vk: profiler: refactor plotting functions slightly

This commit is contained in:
Ivan Avdeev 2023-03-20 11:03:30 -07:00 committed by Ivan Avdeev
parent 2b8f74ff0e
commit bcb1d367b9
1 changed files with 95 additions and 74 deletions

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@ -19,6 +19,10 @@ static struct {
aprof_event_t *paused_events;
int paused_events_count;
int pause_requested;
struct {
int glyph_width, glyph_height;
} font_metrics;
} g_slows;
static float linearstep(float min, float max, float v) {
@ -36,7 +40,7 @@ static uint32_t getHash(const char *s) {
return CRC32_Final(crc);
static void drawTimeBar(uint64_t begin_time_ns, float time_scale_ms, int64_t begin_ns, int64_t end_ns, int y, int height, int glyph_width, const char *label, const rgba_t color) {
static void drawTimeBar(uint64_t begin_time_ns, float time_scale_ms, int64_t begin_ns, int64_t end_ns, int y, int height, const char *label, const rgba_t color) {
const float delta_ms = (end_ns - begin_ns) * 1e-6;
const int width = delta_ms * time_scale_ms;
const int x = (begin_ns - begin_time_ns) * 1e-6 * time_scale_ms;
@ -47,22 +51,13 @@ static void drawTimeBar(uint64_t begin_time_ns, float time_scale_ms, int64_t beg
// Tweak this if scope names escape the block boundaries
char tmp[64];
tmp[0] = '\0';
const int glyph_width = g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_width;
Q_snprintf(tmp, Q_min(sizeof(tmp), width / glyph_width), "%s %.3fms", label, delta_ms);
gEngine.Con_DrawString(x, y, tmp, text_color);
static void drawProfilerScopes(const aprof_event_t *events, uint64_t begin_time, float time_scale_ms, uint32_t begin, uint32_t end, int y) {
#define MAX_STACK_DEPTH 16
// hidpi scaling
float scale = gEngine.pfnGetCvarFloat("con_fontscale");
if (scale <= 0.f)
scale = 1.f;
// TODO "20" is fine for the "default" font. Unfortunately we don't have any access to font metrics from here, ref_api_t doesn't give us anything about fonts. ;_;
const int height = 20 * scale;
const int estimated_glyph_width = 8 * scale;
struct {
int scope_id;
uint64_t begin_ns;
@ -97,7 +92,8 @@ static void drawProfilerScopes(const aprof_event_t *events, uint64_t begin_time,
const uint32_t hash = getHash(scope_name);
const rgba_t color = {hash >> 24, (hash>>16)&0xff, hash&0xff, 127};
drawTimeBar(begin_time, time_scale_ms, stack[depth].begin_ns, timestamp_ns, y + depth * height, height, estimated_glyph_width, scope_name, color);
const int bar_height = g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_height;
drawTimeBar(begin_time, time_scale_ms, stack[depth].begin_ns, timestamp_ns, y + depth * bar_height, bar_height, scope_name, color);
@ -110,32 +106,27 @@ static void drawProfilerScopes(const aprof_event_t *events, uint64_t begin_time,
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(4, S_ERROR "Profiler stack overflow: reached %d, max available %d\n", max_depth, MAX_STACK_DEPTH);
// FIXME move this to r_speeds or something like that
void R_ShowExtendedProfilingData(uint32_t prev_frame_index, uint64_t gpu_frame_begin_ns, uint64_t gpu_frame_end_ns) {
static void handlePause( uint32_t prev_frame_index ) {
if (!g_slows.pause_requested || g_slows.paused_events)
int line = 4;
const int dirty = g_lights.stats.dirty_cells;
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "Dirty light cells: %d, size = %dKiB, ranges = %d\n", dirty, (int)(dirty * sizeof(struct LightCluster) / 1024), g_lights.stats.ranges_uploaded);
const uint32_t frame_begin = prev_frame_index;
const uint32_t frame_end = g_aprof.events_last_frame + 1;
g_slows.paused_events_count = frame_end >= frame_begin ? frame_end - frame_begin : (frame_end + APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin);
g_slows.paused_events = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, g_slows.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
if (frame_end >= frame_begin) {
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, g_slows.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
} else {
const int first_chunk = (APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin) * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]);
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, first_chunk);
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events + first_chunk, g_aprof.events, frame_end * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
const uint32_t events = g_aprof.events_last_frame - prev_frame_index;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[prev_frame_index]);
const unsigned long long delta_ns = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[g_aprof.events_last_frame]) - frame_begin_time;
const float frame_time = delta_ns / 1e6;
const uint64_t gpu_time_ns = gpu_frame_end_ns - gpu_frame_begin_ns;
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "GPU frame time: %.03fms\n", gpu_time_ns * 1e-6);
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "aprof events this frame: %u, wraps: %d, frame time: %.03fms\n", events, g_aprof.current_frame_wraparounds, frame_time);
g_slows.frame_times[g_slows.frame_num] = frame_time;
g_slows.frame_num = (g_slows.frame_num + 1) % MAX_FRAMES_HISTORY;
static int drawFrameTimeGraph( const int frame_bar_y, const float frame_bar_y_scale ) {
const float width = (float)vk_frame.width / MAX_FRAMES_HISTORY;
const int frame_bar_y = 100; // TODO font_height * scale * (line + 1)
const float frame_bar_y_scale = 2.f; // ms to pixels
// 60fps
CL_FillRGBA(0, frame_bar_y + frame_bar_y_scale * TARGET_FRAME_TIME, vk_frame.width, 1, 0, 255, 0, 50);
@ -153,55 +144,85 @@ void R_ShowExtendedProfilingData(uint32_t prev_frame_index, uint64_t gpu_frame_b
CL_FillRGBA(i * width, frame_bar_y, width, frame_time * frame_bar_y_scale, red, green, 0, 127);
if (g_slows.pause_requested && !g_slows.paused_events) {
const uint32_t frame_begin = prev_frame_index;
const uint32_t frame_end = g_aprof.events_last_frame + 1;
return frame_bar_y + frame_bar_y_scale * TARGET_FRAME_TIME * 2;
g_slows.paused_events_count = frame_end >= frame_begin ? frame_end - frame_begin : (frame_end + APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin);
g_slows.paused_events = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, g_slows.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
static int drawFrames( uint32_t prev_frame_index, int y, const uint64_t gpu_frame_begin_ns, const uint64_t gpu_frame_end_ns ) {
// Draw latest 2 frames; find their boundaries
uint32_t rewind_frame = prev_frame_index;
const int max_frames_to_draw = 2;
for (int frame = 1; frame < max_frames_to_draw;) {
rewind_frame = (rewind_frame - 1) % APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE; // NOTE: only correct for power-of-2 buffer sizes
const aprof_event_t event = g_aprof.events[rewind_frame];
if (frame_end >= frame_begin) {
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, g_slows.paused_events_count * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
} else {
const int first_chunk = (APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE - frame_begin) * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]);
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events, g_aprof.events + frame_begin, first_chunk);
memcpy(g_slows.paused_events + first_chunk, g_aprof.events, frame_end * sizeof(g_slows.paused_events[0]));
// Exhausted all events
if (event == 0 || rewind_frame == g_aprof.events_write)
// Note the frame
prev_frame_index = rewind_frame;
const aprof_event_t *const events = g_slows.paused_events ? g_slows.paused_events : g_aprof.events;
const int event_begin = g_slows.paused_events ? 0 : prev_frame_index;
const int event_end = g_slows.paused_events ? g_slows.paused_events_count - 1 : g_aprof.events_last_frame;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_begin]);
const uint64_t frame_end_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_end]);
const uint64_t delta_ns = frame_end_time - frame_begin_time;
const float time_scale_ms = (double)vk_frame.width / (delta_ns / 1e6);
drawProfilerScopes(events, frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, event_begin, event_end, y);
y += g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_height * 6;
const int bar_height = g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_height;
const rgba_t color = {255, 255, 0, 127};
gEngine.Con_Reportf("frame_begin=%.03fs gpu_begin=%.03fs\n", frame_begin_time * 1e-9, gpu_frame_begin_ns * 1e-9);
drawTimeBar(frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, gpu_frame_begin_ns, gpu_frame_end_ns, y, bar_height, "GPU TIME", color);
return y;
// FIXME move this to r_speeds or something like that
void R_ShowExtendedProfilingData(uint32_t prev_frame_index, uint64_t gpu_frame_begin_ns, uint64_t gpu_frame_end_ns) {
const int y = frame_bar_y + frame_bar_y_scale * TARGET_FRAME_TIME * 2 + 10;
// hidpi scaling
float scale = gEngine.pfnGetCvarFloat("con_fontscale");
if (scale <= 0.f)
scale = 1.f;
// Draw latest 2 frames; find their boundaries
uint32_t rewind_frame = prev_frame_index;
for (int frame = 1; frame < 2;) {
rewind_frame = (rewind_frame - 1) % APROF_EVENT_BUFFER_SIZE; // NOTE: only correct for power-of-2 buffer sizes
const aprof_event_t event = g_aprof.events[rewind_frame];
// Exhausted all events
if (event == 0 || rewind_frame == g_aprof.events_write)
// Note the frame
prev_frame_index = rewind_frame;
const aprof_event_t *const events = g_slows.paused_events ? g_slows.paused_events : g_aprof.events;
const int event_begin = g_slows.paused_events ? 0 : prev_frame_index;
const int event_end = g_slows.paused_events ? g_slows.paused_events_count - 1 : g_aprof.events_last_frame;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_begin]);
const uint64_t frame_end_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(events[event_end]);
const uint64_t delta_ns = frame_end_time - frame_begin_time;
const float time_scale_ms = (double)vk_frame.width / (delta_ns / 1e6);
drawProfilerScopes(events, frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, event_begin, event_end, y);
const rgba_t color = {255, 255, 0, 127};
drawTimeBar(frame_begin_time, time_scale_ms, gpu_frame_begin_ns, gpu_frame_end_ns, 10, 20, 8, "GPU TIME", color);
// TODO these numbers are mostly fine for the "default" font. Unfortunately
// we don't have any access to real font metrics from here, ref_api_t doesn't give us anything about fonts. ;_;
g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_width = 8 * scale;
g_slows.font_metrics.glyph_height = 20 * scale;
int line = 4;
const int dirty = g_lights.stats.dirty_cells;
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "Dirty light cells: %d, size = %dKiB, ranges = %d\n", dirty, (int)(dirty * sizeof(struct LightCluster) / 1024), g_lights.stats.ranges_uploaded);
const uint32_t events = g_aprof.events_last_frame - prev_frame_index;
const uint64_t frame_begin_time = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[prev_frame_index]);
const unsigned long long delta_ns = APROF_EVENT_TIMESTAMP(g_aprof.events[g_aprof.events_last_frame]) - frame_begin_time;
const float frame_time = delta_ns / 1e6;
const uint64_t gpu_time_ns = gpu_frame_end_ns - gpu_frame_begin_ns;
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "GPU frame time: %.03fms\n", gpu_time_ns * 1e-6);
gEngine.Con_NPrintf(line++, "aprof events this frame: %u, wraps: %d, frame time: %.03fms\n", events, g_aprof.current_frame_wraparounds, frame_time);
g_slows.frame_times[g_slows.frame_num] = frame_time;
g_slows.frame_num = (g_slows.frame_num + 1) % MAX_FRAMES_HISTORY;
handlePause( prev_frame_index );
int y = 100;
const float frame_bar_y_scale = 2.f; // ms to pixels (somehow)
y = drawFrameTimeGraph( y, frame_bar_y_scale ) + 20;
y = drawFrames( prev_frame_index, y, gpu_frame_begin_ns, gpu_frame_end_ns );