import re import os import subprocess from datetime import datetime from urllib.request import urlretrieve def user_response_multi_choices(message, choices): print(message) for i, choice in enumerate(choices): print(f' {i+1}. {choice}') nb_choices = len(choices) resp = input(f'Choose option [1-{nb_choices}]\n') if not resp.isdigit() or int(resp) not in range(1,nb_choices+1): print("") return user_response_multi_choices(message, choices) return int(resp) def user_response_yes_no(message): resp = input(message + ' [Y/n]\n').lower() if resp not in ['y', 'n']: print("") return user_response_yes_no(message) return resp == 'y' def get_mapping_files_from_pipreqs(tmp_path="/tmp/.py-req-guesser"): """ Retrieve import to package name mapping file and standard lib module list This list comes from """ skip_download = False if not os.path.exists(tmp_path): os.mkdir(tmp_path) mapping_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/mapping" stdlib_filepath = f"{tmp_path}/stdlib" if os.path.exists(mapping_filepath) and os.path.exists(stdlib_filepath): # File have already been downloaded skip_download = True if not skip_download: msg = "We will download a mapping file from\n" \ "Thanks to the maintainers of Pipreqs for keeping the mapping file "\ "and the STDlib module list up to date\n" \ f"Do you agree to downloading these files in '{tmp_path}' ?" if not user_response_yes_no(msg): print("\n\n[ERROR]Pipreqs mapping files are required, I encourage you to inspect the code to make sure everything is safe and rerun this") exit(0) print("") # FIXME : This is not really scalable... mapping_url = "" stdlib_url = "" try: urlretrieve(mapping_url, mapping_filepath) urlretrieve(stdlib_url, stdlib_filepath) except: print("[ERROR] Internet access is required to fetch mapping files from") exit(1) from_import_to_package_mapping = {} from_package_to_import_mapping = {} with open(mapping_filepath, 'r') as f: for line in f.readlines(): import_name, package_name = line.strip().split(":") from_import_to_package_mapping[import_name] = package_name from_package_to_import_mapping[package_name] = import_name with open(stdlib_filepath, 'r') as f: stdlib = set([l.strip() for l in f.readlines()]) return stdlib, from_import_to_package_mapping, from_package_to_import_mapping def load_packages_from_requirements(filepath): # TODO : Handle when multiple version conditions # TODO : Handle greater than (>). If version contains >, should take the greatest available version at the date. Should fit with minor versions ? with open(filepath, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() split_reg = re.compile(r'==|<=|>=|<|>') packages = {} for line in lines: splitted = re.split(split_reg, line.strip()) if len(splitted) > 1: version = splitted[-1] else: version = None packages[splitted[0].lower()] = version return packages def get_local_modules(print_modules=False, force_guess=None): """ Gather list of the local python modules so we don't query pypi for those modules Lets say we have the following file structure : /project - /utils - will be imported in using 'from utils import common' We therefore need to include the folder 'utils' in our exclusion list """ if force_guess is None: force_guess = set() file_paths = subprocess.check_output('find . -name "*.py" -printf "%P\\n"', shell=True).decode().strip().split("\n") modules = set() for file_path in file_paths: module = file_path.split('/')[0] if '.py' in module: module = module[:-3] if module not in force_guess: modules.add(module) if print_modules: print("\nWe detected the following local project modules :") for module in modules: print(" " + module) print("We won't attempt to guess version for these packages (local files)") print("In case of conflict, this can be overriden using --force_guess {package1},{package2},...") return modules def get_date_last_modified_python_file(): timestamp = subprocess.check_output('git log -n 1 --all --pretty="format:%ct" -- "*.py"', shell=True).decode() if len(timestamp) == 0: return None else: return datetime.fromtimestamp(int(timestamp)) def validate_cwd_is_git_repo(): try: subprocess.check_output("git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null", shell=True) except: # git rev-parse return non-zero exit code if not in repo return False return True def detect_os(): pass def get_python_version(): pass