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Defines an action tree. Action trees are comprised of a trigger and a tree of actions.
import random
import re
import anytree
from anytree.exporter import DotExporter
import actions.utils
import actions.trigger
class ActionTreeParseError(Exception):
Exception thrown when an action tree is malformed or cannot be parsed.
class ActionTree():
Defines an ActionTree for the Geneva system.
def __init__(self, direction, trigger=None):
self.trigger = trigger
self.action_root = None
self.direction = direction
self.environment_id = None
self.ran = False
def __iter__(self):
Sets up a preoder iterator for the tree.
for node in self.preorder(self.action_root):
yield node
def __getitem__(self, index):
Implements indexing
if index > len(self):
return None
# Wrap around if given negative number to allow for negative indexing
if index < 0:
index = index + len(self)
idx = 0
for action in self:
if idx == index:
return action
idx += 1
def __len__(self):
Calculates the number of actions in the tree.
num = 0
for node in self:
if node:
num += 1
return num
def __str__(self):
Returns a string representation for the action tree.
rep = "[%s]-" % str(self.trigger)
for string in self.string_repr(self.action_root):
rep += string
if not rep.endswith("-"):
rep += "-"
rep += "|"
return rep
def do_parse(self, node, string, logger):
Handles the preorder recursive parsing.
# If we're passed an empty string, return None
if not string.strip():
return None
# If there is no subtree defined here, the action string is the string we've been given,
# and there are no left or right actions left
if "(" not in string:
action_string = string
left_actions, right_actions = "", ""
# Find the outermost (first) occurance of "(" - this defines the boundaries between
# this current action and it's subtree actions
subtree_idx = string.find("(")
# Split this string into the action and it's subtree string
action_string, rest = string[:subtree_idx], string[subtree_idx:]
# We need to split the remaining string at the correct comma that splits this subtree's
# left and right actions. To find the correct comma to split on, we need to find the
# comma that splits the current tree 'in the middle' - where the depth is the number of
# splits. This occurs when we cound the same number of commas as open parenthesis "(".
depth = 0
comma = 0
idx = 0
for char in rest:
if char == "(":
depth += 1
if char == ",":
comma += 1
if comma == depth and depth > 0:
idx += 1
# If we did not break, we didn't find where to split. Raise an exception
raise ActionTreeParseError("Given string %s is malformed" % string)
# Split on this index, and ignore the first character "(" and last character ")"
left_actions, right_actions = rest[1:idx], rest[idx+1:-1]
# Parse the action_string using action.utils
action_obj = actions.action.Action.parse_action(action_string, self.direction, logger)
if not action_obj:
raise ActionTreeParseError("Did not get a legitimate action object from %s" %
# Assign this action_obj to the node
node = action_obj
# Sanity check - if this is not a branching action but it has right actions, raise
if not node.branching and right_actions:
raise ActionTreeParseError("Cannot have a non branching action with right subtree")
# Sanity check = if this is a termainal action but it has sub actions, raise
if node.terminal and (right_actions or left_actions):
raise ActionTreeParseError("Cannot have a terminal action with children")
# If we have a left action and were given a packet to pass on, run
# on the left packet
if left_actions:
node.left = self.do_parse(node.left, left_actions, logger)
# If we have a left action and were given a packet to pass on, run
# on the left packet
if right_actions:
node.right = self.do_parse(node.right, right_actions, logger)
return node
def parse(self, string, logger):
Parses a string representation of an action tree into this object.
# Individual action trees always end in "|" to signify the end - refuse
# to parse if this is malformed
if not string.strip().endswith("|"):
msg = "Tree does not end with |. Was I given an entire strategy or part of a tree?"
return False
# The format of each action matches this regular expression. For example, given
# the action tree: [TCP:flags:SA]-tamper{TCP:flags:corrupt}-|
# it would parse out the trigger "TCP:flags:SA" and the tree as
# "-tamper{TCP:flags:corrupt}"
match = re.match(r"\[(\S*)\]-(\S*)|", string)
if not match or not match.group(0):
logger.error("Could not identify trigger or tree")
return False
# Ask the trigger class to parse this trigger to define a new object
trigger = actions.trigger.Trigger.parse(match.group(1))
# If we couldn't parse the trigger, bail
if not trigger:
logger.error("Trigger failed to parse")
return False
tree = match.group(2)
# Depending on the form of the action tree, there might be a hanging "-|" or "|"
# Remove them
if tree.endswith("-|"):
tree = tree.replace("-|", "")
if tree.endswith("|"):
tree = tree.replace("|", "")
# Parse the rest of the tree and setup the action tree
self.action_root = self.do_parse(self.action_root, tree, logger)
except ActionTreeParseError:
logger.exception("Exception caught from parser")
return False
self.trigger = trigger
return self
def check(self, packet, logger):
Checks if this action tree should run on this packet.
return self.trigger.is_applicable(packet, logger)
def do_run(self, node, packet, logger):
Handles recursively running a packet down the tree.
# If there is no action here, yield None
if not node:
yield None
# Run this current action against the given packet.
# It will give us a packet to pass to the left and right child
left_packet, right_packet = node.run(packet, logger)
# If there is no left child, yield the left packet
if not node.left:
yield left_packet
# If we have a left action and were given a packet to pass on, run
# on the left packet
if node.left and left_packet:
for lpacket in self.do_run(node.left, left_packet, logger):
yield lpacket
# If there is no right child, yield the right packet
if not node.right:
yield right_packet
# If we have a left action and were given a packet to pass on, run
# on the left packet
if node.right and right_packet:
for rpacket in self.do_run(node.right, right_packet, logger):
yield rpacket
def run(self, packet, logger):
Runs a packet through the action tree.
self.ran = True
packets = []
for processed in self.do_run(self.action_root, packet, logger):
if processed:
return packets
def preorder(self, node):
Yields a preorder traversal of the tree.
yield node
if node and node.left:
for lnode in self.preorder(node.left):
yield lnode
if node and node.right:
for rnode in self.preorder(node.right):
yield rnode
def string_repr(self, node):
Yields a preorder traversal of the tree to create a string representation.
if not node:
yield ""
yield "%s" % node
# Only yield a subtree start representation if there is a subtree to build
if node.left or node.right:
yield "("
# Setup the left subtree representation
if node.left:
for lnode in self.string_repr(node.left):
yield str(lnode)
# Only yield subtree representation if there is a subtree to build
if node.left or node.right:
yield ","
# Setup the right subtree representation
if node and node.right:
for rnode in self.string_repr(node.right):
yield str(rnode)
# Only yield subtree representation if there is a subtree to build
if node.left or node.right:
yield ")"
def remove_action(self, action):
Removes a given action from the tree.
# If there is only an action root and no other actions, just delete the root
if action == self.action_root and not self.action_root.left and not self.action_root.right:
self.action_root = None
return True
# If there is no tree at all, nothing to remove
if not self.action_root:
return False
for node in self:
# If the node we're removing is the root of the tree, replace it with the left child
# if it exists; if not, the right child.
if node == action and action == self.action_root:
self.action_root = action.left or action.right
return True
if node.left == action:
node.left = action.left
return True
if node.right == action:
node.right = action.left
return True
return False
def get_slots(self):
Returns the number of locations a new action could be added.
slots = 0
for action in self:
# Terminal actions have no children
if action.terminal:
if not action.left:
slots += 1
if not action.right and action.branching:
slots += 1
return slots
def count_leaves(self):
Counts the number of leaves.
leaves = 0
for action in self:
if not action.left and not action.right:
leaves += 1
return leaves
def contains(self, action):
Checks if an action is contained in the tree.
for node in self:
if node == action:
return True
return False
def add_action(self, new_action):
Adds an action to this action tree.
# Refuse to add None actions
if not new_action:
return False
# If no actions are in this tree yet, this given action is the new root
if not self.action_root:
self.action_root = new_action
return True
# We cannot add an action if it is already in the tree, or we could recurse
# forever
if self.contains(new_action):
return False
# Count the open spaces that we could put a new action to.
# This is effectively counting the leaves we could have if all the leaves had children
slots = self.get_slots()
# We will visit each available slot and add the action there with probability
# 1/slots. Since it's possible we could visit every slot without having hit that
# probability yet, keep iterating until we do.
action_added = False
while not action_added and slots > 0:
for action in self:
if not action.left and not action.terminal and random.random() < 1/float(slots):
action.left = new_action
action_added = True
# We can only add to the right child if this action can introduce branching,
# such as (duplicate, fragment)
if not action.right and not action.terminal and action.branching and \
random.random() < 1/float(slots):
action.right = new_action
action_added = True
return action_added
def remove_one(self):
Removes a random leaf from the tree.
if not self.action_root:
return False
action = random.choice(self)
return self.remove_action(action)
def choose_one(self):
Picks a random element in the tree.
# If this is an empty tree, return None
if not self.action_root:
return None
return random.choice(self)
def get_parent(self, node):
Returns the parent of the given node and direction of the child.
# If we're given None, bail with None, None
if not node:
return None, None
for action in self:
if action.left == node:
return action, "left"
if action.right == node:
return action, "right"
return None, None
def pretty_print_help(self, root, visual=False, parent=None):
Pretty prints the tree.
- root is the highest-level node you wish to start printing
- [visual] controls whether a png should be created, by default, this is false.
- [parent] is an optional parameter specifying the parent of a given node, should
only be used by this function.
Returns the root with its children as an anytree node.
if not root:
return None
if visual:
newroot = anytree.Node(str(root) + "(" + str(root.ident) + ")", parent=parent)
newroot = anytree.Node(str(root), parent=parent)
if root.left:
newroot.left = self.pretty_print_help(root.left, visual, parent=newroot)
if not root.terminal:
# Drop never sends packets
newroot.left = anytree.Node(' ===> ', parent=newroot)
if root.right:
newroot.right = self.pretty_print_help(root.right, visual, parent=newroot)
if (not root.terminal and root.branching):
# Tamper only has one child
newroot.right = anytree.Node(' ===> ', parent=newroot)
return newroot
def pretty_print(self, visual=False):
Pretty prints the tree.
if visual:
newroot = self.pretty_print_help(self.action_root, visual=True)
if newroot:
newroot = self.pretty_print_help(self.action_root, visual=False)
if not newroot:
return ""
# use an array and join so there's never an issue with newlines at the end
pretty_string = []
for pre, _fill, node in anytree.RenderTree(newroot):
pretty_string.append(("%s%s" % (pre, node.name)))
return "%s\n%s" % (str(self.trigger), '\n'.join(pretty_string))