vk: studio: do not ignore parent bones when detecting static submodels

python/357 has bullets submodels which are animated using parent bones.
Their direct bones are static, and thus the entire submodel was picked
up as static.

Now when computing bone transform for particular sequence/anim frame
also merge it with parent transform. Bones are laid out sequentially in
their "dependency order" so using a direct parent is fine, as it also
contains its parent transforms.

Fixes: #554
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Avdeev 2023-09-12 13:43:46 -04:00 committed by Ivan Avdeev
parent 64e1a9b763
commit 5767ddb30c
2 changed files with 51 additions and 19 deletions

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@ -57,21 +57,33 @@ void R_StudioCacheClear( void ) {
g_studio_cache.submodels_cached_dynamic = g_studio_cache.submodels_cached_static = 0;
static struct {
vec4_t first_q[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
float first_pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
typedef struct {
matrix3x4 mat;
} bone_transform_t;
float pos[MAXSTUDIOBONES][3];
static struct {
bone_transform_t first[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
bone_transform_t current[MAXSTUDIOBONES];
} gb;
static void studioModelCalcBones(int numbones, const mstudiobone_t *pbone, const mstudioanim_t *panim, int frame, float out_pos[][3], vec4_t *out_q) {
static void studioModelCalcBones(int numbones, const mstudiobone_t *pbone, const mstudioanim_t *panim, int frame, bone_transform_t *out) {
for(int b = 0; b < numbones; b++ ) {
// TODO check pbone->bonecontroller, if the bone can be dynamically controlled by entity
// So far we havent't seen any cases where bonecontroller presence makes static submodels dynamic
float *const adj = NULL;
const float interpolation = 0;
R_StudioCalcBoneQuaternion( frame, interpolation, pbone + b, panim + b, adj, out_q[b] );
R_StudioCalcBonePosition( frame, interpolation, pbone + b, panim + b, adj, out_pos[b] );
vec4_t q;
vec3_t pos;
R_StudioCalcBoneQuaternion( frame, interpolation, pbone + b, panim + b, adj, q );
R_StudioCalcBonePosition( frame, interpolation, pbone + b, panim + b, adj, pos );
matrix3x4 bonematrix;
Matrix3x4_FromOriginQuat(bonematrix, q, pos);
if (pbone[b].parent >= 0) {
Matrix3x4_ConcatTransforms(out[b].mat, out[pbone[b].parent].mat, bonematrix);
} else {
Matrix3x4_Copy(out[b].mat, bonematrix);
@ -90,28 +102,41 @@ qboolean Vector4CompareEpsilon( const vec4_t vec1, const vec4_t vec2, vec_t epsi
static qboolean isBoneSame(int b) {
if (!Vector4CompareEpsilon(gb.first_q[b], gb.q[b], 1e-4f))
return false;
if (!VectorCompareEpsilon(gb.first_pos[b], gb.pos[b], 1e-4f))
for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
if (!Vector4CompareEpsilon(gb.first[b].mat[i], gb.current[b].mat[i], 1e-4f))
return false;
return true;
/* static qboolean canBoneBeControlled(const mstudiobone_t* pbone, int b) { */
/* pbone += b; */
/* for (int i = 0; i < COUNTOF(pbone->bonecontroller); ++i) { */
/* if (pbone->bonecontroller[i] >= 0) */
/* return true; */
/* } */
/* return false; */
/* } */
static void studioModelProcessBonesAnimations(const model_t *const model, const studiohdr_t *const hdr, r_studio_submodel_info_t *submodels, int submodels_count) {
const mstudiobone_t* const pbone = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)hdr + hdr->boneindex);
/* for (int i = 0; i < hdr->numbones; ++i) { */
/* const mstudiobone_t* const bone = pbone + i; */
/* INFO(" Bone %i: %s", i, bone->name); */
/* } */
for (int i = 0; i < hdr->numseq; ++i) {
const mstudioseqdesc_t *const pseqdesc = (mstudioseqdesc_t *)((byte *)hdr + hdr->seqindex) + i;
const mstudiobone_t* const pbone = (mstudiobone_t *)((byte *)hdr + hdr->boneindex);
const mstudioanim_t* const panim = gEngine.R_StudioGetAnim( (studiohdr_t*)hdr, (model_t*)model, (mstudioseqdesc_t*)pseqdesc );
// Compute the first frame bones to compare with
studioModelCalcBones(hdr->numbones, pbone, panim, 0, gb.first_pos, gb.first_q);
studioModelCalcBones(hdr->numbones, pbone, panim, 0, gb.first);
// Compute bones for each frame
for (int frame = 1; frame < pseqdesc->numframes; ++frame) {
studioModelCalcBones(hdr->numbones, pbone, panim, frame, gb.pos, gb.q);
studioModelCalcBones(hdr->numbones, pbone, panim, frame, gb.current);
// Compate bones for each submodel
for (int si = 0; si < submodels_count; ++si) {
@ -143,11 +168,16 @@ static void studioModelProcessBonesAnimations(const model_t *const model, const
} /* use_boneweights */ else {
const byte *const pvertbone = ((const byte *)hdr + submodel->vertinfoindex);
for(int vi = 0; vi < submodel->numverts; vi++) {
subinfo->is_dynamic |= !isBoneSame(pvertbone[vi]);
const byte bone = pvertbone[vi];
subinfo->is_dynamic |= !isBoneSame(bone);
if (subinfo->is_dynamic)
} // no use_boneweights
/* if (subinfo->has_bonecontroller && !subinfo->is_dynamic) { */
/* WARN("Submodel %s is static, but can be affected by bonecontroller", subinfo->submodel_key->name); */
/* } */
} // for all submodels
} // for all frames
} // for all sequences
@ -198,6 +228,7 @@ const r_studio_model_info_t* R_StudioModelPreload(model_t *mod) {
for (int i = 0; i < submodels_count; ++i) {
const r_studio_submodel_info_t *const subinfo = submodels + i;
is_dynamic |= subinfo->is_dynamic;
//DEBUG(" Submodel %d/%d: name=\"%s\", is_dynamic=%d has_bonecontroller=%d", i, submodels_count-1, subinfo->submodel_key->name, subinfo->is_dynamic, subinfo->has_bonecontroller);
DEBUG(" Submodel %d/%d: name=\"%s\", is_dynamic=%d", i, submodels_count-1, subinfo->submodel_key->name, subinfo->is_dynamic);

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@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ typedef struct r_studio_submodel_render_s {
typedef struct r_studio_submodel_info_s {
const mstudiomodel_t *submodel_key;
qboolean is_dynamic;
//qboolean has_bonecontroller;
// TODO int verts_count; for prev_verts