit, skip evaluation, and to specify the type of test evaluation_group = parser.add_argument_group('control aspects of strategy evaluation') evaluation_group.add_argument('--eval-only', action='store', default=None, help='only evaluate fitness for a given strategy or file of strategies') evaluation_group.add_argument('--no-eval', action='store_true', help="Disable evaluator for debugging") evaluation_group.add_argument('--runs', action='store', type=int, default=1, help='number of times each strategy should be run for one evaluation (default 1, fitness is averaged).') # Hyperparameters for genetic algorithm genetic_group = parser.add_argument_group('control aspects of the genetic algorithm') genetic_group.add_argument('--elite-clones', action='store', type=int, default=3, help='number copies of the highest performing individual that should be propagated to the next generation.') genetic_group.add_argument('--mutation-pb', action='store', type=float, default=0.99, help='mutation probability') genetic_group.add_argument('--crossover-pb', action='store', type=float, default=0.4, help='crossover probability') genetic_group.add_argument('--allowed-retries', action='store', type=int, default=20, help='maximum number of times GA will generate any given individual') genetic_group.add_argument('--generations', type=int, action='store', default=50, help="number of generations to run for.") genetic_group.add_argument('--population', type=int, action='store', default=250, help="size of population.") genetic_group.add_argument('--no-reject-empty', action='store_true', default=False, help="disable mutation rejection of empty strategies") genetic_group.add_argument('--no-canary', action='store_true', help="disable canary phase") # Limit access to certain protocols, fields, actions, or types of individuals filter_group = parser.add_argument_group('limit access to certain protocols, fields, actions, or types of individuals') filter_group.add_argument('--protos', action="store", default="TCP", help="allow the GA to scope only to these protocols") filter_group.add_argument('--fields', action='store', default="", help='restrict the GA to only seeing given fields') filter_group.add_argument('--disable-fields', action='store', default="", help='restrict the GA to never using given fields') filter_group.add_argument('--no-gas', action="store_true", help="disables trigger gas") filter_group.add_argument('--disable-action', action='store', default="sleep,trace", help='disables specific actions') # Logging logging_group = parser.add_argument_group('control logging') logging_group.add_argument('--log', action='store', default="info", choices=("debug", "info", "warning", "critical", "error"), help="Sets the log level") logging_group.add_argument('--no-print-hall', action='store_true', help="does not print hall of fame at the end") logging_group.add_argument('--graph-trees', action='store_true', default=False, help='graph trees in addition to outputting to screen') # Misc usage_group = parser.add_argument_group('misc usage') usage_group.add_argument('--no-lock-file', default=(os.name == "posix"), action='store_true', help="does not use /lock_file.txt") usage_group.add_argument('--force-cleanup', action='store_true', default=False, help='cleans up all docker containers and networks after evolution') if not cmd: parser.error("No arguments specified") args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(cmd) epilog = "See the README.md for usage." # Override the help message to collect the pass through args if args.help: parser.print_help() print(epilog) print("=" * int(COLUMNS)) print("\nevolve.py uses a pass-through argument system to evaluator.py and other parts of Geneva. These arguments are below.\n\n") evaluator.get_arg_parser(cmd).print_help() if args.test_type: collect_plugin_args(cmd, args.test_type, "plugin", message="parent plugin") collect_plugin_args(cmd, args.test_type, "client") collect_plugin_args(cmd, args.test_type, "server") raise SystemExit return args def fitness_function(logger, population, ga_evaluator): """ Calls the evaluator to evaluate a given population of strategies. Sets the .fitness attribute of each individual. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with population (list): List of individuals to evaluate ga_evaluator (:obj:`evaluator.Evaluator`): An evaluator object to evaluate with Returns: list: Population post-evaluation """ if ga_evaluator: return ga_evaluator.evaluate(population) for ind in population: ind.fitness = 0 logger.info("[%s] Fitness %d: %s", -1, ind.fitness, str(ind)) return population def sel_random(individuals, k): """ Implementation credit to DEAP: https://github.com/DEAP/deap Select *k* individuals at random from the input *individuals* with replacement. The list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. Args: individuals (list): A list of individuals to select from. k (int): The number of individuals to select. Returns: list: A list of selected individuals. """ return [random.choice(individuals) for _ in range(k)] def selection_tournament(individuals, k, tournsize, fit_attr="fitness"): """ Implementation credit to DEAP: https://github.com/DEAP/deap Select the best individual among *tournsize* randomly chosen individuals, *k* times. The list returned contains references to the input *individuals*. Args: individuals (list): A list of individuals to select from. k (int): The number of individuals to select. tournsize (int): The number of individuals participating in each tournament. fit_attr: The attribute of individuals to use as selection criterion (defaults to "fitness") Returns: list: A list of selected individuals. """ chosen = [] for _ in range(k): aspirants = sel_random(individuals, tournsize) chosen.append(copy.deepcopy(max(aspirants, key=operator.attrgetter(fit_attr)))) return chosen def get_unique_population_size(population): """ Computes number of unique individuals in a population. Args: population (list): Population list """ uniques = {} for ind in population: uniques[str(ind)] = True return len(list(uniques.keys())) def add_to_hof(hof, population): """ Iterates over the current population and updates the hall of fame. The hall of fame is a dictionary that tracks the fitness of every run of every strategy ever. Args: hof (dict): Current hall of fame population (list): Population list Returns: dict: Updated hall of fame """ for ind in population: if str(ind) not in hof: hof[str(ind)] = [] hof[str(ind)].append(ind.fitness) return hof def generate_strategy(logger, num_in_trees, num_out_trees, num_in_actions, num_out_actions, seed, environment_id=None, disabled=None): """ Generates a strategy individual. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with num_in_trees (int): Number of trees to initialize in the inbound forest num_out_trees (int): Number of trees to initialize in the outbound forest num_in_actions (int): Number of actions to initialize in the each inbound tree num_out_actions (int): Number of actions to initialize in the each outbound tree environment_id (str, optional): Environment ID to assign to the new individual disabled (str, optional): List of actions that should not be considered in building a new strategy Returns: :obj:`actions.strategy.Strategy`: A new strategy object """ try: strat = actions.strategy.Strategy([], [], environment_id=environment_id) strat.initialize(logger, num_in_trees, num_out_trees, num_in_actions, num_out_actions, seed, disabled=disabled) except Exception: logger.exception("Failure to generate strategy") raise return strat def mutation_crossover(logger, population, hall, options): """ Apply crossover and mutation on the offspring. Hall is a copy of the hall of fame, used to accept or reject mutations. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with population (list): Population of individuals hall (dict): Current hall of fame options (dict): Options to override settings. Accepted keys are: "crossover_pb" (float): probability of crossover "mutation_pb" (float): probability of mutation "allowed_retries" (int): number of times a strategy is allowed to exist in the hall of fame. "no_reject_empty" (bool): whether or not empty strategies should be rejected Returns: list: New population after mutation """ cxpb = options.get("crossover_pb", 0.5) mutpb = options.get("mutation_pb", 0.5) offspring = copy.deepcopy(population) for i in range(1, len(offspring), 2): if random.random() < cxpb: ind = offspring[i - 1] actions.strategy.mate(ind, offspring[i], indpb=0.5) offspring[i - 1].fitness, offspring[i].fitness = -1000, -1000 for i in range(len(offspring)): if random.random() < mutpb: mutation_accepted = False while not mutation_accepted: test_subject = copy.deepcopy(offspring[i]) mutate_individual(logger, test_subject) # Pull out some metadata about this proposed mutation fitness_history = hall.get(str(test_subject), []) # If we've seen this strategy 10 times before and it has always failed, # or if we have seen it 20 times already, or if it is an empty strategy, # reject this mutation and get another if len(fitness_history) >= 10 and all(fitness < 0 for fitness in fitness_history) or \ len(fitness_history) >= options.get("allowed_retries", 20) or \ (len(test_subject) == 0 and not options.get("no_reject_empty")): mutation_accepted = False else: mutation_accepted = True offspring[i] = test_subject offspring[i].fitness = -1000 return offspring def mutate_individual(logger, ind): """ Simply calls the mutate function of the given individual. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with ind (:obj:`actions.strategy.Strategy`): A strategy individual to mutate Returns: :obj:`actions.strategy.Strategy`: Mutated individual """ return ind.mutate(logger) def run_collection_phase(logger, ga_evaluator): """Individual mutation works best when it has seen real packets to base action and trigger values off of, instead of blindly fuzzing packets. Usually, the 0th generation is useless because it hasn't seen any real packets yet, and it bases everything off fuzzed data. To combat this, a canary phase is done instead. In the canary phase, a single dummy individual is evaluated to capture packets. Once the packets are captured, they are associated with all of the initial population pool, so all of the individuals have some packets to base their data off of. Since this phase by necessity requires the evaluator, this is only run if --no-eval is not specified. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with ga_evaluator (:obj:`evaluator.Evaluator`): An evaluator object to evaluate with Returns: str: ID of the test 'canary' strategy evaluated to do initial collection """ canary = generate_strategy(logger, 0, 0, 0, 0, None, disabled=[]) canary_id = ga_evaluator.canary_phase(canary) if not canary_id: return [] return canary_id def write_generation(filename, population): """ Writes the population pool for a specific generation. Args: filename (str): Name of file to write the generation out to population (list): List of individuals to write out """ # Open File as writable with open(filename, "w") as fd: # Write each individual to file for index, individual in enumerate(population): if index == len(population) - 1: fd.write(str(individual)) else: fd.write(str(individual) + "\n") def load_generation(logger, filename): """ Loads strategies from a file Args: logger (:obj:`logger.Logger`): A logger to log with filename (str): Filename of file containing newline separated strategies to read generation from """ population = [] with open(filename) as file: # Read each individual from file for individual in file: strategy = actions.utils.parse(individual, logger) population.append(strategy) return population def initialize_population(logger, options, canary_id, disabled=None): """ Initializes the population from either random strategies or strategies located in a file. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with options (dict): Options to respect in generating initial population. Options that can be specified as keys: "load_from" (str, optional): File to load population from population_size (int): Size of population to initialize "in-trees" (int): Number of trees to initialize in inbound forest of each individual "out-trees" (int): Number of trees to initialize in outbound forest of each individual "in-actions" (int): Number of actions to initialize in each inbound tree of each individual "out-actions" (int): Number of actions to initialize in each outbound tree of each individual "seed" (str): Strategy to seed this pool with canary_id (str): ID of the canary strategy, used to associate each new strategy with the packets captured during the canary phase disabled (list, optional): List of actions that are disabled Returns: list: New population of individuals """ if options.get("load_from"): # Load the population from a file return load_generation(logger, options["load_from"]) # Generate random strategies population = [] for _ in range(options["population_size"]): p = generate_strategy(logger, options["in-trees"], options["out-trees"], options["in-actions"], options["out-actions"], options["seed"], environment_id=canary_id, disabled=disabled) population.append(p) return population def genetic_solve(logger, options, ga_evaluator): """ Run genetic algorithm with given options. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with options (dict): Options to respect. ga_evaluator (:obj:`evaluator.Evaluator`): Evaluator to evaluate strategies with Returns: dict: Hall of fame of individuals """ # Directory to save off each generation so evolution can be resumed ga_generations_dir = os.path.join(actions.utils.RUN_DIRECTORY, "generations") hall = {} canary_id = None if ga_evaluator and not options["no-canary"]: canary_id = run_collection_phase(logger, ga_evaluator) else: logger.info("Skipping initial collection phase.") population = initialize_population(logger, options, canary_id, disabled=options["disable_action"]) try: offspring = [] elite_clones = [] if options["seed"]: elite_clones = [actions.utils.parse(options["seed"], logger)] # Evolution over given number of generations for gen in range(options["num_generations"]): # Debug printing logger.info("="*(int(COLUMNS) - 25)) logger.info("Generation %d:", gen) # Save current population pool filename = os.path.join(ga_generations_dir, "generation" + str(gen) + ".txt") write_generation(filename, population) # To store the best individuals of this generation to print best_fit, best_ind = -10000, None # Mutation and crossover offspring = mutation_crossover(logger, population, hall, options) offspring += elite_clones # Calculate fitness offspring = fitness_function(logger, offspring, ga_evaluator) total_fitness = 0 # Iterate over the offspring to find the best individual for printing for ind in offspring: if ind.fitness is None and ga_evaluator: logger.error("No fitness for individual found: %s.", str(ind)) continue total_fitness += ind.fitness if ind.fitness is not None and ind.fitness >= best_fit: best_fit = ind.fitness best_ind = ind # Check if any individuals of this generation belong in the hall of fame hall = add_to_hof(hall, offspring) # Save current hall of fame filename = os.path.join(ga_generations_dir, "hall" + str(gen) + ".txt") write_hall(filename, hall) # Status printing for this generation logger.info("\nGeneration: %d | Unique Inviduals: %d | Avg Fitness: %d | Best Fitness [%s] %s: %s", gen, get_unique_population_size(population), round(total_fitness / float(len(offspring)), 2), best_ind.environment_id, str(best_fit), str(best_ind)) # Select next generation population = selection_tournament(offspring, k=len(population) - options["elite_clones"], tournsize=10) # Add the elite clones if options["elite_clones"] > 0: elite_clones = [copy.deepcopy(best_ind) for x in range(options["elite_clones"])] # If the user interrupted, try to gracefully shutdown except KeyboardInterrupt: # Only need to stop the evaluator if one is defined if ga_evaluator: ga_evaluator.stop = True logger.info("") finally: if options["force_cleanup"]: # Try to clean up any hanging docker containers/networks from the run logger.warning("Cleaning up docker...") try: sp.check_call("docker stop $(docker ps -aq) > /dev/null 2>&1", shell=True) except sp.CalledProcessError: pass return hall def collect_results(hall_of_fame): """ Collect final results from offspring. Args: hall_of_fame (dict): Hall of fame of individuals Returns: str: Formatted printout of the hall of fame """ # Sort first on number of runs, then by fitness. best_inds = sorted(hall_of_fame, key=lambda ind: (len(hall_of_fame[ind]), sum(hall_of_fame[ind])/len(hall_of_fame[ind]))) output = "Results: \n" for ind in best_inds: sind = str(ind) output += "Avg. Fitness %s: %s (Evaluated %d times: %s)\n" % (sum(hall_of_fame[sind])/len(hall_of_fame[sind]), sind, len(hall_of_fame[sind]), hall_of_fame[sind]) return output def print_results(hall_of_fame, logger): """ Prints hall of fame. Args: hall_of_fame (dict): Hall of fame to print logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log results with """ logger.info("\n%s", collect_results(hall_of_fame)) def write_hall(filename, hall_of_fame): """ Writes hall of fame out to a file. Args: filename (str): Filename to write results to hall_of_fame (dict): Hall of fame of individuals """ with open(filename, "w") as fd: fd.write(collect_results(hall_of_fame)) def eval_only(logger, requested, ga_evaluator, runs=1): """ Parses a string representation of a given strategy and runs it through the evaluator. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with requested (str): String representation of requested strategy or filename of strategies ga_evaluator (:obj:`evaluator.Evaluator`): An evaluator to evaluate with runs (int): Number of times each strategy should be evaluated Returns: float: Success rate of tested strategies """ # The user can specify a file that contains strategies - check first if that is the case if os.path.isfile(requested): with open(requested, "r") as fd: requested_strategies = fd.readlines() if not requested_strategies: logger.error("No strategies found in %s", requested) return None else: requested_strategies = [requested] # We want to override the client's default strategy retry logic to ensure # we test to the number of runs requested ga_evaluator.runs = 1 population = [] for requested in requested_strategies: for i in range(runs): ind = actions.utils.parse(requested, logger) population.append(ind) logging.info("Computing fitness for: %s", str(ind)) logging.info("\n%s", ind.pretty_print()) fits = [] success = 0 # Once the population has been parsed and built, test it fitness_function(logger, population, ga_evaluator) for strat in population: fits.append(strat.fitness) i = 0 logger.info(fits) for fitness in fits: if fitness > 0: success += 1 logger.info("Trial %d: success! (fitness = %d)", i, fitness) else: logger.info("Trial %d: failure! (fitness = %d)", i, fitness) i += 1 if fits: logger.info("Overall %d/%d = %d%%", success, i, int((float(success)/float(i)) * 100)) logger.info("Exiting eval-only.") return float(success)/float(i) def restrict_headers(logger, protos, filter_fields, disabled_fields): """ Restricts which protocols/fields can be accessed by the algorithm. Args: logger (:obj:`logging.Logger`): A logger to log with protos (str): Comma separated string of protocols that are allowed filter_fields (str): Comma separated string of fields to allow disabled_fields (str): Comma separated string of fields to disable """ # Retrieve flag and protocol filters, and validate them protos = protos.upper().split(",") if filter_fields: filter_fields = filter_fields.lower().split(",") if disabled_fields: disabled_fields = disabled_fields.split(",") layers.packet.Packet.restrict_fields(logger, protos, filter_fields, disabled_fields) def driver(cmd): """ Main workflow driver for the solver. Parses flags and input data, and initiates solving. Args: cmd (list): sys.argv or a list of arguments Returns: dict: Hall of fame of individuals """ # Parse the given arguments args = get_args(cmd) logger = setup_logger(args.log) lock_file_path = "/lock_file.txt" if not args.no_lock_file and os.path.exists(lock_file_path): logger.info("Lock file \"%s\" already exists.", lock_file_path) return None try: if not args.no_lock_file: # Create lock file to prevent interference between multiple runs open(lock_file_path, "w+") # Log the command run logger.debug("Launching strategy evolution: %s", " ".join(cmd)) logger.info("Logging results to %s", logger.ga_log_dir) if args.no_eval and args.eval_only: print("ERROR: Cannot --eval-only with --no-eval.") return None requested_strategy = args.eval_only # Define an evaluator for this session ga_evaluator = None if not args.no_eval: cmd += ["--output-directory", actions.utils.RUN_DIRECTORY] ga_evaluator = evaluator.Evaluator(cmd, logger) # Check if the user only wanted to evaluate a single given strategy # If so, evaluate it, and exit if requested_strategy or requested_strategy == "": # Disable evaluator empty strategy skipping ga_evaluator.skip_empty = False eval_only(logger, requested_strategy, ga_evaluator, runs=args.runs) return None restrict_headers(logger, args.protos, args.fields, args.disable_fields) actions.trigger.GAS_ENABLED = (not args.no_gas) if args.fix_trigger: actions.trigger.FIXED_TRIGGER = actions.trigger.Trigger.parse(args.fix_trigger) requested_seed = args.seed if requested_seed or requested_seed == "": try: requested_seed = actions.utils.parse(args.seed, logger) except (TypeError, AssertionError, actions.tree.ActionTreeParseError): logger.error("Failed to parse given strategy: %s", requested_seed) raise # Record all of the options supplied by the user to pass to the GA options = {} options["no_reject_empty"] = not args.no_reject_empty options["population_size"] = args.population options["out-trees"] = args.out_trees options["in-trees"] = args.in_trees options["in-actions"] = args.in_actions options["out-actions"] = args.out_actions options["force_cleanup"] = args.force_cleanup options["num_generations"] = args.generations options["seed"] = args.seed options["elite_clones"] = args.elite_clones options["allowed_retries"] = args.allowed_retries options["mutation_pb"] = args.mutation_pb options["crossover_pb"] = args.crossover_pb options["no-canary"] = args.no_canary options["load_from"] = args.load_from disable_action = [] if args.disable_action: disable_action = args.disable_action.split(",") options["disable_action"] = disable_action logger.info("Initializing %d strategies with %d input-action trees and %d output-action trees of input size %d and output size %d for evolution over %d generations.", args.population, args.in_trees, args.out_trees, args.in_actions, args.out_actions, args.generations) hall_of_fame = {} try: # Kick off the main genetic driver hall_of_fame = genetic_solve(logger, options, ga_evaluator) except KeyboardInterrupt: logger.info("User shutdown requested.") if ga_evaluator: ga_evaluator.shutdown() if hall_of_fame and not args.no_print_hall: # Print the final results print_results(hall_of_fame, logger) # Teardown the evaluator if needed if ga_evaluator: ga_evaluator.shutdown() finally: # Remove lock file if os.path.exists(lock_file_path): os.remove(lock_file_path) return hall_of_fame if __name__ == "__main__": driver(sys.argv[1:])