vk: remove old dynamic beam segs code

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Avdeev 2023-06-07 10:53:51 -07:00
parent 4409e57a8d
commit 406a5f9d4b
1 changed files with 0 additions and 244 deletions

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@ -174,249 +174,6 @@ static void TriBrightness( float brightness ) {
TriColor4f( brightness, brightness, brightness, 1.f );
#if 0 // TODO possible optimization for tracking per-beam blases
static void R_DrawSegs( vec3_t source, vec3_t delta, float width, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, int flags, const vec4_t color, int texture, int render_mode )
int noiseIndex, noiseStep;
int i, total_segs, segs_drawn;
float div, length, fraction, factor;
float flMaxWidth, vLast, vStep, brightness;
vec3_t perp1, vLastNormal = {0};
beamseg_t curSeg = {0};
int total_vertices = 0;
int total_indices = 0;
r_geometry_buffer_lock_t buffer;
vk_vertex_t *dst_vtx;
uint16_t *dst_idx;
if( segments < 2 ) return;
length = VectorLength( delta );
flMaxWidth = width * 0.5f;
div = 1.0f / ( segments - 1 );
if( length * div < flMaxWidth * 1.414f )
// here, we have too many segments; we could get overlap... so lets have less segments
segments = (int)( length / ( flMaxWidth * 1.414f )) + 1.0f;
if( segments < 2 ) segments = 2;
if( segments > NOISE_DIVISIONS )
div = 1.0f / (segments - 1);
length *= 0.01f;
vStep = length * div; // Texture length texels per space pixel
// Scroll speed 3.5 -- initial texture position, scrolls 3.5/sec (1.0 is entire texture)
vLast = fmod( freq * speed, 1 );
if( flags & FBEAM_SINENOISE )
if( segments < 16 )
segments = 16;
div = 1.0f / ( segments - 1 );
scale *= 100.0f;
length = segments * 0.1f;
scale *= length * 2.0f;
// Iterator to resample noise waveform (it needs to be generated in powers of 2)
noiseStep = (int)((float)( NOISE_DIVISIONS - 1 ) * div * 65536.0f );
brightness = 1.0f;
noiseIndex = 0;
if( FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SHADEIN ))
brightness = 0;
// Choose two vectors that are perpendicular to the beam
R_BeamComputePerpendicular( delta, perp1 );
total_segs = segments;
segs_drawn = 0;
total_vertices = (total_segs - 1) * 2 + 2;
total_indices = (total_vertices - 2) * 3; // STRIP unrolled into LIST (TODO get rid of this)
ASSERT(total_vertices < UINT16_MAX );
if (!R_GeometryBufferAllocOnceAndLock( &buffer, total_vertices, total_indices)) {
gEngine.Con_Printf(S_ERROR "Cannot allocate geometry for beam\n");
dst_vtx = buffer.vertices.ptr;
dst_idx = buffer.indices.ptr;
// specify all the segments.
for( i = 0; i < segments; i++ )
beamseg_t nextSeg;
vec3_t vPoint1, vPoint2;
ASSERT( noiseIndex < ( NOISE_DIVISIONS << 16 ));
fraction = i * div;
VectorMA( source, fraction, delta, nextSeg.pos );
// distort using noise
if( scale != 0 )
factor = rgNoise[noiseIndex>>16] * scale;
if( FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SINENOISE ))
float s, c;
SinCos( fraction * M_PI_F * length + freq, &s, &c );
VectorMA( nextSeg.pos, (factor * s), g_camera.vup, nextSeg.pos );
// rotate the noise along the perpendicluar axis a bit to keep the bolt from looking diagonal
VectorMA( nextSeg.pos, (factor * c), g_camera.vright, nextSeg.pos );
VectorMA( nextSeg.pos, factor, perp1, nextSeg.pos );
// specify the next segment.
nextSeg.width = width * 2.0f;
nextSeg.texcoord = vLast;
if( segs_drawn > 0 )
// Get a vector that is perpendicular to us and perpendicular to the beam.
// This is used to fatten the beam.
vec3_t vNormal, vAveNormal;
R_BeamComputeNormal( curSeg.pos, nextSeg.pos, vNormal );
if( segs_drawn > 1 )
// Average this with the previous normal
VectorAdd( vNormal, vLastNormal, vAveNormal );
VectorScale( vAveNormal, 0.5f, vAveNormal );
VectorNormalizeFast( vAveNormal );
VectorCopy( vNormal, vAveNormal );
VectorCopy( vNormal, vLastNormal );
// draw regular segment
VectorMA( curSeg.pos, ( curSeg.width * 0.5f ), vAveNormal, vPoint1 );
VectorMA( curSeg.pos, (-curSeg.width * 0.5f ), vAveNormal, vPoint2 );
dst_vtx->lm_tc[0] = dst_vtx->lm_tc[1] = 0.f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[0] = 0.0f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[1] = curSeg.texcoord;
applyBrightness( brightness, dst_vtx->color );
VectorCopy( vPoint1, dst_vtx->pos );
VectorCopy( vAveNormal, dst_vtx->normal );
dst_vtx->lm_tc[0] = dst_vtx->lm_tc[1] = 0.f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[0] = 1.0f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[1] = curSeg.texcoord;
applyBrightness( brightness, dst_vtx->color );
VectorCopy( vPoint2, dst_vtx->pos );
VectorCopy( vAveNormal, dst_vtx->normal );
curSeg = nextSeg;
if( FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SHADEIN ) && FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SHADEOUT ))
if( fraction < 0.5f ) brightness = fraction;
else brightness = ( 1.0f - fraction );
else if( FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SHADEIN ))
brightness = fraction;
else if( FBitSet( flags, FBEAM_SHADEOUT ))
brightness = 1.0f - fraction;
if( segs_drawn == total_segs )
// draw the last segment
VectorMA( curSeg.pos, ( curSeg.width * 0.5f ), vLastNormal, vPoint1 );
VectorMA( curSeg.pos, (-curSeg.width * 0.5f ), vLastNormal, vPoint2 );
dst_vtx->lm_tc[0] = dst_vtx->lm_tc[1] = 0.f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[0] = 0.0f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[1] = curSeg.texcoord;
applyBrightness( brightness, dst_vtx->color );
VectorCopy( vPoint1, dst_vtx->pos );
VectorCopy( vLastNormal, dst_vtx->normal );
dst_vtx->lm_tc[0] = dst_vtx->lm_tc[1] = 0.f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[0] = 1.0f;
dst_vtx->gl_tc[1] = curSeg.texcoord;
applyBrightness( brightness, dst_vtx->color );
VectorCopy( vPoint2, dst_vtx->pos );
VectorCopy( vLastNormal, dst_vtx->normal );
vLast += vStep; // Advance texture scroll (v axis only)
noiseIndex += noiseStep;
for (int i = 2; i < total_vertices; ++i) {
if( i & 1 )
// draw triangle [n-1 n-2 n]
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+0] = i - 1;
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+1] = i - 2;
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+2] = i;
// draw triangle [n-2 n-1 n]
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+0] = i - 2;
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+1] = i - 1;
dst_idx[(i-2)*3+2] = i;
R_GeometryBufferUnlock( &buffer );
const vk_render_geometry_t geometry = {
.texture = texture,
.material = kXVkMaterialRegular,
.max_vertex = total_vertices,
.vertex_offset = buffer.vertices.unit_offset,
.element_count = total_indices,
.index_offset = buffer.indices.unit_offset,
.emissive = { color[0], color[1], color[2] },
vk_render_type_e render_type = render_mode == kRenderNormal ? kVkRenderTypeSolid : kVkRenderType_A_1_R;
VK_RenderModelDynamicBegin( render_type, color, m_matrix4x4_identity, "beam" /* TODO its name */ );
VK_RenderModelDynamicAddGeometry( &geometry );
static void R_DrawSegs( vec3_t source, vec3_t delta, float width, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, int flags, const vec4_t color )
int noiseIndex, noiseStep;
@ -595,7 +352,6 @@ static void R_DrawSegs( vec3_t source, vec3_t delta, float width, float scale, f
TriEndEx(color, "beam segs");
static void R_DrawTorus( vec3_t source, vec3_t delta, float width, float scale, float freq, float speed, int segments, const vec4_t color )