
913 lines
27 KiB

import binascii
import random
import string
import os
import urllib.parse
from scapy.all import IP, RandIP, UDP, DNS, DNSQR, Raw, TCP, fuzz
from actions.http import HTTPRequest
class Layer():
Base class defining a Geneva packet layer.
protocol = None
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes this layer.
self.layer = layer
# No custom setter, getters, generators, or parsers are needed by default
self.setters = {}
self.getters = {}
self.generators = {}
self.parsers = {}
def reset_restrictions(cls):
Resets field restrictions placed on this layer.
cls.fields = cls._fields
def get_next_layer(self):
Given the current layer returns the next layer beneath us.
if len(self.layer.layers()) == 1:
return None
return self.layer[1]
def get_random(self):
Retreives a random field and value.
field = random.choice(self.fields)
return field, self.get(field)
def gen_random(self):
Generates a random field and value.
assert self.fields, "Layer %s doesn't have any fields" % str(self)
field = random.choice(self.fields)
return field, self.gen(field)
def name_matches(cls, name):
Checks if given name matches this layer name.
return name.upper() ==
def get(self, field):
Retrieves the value from a given field.
assert field in self.fields
if field in self.getters:
return self.getters[field](field)
# Dual field accessors are fields that require two pieces of information
# to retrieve them (for example, "options-eol"). These are delimited by
# a dash "-".
base = field.split("-")[0]
if "-" in field and base in self.getters:
return self.getters[base](field)
return getattr(self.layer, field)
def set(self, packet, field, value):
Sets the value for a given field.
assert field in self.fields
base = field.split("-")[0]
if field in self.setters:
self.setters[field](packet, field, value)
# Dual field accessors are fields that require two pieces of information
# to retrieve them (for example, "options-eol"). These are delimited by
# a dash "-".
elif "-" in field and base in self.setters:
self.setters[base](packet, field, value)
setattr(self.layer, field, value)
# Request the packet be reparsed to confirm the value is stable
# XXX Temporarily disabling the reconstitution check due to scapy bug (#2034)
#assert bytes(self.protocol(bytes(self.layer))) == bytes(self.layer)
def gen(self, field):
Generates a value for this field.
assert field in self.fields
if field in self.generators:
return self.generators[field](field)
# Dual field accessors are fields that require two pieces of information
# to retrieve them (for example, "options-eol"). These are delimited by
# a dash "-".
base = field.split("-")[0]
if "-" in field and base in self.generators:
return self.generators[base](field)
sample = fuzz(self.protocol())
new_value = getattr(sample, field)
if new_value == None:
new_value = 0
elif type(new_value) != int:
new_value = new_value._fix()
return new_value
def parse(self, field, value):
Parses the given value for a given field. This is useful for fields whose
value cannot be represented in a string type easily - it lets us define
a common string representation for the strategy, and parse it back into
a real value here.
assert field in self.fields
if field in self.parsers:
return self.parsers[field](field, value)
# Dual field accessors are fields that require two pieces of information
# to retrieve them (for example, "options-eol"). These are delimited by
# a dash "-".
base = field.split("-")[0]
if "-" in field and base in self.parsers:
return self.parsers[base](field, value)
parsed = int(value)
except ValueError:
parsed = value
return parsed
def get_load(self, field):
Helper method to retrieve load, as scapy doesn't recognize 'load' as
a regular field properly.
load = self.layer.payload.load
except AttributeError:
load = self.layer.load
except AttributeError:
return ""
if not load:
return ""
return urllib.parse.quote(load.decode('utf-8', 'ignore'))
def set_load(self, packet, field, value):
Helper method to retrieve load, as scapy doesn't recognize 'load' as
a field properly.
if packet.haslayer("IP"):
del packet["IP"].len
value = urllib.parse.unquote(value)
value = value.encode('utf-8')
# Add support for injecting arbitrary protocol payloads if requested
dns_payload = b"\x009ib\x81\x80\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x00\x01\x08examples\x03com\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01\xc0\x0c\x00\x01\x00\x01\x00\x00\x01+\x00\x04\xc7\xbf2I\x00\x00)\x02\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00"
http_payload = b"GET / HTTP/1.1\r\nHost:\r\n\r\n"
value = value.replace(b"__DNS_REQUEST__", dns_payload)
value = value.replace(b"__HTTP_REQUEST__", http_payload)
self.layer.payload = Raw(value)
def gen_load(self, field):
Helper method to generate a random load, as scapy doesn't recognize 'load'
as a field properly.
load = ''.join([random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase + string.digits) for k in range(10)])
return urllib.parse.quote(load)
class IPLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access IP header fields.
name = "IP"
protocol = IP
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the IP layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
"flags" : self.get_flags,
"load" : self.get_load
self.setters = {
"flags" : self.set_flags,
"load" : self.set_load
self.generators = {
"src" : self.gen_ip,
"dst" : self.gen_ip,
"chksum" : self.gen_chksum,
"len" : self.gen_len,
"load" : self.gen_load,
"flags" : self.gen_flags
def gen_len(self, field):
Generates a valid IP length. Scapy breaks if the length is set to 0, so
return a random int starting at 1.
return random.randint(1, 500)
def gen_chksum(self, field):
Generates a checksum.
return random.randint(1, 65535)
def gen_ip(self, field):
Generates an IP address.
return RandIP()._fix()
def get_flags(self, field):
Retrieves flags as a string.
return str(self.layer.flags)
def set_flags(self, packet, field, value):
Sets the flags field. There is a bug in scapy, if you retrieve an empty
flags field, it will return "", but you cannot set this value back.
To reproduce this bug:
>>> setattr(IP(), "flags", str(IP().flags)) # raises a ValueError
To handle this case, this method converts empty string to zero so that
it can be safely stored.
if value == "":
value = 0
self.layer.flags = value
def gen_flags(self, field):
Generates random valid flags.
sample = fuzz(self.protocol())
# Since scapy lazily evaluates fuzzing, we first must set a
# legitimate value for scapy to evaluate what combination of flags it is
sample.flags = sample.flags
return str(sample.flags)
class TCPLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access TCP header fields.
name = "TCP"
protocol = TCP
_fields = [
fields = _fields
options_names = {
"eol": 0,
"nop": 1,
"mss": 2,
"wscale": 3,
"sackok": 4,
"sack": 5,
#"echo" : 6,
#"echo_reply" : 7,
"timestamp": 8,
"altchksum": 14,
"altchksumopt": 15,
"md5header": 19,
#"quick_start" : 27,
"uto": 28
#"authentication": 29,
#"experiment": 254
# Each entry is Kind: length
options_length = {
0: 0, # EOL
1: 0, # NOP
2: 2, # MSS
3: 1, # WScale
4: 0, # SAckOK
5: 0, # SAck
6: 4, # Echo
7: 4, # Echo Reply
8: 8, # Timestamp
14: 3, # AltChkSum
15: 0, # AltChkSumOpt
19: 16, # MD5header Option
27: 6, # Quick-Start response
28: 2, # User Timeout Option
29: 4, # TCP Authentication Option
254: 8, # Experiment
# Required by scapy
scapy_options = {
0: "EOL",
1: "NOP",
2: "MSS",
3: "WScale",
4: "SAckOK",
5: "SAck",
8: "Timestamp",
14: "AltChkSum",
15: "AltChkSumOpt",
28: "UTO",
# 254:"Experiment" # scapy has two versions of this, so it doesn't work
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the TCP layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
# Special methods to help access fields that cannot be accessed normally
self.getters = {
'load' : self.get_load,
'options' : self.get_options
self.setters = {
'load' : self.set_load,
'options' : self.set_options
# Special methods to help generate fields that cannot be generated normally
self.generators = {
'load' : self.gen_load,
'dataofs' : self.gen_dataofs,
'flags' : self.gen_flags,
'chksum' : self.gen_chksum,
'options' : self.gen_options
def gen_chksum(self, field):
Generates a checksum.
return random.randint(1, 65535)
def gen_dataofs(self, field):
Generates a valid value for the data offset field.
# Dataofs is a 4 bit header, so a max of 15
return random.randint(1, 15)
def gen_flags(self, field):
Generates a random set of flags. 50% of the time it picks randomly from
a list of real flags, otherwise it returns fuzzed flags.
if random.random() < 0.5:
return random.choice(['S', 'A', 'SA', 'PA', 'FA', 'R', 'P', 'F', 'RA', ''])
sample = fuzz(self.protocol())
# Since scapy lazily evaluates fuzzing, we first must set a
# legitimate value for scapy to evaluate what combination of flags it is
sample.flags = sample.flags
return str(sample.flags)
def get_options(self, field):
Helper method to retrieve options.
base, req_option = field.split("-")
assert base == "options", "get_options can only be used to fetch options."
option_type = self.option_str_to_int(req_option)
i = 0
# First, check if the option is already present in the packet
for option in self.layer.options:
# Scapy may try to be helpful and return the string of the option
next_option = self.option_str_to_int(option[0])
if option_type == next_option:
_name, value = self.layer.options[i]
# Some options (timestamp, checksums, nop) store their value in a
# tuple.
if isinstance(value, tuple):
# Scapy returns values in any of these types
if value in [None, b'', ()]:
return ''
value = value[0]
if value in [None, b'', ()]:
return ''
if req_option == "md5header":
return binascii.hexlify(value).decode("utf-8")
return value
i += 1
return ''
def set_options(self, packet, field, value):
Helper method to set options.
base, option = field.split("-")
assert base == "options", "Must use an options field with set_options"
option_type = self.option_str_to_int(option)
if type(value) == str:
# Prepare the value for storage in the packet
value = binascii.unhexlify(value)
# Scapy requires these options to be a tuple - since evaling this
# is not yet supported, for now, SAck will always be an empty tuple
if option in ["sack"]:
value = ()
# These options must be set as integers - if they didn't exist, they can
# be added like this
if option in ["timestamp", "mss", "wscale", "altchksum", "uto"] and not value:
value = 0
i = 0
# First, check if the option is already present in the packet
for option in self.layer.options:
# Scapy may try to be helpful and return the string of the option
next_option = self.option_str_to_int(option[0])
if option_type == next_option:
packet["TCP"].options[i] = self.format_option(option_type, value)
i += 1
# If we didn't break, the option doesn't exist in the packet currently.
old_options_array = packet["TCP"].options
old_options_array.append(self.format_option(option_type, value))
packet["TCP"].options = old_options_array
# Let scapy recalculate the required values
del self.layer.chksum
del self.layer.dataofs
if packet.haslayer("IP"):
del packet["IP"].chksum
del packet["IP"].len
return True
def gen_options(self, field):
Helper method to set options.
_, option = field.split("-")
option_num = self.options_names[option]
length = self.options_length[option_num]
data = b''
if length > 0:
data = os.urandom(length)
data = binascii.hexlify(data).decode()
# MSS must be a 2-byte int
if option_num == 2:
data = random.randint(0, 65535)
# WScale must be a 1-byte int
elif option_num == 3:
data = random.randint(0, 255)
# Timestamp must be an int
elif option_num == 8:
data = random.randint(0, 4294967294)
elif option_num == 14:
data = random.randint(0, 255)
elif option_num == 28:
data = random.randint(0, 255)
return data
def option_str_to_int(self, option):
Takes a string representation of an option and returns the option integer code.
if type(option) == int:
return option
assert "-" not in option, "Must be given specific option: %s." % option
for val in self.scapy_options:
if self.scapy_options[val].lower() == option.lower():
return val
if " " in option:
option = option.replace(" ", "_").lower()
if option.lower() in self.options_names:
return self.options_names[option.lower()]
def format_option(self, options_int, value):
Formats the options so they will work with scapy.
# NOPs
if options_int == 1:
return (self.scapy_options[options_int], ())
elif options_int in [5]:
return (self.scapy_options[options_int], value)
# Timestamp
elif options_int in [8, 14]:
return (self.scapy_options[options_int], (value, 0))
elif options_int in self.scapy_options:
return (self.scapy_options[options_int], value)
return (options_int, value)
class UDPLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access UDP header fields.
name = "UDP"
protocol = UDP
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the UDP layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
'load' : self.get_load,
self.setters = {
'load' : self.set_load,
self.generators = {
'load' : self.gen_load,
class HTTPRequestLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access parsed HTTP fields
name = "HTTPRequest"
protocol = HTTPRequest
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the HTTP layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.request = HTTPRequest(bytes(layer)) # TODO: I dont like this
self.getters = {
'load' : self.get_load,
self.setters = {
'load' : self.set_load,
self.generators = {
'load' : self.gen_load,
def get(self, field):
Override get, since the HTTPRequest doesn't immediately make its fields known
assert field in self.fields
if field in self.getters:
return self.getters[field](field)
return getattr(self.request, field)
def set(self, packet, field, value):
Override get, since the HTTPRequest doesn't immediately make its fields known
print('entering set, but I dont like this')
assert field in self.fields
base = field.split("-")[0]
if field in self.setters:
self.setters[field](packet, field, value)
# Dual field accessors are fields that require two pieces of information
# to retrieve them (for example, "options-eol"). These are delimited by
# a dash "-".
elif "-" in field and base in self.setters:
self.setters[base](packet, field, value)
setattr(self.layer, field, value)
# Request the packet be reparsed to confirm the value is stable
# XXX Temporarily disabling the reconstitution check due to scapy bug (#2034)
#assert bytes(self.protocol(bytes(self.layer))) == bytes(self.layer)
def name_matches(cls, name):
Override the name parsing to check for HTTP REQUEST here.
return name.upper() in ["HTTPREQUEST"]
class DNSLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access DNS header fields.
name = "DNS"
protocol = DNS
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the DNS layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
"qr" : self.get_bitfield,
"aa" : self.get_bitfield,
"tc" : self.get_bitfield,
"rd" : self.get_bitfield,
"ra" : self.get_bitfield,
"z" : self.get_bitfield,
"ad" : self.get_bitfield,
"cd" : self.get_bitfield
self.setters = {
"qr" : self.set_bitfield,
"aa" : self.set_bitfield,
"tc" : self.set_bitfield,
"rd" : self.set_bitfield,
"ra" : self.set_bitfield,
"z" : self.set_bitfield,
"ad" : self.set_bitfield,
"cd" : self.set_bitfield
self.generators = {
"id" : self.gen_id,
"qr" : self.gen_bitfield,
"opcode" : self.gen_opcode,
"aa" : self.gen_bitfield,
"tc" : self.gen_bitfield,
"rd" : self.gen_bitfield,
"ra" : self.gen_bitfield,
"z" : self.gen_bitfield,
"ad" : self.gen_bitfield,
"cd" : self.gen_bitfield,
"rcode" : self.gen_rcode,
"qdcount" : self.gen_count,
"ancount" : self.gen_count,
"nscount" : self.gen_count,
"arcount" : self.gen_count
def get_bitfield(self, field):
return int(getattr(self.layer, field))
def set_bitfield(self, packet, field, value):
return setattr(self.layer, field, int(value))
def gen_bitfield(self, field):
return random.choice([0,1])
def gen_id(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 65535)
def gen_opcode(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 15)
def gen_rcode(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 15)
def gen_count(self, field):
return random.randint(0, 65535)
def dns_decompress(packet, logger):
Performs DNS decompression on the given scapy packet, if applicable.
Note that DNS compression/decompression must be done on the boundaries
of a label, so DNS compression does not support arbitrary offsets.
# If this is a TCP packet
if packet.haslayer("TCP"):
raise NotImplementedError
# Perform no action if this is not a DNS or DNSRQ packet
if not packet.haslayer("DNS") or not packet.haslayer("DNSQR"):
return packet
# Extract the query from the DNSQR layer
query = packet["DNSQR"].qname.decode()
if query[len(query) - 1] != '.':
query += '.'
# Split the query by label
labels = query.split(".")
# Collect the first and second half of the query
fhalf = labels[0]
shalf = ".".join(labels[1:])
# Build the first DNS query directly. The format of this a byte string like this:
# b'\x07minghui\xc0\x1a\x00\x01\x00\x01'
# \x07 = the length of the label in this DNSQR
# minghui = the portion of the domain we will request in the first DNSQR
# \xc0\x1a = offset into the DNS packet where the rest of the query will be. The actual offset
# here is the \x1a - DNS mandates that if compression is used, the first two bits be 11
# to differentiate them from the rest. \x1A = 26, which is the length of the DNS header
# plus the length of this DNSQR.
# \x00\x01 = type A record
# \x00\x01 = IN
length = bytes([len(fhalf)])
label = fhalf.encode()
# Since the domain will include an extra ".", add 1
# 2 * 6 is the DNS header
# 1 is the byte that determines the length of the label
# len(label) is the length of the label
# 2 is the offset pointer
# 4 - other record information (class, IN)
packet_offset = 2 * 6 + 1 + len(label) + 2 + 2 + 2
# The word must start with binary 11, so OR the offset with 0xC000.
offset = (0xc000 | packet_offset).to_bytes(2, byteorder='big')
request = b'\x00\x01\x00\x01'
dns_qr1 = length + label + offset + request
# Build the second DNS query directly. The format of the byte string is the same as above
# b'\x02ca\x00\x00\x01\x00\x01'
# \x02 = length of the remaining domain
# ca = portion of the domain in this DNSQR
# \x00 = null byte to signify the end of the query
# \x00\x01 = type A record
# \x00\x01 = IN
# Since the second half could potentially contain many labels, this is done in a list comprehension
dns_qr2 = b"".join([bytes([len(tld)]) + tld.encode() for tld in shalf.split(".")]) + b"\x00\x01\x00\x01"
# Next, we must rebuild the DNS packet itself. If we try to have scapy parse either dns_qr1 or dns_qr2, they
# will look malformed, since neither contains a complete request. Therefore, we must build the entire
# DNS packet at once. First, we must remove the original DNSQR, since this contains the original request
del packet["DNS"].qd
# Once the DNSQR is removed, scapy automatically sets the qdcount to 0. Adjust it to 2
packet["DNS"].qdcount = 2
# Extract the DNS header standalone now for building
dns_header = bytes(packet["DNS"])
dns_packet = DNS(dns_header + dns_qr1 + dns_qr2)
del packet["DNS"]
packet = packet / dns_packet
# Since the size and data of the packet have changed, force scapy to recalculate the important fields
# in below layers, if applicable
if packet.haslayer("IP"):
del packet["IP"].chksum
del packet["IP"].len
if packet.haslayer("UDP"):
del packet["UDP"].chksum
del packet["UDP"].len
return packet
class DNSQRLayer(Layer):
Defines an interface to access DNSQR header fields.
name = "DNSQR"
protocol = DNSQR
_fields = [
fields = _fields
def __init__(self, layer):
Initializes the DNS layer.
Layer.__init__(self, layer)
self.getters = {
"qname" : self.get_qname
self.generators = {
"qname" : self.gen_qname
def get_qname(self, field):
Returns decoded qname from packet.
return self.layer.qname.decode('utf-8')
def gen_qname(self, field):
Generates domain name.
return ""
def name_matches(cls, name):
Scapy returns the name of DNSQR as _both_ DNSQR and "DNS Question Record",
which breaks parsing. Override the name_matches method to handle that case
return name.upper() in ["DNSQR", "DNS QUESTION RECORD"]