
133 lines
5.4 KiB

import argparse
import os
import sys
import time
from scapy.all import send, IP, TCP, Raw
BASEPATH = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
PROJECT_ROOT = os.path.dirname(BASEPATH)
import actions.sniffer
import engine
from plugins.plugin import Plugin
class ClientPlugin(Plugin):
Defines superclass for each application plugin.
def __init__(self):
self.enabled = True
def get_args(command):
Defines required global args for all plugins
# Do not add a help message; this allows us to collect the arguments from server plugins
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Client plugin runner', allow_abbrev=False, add_help=False)
parser.add_argument('--test-type', action='store', choices=actions.utils.get_plugins(), default="http", help="plugin to launch")
parser.add_argument('--environment-id', action='store', help="ID of the current environment")
parser.add_argument('--output-directory', action='store', help="Where to output results")
parser.add_argument('--no-engine', action="store_true",
help="Only run the test without the geneva engine")
parser.add_argument('--server-side', action="store_true", help="run the Geneva engine on the server side, not the client")
parser.add_argument('--strategy', action='store', default="", help='strategy to run')
parser.add_argument('--server', action='store', help="server to connect to")
parser.add_argument('--log', action='store', default="debug",
choices=("debug", "info", "warning", "critical", "error"),
help="Sets the log level")
parser.add_argument('--port', action='store', type=int, help='port to run this server on')
parser.add_argument('--interface', action='store', help='interface to run the engine on for client-side training')
parser.add_argument('--wait-for-censor', action='store_true', help='send control packets to the censor to get startup confirmation')
parser.add_argument('--bad-word', action='store', help="forbidden word to test with", default="ultrasurf")
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(command)
return vars(args)
def start(self, args, logger):
Runs this plugin.
logger.debug("Launching %s" %
fitness = -1000
output_path = os.path.join(PROJECT_ROOT, args.get("output_directory"))
eid = args.get("environment_id")
use_engine = not args.get("no_engine")
port = args.get("port")
interface = args.get("interface")
server_side = args.get("server_side")
assert port, "Need to specify a port in order to launch a sniffer"
pcap_filename = os.path.join(output_path, "packets", eid + "_client.pcap")
# Start a sniffer to capture traffic that the plugin generates
with actions.sniffer.Sniffer(pcap_filename, port, logger) as sniff:
# Conditionally initialize the engine
with engine.Engine(port, args.get("strategy"), server_side=False, environment_id=eid, output_directory=output_path, log_level=args.get("log", "info"), interface=interface, enabled=use_engine) as eng:
# Wait for the censor to start up, if one is running
if args.get("wait_for_censor"):
self.wait_for_censor(args.get("server"), port, eid, output_path)
# Run the plugin
fitness =, logger, engine=eng)
logger.debug("Plugin client has finished.")
if use_engine:
fitness = actions.utils.punish_fitness(fitness, logger, eng)
# If fitness files are disabled, just return
if args.get("no_fitness_file"):
return fitness
logger.debug("Fitness: %d", fitness)
actions.utils.write_fitness(fitness, output_path, eid)
return fitness
def wait_for_censor(self, serverip, port, environment_id, log_dir):
Sends control packets to the censor for up to 20 seconds until it's ready.
for _ in range(0, 200):
check = IP(dst=serverip)/TCP(dport=int(port), sport=2222, seq=13337)/Raw(load="checking")
send(check, verbose=False)
ready_path = os.path.join(BASEPATH, log_dir, actions.utils.FLAGFOLDER, "%s.censor_ready" % environment_id)
if os.path.exists(ready_path):
os.system("rm %s" % ready_path)
return False
return True
def main(command):
Used to invoke the plugin client from the command line.
# Must use the superclasses arg parsing first to figure out the plugin to use
plugin = ClientPlugin.get_args(command)["test_type"]
# Import that plugin
_, cls = actions.utils.import_plugin(plugin, "client")
# Ask the plugin to parse the args
plugin_args = cls.get_args(command)
# Instantiate the plugin
client_plugin = cls(plugin_args)
# Define a logger and launch the plugin
with actions.utils.Logger(plugin_args["output_directory"], __name__, "client", plugin_args["environment_id"], log_level=plugin_args.get("log")) as logger:
client_plugin.start(plugin_args, logger)
if __name__ == "__main__":