mirror of
synced 2024-12-17 22:19:48 +01:00
* Refactoring
+ Added setup.py * Updated README * Should have been comitted
This commit is contained in:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
@ -1,2 +1,74 @@
# python-requirements-finder
Package to infer requirements package version based on git history
# Python-Requirements-Guesser
> ⚠️ This is alpha quality software. Work in progress
Attempt to guess `requirements.txt` modules versions based on Git history.
## What is the problem ?
Did you ever clone a repo with python code that didn't specify library versions in a `requirements.txt` file ?
Or even worst: a repo without a `requirements.txt`...
Reproducing results is hard, it's even harder when you have mismatched library versions.
## Solution
There is a fair chance that the owner of the repo you just cloned installed most of it's packages using
pip install <package name>
This would have installed the latest available version at the time the command was runned.
Based on this, we look at the `git commit history` to find out when a package was first imported in the code or when it was first added to the `requirements.txt` file.
We then query `Pypi` to retrieve the version available at the commit date.
## Usage
`Py-Requirements-Guesser` should be runned inside a git repository.
py-requirements-guesser --write {requirements.txt path}
You will be prompted by a serie of choice to orient the guessing process.
See video :
Ascii show
## Installation
This package doesn't have any dependencies.
To install the `Py-Requirements-Guesser`:
git clone https://github.com/J3rome/py-requirements-guesser
python3 setup.py install
## Package name mapping - Pipreqs
There might be mismatches between the name of a package on `Pypi` and the name used to `import` it (Ex : `pip install PyYAML` & `import yaml` ).
There doesn't seem to be a straightforward way to do the mapping between `Pypi` name and `import` name.
The great [PipReqs](https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs) package (which was an inspiration for this package) manually maintains a mapping file between `Pypi` names and the `import` names.
They also maintain a list of the standard library module names.
For now, we grab the [mapping](https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs/blob/master/pipreqs/mapping) and [stdlib](https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs/blob/master/pipreqs/stdlib) files at commit `90102acdbb23c09574d27df8bd1f568d34e0cfd3`.
**Thanks guys** !
## Additional arguments
`Py-Requirements-Guesser` can take 2 additional parameters :
`--keep_unused_packages`: By default, unused packages are ignored. This parameter will force version guessing for the packages in `requirements.txt` that are not `imported` in the code anywhere.
`--force_guess {package1},{package2},..`: By default, if your code contains a module named `yaml.py`, `import yaml` statements won't be analyzed. Use this argument if local modules have conflicting names with `Pypi` packages to force version guessing.
- Guess/Pin the dependencies tree of the package Ex : Torch package will install numpy, etc
- Poetry support ?
- Jupyter notebook support
- Add guessing choice where user can choose version between the time the package was first imported and the date of the last commit on a python file
- Detect python & os versions. Some package versions might not be available for certain os or python versions
- Better output/UX
## License
GNU GPLV3 see [License](LICENSE)
## Contributing
Pull requests are welcomed !
Fill up an issue if you encounter any problem !
@ -1,286 +0,0 @@
import re
import os
import argparse
import subprocess
import json
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.request import urlopen
from utils import load_packages_from_requirements, get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs, user_response_multi_choices
from utils import get_date_last_modified_python_file, get_local_modules, validate_cwd_is_git_repo, user_response_yes_no
# TODO : Pin also the dependencies tree of the packages Ex : Torch package might install numpy, etc
# TODO : Detect python & os versions. Some package versions might not be available for certain os or python versions
# TODO : Add more guesses based on other dates :
# - When the project was first created
# - Last commit (That wasn't on an .md file)
# TODO : Poetry support ?
# TODO : Add jupyter notebook support
EXTRACT_DATE_REGEX = re.compile(r'date\s-\s(\d+)')
LETTER_REGEX = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]')
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Python Requirements Version Guesser")
parser.add_argument('--write', type=str, default=None, required=False, nargs='?', const='')
parser.add_argument('--force_guess', type=str, default=None, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--keep_unused_packages', action='store_true', required=False)
def get_pypi_history(package_name, ignore_release_candidat=True):
Retrieve version release dates via Pypi JSON api
resp = urlopen(f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{package_name}/json")
except Exception as e:
if hasattr(e, 'getcode') and e.getcode() == 404:
return None
print("[ERROR] Internet access is required to fetch package history from Pypi")
resp = json.loads(resp.read())
versions = []
for version, release_info_per_os in resp['releases'].items():
# Just taking the first platform upload date for now..
# Is it really different for other platforms ? Need to validate
# TODO : Give appropriate version based on os and python Versions resp['info']['requires_dist'] # ['require_python']
if len(release_info_per_os) == 0:
if ignore_release_candidat and LETTER_REGEX.search(version):
release_info = release_info_per_os[0]
release_date = datetime.strptime(release_info['upload_time'].split("T")[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
versions.append((version, release_date))
# FIXME : Do we really need to sort ? Versions should already be sorted
return sorted(versions, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
def find_version_at_date(available_versions, date):
last_version = available_versions[0][0]
# FIXME : Do binary search
for candidate_version, candidate_date in available_versions:
if date >= candidate_date:
return candidate_version
last_version = candidate_version
# Date is older than available versions... Fallback on the oldest available version
return last_version
def get_all_imports(stdlib_list=None):
cmd = f'grep -PRoh --include="*.py" "(?<=^import )\\w*|(?<=^from )\\w*" . | sort | uniq'
grep_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode().strip()
grep_out = ""
if len(grep_out) == 0:
raise Exception(f"[ERROR] couldn't find any import statement")
imports = [l.strip() for l in grep_out.split("\n")]
if stdlib_list:
return [l for l in imports if l not in stdlib_list]
return imports
def get_date_when_package_committed(package_name, via_requirements=False, latest_addition=False):
if not via_requirements:
search_pattern = f"^import {package_name}|^from {package_name}"
filename = ""
search_pattern = f"{package_name}$"
filename = "requirements.txt"
# We grep for 'date' | '+ search pattern' so that we keep only commits that insert lines (+)
cmd = f"git log -i -G '{search_pattern}' --pretty='format:date - %at' --date unix -p {filename} | grep -i '^date - \\|\\+.*{package_name}'"
blame_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode().strip()
blame_out = ""
if len(blame_out) == 0:
#return []
if not via_requirements:
msg = f"'{package_name}' is defined in requirements.txt but not used, ignoring"
msg = f"'{package_name}' was not found in requirements.txt"
f"[INFO] {msg}"
return None
# Remove commit that are not directly followed by '+ import' (We grepped for this in cmd)
# This is ugly.. TODO: figure out a better way in the grep command
dates = []
got_plus = False
for line in blame_out.split('\n')[::-1]:
if line[0] == "+":
got_plus = True
elif got_plus:
got_plus = False
matches = EXTRACT_DATE_REGEX.search(line)
if matches:
raise Exception("[ERROR] while parsing git-log")
# Get first date where the line was added
return sorted(dates, reverse=not latest_addition)[0]
def guess_package_versions(package_list, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping, packages_in_requirements, keep_unused_packages=False):
packages = []
for package_name, version in all_packages.items():
print("\n" + "-"*40)
print(f"PACKAGE : {package_name}")
if version is None:
# Reset variables
choice = None
date_added_via_import_str = None
date_added_via_req_str = None
import_version = None
req_version = None
# Pypi package to import mapping
import_name = from_package_to_import_mapping.get(package_name, package_name)
pypi_package_name = from_import_to_package_mapping.get(package_name, package_name)
# Get available versions from Pypi
available_versions = get_pypi_history(pypi_package_name, ignore_release_candidat=True)
if available_versions is None:
print(f"[INFO] Couldn't find Pypi releases for package '{package_name}', ignoring")
# Retrieve candidate version based on the first time the package was imported in *.py
date_added_via_import = get_date_when_package_committed(import_name, via_requirements=False)
if date_added_via_import is None:
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' is defined in requirements.txt but not used (Or committed), ")
if keep_unused_packages:
print(" will use the requirements version since --keep_unused_packages set")
choice = 2
print(f"[INFO] Ignoring package '{package_name}' (Use --keep_unused_packages if you want to keep it)")
date_added_via_import_str = date_added_via_import.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
import_version = find_version_at_date(available_versions, date_added_via_import)
# Retrieve candidate version based on the first time the package was added to requirements.txt
if pypi_package_name.lower() in packages_in_requirements:
date_added_via_req = get_date_when_package_committed(pypi_package_name, via_requirements=True)
if date_added_via_req is not None:
req_version = find_version_at_date(available_versions, date_added_via_req)
date_added_via_req_str = date_added_via_req.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' was not in requirements.txt, using date of first import (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})")
choice = 1
if choice is None:
if req_version != import_version:
# Ask user to choose version based on either first import date or first added to requirements.txt date
choice = user_response_multi_choices(f"Choose guessing strategy for package '{package_name}'", [
f'{"First time the package was imported".ljust(50)} (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})',
f'{"When the package was added to requirements.txt".ljust(50)} (Version {req_version} / {date_added_via_req_str})'
# Both requirements.txt and first import resolve to the same version
choice = 1
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' was not found in requirements.txt, using date of first import (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})")
choice = 1
if choice == 2:
version = req_version
version = import_version
if version is not None:
print(f"[INFO] Package '{package_name}' was attributed version {version}")
print(f"[ERROR] Couldn't attribute version to package '{package_name}'. Are you sure you commited the changes ?")
print(f"[INFO] Package '{package_name}' version is specified in requirements.txt (Version {version})")
packages.append((package_name, version))
return packages
if __name__ == "__main__":
print("Python requirements guesser")
print(f"Guessing package versions for project '{os.getcwd()}'")
if not validate_cwd_is_git_repo():
print("[ERROR] py-reqs-guesser must be runned inside a git repository")
print("Follow the steps to guess package versions based on when they were added to git.")
args = parser.parse_args()
# Retrive mapping files from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs
stdlib_list, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping = get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs()
# Get local packages
if args.force_guess:
args.force_guess = set(args.force_guess.strip().split(","))
local_packages = get_local_modules(print_modules=True, force_guess=args.force_guess)
# Remove local_packages from the list of imports
# Retrieve all imported packages in project
all_imported_packages = set(get_all_imports(stdlib_list))
# Retrieve packages in requirements.txt
packages_in_requirements_version_map = load_packages_from_requirements('requirements.txt')
packages_in_requirements = set(packages_in_requirements_version_map.keys())
# Merge packages in requirements.txt and imports
all_packages = packages_in_requirements_version_map
extra_packages = all_imported_packages - packages_in_requirements
for extra_package in extra_packages:
all_packages[extra_package] = None
# Interactive guessing of packages versions
packages = guess_package_versions(all_packages, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping, packages_in_requirements, keep_unused_packages=args.keep_unused_packages)
new_requirements_txt = ""
for package_name, version in sorted(packages, key=lambda x:x[0]):
new_requirements_txt += f"{package_name}=={version}\n"
print("\n" + "="*60 + "\n")
print("Requirements.txt :")
if args.write is None:
print("Use the --write {path} parameter to write the new requirements file")
if len(args.write) == 0:
args.write = "requirements.txt"
print(f"Writing requirements to file {args.write}")
if os.path.exists(args.write) and \
not user_response_yes_no(f"File {args.write} already exist, are you sure you want to overwrite it ?"):
with open(args.write, 'w') as f:
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
import os
import argparse
from .guesser import Guesser
from .utils import validate_cwd_is_git_repo, user_response_yes_no, get_requirements_txt_lines, write_requirements_file
__VERSION__ = "0.0.1"
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser("Python Requirements Version Guesser")
parser.add_argument('--write', type=str, default=None, required=False, nargs='?', const='')
parser.add_argument('--force_guess', type=str, default=None, required=False)
parser.add_argument('--keep_unused_packages', action='store_true', required=False)
def run():
print(f"Python requirements guesser v{__VERSION__}")
print(f"Guessing package versions for project '{os.getcwd()}'")
args = parser.parse_args()
if not validate_cwd_is_git_repo():
print("[ERROR] py-reqs-guesser must be runned inside a git repository")
print("Follow the steps to guess package versions based on when they were added to git.")
# Initialisation
guesser = Guesser(args.force_guess, args.keep_unused_packages)
# Interactive guessing of packages versions
packages = guesser.guess_package_versions()
# Create requirements.txt
updated_requirements_txt_lines = get_requirements_txt_lines(packages)
print("\n" + "="*60 + "\n")
print("Requirements.txt :")
if args.write is None:
print("Use the --write {path} parameter to write the new requirements file")
if len(args.write) == 0:
# Default location if --write toggle without {path}
args.write = "requirements.txt"
write_requirements_file(updated_requirements_txt_lines, args.write)
if __name__ == "__main__":
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
import os
from .utils import get_pypi_history, get_all_imports, get_date_when_package_committed, find_version_at_date
from .utils import get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs, get_local_modules, get_packages_from_requirements, user_response_multi_choices
class Guesser:
def __init__(self, force_guess=None, keep_unused_packages=False):
# Retrive mapping files from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs
self.stdlib_list, self.import_to_package_mapping, self.package_to_import_mapping = get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs()
# Get local packages
if force_guess:
force_guess = set(force_guess.strip().split(","))
local_packages = get_local_modules(print_modules=True, force_guess=force_guess)
# Remove local_packages from the list of imports
# Retrieve all imported packages in project
all_imported_packages = set(get_all_imports(self.stdlib_list))
# Retrieve packages in requirements.txt
if os.path.exists('requirements.txt'):
packages_in_requirements_version_map = get_packages_from_requirements('requirements.txt')
self.packages_in_requirements = set(packages_in_requirements_version_map.keys())
packages_in_requirements_version_map = {}
self.packages_in_requirements = set()
# Merge packages in requirements.txt and imports
self.all_packages = packages_in_requirements_version_map
extra_packages = all_imported_packages - self.packages_in_requirements
for extra_package in extra_packages:
self.all_packages[extra_package] = None
self.keep_unused_packages = keep_unused_packages
def guess_package_versions(self):
packages = []
for package_name, version in self.all_packages.items():
print("\n" + "-"*40)
print(f"PACKAGE : {package_name}")
if version is None:
# Reset variables
choice = None
date_added_via_import_str = None
date_added_via_req_str = None
date = None
import_version = None
req_version = None
# Pypi package to import mapping
import_name = self.package_to_import_mapping.get(package_name, package_name)
pypi_package_name = self.import_to_package_mapping.get(package_name, package_name)
# Get available versions from Pypi
available_versions = get_pypi_history(pypi_package_name, ignore_release_candidat=True)
if available_versions is None:
print(f"[INFO] Couldn't find Pypi releases for package '{package_name}', ignoring")
# Retrieve candidate version based on the first time the package was imported in *.py
date_added_via_import = get_date_when_package_committed(import_name, via_requirements=False)
if date_added_via_import is None:
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' is defined in requirements.txt but not used (Or committed), ")
if self.keep_unused_packages:
print(" will attempts guessing version anyways since --keep_unused_packages is set set")
choice = 2
print(f"[INFO] Ignoring package '{package_name}' (Use --keep_unused_packages if you want to keep it)")
date_added_via_import_str = date_added_via_import.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
import_version = find_version_at_date(available_versions, date_added_via_import)
# Retrieve candidate version based on the first time the package was added to requirements.txt
if pypi_package_name.lower() in self.packages_in_requirements:
date_added_via_req = get_date_when_package_committed(pypi_package_name, via_requirements=True)
if date_added_via_req is not None:
req_version = find_version_at_date(available_versions, date_added_via_req)
date_added_via_req_str = date_added_via_req.strftime("%Y-%m-%d")
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' was not in requirements.txt, using date of first import (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})")
choice = 1
if choice is None:
if req_version != import_version:
# Ask user to choose version based on either first import date or first added to requirements.txt date
choice = user_response_multi_choices(f"Choose guessing strategy for package '{package_name}'", [
f'{"First time the package was imported".ljust(50)} (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})',
f'{"When the package was added to requirements.txt".ljust(50)} (Version {req_version} / {date_added_via_req_str})'
# Both requirements.txt and first import resolve to the same version
choice = 1
print(f" [INFO] Package '{package_name}' was not found in requirements.txt, using date of first import (Version {import_version} / {date_added_via_import_str})")
choice = 1
if choice == 2:
version = req_version
date = date_added_via_req_str
version = import_version
date = date_added_via_import_str
if version is not None:
print(f"[INFO] Package '{package_name}' was first committed on {date} and was attributed version {version}")
print(f"[ERROR] Couldn't attribute version to package '{package_name}'. Are you sure you commited the changes ?")
print(f"[INFO] Package '{package_name}' version is specified in requirements.txt (Version {version})")
packages.append((package_name, version))
return packages
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
import re
import os
import json
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
from urllib.request import urlopen
EXTRACT_DATE_REGEX = re.compile(r'date\s-\s(\d+)')
LETTER_REGEX = re.compile(r'[a-zA-Z]')
def get_pypi_history(package_name, ignore_release_candidat=True):
Retrieve version release dates via Pypi JSON api
resp = urlopen(f"https://pypi.org/pypi/{package_name}/json", timeout=20)
except Exception as e:
if hasattr(e, 'getcode') and e.getcode() == 404:
return None
print("[ERROR] Internet access is required to fetch package history from Pypi")
resp = json.loads(resp.read())
versions = []
for version, release_info_per_os in resp['releases'].items():
# Just taking the first platform upload date for now..
# Is it really different for other platforms ? Need to validate
# TODO : Give appropriate version based on os and python Versions resp['info']['requires_dist'] # ['require_python']
if len(release_info_per_os) == 0:
if ignore_release_candidat and LETTER_REGEX.search(version):
release_info = release_info_per_os[0]
release_date = datetime.strptime(release_info['upload_time'].split("T")[0], '%Y-%m-%d')
versions.append((version, release_date))
# FIXME : Do we really need to sort ? Versions should already be sorted
return sorted(versions, key=lambda x:x[1], reverse=True)
def get_all_imports(ignore_list=None):
Retrieve all the 'import XXX' and 'from XXX' statements in the local repo
The ignore_list parameter is used to ignore local packages
cmd = f'grep -PRoh --include="*.py" "(?<=^import )\\w*|(?<=^from )\\w*" . | sort | uniq'
grep_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode().strip()
grep_out = ""
if len(grep_out) == 0:
raise Exception(f"[ERROR] couldn't find any import statement")
imports = [l.strip() for l in grep_out.split("\n")]
if ignore_list:
return [l for l in imports if l not in ignore_list]
return imports
def get_date_when_package_committed(package_name, via_requirements=False, first_occurence=True):
Use git log to retrieve the date at which the package was first imported or added to the requirements.txt file (Based on commit date)
if not via_requirements:
search_pattern = f"^import {package_name}|^from {package_name}"
filename = ""
search_pattern = f"{package_name}$"
filename = "requirements.txt"
# We grep for 'date' | '+ search pattern' so that we keep only commits that insert lines (+)
cmd = f"git log -i -G '{search_pattern}' --pretty='format:date - %at' --date unix -p {filename} | grep -i '^date - \\|\\+.*{package_name}'"
blame_out = subprocess.check_output(cmd, shell=True).decode().strip()
blame_out = ""
if len(blame_out) == 0:
#return []
if not via_requirements:
msg = f"'{package_name}' is defined in requirements.txt but not used, ignoring"
msg = f"'{package_name}' was not found in requirements.txt"
f"[INFO] {msg}"
return None
# Remove commit that are not directly followed by '+ import' (We grepped for this in cmd)
# This is ugly.. TODO: figure out a better way in the grep command
dates = []
got_plus = False
for line in blame_out.split('\n')[::-1]:
if line[0] == "+":
got_plus = True
elif got_plus:
got_plus = False
matches = EXTRACT_DATE_REGEX.search(line)
if matches:
raise Exception("[ERROR] while parsing git-log")
# Get first date where the line was added
return sorted(dates, reverse=first_occurence)[0]
def find_version_at_date(available_versions, date):
Return version available at {date} given {available_versions}
last_version = available_versions[0][0]
# FIXME : Do binary search
for candidate_version, candidate_date in available_versions:
if date >= candidate_date:
return candidate_version
last_version = candidate_version
# Date is older than available versions... Fallback on the oldest available version
return last_version
def get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs(tmp_path="/tmp/.py-reqs-guesser"):
Retrieve 'import -> package' name mapping and standard lib module list
These files come from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs
skip_download = False
if not os.path.exists(tmp_path):
mapping_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/mapping"
stdlib_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/stdlib"
if os.path.exists(mapping_filepath) and os.path.exists(stdlib_filepath):
# File have already been downloaded
skip_download = True
if not skip_download:
msg = "We will download a mapping file from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs\n" \
"Thanks to the maintainers of Pipreqs for keeping the mapping file "\
"and the STDlib module list up to date\n" \
f"Do you agree to downloading these files in '{tmp_path}' ?"
if not user_response_yes_no(msg):
print("\n\n[ERROR]Pipreqs mapping files are required, I encourage you to inspect the code to make sure everything is safe and rerun this")
# FIXME : This is not really scalable...
mapping_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bndr/pipreqs/90102acdbb23c09574d27df8bd1f568d34e0cfd3/pipreqs/mapping"
stdlib_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bndr/pipreqs/90102acdbb23c09574d27df8bd1f568d34e0cfd3/pipreqs/stdlib"
urlretrieve(mapping_url, mapping_filepath)
urlretrieve(stdlib_url, stdlib_filepath)
print("[ERROR] Internet access is required to fetch mapping files from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs")
from_import_to_package_mapping = {}
from_package_to_import_mapping = {}
with open(mapping_filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
import_name, package_name = line.strip().split(":")
from_import_to_package_mapping[import_name] = package_name
from_package_to_import_mapping[package_name] = import_name
with open(stdlib_filepath, 'r') as f:
stdlib = set([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
return stdlib, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping
def get_packages_from_requirements(filepath):
Retrieve package list from 'requirements.txt'
# TODO : Handle multiple version conditions
# TODO : Handle greater than (>). If version contains >, should take the greatest available version at that date.
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
split_reg = re.compile(r'==|<=|>=|<|>')
packages = {}
for line in lines:
splitted = re.split(split_reg, line.strip())
if len(splitted) > 1:
version = splitted[-1]
version = None
packages[splitted[0].lower()] = version
return packages
def get_local_modules(print_modules=False, force_guess=None):
Gather list of the local python modules so we don't query pypi for those modules
Lets say we have the following file structure :
- main.py
- logger.py
- common.py
common.py will be imported in main.py using 'from utils import common'
We therefore need to include the folder 'utils' in our exclusion list
In this example, the exclusion list is [main, logger, utils]
print_modules: Control console printing
force_guess: In case of conflict (Import packageX and local file named packageX.py), this list is used to force version guessing
if force_guess is None:
force_guess = set()
file_paths = subprocess.check_output('find . -name "*.py" -printf "%P\\n"', shell=True).decode().strip().split("\n")
modules = set()
for file_path in file_paths:
module = file_path.split('/')[0]
if '.py' in module:
module = module[:-3]
if module not in force_guess:
if print_modules:
print("\nWe detected the following local project modules :")
for module in modules:
print(" " + module)
print("We won't attempt to guess version for these packages (local files)")
print("In case of conflict, this can be overriden using --force_guess {package1},{package2},...")
return modules
def validate_cwd_is_git_repo():
Verify that the current working directory is inside a git repository
subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null", shell=True)
# git rev-parse return non-zero exit code if not in repo
return False
return True
def user_response_multi_choices(message, choices):
Multiple choice Menu prompt
for i, choice in enumerate(choices):
print(f' {i+1}. {choice}')
nb_choices = len(choices)
resp = input(f'Choose option [1-{nb_choices}] : ')
if not resp.isdigit() or int(resp) not in range(1,nb_choices+1):
return user_response_multi_choices(message, choices)
return int(resp)
def user_response_yes_no(message):
Yes/No Menu prompt
resp = input(message + ' [Y/n] : ').lower()
if resp not in ['y', 'n']:
return user_response_yes_no(message)
return resp == 'y'
def get_date_last_modified_python_file():
Use git log to retrieve the last time a change to a .py file was committed to the repo
timestamp = subprocess.check_output('git log -n 1 --all --pretty="format:%ct" -- "*.py"', shell=True).decode()
if len(timestamp) == 0:
return None
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))
def get_requirements_txt_lines(packages):
requirements_txt = ""
for package_name, version in sorted(packages, key=lambda x:x[0]):
requirements_txt += f"{package_name}=={version}\n"
return requirements_txt
def write_requirements_file(package_lines, filepath):
print(f"Writing requirements to file {filepath}")
if os.path.exists(filepath) and \
not user_response_yes_no(f"File {filepath} already exist, are you sure you want to overwrite it ?"):
with open(filepath, 'w') as f:
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
import setuptools
with open("README.md", "r") as fh:
long_description = fh.read()
name="py-requirements-guesser", # This is the name of the package
version="0.0.1", # The initial release version
author="Jerome Abdelnour", # Full name of the author
description="Guess requirements.txt versions based on Git history",
long_description=long_description, # Long description read from the the readme file
"Programming Language :: Python :: 3",
"License :: OSI Approved :: GNU General Public License v3 (GPLv3)",
"Operating System :: OS Independent",
], # Information to filter the project on PyPi website
python_requires='>=3.6', # Minimum version requirement of the package
'console_scripts': [
@ -1,172 +0,0 @@
import re
import os
import subprocess
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.request import urlretrieve
def user_response_multi_choices(message, choices):
for i, choice in enumerate(choices):
print(f' {i+1}. {choice}')
nb_choices = len(choices)
resp = input(f'Choose option [1-{nb_choices}] : ')
if not resp.isdigit() or int(resp) not in range(1,nb_choices+1):
return user_response_multi_choices(message, choices)
return int(resp)
def user_response_yes_no(message):
resp = input(message + ' [Y/n] : ').lower()
if resp not in ['y', 'n']:
return user_response_yes_no(message)
return resp == 'y'
def get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs(tmp_path="/tmp/.py-req-guesser"):
Retrieve import to package name mapping file and standard lib module list
This list comes from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs
skip_download = False
if not os.path.exists(tmp_path):
mapping_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/mapping"
stdlib_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/stdlib"
if os.path.exists(mapping_filepath) and os.path.exists(stdlib_filepath):
# File have already been downloaded
skip_download = True
if not skip_download:
msg = "We will download a mapping file from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs\n" \
"Thanks to the maintainers of Pipreqs for keeping the mapping file "\
"and the STDlib module list up to date\n" \
f"Do you agree to downloading these files in '{tmp_path}' ?"
if not user_response_yes_no(msg):
print("\n\n[ERROR]Pipreqs mapping files are required, I encourage you to inspect the code to make sure everything is safe and rerun this")
# FIXME : This is not really scalable...
mapping_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bndr/pipreqs/90102acdbb23c09574d27df8bd1f568d34e0cfd3/pipreqs/mapping"
stdlib_url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bndr/pipreqs/90102acdbb23c09574d27df8bd1f568d34e0cfd3/pipreqs/stdlib"
urlretrieve(mapping_url, mapping_filepath)
urlretrieve(stdlib_url, stdlib_filepath)
print("[ERROR] Internet access is required to fetch mapping files from https://github.com/bndr/pipreqs")
from_import_to_package_mapping = {}
from_package_to_import_mapping = {}
with open(mapping_filepath, 'r') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
import_name, package_name = line.strip().split(":")
from_import_to_package_mapping[import_name] = package_name
from_package_to_import_mapping[package_name] = import_name
with open(stdlib_filepath, 'r') as f:
stdlib = set([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()])
return stdlib, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping
def load_packages_from_requirements(filepath):
# TODO : Handle when multiple version conditions
# TODO : Handle greater than (>). If version contains >, should take the greatest available version at the date. Should fit with minor versions ?
with open(filepath, 'r') as f:
lines = f.readlines()
split_reg = re.compile(r'==|<=|>=|<|>')
packages = {}
for line in lines:
splitted = re.split(split_reg, line.strip())
if len(splitted) > 1:
version = splitted[-1]
version = None
packages[splitted[0].lower()] = version
return packages
def get_local_modules(print_modules=False, force_guess=None):
Gather list of the local python modules so we don't query pypi for those modules
Lets say we have the following file structure :
- main.py
- common.py
common.py will be imported in main.py using 'from utils import common'
We therefore need to include the folder 'utils' in our exclusion list
if force_guess is None:
force_guess = set()
file_paths = subprocess.check_output('find . -name "*.py" -printf "%P\\n"', shell=True).decode().strip().split("\n")
modules = set()
for file_path in file_paths:
module = file_path.split('/')[0]
if '.py' in module:
module = module[:-3]
if module not in force_guess:
if print_modules:
print("\nWe detected the following local project modules :")
for module in modules:
print(" " + module)
print("We won't attempt to guess version for these packages (local files)")
print("In case of conflict, this can be overriden using --force_guess {package1},{package2},...")
return modules
def get_date_last_modified_python_file():
timestamp = subprocess.check_output('git log -n 1 --all --pretty="format:%ct" -- "*.py"', shell=True).decode()
if len(timestamp) == 0:
return None
return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp))
def validate_cwd_is_git_repo():
subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null", shell=True)
# git rev-parse return non-zero exit code if not in repo
return False
return True
def detect_os():
def get_python_version():
Reference in New Issue
Block a user