mirror of
synced 2024-12-15 13:41:33 +01:00
Initial amd64 port
This commit is contained in:
@ -349,9 +349,9 @@ Write demo header
void CL_WriteDemoHeader( const char *name )
long copysize;
long savepos;
long curpos;
int copysize;
int savepos;
int curpos;
Con_Printf( "recording to %s.\n", name );
cls.demofile = FS_Open( name, "wb", false );
@ -489,7 +489,7 @@ void CL_DrawDemoRecording( void )
char string[64];
rgba_t color = { 255, 255, 255, 255 };
long pos;
int pos;
int len;
if(!( host_developer.value && cls.demorecording ))
@ -376,7 +376,7 @@ pfnPIC_Load
static HIMAGE pfnPIC_Load( const char *szPicName, const byte *image_buf, long image_size, long flags )
static HIMAGE pfnPIC_Load( const char *szPicName, const byte *image_buf, int image_size, int flags )
@ -78,7 +78,9 @@ byte *CL_CreateRawTextureFromPixels( texture_t *tx, size_t *size, int topcolor,
// fill header
if( !pin.name[0] ) Q_strncpy( pin.name, "#raw_remap_image.mdl", sizeof( pin.name ));
pin.flags = STUDIO_NF_COLORMAP; // just in case :-)
pin.index = (int)(tx + 1); // pointer to pixels
//pin.index = (int)(tx + 1); // pointer to pixels
// no more pointer-to-int-to-pointer casts
Image_SetMDLPointer( (byte*)((texture_t *)tx + 1) );
pin.width = tx->width;
pin.height = tx->height;
@ -102,7 +104,8 @@ void CL_DuplicateTexture( mstudiotexture_t *ptexture, int topcolor, int bottomco
gl_texture_t *glt;
texture_t *tx = NULL;
char texname[128];
int i, size, index;
int i, index;
size_t size;
byte paletteBackup[768];
byte *raw, *pal;
@ -145,7 +148,8 @@ void CL_UpdateStudioTexture( mstudiotexture_t *ptexture, int topcolor, int botto
rgbdata_t *pic;
texture_t *tx = NULL;
char texname[128], name[128], mdlname[128];
int i, size, index;
int i, index;
size_t size;
byte paletteBackup[768];
byte *raw, *pal;
@ -430,4 +434,4 @@ void CL_ClearAllRemaps( void )
Mem_Free( clgame.remap_info );
clgame.remap_info = NULL;
@ -242,7 +242,7 @@ qboolean SCR_PlayCinematic( const char *arg )
return true;
long SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, long length )
int SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, int length )
int r;
@ -307,4 +307,4 @@ void SCR_FreeCinematic( void )
AVI_CloseVideo( cin_state );
@ -548,8 +548,8 @@ typedef struct
ui_globalvars_t *globals;
qboolean drawLogo; // set to TRUE if logo.avi missed or corrupted
long logo_xres;
long logo_yres;
int logo_xres;
int logo_yres;
float logo_length;
qboolean use_text_api;
@ -1058,7 +1058,7 @@ void Con_LoadHistory( void );
void S_StreamRawSamples( int samples, int rate, int width, int channels, const byte *data );
void S_StreamAviSamples( void *Avi, int entnum, float fvol, float attn, float synctime );
void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop, long position, qboolean fullpath );
void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *intro, const char *loop, int position, qboolean fullpath );
void S_StopBackgroundTrack( void );
void S_StreamSetPause( int pause );
void S_StartStreaming( void );
@ -3560,7 +3560,8 @@ static void R_StudioLoadTexture( model_t *mod, studiohdr_t *phdr, mstudiotexture
SetBits( flags, TF_NOMIPMAP );
// NOTE: replace index with pointer to start of imagebuffer, ImageLib expected it
ptexture->index = (int)((byte *)phdr) + ptexture->index;
//ptexture->index = (int)((byte *)phdr) + ptexture->index;
Image_SetMDLPointer((byte *)phdr + ptexture->index);
size = sizeof( mstudiotexture_t ) + ptexture->width * ptexture->height + 768;
if( FBitSet( host.features, ENGINE_LOAD_DELUXEDATA ) && FBitSet( ptexture->flags, STUDIO_NF_MASKED ))
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ void R_DrawWorldHull( void )
list_for_each_entry( poly, &hull->polys, chain )
srand((unsigned long)poly);
srand((unsigned int)poly);
pglColor3f( rand() % 256 / 255.0, rand() % 256 / 255.0, rand() % 256 / 255.0 );
pglBegin( GL_POLYGON );
for( i = 0; i < poly->numpoints; i++ )
@ -766,7 +766,7 @@ void R_DrawModelHull( void )
pglDisable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
list_for_each_entry( poly, &hull->polys, chain )
srand((unsigned long)poly);
srand((unsigned int)poly);
pglColor3f( rand() % 256 / 255.0, rand() % 256 / 255.0, rand() % 256 / 255.0 );
pglBegin( GL_POLYGON );
for( i = 0; i < poly->numpoints; i++ )
@ -775,4 +775,4 @@ void R_DrawModelHull( void )
pglEnable( GL_TEXTURE_2D );
@ -71,7 +71,7 @@ float S_GetMusicVolume( void )
void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *introTrack, const char *mainTrack, long position, qboolean fullpath )
void S_StartBackgroundTrack( const char *introTrack, const char *mainTrack, int position, qboolean fullpath )
@ -341,4 +341,4 @@ void S_StreamSoundTrack( void )
else break; // no more samples for this frame
@ -606,7 +606,7 @@ void VOX_ReadSentenceFile( const char *psentenceFileName )
char c, *pch, *pFileData;
char *pchlast, *pSentenceData;
int fileSize;
size_t fileSize;
// load file
pFileData = (char *)FS_LoadFile( psentenceFileName, &fileSize, false );
@ -684,4 +684,4 @@ void VOX_Init( void )
void VOX_Shutdown( void )
g_numSentences = 0;
@ -325,16 +325,18 @@ void CL_TextMessageParse( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize )
// copy Name heap
pNameHeap = ((char *)clgame.titles) + messageSize;
memcpy( pNameHeap, nameHeap, nameHeapSize );
nameOffset = pNameHeap - clgame.titles[0].pName;
//nameOffset = pNameHeap - clgame.titles[0].pName; //undefined on amd64
// copy text & fixup pointers
pCurrentText = pNameHeap + nameHeapSize;
for( i = 0; i < messageCount; i++ )
clgame.titles[i].pName += nameOffset; // adjust name pointer (parallel buffer)
clgame.titles[i].pName = pNameHeap; // adjust name pointer (parallel buffer)
Q_strcpy( pCurrentText, clgame.titles[i].pMessage ); // copy text over
clgame.titles[i].pMessage = pCurrentText;
pNameHeap += Q_strlen( pNameHeap ) + 1;
pCurrentText += Q_strlen( pCurrentText ) + 1;
@ -342,4 +344,4 @@ void CL_TextMessageParse( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize )
Con_DPrintf( S_ERROR "TextMessage: overflow text message buffer!\n" );
clgame.numTitles = messageCount;
@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ void DBG_AssertFunction( qboolean fExpr, const char* szExpr, const char* szFile,
#endif // DEBUG
static long idum = 0;
static int idum = 0;
#define IA 16807
@ -58,12 +58,12 @@ static long idum = 0;
#define AM (1.0 / IM)
#define RNMX (1.0 - EPS)
static long lran1( void )
static int lran1( void )
static long iy = 0;
static long iv[NTAB];
static int iy = 0;
static int iv[NTAB];
int j;
long k;
int k;
if( idum <= 0 || !iy )
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ static float fran1( void )
return temp;
void COM_SetRandomSeed( long lSeed )
void COM_SetRandomSeed( int lSeed )
if( lSeed ) idum = lSeed;
else idum = -time( NULL );
@ -1009,7 +1009,7 @@ byte* COM_LoadFileForMe( const char *filename, int *pLength )
string name;
byte *file, *pfile;
long iLength;
size_t iLength;
if( !COM_CheckString( filename ))
@ -1052,11 +1052,11 @@ byte *COM_LoadFile( const char *filename, int usehunk, int *pLength )
int COM_SaveFile( const char *filename, const void *data, long len )
int COM_SaveFile( const char *filename, const void *data, int len )
// check for empty filename
if( !COM_CheckString( filename ))
@ -1222,8 +1222,8 @@ int COM_CompareFileTime( const char *filename1, const char *filename2, int *iCom
if( filename1 && filename2 )
long ft1 = FS_FileTime( filename1, false );
long ft2 = FS_FileTime( filename2, false );
int ft1 = FS_FileTime( filename1, false );
int ft2 = FS_FileTime( filename2, false );
// one of files is missing
if( ft1 == -1 || ft2 == -1 )
@ -545,9 +545,9 @@ const char *FS_GetDiskPath( const char *name, qboolean gamedironly );
const char *COM_FileWithoutPath( const char *in );
byte *W_LoadLump( wfile_t *wad, const char *lumpname, size_t *lumpsizeptr, const char type );
void W_Close( wfile_t *wad );
byte *FS_LoadFile( const char *path, long *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
byte *FS_LoadDirectFile( const char *path, long *filesizeptr );
qboolean FS_WriteFile( const char *filename, const void *data, long len );
byte *FS_LoadFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
byte *FS_LoadDirectFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr );
qboolean FS_WriteFile( const char *filename, const void *data, fs_offset_t len );
qboolean COM_ParseVector( char **pfile, float *v, size_t size );
void COM_NormalizeAngles( vec3_t angles );
int COM_FileSize( const char *filename );
@ -557,14 +557,14 @@ int COM_CheckString( const char *string );
int COM_CompareFileTime( const char *filename1, const char *filename2, int *iCompare );
search_t *FS_Search( const char *pattern, int caseinsensitive, int gamedironly );
file_t *FS_Open( const char *filepath, const char *mode, qboolean gamedironly );
long FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize );
long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize );
fs_offset_t FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize );
fs_offset_t FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize );
int FS_VPrintf( file_t *file, const char *format, va_list ap );
int FS_Seek( file_t *file, long offset, int whence );
int FS_Seek( file_t *file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence );
int FS_Gets( file_t *file, byte *string, size_t bufsize );
int FS_Printf( file_t *file, const char *format, ... ) _format( 2 );
long FS_FileSize( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly );
long FS_FileTime( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly );
fs_offset_t FS_FileSize( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly );
int FS_FileTime( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly );
int FS_Print( file_t *file, const char *msg );
qboolean FS_Rename( const char *oldname, const char *newname );
int FS_FileExists( const char *filename, int gamedironly );
@ -573,11 +573,11 @@ qboolean FS_FileCopy( file_t *pOutput, file_t *pInput, int fileSize );
qboolean FS_Delete( const char *path );
int FS_UnGetc( file_t *file, byte c );
void COM_StripExtension( char *path );
long FS_Tell( file_t *file );
fs_offset_t FS_Tell( file_t *file );
qboolean FS_Eof( file_t *file );
int FS_Close( file_t *file );
int FS_Getc( file_t *file );
long FS_FileLength( file_t *f );
fs_offset_t FS_FileLength( file_t *f );
@ -704,6 +704,7 @@ void Image_PaletteTranslate( byte *palSrc, int top, int bottom, int pal_size );
void Image_SetForceFlags( uint flags ); // set image force flags on loading
size_t Image_DXTGetLinearSize( int type, int width, int height, int depth );
void Image_ClearForceFlags( void );
void Image_SetMDLPointer( byte *p );
@ -763,9 +764,9 @@ wavdata_t *FS_LoadSound( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
void FS_FreeSound( wavdata_t *pack );
stream_t *FS_OpenStream( const char *filename );
wavdata_t *FS_StreamInfo( stream_t *stream );
long FS_ReadStream( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer );
long FS_SetStreamPos( stream_t *stream, long newpos );
long FS_GetStreamPos( stream_t *stream );
int FS_ReadStream( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer );
int FS_SetStreamPos( stream_t *stream, int newpos );
int FS_GetStreamPos( stream_t *stream );
void FS_FreeStream( stream_t *stream );
qboolean Sound_Process( wavdata_t **wav, int rate, int width, uint flags );
uint Sound_GetApproxWavePlayLen( const char *filepath );
@ -784,7 +785,7 @@ const char *Q_buildcommit( void );
qboolean Host_IsQuakeCompatible( void );
void EXPORT Host_Shutdown( void );
int Host_CompareFileTime( long ft1, long ft2 );
int Host_CompareFileTime( int ft1, int ft2 );
void Host_NewInstance( const char *name, const char *finalmsg );
void Host_EndGame( qboolean abort, const char *message, ... ) _format( 2 );
void Host_AbortCurrentFrame( void );
@ -842,7 +843,7 @@ cvar_t *pfnCvar_RegisterClientVariable( const char *szName, const char *szValue,
cvar_t *pfnCvar_RegisterGameUIVariable( const char *szName, const char *szValue, int flags );
char *COM_MemFgets( byte *pMemFile, int fileSize, int *filePos, char *pBuffer, int bufferSize );
void COM_HexConvert( const char *pszInput, int nInputLength, byte *pOutput );
int COM_SaveFile( const char *filename, const void *data, long len );
int COM_SaveFile( const char *filename, const void *data, int len );
byte* COM_LoadFileForMe( const char *filename, int *pLength );
qboolean COM_IsSafeFileToDownload( const char *filename );
cvar_t *pfnCVarGetPointer( const char *szVarName );
@ -986,7 +987,7 @@ struct cmdalias_s *Cmd_AliasGetList( void );
char *Cmd_GetName( struct cmd_s *cmd );
struct pmtrace_s *PM_TraceLine( float *start, float *end, int flags, int usehull, int ignore_pe );
void SV_StartSound( edict_t *ent, int chan, const char *sample, float vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch );
void SV_StartMusic( const char *curtrack, const char *looptrack, long position );
void SV_StartMusic( const char *curtrack, const char *looptrack, int position );
void SV_CreateDecal( sizebuf_t *msg, const float *origin, int decalIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, int flags, float scale );
void Log_Printf( const char *fmt, ... ) _format( 1 );
struct sizebuf_s *SV_GetReliableDatagram( void );
@ -1043,7 +1044,7 @@ void SCR_Init( void );
void SCR_UpdateScreen( void );
void SCR_BeginLoadingPlaque( qboolean is_background );
void SCR_CheckStartupVids( void );
long SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, long length );
int SCR_GetAudioChunk( char *rawdata, int length );
wavdata_t *SCR_GetMovieInfo( void );
void SCR_Shutdown( void );
void Con_Print( const char *txt );
@ -1061,7 +1062,7 @@ void Info_WriteVars( file_t *f );
void Info_Print( const char *s );
void Cmd_WriteVariables( file_t *f );
int Cmd_CheckMapsList( int fRefresh );
void COM_SetRandomSeed( long lSeed );
void COM_SetRandomSeed( int lSeed );
int COM_RandomLong( int lMin, int lMax );
float COM_RandomFloat( float fMin, float fMax );
qboolean LZSS_IsCompressed( const byte *source );
@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ void COM_ClearCustomizationList( customization_t *pHead, qboolean bCleanDecals )
qboolean COM_CreateCustomization( customization_t *pListHead, resource_t *pResource, int playernumber, int flags, customization_t **pOut, int *nLumps )
qboolean bError = false;
long checksize = 0;
size_t checksize = 0;
customization_t *pCust;
if( pOut ) *pOut = NULL;
@ -68,13 +68,13 @@ typedef struct wadtype_s
typedef struct file_s
int handle; // file descriptor
long real_length; // uncompressed file size (for files opened in "read" mode)
long position; // current position in the file
long offset; // offset into the package (0 if external file)
fs_offset_t real_length; // uncompressed file size (for files opened in "read" mode)
fs_offset_t position; // current position in the file
fs_offset_t offset; // offset into the package (0 if external file)
int ungetc; // single stored character from ungetc, cleared to EOF when read
time_t filetime; // pak, wad or real filetime
// contents buffer
long buff_ind, buff_len; // buffer current index and length
fs_offset_t buff_ind, buff_len; // buffer current index and length
byte buff[FILE_BUFF_SIZE]; // intermediate buffer
} file_t;
@ -123,11 +123,11 @@ qboolean fs_caseinsensitive = true; // try to search missing files
static void FS_InitMemory( void );
static searchpath_t *FS_FindFile( const char *name, int *index, qboolean gamedironly );
static dlumpinfo_t *W_FindLump( wfile_t *wad, const char *name, const char matchtype );
static dpackfile_t *FS_AddFileToPack( const char* name, pack_t *pack, long offset, long size );
static byte *W_LoadFile( const char *path, long *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
static dpackfile_t *FS_AddFileToPack( const char* name, pack_t *pack, fs_offset_t offset, fs_offset_t size );
static byte *W_LoadFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly );
static wfile_t *W_Open( const char *filename, int *errorcode );
static qboolean FS_SysFolderExists( const char *path );
static long FS_SysFileTime( const char *filename );
static int FS_SysFileTime( const char *filename );
static char W_TypeFromExt( const char *lumpname );
static const char *W_ExtFromType( char lumptype );
static void FS_Purge( file_t* file );
@ -389,7 +389,7 @@ FS_AddFileToPack
Add a file to the list of files contained into a package
static dpackfile_t *FS_AddFileToPack( const char *name, pack_t *pack, long offset, long size )
static dpackfile_t *FS_AddFileToPack( const char *name, pack_t *pack, fs_offset_t offset, fs_offset_t size )
int left, right, middle;
dpackfile_t *pfile;
@ -1705,7 +1705,7 @@ FS_SysFileTime
Internal function used to determine filetime
static long FS_SysFileTime( const char *filename )
static int FS_SysFileTime( const char *filename )
struct stat buf;
@ -2154,9 +2154,9 @@ FS_Write
Write "datasize" bytes into a file
long FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize )
fs_offset_t FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize )
long result;
fs_offset_t result;
if( !file ) return 0;
@ -2168,7 +2168,7 @@ long FS_Write( file_t *file, const void *data, size_t datasize )
FS_Purge( file );
// write the buffer and update the position
result = write( file->handle, data, (long)datasize );
result = write( file->handle, data, (fs_offset_t)datasize );
file->position = lseek( file->handle, 0, SEEK_CUR );
if( file->real_length < file->position )
@ -2186,10 +2186,10 @@ FS_Read
Read up to "buffersize" bytes from a file
long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
fs_offset_t FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
long count, done;
long nb;
fs_offset_t count, done;
fs_offset_t nb;
// nothing to copy
if( buffersize == 0 ) return 1;
@ -2209,7 +2209,7 @@ long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
count = file->buff_len - file->buff_ind;
done += ((long)buffersize > count ) ? count : (long)buffersize;
done += ((fs_offset_t)buffersize > count ) ? count : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
memcpy( buffer, &file->buff[file->buff_ind], done );
file->buff_ind += done;
@ -2226,8 +2226,8 @@ long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
// if we have a lot of data to get, put them directly into "buffer"
if( buffersize > sizeof( file->buff ) / 2 )
if( count > (long)buffersize )
count = (long)buffersize;
if( count > (fs_offset_t)buffersize )
count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
lseek( file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET );
nb = read (file->handle, &((byte *)buffer)[done], count );
@ -2241,8 +2241,8 @@ long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
if( count > (long)sizeof( file->buff ))
count = (long)sizeof( file->buff );
if( count > (fs_offset_t)sizeof( file->buff ))
count = (fs_offset_t)sizeof( file->buff );
lseek( file->handle, file->offset + file->position, SEEK_SET );
nb = read( file->handle, file->buff, count );
@ -2252,7 +2252,7 @@ long FS_Read( file_t *file, void *buffer, size_t buffersize )
file->position += nb;
// copy the requested data in "buffer" (as much as we can)
count = (long)buffersize > file->buff_len ? file->buff_len : (long)buffersize;
count = (fs_offset_t)buffersize > file->buff_len ? file->buff_len : (fs_offset_t)buffersize;
memcpy( &((byte *)buffer)[done], file->buff, count );
file->buff_ind = count;
done += count;
@ -2303,7 +2303,7 @@ Print a string into a file
int FS_VPrintf( file_t *file, const char *format, va_list ap )
int len;
long buff_size = MAX_SYSPATH;
fs_offset_t buff_size = MAX_SYSPATH;
char *tempbuff;
if( !file ) return 0;
@ -2402,7 +2402,7 @@ FS_Seek
Move the position index in a file
int FS_Seek( file_t *file, long offset, int whence )
int FS_Seek( file_t *file, fs_offset_t offset, int whence )
// compute the file offset
switch( whence )
@ -2446,7 +2446,7 @@ FS_Tell
Give the current position in a file
long FS_Tell( file_t *file )
fs_offset_t FS_Tell( file_t *file )
if( !file ) return 0;
return file->position - file->buff_len + file->buff_ind;
@ -2487,11 +2487,11 @@ Filename are relative to the xash directory.
Always appends a 0 byte.
byte *FS_LoadFile( const char *path, long *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
byte *FS_LoadFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
file_t *file;
byte *buf = NULL;
long filesize = 0;
fs_offset_t filesize = 0;
file = FS_Open( path, "rb", gamedironly );
@ -2522,11 +2522,11 @@ Filename are relative to the xash directory.
Always appends a 0 byte.
byte *FS_LoadDirectFile( const char *path, long *filesizeptr )
byte *FS_LoadDirectFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *filesizeptr )
file_t *file;
byte *buf = NULL;
long filesize = 0;
fs_offset_t filesize = 0;
file = FS_SysOpen( path, "rb" );
@ -2556,7 +2556,7 @@ FS_WriteFile
The filename will be prefixed by the current game directory
qboolean FS_WriteFile( const char *filename, const void *data, long len )
qboolean FS_WriteFile( const char *filename, const void *data, fs_offset_t len )
file_t *file;
@ -2724,7 +2724,7 @@ FS_FileSize
return size of file in bytes
long FS_FileSize( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
fs_offset_t FS_FileSize( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
int length = -1; // in case file was missed
file_t *fp;
@ -2749,7 +2749,7 @@ FS_FileLength
return size of file in bytes
long FS_FileLength( file_t *f )
fs_offset_t FS_FileLength( file_t *f )
if( !f ) return 0;
return f->real_length;
@ -2762,7 +2762,7 @@ FS_FileTime
return time of creation file in seconds
long FS_FileTime( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
int FS_FileTime( const char *filename, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
int pack_ind;
@ -3253,7 +3253,7 @@ W_ReadLump
reading lump into temp buffer
byte *W_ReadLump( wfile_t *wad, dlumpinfo_t *lump, long *lumpsizeptr )
byte *W_ReadLump( wfile_t *wad, dlumpinfo_t *lump, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr )
size_t oldpos, size = 0;
byte *buf;
@ -3454,7 +3454,7 @@ W_LoadFile
loading lump into the tmp buffer
static byte *W_LoadFile( const char *path, long *lumpsizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
static byte *W_LoadFile( const char *path, fs_offset_t *lumpsizeptr, qboolean gamedironly )
searchpath_t *search;
int index;
@ -57,7 +57,7 @@ convar_t *host_framerate;
convar_t *con_gamemaps;
convar_t *build, *ver;
int Host_CompareFileTime( long ft1, long ft2 )
int Host_CompareFileTime( int ft1, int ft2 )
if( ft1 < ft2 )
@ -48,20 +48,20 @@ qboolean Image_LoadBMP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
buf_p = (byte *)buffer;
bhdr.id[0] = *buf_p++;
bhdr.id[1] = *buf_p++; // move pointer
bhdr.fileSize = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.reserved0 = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataOffset = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.width = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.height = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.fileSize = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.reserved0 = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataOffset = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapHeaderSize = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.width = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.height = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.planes = *(short *)buf_p; buf_p += 2;
bhdr.bitsPerPixel = *(short *)buf_p; buf_p += 2;
bhdr.compression = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataSize = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.hRes = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.vRes = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.colors = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.importantColors = *(long *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.compression = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.bitmapDataSize = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.hRes = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.vRes = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.colors = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
bhdr.importantColors = *(int *)buf_p; buf_p += 4;
// bogus file header check
if( bhdr.reserved0 != 0 ) return false;
@ -213,7 +213,8 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_LoadImage( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( filename );
string path, loadname, sidename;
qboolean anyformat = true;
int i, filesize = 0;
int i;
size_t filesize = 0;
const loadpixformat_t *format;
const cubepack_t *cmap;
byte *f;
@ -488,4 +489,4 @@ rgbdata_t *FS_CopyImage( rgbdata_t *in )
return out;
@ -129,6 +129,19 @@ qboolean Image_LoadFNT( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
return Image_AddIndexedImageToPack( fin, image.width, image.height );
Transfer buffer pointer before Image_LoadMDL
static void *g_mdltexdata;
void Image_SetMDLPointer(byte *p)
g_mdltexdata = p;
@ -147,7 +160,9 @@ qboolean Image_LoadMDL( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
image.width = pin->width;
image.height = pin->height;
pixels = image.width * image.height;
fin = (byte *)pin->index; // setup buffer
fin = (byte *)g_mdltexdata;
g_mdltexdata = NULL;
if( !Image_ValidSize( name ))
return false;
@ -496,4 +511,4 @@ qboolean Image_LoadMIP( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize )
image.depth = 1;
return Image_AddIndexedImageToPack( fin, image.width, image.height );
@ -67,8 +67,8 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
#define Q_min( a, b ) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define Q_max( a, b ) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b))
#define Q_recip( a ) ((float)(1.0f / (float)(a)))
#define Q_floor( a ) ((float)(long)(a))
#define Q_ceil( a ) ((float)(long)((a) + 1))
#define Q_floor( a ) ((float)(int)(a))
#define Q_ceil( a ) ((float)(int)((a) + 1))
#define Q_round( x, y ) (floor( x / y + 0.5 ) * y )
#define Q_rint(x) ((x) < 0 ? ((int)((x)-0.5f)) : ((int)((x)+0.5f)))
#define IS_NAN(x) (((*(int *)&x) & (255<<23)) == (255<<23))
@ -199,4 +199,4 @@ extern const matrix3x4 matrix3x4_identity;
extern const matrix4x4 matrix4x4_identity;
extern const float m_bytenormals[NUMVERTEXNORMALS][3];
@ -1528,7 +1528,7 @@ static void Mod_LoadEntities( dbspmodel_t *bmod )
if( bmod->isworld )
char entfilename[MAX_QPATH];
long entpatchsize;
int entpatchsize;
size_t ft1, ft2;
// world is check for entfile too
@ -602,7 +602,7 @@ void *R_StudioGetAnim( studiohdr_t *m_pStudioHeader, model_t *m_pSubModel, mstud
pseqgroup = (mstudioseqgroup_t *)((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + m_pStudioHeader->seqgroupindex) + pseqdesc->seqgroup;
if( pseqdesc->seqgroup == 0 )
return ((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pseqgroup->data + pseqdesc->animindex);
return ((byte *)m_pStudioHeader + pseqdesc->animindex);
paSequences = (cache_user_t *)m_pSubModel->submodels;
@ -914,7 +914,7 @@ void Mod_StudioComputeBounds( void *buffer, vec3_t mins, vec3_t maxs, qboolean i
pseqgroup = (mstudioseqgroup_t *)((byte *)pstudiohdr + pstudiohdr->seqgroupindex) + pseqdesc->seqgroup;
if( pseqdesc->seqgroup == 0 )
panim = (mstudioanim_t *)((byte *)pstudiohdr + pseqgroup->data + pseqdesc->animindex);
panim = (mstudioanim_t *)((byte *)pstudiohdr + pseqdesc->animindex);
else continue;
for( j = 0; j < pstudiohdr->numbones; j++ )
@ -165,7 +165,7 @@ void MSG_WriteUBitLong( sizebuf_t *sb, uint curData, int numbits )
dword iCurBitMasked;
int nBitsWritten;
Assert(( iDWord * 4 + sizeof( long )) <= (uint)MSG_GetMaxBytes( sb ));
Assert(( iDWord * 4 + sizeof( int )) <= (uint)MSG_GetMaxBytes( sb ));
iCurBitMasked = iCurBit & 31;
((dword *)sb->pData)[iDWord] &= BitWriteMasks[iCurBitMasked][nBitsLeft];
@ -304,12 +304,12 @@ void MSG_WriteVec3Angles( sizebuf_t *sb, const float *fa )
void MSG_WriteBitFloat( sizebuf_t *sb, float val )
long intVal;
int intVal;
Assert( sizeof( long ) == sizeof( float ));
Assert( sizeof( int ) == sizeof( float ));
Assert( sizeof( float ) == 4 );
intVal = *((long *)&val );
intVal = *((int *)&val );
MSG_WriteUBitLong( sb, intVal, 32 );
@ -360,9 +360,9 @@ void MSG_WriteWord( sizebuf_t *sb, int val )
MSG_WriteUBitLong( sb, val, sizeof( word ) << 3 );
void MSG_WriteLong( sizebuf_t *sb, long val )
void MSG_WriteLong( sizebuf_t *sb, int val )
MSG_WriteSBitLong( sb, val, sizeof( long ) << 3 );
MSG_WriteSBitLong( sb, val, sizeof( int ) << 3 );
void MSG_WriteDword( sizebuf_t *sb, dword val )
@ -456,10 +456,10 @@ uint MSG_ReadUBitLong( sizebuf_t *sb, int numbits )
float MSG_ReadBitFloat( sizebuf_t *sb )
long val;
int val;
int bit, byte;
Assert( sizeof( float ) == sizeof( long ));
Assert( sizeof( float ) == sizeof( int ));
Assert( sizeof( float ) == 4 );
if( MSG_Overflow( sb, 32 ))
@ -617,9 +617,9 @@ void MSG_ReadVec3Angles( sizebuf_t *sb, vec3_t fa )
long MSG_ReadLong( sizebuf_t *sb )
int MSG_ReadLong( sizebuf_t *sb )
return MSG_ReadSBitLong( sb, sizeof( long ) << 3 );
return MSG_ReadSBitLong( sb, sizeof( int ) << 3 );
dword MSG_ReadDword( sizebuf_t *sb )
@ -685,4 +685,4 @@ void MSG_ExciseBits( sizebuf_t *sb, int startbit, int bitstoremove )
MSG_SeekToBit( sb, startbit, SEEK_SET );
sb->nDataBits -= bitstoremove;
@ -86,7 +86,7 @@ void MSG_WriteChar( sizebuf_t *sb, int val );
void MSG_WriteByte( sizebuf_t *sb, int val );
void MSG_WriteShort( sizebuf_t *sb, int val );
void MSG_WriteWord( sizebuf_t *sb, int val );
void MSG_WriteLong( sizebuf_t *sb, long val );
void MSG_WriteLong( sizebuf_t *sb, int val );
void MSG_WriteDword( sizebuf_t *sb, dword val );
void MSG_WriteCoord( sizebuf_t *sb, float val );
void MSG_WriteFloat( sizebuf_t *sb, float val );
@ -123,7 +123,7 @@ int MSG_ReadChar( sizebuf_t *sb );
int MSG_ReadByte( sizebuf_t *sb );
int MSG_ReadShort( sizebuf_t *sb );
int MSG_ReadWord( sizebuf_t *sb );
long MSG_ReadLong( sizebuf_t *sb );
int MSG_ReadLong( sizebuf_t *sb );
dword MSG_ReadDword( sizebuf_t *sb );
float MSG_ReadCoord( sizebuf_t *sb );
float MSG_ReadFloat( sizebuf_t *sb );
@ -132,4 +132,4 @@ void MSG_ReadVec3Angles( sizebuf_t *sb, vec3_t fa );
qboolean MSG_ReadBytes( sizebuf_t *sb, void *pOut, int nBytes );
char *MSG_ReadStringExt( sizebuf_t *sb, qboolean bLine );
@ -258,7 +258,7 @@ typedef struct
float fakelag; // cached fakelag value
int split_flags[NET_MAX_FRAGMENTS];
long sequence_number;
int sequence_number;
int ip_sockets[NS_COUNT];
qboolean initialized;
qboolean threads_initialized;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
#define svc_print 8 // [byte] id [string] null terminated string
#define svc_stufftext 9 // [string] stuffed into client's console buffer
#define svc_setangle 10 // [angle angle angle] set the view angle to this absolute value
#define svc_serverdata 11 // [long] protocol ...
#define svc_serverdata 11 // [int] protocol ...
#define svc_lightstyle 12 // [index][pattern][float]
#define svc_updateuserinfo 13 // [byte] playernum, [string] userinfo
#define svc_deltatable 14 // [table header][...]
@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
// reserved
#define svc_resourcelocation 56 // [string]
#define svc_querycvarvalue 57 // [string]
#define svc_querycvarvalue2 58 // [string][long] (context)
#define svc_querycvarvalue2 58 // [string][int] (context)
#define svc_lastmsg 58 // start user messages at this point
// client to server
@ -183,8 +183,8 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
// listed only unmatched ops
#define svc_updatestat 3 // [byte] [long] (svc_event)
#define svc_version 4 // [long] server version (svc_changing)
#define svc_updatestat 3 // [byte] [int] (svc_event)
#define svc_version 4 // [int] server version (svc_changing)
#define svc_updatename 13 // [byte] [string] (svc_updateuserinfo)
#define svc_updatefrags 14 // [byte] [short] (svc_deltatable)
#define svc_stopsound 16 // <see code> (svc_resource)
@ -243,4 +243,4 @@ GNU General Public License for more details.
extern const char *svc_strings[svc_lastmsg+1];
extern const char *clc_strings[clc_lastmsg+1];
@ -59,7 +59,7 @@ wavdata_t *FS_LoadSound( const char *filename, const byte *buffer, size_t size )
const char *ext = COM_FileExtension( filename );
string path, loadname;
qboolean anyformat = true;
int filesize = 0;
size_t filesize = 0;
const loadwavfmt_t *format;
byte *f;
@ -223,7 +223,7 @@ FS_ReadStream
extract stream as wav-data and put into buffer, move file pointer
long FS_ReadStream( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer )
int FS_ReadStream( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer )
if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->readfunc )
return 0;
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ FS_GetStreamPos
get stream position (in bytes)
long FS_GetStreamPos( stream_t *stream )
int FS_GetStreamPos( stream_t *stream )
if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->getposfunc )
return -1;
@ -256,7 +256,7 @@ FS_SetStreamPos
set stream position (in bytes)
long FS_SetStreamPos( stream_t *stream, long newpos )
int FS_SetStreamPos( stream_t *stream, int newpos )
if( !stream || !stream->format || !stream->format->setposfunc )
return -1;
@ -277,4 +277,4 @@ void FS_FreeStream( stream_t *stream )
stream->format->freefunc( stream );
@ -32,12 +32,12 @@ typedef struct
} wavinfo_t;
// custom stdio
typedef long (*pfread)( void *handle, void *buf, size_t count );
typedef long (*pfseek)( void *handle, long offset, int whence );
typedef int (*pfread)( void *handle, void *buf, size_t count );
typedef int (*pfseek)( void *handle, int offset, int whence );
extern void *create_decoder( int *error );
extern int feed_mpeg_header( void *mpg, const char *data, long bufsize, long streamsize, wavinfo_t *sc );
extern int feed_mpeg_stream( void *mpg, const char *data, long bufsize, char *outbuf, size_t *outsize );
extern int feed_mpeg_header( void *mpg, const char *data, int bufsize, int streamsize, wavinfo_t *sc );
extern int feed_mpeg_stream( void *mpg, const char *data, int bufsize, char *outbuf, size_t *outsize );
extern int open_mpeg_stream( void *mpg, void *file, pfread f_read, pfseek f_seek, wavinfo_t *sc );
extern int read_mpeg_stream( void *mpg, char *outbuf, size_t *outsize );
extern int get_stream_pos( void *mpg );
@ -205,7 +205,7 @@ Stream_ReadMPG
assume stream is valid
long Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, long needBytes, void *buffer )
int Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, int needBytes, void *buffer )
// buffer handling
int bytesWritten = 0;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ long Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, long needBytes, void *buffer )
while( 1 )
byte *data;
long outsize;
int outsize;
if( !stream->buffsize )
@ -253,7 +253,7 @@ Stream_SetPosMPG
assume stream is valid
long Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, long newpos )
int Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, int newpos )
if( set_stream_pos( stream->ptr, newpos ) != -1 )
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ Stream_GetPosMPG
assume stream is valid
long Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream )
int Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream )
return get_stream_pos( stream->ptr );
@ -300,4 +300,4 @@ void Stream_FreeMPG( stream_t *stream )
Mem_Free( stream );
@ -403,7 +403,7 @@ Stream_ReadWAV
assume stream is valid
long Stream_ReadWAV( stream_t *stream, long bytes, void *buffer )
int Stream_ReadWAV( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer )
int remaining;
@ -426,7 +426,7 @@ Stream_SetPosWAV
assume stream is valid
long Stream_SetPosWAV( stream_t *stream, long newpos )
int Stream_SetPosWAV( stream_t *stream, int newpos )
// NOTE: stream->pos it's real file position without header size
if( FS_Seek( stream->file, stream->buffsize + newpos, SEEK_SET ) != -1 )
@ -445,7 +445,7 @@ Stream_GetPosWAV
assume stream is valid
long Stream_GetPosWAV( stream_t *stream )
int Stream_GetPosWAV( stream_t *stream )
return stream->pos;
@ -462,4 +462,4 @@ void Stream_FreeWAV( stream_t *stream )
if( stream->file )
FS_Close( stream->file );
Mem_Free( stream );
@ -34,9 +34,9 @@ typedef struct streamfmt_s
const char *ext;
stream_t *(*openfunc)( const char *filename );
long (*readfunc)( stream_t *stream, long bytes, void *buffer );
long (*setposfunc)( stream_t *stream, long newpos );
long (*getposfunc)( stream_t *stream );
int (*readfunc)( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer );
int (*setposfunc)( stream_t *stream, int newpos );
int (*getposfunc)( stream_t *stream );
void (*freefunc)( stream_t *stream );
} streamfmt_t;
@ -95,14 +95,14 @@ typedef struct stream_s
typedef struct
int riff_id; // 'RIFF'
long rLen;
int rLen;
int wave_id; // 'WAVE'
int fmt_id; // 'fmt '
long pcm_header_len; // varies...
int pcm_header_len; // varies...
short wFormatTag;
short nChannels; // 1,2 for stereo data is (l,r) pairs
long nSamplesPerSec;
long nAvgBytesPerSec;
int nSamplesPerSec;
int nAvgBytesPerSec;
short nBlockAlign;
short nBitsPerSample;
} wavehdr_t;
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ typedef struct
typedef struct
int data_id; // 'data' or 'fact'
long dLen;
int dLen;
} chunkhdr_t;
extern sndlib_t sound;
@ -124,14 +124,14 @@ qboolean Sound_LoadMPG( const char *name, const byte *buffer, size_t filesize );
// stream operate
stream_t *Stream_OpenWAV( const char *filename );
long Stream_ReadWAV( stream_t *stream, long bytes, void *buffer );
long Stream_SetPosWAV( stream_t *stream, long newpos );
long Stream_GetPosWAV( stream_t *stream );
int Stream_ReadWAV( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer );
int Stream_SetPosWAV( stream_t *stream, int newpos );
int Stream_GetPosWAV( stream_t *stream );
void Stream_FreeWAV( stream_t *stream );
stream_t *Stream_OpenMPG( const char *filename );
long Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, long bytes, void *buffer );
long Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, long newpos );
long Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream );
int Stream_ReadMPG( stream_t *stream, int bytes, void *buffer );
int Stream_SetPosMPG( stream_t *stream, int newpos );
int Stream_GetPosMPG( stream_t *stream );
void Stream_FreeMPG( stream_t *stream );
@ -287,7 +287,7 @@ typedef struct KeyValueData_s
char *szClassName; // in: entity classname
char *szKeyName; // in: name of key
char *szValue; // in: value of key
long fHandled; // out: DLL sets to true if key-value pair was understood
int fHandled; // out: DLL sets to true if key-value pair was understood
} KeyValueData;
@ -592,6 +592,11 @@ edict_t* SV_CreateNamedEntity( edict_t *ent, string_t className );
string_t SV_AllocString( const char *szValue );
string_t SV_MakeString( const char *szValue );
const char *SV_GetString( string_t iString );
void SV_SetStringArrayMode( qboolean dynamic );
void SV_EmptyStringPool( void );
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
void SV_PrintStr64Stats_f( void );
sv_client_t *SV_ClientFromEdict( const edict_t *pEdict, qboolean spawned_only );
int SV_MapIsValid( const char *filename, const char *spawn_entity, const char *landmark_name );
void SV_StartSound( edict_t *ent, int chan, const char *sample, float vol, float attn, int flags, int pitch );
@ -613,7 +618,6 @@ void SV_RestartStaticEnts( void );
int pfnGetCurrentPlayer( void );
edict_t *SV_EdictNum( int n );
char *SV_Localinfo( void );
// sv_log.c
@ -2049,7 +2049,7 @@ void SV_TSourceEngineQuery( netadr_t from )
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->game_url );
MSG_WriteString( &buf, GI->update_url );
MSG_WriteByte( &buf, 0 );
MSG_WriteLong( &buf, (long)GI->version );
MSG_WriteLong( &buf, (int)GI->version );
MSG_WriteLong( &buf, GI->size );
if( GI->gamemode == 2 )
@ -571,7 +571,7 @@ void SV_RestartAmbientSounds( void )
soundlist_t soundInfo[256];
string curtrack, looptrack;
int i, nSounds;
long position;
int position;
if( !SV_Active( )) return;
@ -2152,7 +2152,7 @@ SV_StartMusic
void SV_StartMusic( const char *curtrack, const char *looptrack, long position )
void SV_StartMusic( const char *curtrack, const char *looptrack, int position )
MSG_BeginServerCmd( &sv.multicast, svc_stufftext );
MSG_WriteString( &sv.multicast, va( "music \"%s\" \"%s\" %li\n", curtrack, looptrack, position ));
@ -2964,41 +2964,248 @@ void *pfnPvEntPrivateData( edict_t *pEdict )
return NULL;
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
static struct str64_s
size_t maxstringarray;
qboolean allowdup;
char *staticstringarray;
char *pstringarray;
char *pstringarraystatic;
char *pstringbase;
char *poldstringbase;
char *plast;
qboolean dynamic;
size_t maxalloc;
size_t numdups;
size_t numoverflows;
size_t totalalloc;
} str64;
Free strings on server stop. Reset string pointer on 64 bits
void SV_EmptyStringPool( void )
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
if( str64.dynamic ) // switch only after array fill (more space for multiplayer games)
str64.pstringbase = str64.pstringarray;
str64.pstringbase = str64.poldstringbase = str64.pstringarraystatic;
str64.plast = str64.pstringbase + 1;
Mem_EmptyPool( svgame.stringspool );
use different arrays on 64 bit platforms
set dynamic after complete server spawn
this helps not to lose strings that belongs to static game part
void SV_SetStringArrayMode( qboolean dynamic )
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
Con_Reportf( "SV_SetStringArrayMode(%d) %d\n", dynamic, str64.dynamic );
if( dynamic == str64.dynamic )
str64.dynamic = dynamic;
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
#ifndef _WIN32
#define USE_MMAP
#include <sys/mman.h>
alloc string pool on 32bit platforms
alloc string array near the server library on 64bit platforms if possible
alloc string array somewhere if not (MAKE_STRING will not work. Always call ALLOC_STRING instead, or crash)
this case need patched game dll with MAKE_STRING checking ptrdiff size
void SV_AllocStringPool( void )
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
void *ptr = NULL;
string lenstr;
Con_Reportf( "SV_AllocStringPool()\n" );
if( Sys_GetParmFromCmdLine( "-str64alloc", lenstr ) )
str64.maxstringarray = Q_atoi( lenstr );
if( str64.maxstringarray < 1024 || str64.maxstringarray >= INT_MAX )
str64.maxstringarray = 65536;
else str64.maxstringarray = 65536;
if( Sys_CheckParm( "-str64dup" ) )
str64.allowdup = true;
#ifdef USE_MMAP
size_t pagesize = sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE );
int arrlen = (str64.maxstringarray * 2) & ~(pagesize - 1);
void *base = svgame.dllFuncs.pfnGameInit;
void *start = svgame.hInstance - arrlen;
while( start - base > INT_MIN )
void *mapptr = mmap((void*)((unsigned long)start & ~(pagesize - 1)), arrlen, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, 0, 0 );
if( mapptr && mapptr != (void*)-1 && mapptr - base > INT_MIN && mapptr - base < INT_MAX )
ptr = mapptr;
if( mapptr ) munmap( mapptr, arrlen );
start -= arrlen;
if( !ptr )
start = base;
while( start - base < INT_MAX )
void *mapptr = mmap((void*)((unsigned long)start & ~(pagesize - 1)), arrlen, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_ANONYMOUS | MAP_PRIVATE, 0, 0 );
if( mapptr && mapptr != (void*)-1 && mapptr - base > INT_MIN && mapptr - base < INT_MAX )
ptr = mapptr;
if( mapptr ) munmap( mapptr, arrlen );
start += arrlen;
if( ptr )
Con_Reportf( "SV_AllocStringPool: Allocated string array near the server library: %p %p\n", base, ptr );
Con_Reportf( "SV_AllocStringPool: Failed to allocate string array near the server library!\n" );
ptr = str64.staticstringarray = Mem_Calloc(host.mempool, str64.maxstringarray * 2);
ptr = str64.staticstringarray = Mem_Calloc(host.mempool, str64.maxstringarray * 2);
str64.pstringarray = ptr;
str64.pstringarraystatic = ptr + str64.maxstringarray;
str64.pstringbase = str64.poldstringbase = ptr;
str64.plast = ptr + 1;
svgame.globals->pStringBase = ptr;
svgame.stringspool = Mem_AllocPool( "Server Strings" );
svgame.globals->pStringBase = "";
void SV_FreeStringPool( void )
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
Con_Reportf( "SV_FreeStringPool()\n" );
if( str64.pstringarray != str64.staticstringarray )
munmap( str64.pstringarray, (str64.maxstringarray * 2) & ~(sysconf( _SC_PAGESIZE ) - 1) );
Mem_Free( str64.staticstringarray );
Mem_FreePool( &svgame.stringspool );
allocate new engine string
on 64bit platforms find in array string if deduplication enabled (default)
if not found, add to array
use -str64dup to disable deduplication, -str64alloc to set array size
string_t SV_AllocString( const char *szString )
string_t GAME_EXPORT SV_AllocString( const char *szValue )
char *out, *out_p;
int i, l;
const char *newString = NULL;
if( svgame.physFuncs.pfnAllocString != NULL )
return svgame.physFuncs.pfnAllocString( szString );
return svgame.physFuncs.pfnAllocString( szValue );
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
int cmp = 1;
if( !COM_CheckString( szString ))
return 0;
if( !str64.allowdup )
for( newString = str64.poldstringbase + 1; newString < str64.plast && ( cmp = Q_strcmp( newString, szValue ) ); newString += Q_strlen( newString ) + 1 );
l = Q_strlen( szString ) + 1;
out = out_p = Mem_Calloc( svgame.stringspool, l );
for( i = 0; i < l; i++ )
if( cmp )
if( szString[i] == '\\' && i < l - 1 )
if( szString[i] == 'n')
*out_p++ = '\n';
else *out_p++ = '\\';
else *out_p++ = szString[i];
uint len = Q_strlen( szValue );
return out - svgame.globals->pStringBase;
if( str64.plast - str64.poldstringbase + len + 2 > str64.maxstringarray )
str64.plast = str64.pstringbase + 1;
str64.poldstringbase = str64.pstringbase;
//MsgDev( D_NOTE, "SV_AllocString: %ld %s\n", str64.plast - svgame.globals->pStringBase, szValue );
memcpy( str64.plast, szValue, len + 1 );
str64.totalalloc += len + 1;
newString = str64.plast;
str64.plast += len + 1;
//MsgDev( D_NOTE, "SV_AllocString: dup %ld %s\n", newString - svgame.globals->pStringBase, szValue );
if( newString - str64.pstringarray > str64.maxalloc )
str64.maxalloc = newString - str64.pstringarray;
return newString - svgame.globals->pStringBase;
newString = _copystring( svgame.stringspool, szValue, __FILE__, __LINE__ );
return newString - svgame.globals->pStringBase;
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
void SV_PrintStr64Stats_f( void )
Msg( "====================\n" );
Msg( "64 bit string pool statistics\n" );
Msg( "====================\n" );
Msg( "string array size: %lu\n", str64.maxstringarray );
Msg( "total alloc %lu\n", str64.totalalloc );
Msg( "maximum array usage: %lu\n", str64.maxalloc );
Msg( "overflow counter: %lu\n", str64.numoverflows );
Msg( "dup string counter: %lu\n", str64.numdups );
@ -3011,9 +3218,18 @@ string_t SV_MakeString( const char *szValue )
if( svgame.physFuncs.pfnMakeString != NULL )
return svgame.physFuncs.pfnMakeString( szValue );
#ifdef XASH_64BIT
long long ptrdiff = szValue - svgame.globals->pStringBase;
if( ptrdiff > INT_MAX || ptrdiff < INT_MIN )
return SV_AllocString(szValue);
return (int)ptrdiff;
return szValue - svgame.globals->pStringBase;
@ -4745,7 +4961,7 @@ void SV_UnloadProgs( void )
Delta_Shutdown ();
Mod_ClearUserData ();
Mem_FreePool( &svgame.stringspool );
if( svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnGameShutdown != NULL )
svgame.dllFuncs2.pfnGameShutdown ();
@ -4892,7 +5108,7 @@ qboolean SV_LoadProgs( const char *name )
e->free = true; // mark all edicts as freed
Cvar_FullSet( "host_gameloaded", "1", FCVAR_READ_ONLY );
svgame.stringspool = Mem_AllocPool( "Server Strings" );
// fire once
Con_Printf( "Dll loaded for game ^2\"%s\"\n", svgame.dllFuncs.pfnGetGameDescription( ));
@ -514,6 +514,8 @@ void SV_ActivateServer( int runPhysics )
svgame.globals->time = sv.time;
svgame.dllFuncs.pfnServerActivate( svgame.edicts, svgame.numEntities, svs.maxclients );
SV_SetStringArrayMode( true );
// parse user-specified resources
@ -616,7 +618,7 @@ void SV_DeactivateServer( void )
SV_ClearPhysEnts ();
Mem_EmptyPool( svgame.stringspool );
for( i = 0; i < svs.maxclients; i++ )
@ -914,6 +916,7 @@ State machine exec new map
void SV_ExecLoadLevel( void )
SV_SetStringArrayMode( false );
if( SV_SpawnServer( GameState->levelName, NULL, GameState->backgroundMap ))
SV_SpawnEntities( GameState->levelName );
@ -2133,7 +2133,7 @@ used for reload game after player death
const char *SV_GetLatestSave( void )
static char savename[MAX_QPATH];
long newest = 0, ft;
int newest = 0, ft;
int i, found = 0;
search_t *t;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user