bring back ray traced transparency

1. Probabilistically let ray through material or reflect it based on
   transparency probability (which is essentially just alpha for now).
2. Introduce opaque flag to be able to treat transparent objects as not
   casting shadows. This is not very realistic, but oh well.
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Avdeev 2021-09-06 11:57:23 -07:00
parent 9759221e02
commit b9f5f87c76
8 changed files with 37 additions and 16 deletions

View File

@ -75,9 +75,6 @@ void main() {
const mat3 matWorld = mat3(gl_ObjectToWorldEXT);
const vec3 normal = normalize(transpose(inverse(matWorld)) * (n1 * (1. - bary.x - bary.y) + n2 * bary.x + n3 * bary.y));
// FIXME there's a better way to do this
hit_pos += normal * normal_offset_fudge;
const vec2 uvs[3] = {
@ -93,14 +90,18 @@ void main() {
const float ray_cone_width = payload.pixel_cone_spread_angle * payload.t_offset;
const vec4 uv_lods = UVDerivsFromRayCone(gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT, normal, ray_cone_width, uvs, pos, matWorld);
const vec3 base_color = pow(textureGrad(textures[nonuniformEXT(tex_index)], texture_uv, uv_lods.xy,, vec3(2.));
const vec4 tex_color = textureGrad(textures[nonuniformEXT(tex_index)], texture_uv, uv_lods.xy,;
const vec3 base_color = pow(tex_color.rgb, vec3(2.));
/* tex_color = pow(tex_color, vec4(2.)); */
/* const vec3 base_color = tex_color.rgb; */
// FIXME read alpha from texture
payload.hit_pos_t = vec4(hit_pos, gl_HitTEXT);
payload.base_color = base_color * kusochki[kusok_index].color.rgb;
payload.alpha = kusochki[kusok_index].color.a;
payload.normal = normal;
payload.reflection = tex_color.a * kusochki[kusok_index].color.a;
payload.normal = normal * sign(dot(normal, -gl_WorldRayDirectionEXT));
payload.emissive = kusochki[kusok_index].emissive * base_color; // TODO emissive should have a special texture
payload.roughness = kusochki[kusok_index].roughness;
payload.kusok_index = kusok_index;

View File

@ -92,7 +92,7 @@ bool shadowed(vec3 pos, vec3 dir, float dist) {
0, 0, 1 /* miss index */,
pos, 0., dir, dist, 1 /* payload location */);
return shadow;
@ -134,7 +134,7 @@ vec3 sampleSurfaceTriangle(vec3 view_dir, MaterialProperties material, mat4x3 em
if (light_dir_normal_dot <= 0.)
return vec3(0.);
if (shadowed(, light_dir, light_dist - shadow_offset_fudge))
if (shadowed( + payload.normal * shadow_offset_fudge, light_dir, light_dist - shadow_offset_fudge))
return vec3(0.);
light_dist *= meters_per_unit;
@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ vec3 computeLighting(vec3 view_dir, MaterialProperties material) {
const float d2 = dot(light_dir, light_dir);
const float light_dist = sqrt(d2);
if (shadowed(, light_dir_norm, light_dist + shadow_offset_fudge))
if (shadowed( + payload.normal * shadow_offset_fudge, light_dir_norm, light_dist + shadow_offset_fudge))
const float r2 = light_pos_r.w * light_pos_r.w;
@ -244,6 +244,8 @@ void main() {
payload.pixel_cone_spread_angle = push_constants.pixel_cone_spread_angle;
for (int bounce = 0; bounce < push_constants.bounces; ++bounce) {
// TODO early exit based on throughput being too small
const uint flags = 0
//| gl_RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesEXT
//| gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT
@ -253,7 +255,7 @@ void main() {
const uint miss_index = 0;
const int ray_payload_loc = 0;
const float L = 10000.;
traceRayEXT(tlas, flags, 0xff,
traceRayEXT(tlas, flags, GEOMETRY_BIT_ANY,
sbt_offset, sbt_stride, miss_index,
origin, 0., direction, L,
@ -264,21 +266,30 @@ void main() {
//C = vec3(payload.reflection); break;
MaterialProperties material;
material.baseColor = payload.base_color;
material.metalness = 0.f;
material.emissive = payload.emissive;
material.roughness = .1f; // FIXME payload.roughness;
material.roughness = payload.roughness;
C += throughput * payload.emissive;
if ((payload.material_flags & kXVkMaterialFlagLighting) != 0) {
C += throughput * computeLighting(-direction, material);
// Decide whether ray continues through, or relfects
if (rand01() > payload.reflection) {
origin = - normal_offset_fudge * payload.normal;
//throughput *= 1. - payload.reflection;
throughput *= payload.base_color;
C += throughput * computeLighting(-direction, material);
if (bounce == push_constants.bounces - 1)
vec3 shadingNormal = payload.normal;
vec3 geometryNormal = payload.normal;
vec3 V = -direction;

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ layout(location = 0) rayPayloadInEXT RayPayload payload;
void main() {
payload.hit_pos_t = vec4(-1.);
payload.normal = vec3(0., 1., 0.);
payload.alpha = 0.;
payload.reflection = 0.;
payload.roughness = 0.;
payload.base_color = vec3(1., 0., 1.);
payload.kusok_index = -1;

View File

@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ struct RayPayload {
vec4 hit_pos_t;
vec3 normal;
vec3 base_color;
float alpha;
float reflection;
vec3 emissive;
float roughness;
int kusok_index;

View File

@ -11,6 +11,9 @@
#define PAD(x)
#define GEOMETRY_BIT_ANY 0x01
struct Kusok {
uint index_offset;
uint vertex_offset;

View File

@ -42,6 +42,7 @@ typedef struct {
vk_ray_model_t *model;
int render_mode;
qboolean alpha_test;
qboolean translucent;
} vk_ray_draw_model_t;
typedef struct {

View File

@ -341,6 +341,11 @@ void VK_RayFrameAddModel( vk_ray_model_t *model, const vk_render_model_t *render
gEngine.Host_Error("Unexpected render mode %d\n", render_model->render_mode);
draw_model->translucent = false;
if (additive || color[3] < 1.f) {
draw_model->translucent = true;
for (int i = 0; i < render_model->num_geometries; ++i) {
const vk_render_geometry_t *geom = render_model->geometries + i;
const vk_emissive_surface_t *esurf = VK_LightsAddEmissiveSurface( geom, transform_row );

View File

@ -471,7 +471,7 @@ static void prepareTlas( VkCommandBuffer cmdbuf ) {
ASSERT(model->model->as != VK_NULL_HANDLE);
inst[i] = (VkAccelerationStructureInstanceKHR){
.instanceCustomIndex = model->model->kusochki_offset,
.mask = 0xff,
.mask = (model->translucent ? 0 : GEOMETRY_BIT_OPAQUE) | GEOMETRY_BIT_ANY,
.instanceShaderBindingTableRecordOffset = model->alpha_test ? 1 : 0,
.flags = model->render_mode == kRenderNormal ? VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR : VK_GEOMETRY_INSTANCE_FORCE_NO_OPAQUE_BIT_KHR, // TODO is render_mode a good indicator of transparency in general case?
.accelerationStructureReference = getASAddress(model->model->as), // TODO cache this addr