rtx: fix water normals performance and culling

This commit is contained in:
Ivan 'provod' Avdeev 2021-06-14 11:22:07 -07:00 committed by Ivan Avdeev
parent 4e599b4070
commit 8321dda9d9
2 changed files with 71 additions and 37 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@
const float normal_offset_fudge = .01;
const float shadow_offset_fudge = .5;
const float brightness_fudge = 50.;
const float
C_A = 434073., C_B = 497559., C_C = 397590., C_D = 498071.,
@ -274,7 +275,7 @@ float rand01() {
bool shadowed(vec3 pos, vec3 dir, float dist) {
rayQueryEXT shadowRayQuery;
rayQueryInitializeEXT(shadowRayQuery, tlas,
gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT | gl_RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitEXT,
gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT | gl_RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitEXT | gl_RayFlagsCullBackFacingTrianglesEXT,
pos, 0., dir, dist);
while(rayQueryProceedEXT(shadowRayQuery)) {
@ -300,7 +301,7 @@ void main() {
rand01_state = uint(mod(pc.t, 100.) * 1000.) + gl_GlobalInvocationID.x * 1823 + 31337 * gl_GlobalInvocationID.y;
for (int bounce = 0; bounce < pc.bounces; ++bounce) {
rayQueryEXT rayQuery;
rayQueryInitializeEXT(rayQuery, tlas, gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT, 0xff, O, 0., D, L);
rayQueryInitializeEXT(rayQuery, tlas, gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT | gl_RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesEXT, 0xff, O, 0., D, L);
while(rayQueryProceedEXT(rayQuery)) {
@ -430,7 +431,8 @@ void main() {
//C += kc * vec3(hash(float(kusok_index)), hash(float(kusok_index)+15.43), hash(float(kusok_index)+34.));//kusok.emissive.rgb;
//C = vec3(1., 0., 1.);
if (bounce == 0)
C += kc * emissive * baseColor;
//C += kc * emissive * baseColor;
C += kc * baseColor;
@ -477,7 +479,6 @@ void main() {
const float brightness_fudge = 5.;
C += light_dot * sampling_light_scale * brightness_fudge * kc * baseColor * emissive * dot(light_dir, normal) / (light_dist * light_dist);
// Sample just one triangle
@ -525,9 +526,8 @@ void main() {
// C += kc * vec3(hash(float(kusok_index)-102.3), hash(float(kusok_index)+15.43), hash(float(kusok_index)+34.));//kusok.emissive.rgb;
kc *= .9 * baseColor;
//const float rough = .4;
const float rough = .3;// * hash(.01 * dot(floor((inverse(mat4(transform)) * vec4(pos, 1.))/10.).xyz, vec3(1.)));
const float rough = .9;// * hash(.01 * dot(floor((inverse(mat4(transform)) * vec4(pos, 1.))/10.).xyz, vec3(1.)));
O = pos;
// TODO this is totally not correct
D = normalize(mix(
@ -535,6 +535,7 @@ void main() {
vec3(rand01(), rand01(), rand01())*2.-1.,
kc *= .9 * baseColor * dot(D, normal);
} // for all bounces
//C = mix(C, vec3(1.), printText(vec2(1.,-1.) * vec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID.xy) + vec2(0., imageSize(image).y)));

View File

@ -73,6 +73,7 @@ Does a water warp on the pre-fragmented glpoly_t chain
static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboolean reverse )
const float time = gpGlobals->time;
float *v, nv, waveHeight;
float s, t, os, ot;
glpoly_t *p;
@ -81,9 +82,12 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
vk_buffer_handle_t vertex_buffer, index_buffer = InvalidHandle;
vk_buffer_lock_t vertex_lock, index_lock;
int vertex_offset = 0;
vk_vertex_t *vertices;
vk_vertex_t *gpu_vertices;
uint16_t *indices;
vk_vertex_t poly_vertices[MAX_WATER_VERTICES];
const qboolean useQuads = FBitSet( warp->flags, SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS );
if( !warp->polys ) return;
@ -116,11 +120,13 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
vertex_lock = VK_RenderBufferLock( vertex_buffer );
index_lock = VK_RenderBufferLock( index_buffer );
vertices = vertex_lock.ptr;
gpu_vertices = vertex_lock.ptr;
indices = index_lock.ptr;
for( p = warp->polys; p; p = p->next )
if( reverse )
v = p->verts[0] + ( p->numverts - 1 ) * VERTEXSIZE;
else v = p->verts[0];
@ -129,8 +135,8 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
if( waveHeight )
nv = r_turbsin[(int)(gpGlobals->time * 160.0f + v[1] + v[0]) & 255] + 8.0f;
nv = (r_turbsin[(int)(v[0] * 5.0f + gpGlobals->time * 171.0f - v[1]) & 255] + 8.0f ) * 0.8f + nv;
nv = r_turbsin[(int)(time * 160.0f + v[1] + v[0]) & 255] + 8.0f;
nv = (r_turbsin[(int)(v[0] * 5.0f + time * 171.0f - v[1]) & 255] + 8.0f ) * 0.8f + nv;
nv = nv * waveHeight + v[2];
else nv = v[2];
@ -144,33 +150,38 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
t = ot + r_turbsin[(int)((os * 0.125f + gpGlobals->time) * TURBSCALE) & 255];
t *= ( 1.0f / SUBDIVIDE_SIZE );
vertices[vertex_offset + i].pos[0] = v[0];
vertices[vertex_offset + i].pos[1] = v[1];
vertices[vertex_offset + i].pos[2] = nv;
poly_vertices[i].pos[0] = v[0];
poly_vertices[i].pos[1] = v[1];
poly_vertices[i].pos[2] = nv;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].gl_tc[0] = s;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].gl_tc[1] = t;
poly_vertices[i].gl_tc[0] = s;
poly_vertices[i].gl_tc[1] = t;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].lm_tc[0] = 0;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].lm_tc[1] = 0;
poly_vertices[i].lm_tc[0] = 0;
poly_vertices[i].lm_tc[1] = 0;
// FIXME calc normal
vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal[0] = 0;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal[1] = 0;
vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal[2] = 1;
poly_vertices[i].normal[0] = 0;
poly_vertices[i].normal[1] = 0;
poly_vertices[i].normal[2] = 0;
poly_vertices[i].normal[2] = 1;
// Ray tracing apparently expects triangle list only (although spec is not very clear about this kekw)
if (i > 1) {
// vec3_t e0, e1, normal;
// VectorSubtract( vertices[vertex_offset + i - 1].pos, vertices[vertex_offset].pos, e0 );
// VectorSubtract( vertices[vertex_offset + i].pos, vertices[vertex_offset].pos, e1 );
// CrossProduct( e1, e0, normal );
// //VectorNormalize(normal);
// VectorAdd(normal, vertices[vertex_offset].normal, vertices[vertex_offset].normal);
// VectorAdd(normal, vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal, vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal);
// VectorAdd(normal, vertices[vertex_offset + i - 1].normal, vertices[vertex_offset + i - 1].normal);
vec3_t e0, e1, normal;
VectorSubtract( poly_vertices[i - 1].pos, poly_vertices[0].pos, e0 );
VectorSubtract( poly_vertices[i].pos, poly_vertices[0].pos, e1 );
CrossProduct( e1, e0, normal );
VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[0].normal, poly_vertices[0].normal);
VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[i].normal, poly_vertices[i].normal);
VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[i - 1].normal, poly_vertices[i - 1].normal);
*(indices++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset);
*(indices++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset + i - 1);
*(indices++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset + i);
@ -181,10 +192,13 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
else v += VERTEXSIZE;
// for( i = 0; i < p->numverts; i++ ) {
// VectorNormalize(vertices[vertex_offset + i].normal);
// }
for( i = 0; i < p->numverts; i++ ) {
memcpy(gpu_vertices + vertex_offset, poly_vertices, sizeof(vk_vertex_t) * p->numverts);
vertex_offset += p->numverts;
@ -214,9 +228,29 @@ static void EmitWaterPolys( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *warp, qboo
void XVK_DrawWaterSurfaces( const cl_entity_t *ent )
const model_t *model = ent->model;
vec3_t mins, maxs;
if( !VectorIsNull( ent->angles ))
for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
mins[i] = ent->origin[i] - model->radius;
maxs[i] = ent->origin[i] + model->radius;
//rotated = true;
VectorAdd( ent->origin, model->mins, mins );
VectorAdd( ent->origin, model->maxs, maxs );
//rotated = false;
// if( R_CullBox( mins, maxs ))
// return;
VK_RenderModelDynamicBegin( model->name, ent->curstate.rendermode );
// (done?) Subdivide surfaces to glpolys
// Iterate through all surfaces, find *TURB*
for( int i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++ )
@ -228,10 +262,9 @@ void XVK_DrawWaterSurfaces( const cl_entity_t *ent )
if( surf->plane->type != PLANE_Z && !FBitSet( ent->curstate.effects, EF_WATERSIDES ))
// TODO better culling for bottom water brush plane
if( mins[2] + 1.0f >= surf->plane->dist )
// Iterate through all glpolys
// generate geometries
EmitWaterPolys( ent, surf, false );