mirror of
synced 2025-01-05 16:35:56 +01:00
rt: add additive transparency
known issues: - colors are incorrect (probably because of kusok.color having the wrong value) - mixes weirdly with denoiser
This commit is contained in:
@ -23,6 +23,31 @@ RAY_PRIMARY_OUTPUTS(X)
layout(set = 0, binding = 1) uniform accelerationStructureEXT tlas;
vec3 traceAdditive(vec3 pos, vec3 dir, float L) {
const float additive_soft_overshoot = 16.;
vec3 ret = vec3(0., 0., 0.);
rayQueryEXT rq;
const uint flags = 0
| gl_RayFlagsCullFrontFacingTrianglesEXT
//| gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT
| gl_RayFlagsNoOpaqueEXT // force all to be non-opaque
rayQueryInitializeEXT(rq, tlas, flags, GEOMETRY_BIT_ADDITIVE, pos, 0., dir, L + additive_soft_overshoot);
while (rayQueryProceedEXT(rq)) {
const MiniGeometry geom = readCandidateMiniGeometry(rq);
const uint tex_base_color = getKusok(geom.kusok_index).tex_base_color;
const vec4 texture_color = texture(textures[nonuniformEXT(tex_base_color)], geom.uv);
const vec4 kusok_color = getKusok(geom.kusok_index).color;
const vec3 color = texture_color.rgb * kusok_color.rgb * texture_color.a; // * kusok_color.a;
//const vec3 color = texture_color.rgb * kusok_color.rgb * texture_color.a * kusok_color.a;
const float hit_t = rayQueryGetIntersectionTEXT(rq, false);
const float overshoot = hit_t - L;
ret += color * smoothstep(additive_soft_overshoot, 0., overshoot);
return ret;
void main() {
const ivec2 pix = ivec2(gl_GlobalInvocationID);
const ivec2 res = ivec2(imageSize(out_position_t));
@ -50,7 +75,7 @@ void main() {
//| gl_RayFlagsTerminateOnFirstHitEXT
//| gl_RayFlagsSkipClosestHitShaderEXT
const float L = 10000.; // TODO Why 10k?
float L = 10000.; // TODO Why 10k?
rayQueryInitializeEXT(rq, tlas, flags, GEOMETRY_BIT_OPAQUE | GEOMETRY_BIT_ALPHA_TEST, origin, 0., direction, L);
while (rayQueryProceedEXT(rq)) {
if (0 != (rayQueryGetRayFlagsEXT(rq) & gl_RayFlagsOpaqueEXT))
@ -63,24 +88,9 @@ void main() {
// texture sampling for geometry that's ultimately invisible (i.e. behind walls). Also, shader threads congruence.
// Separate pass could be more efficient as it'd be doing the same thing for every invocation.
// 2. Same as the above, but also with a completely independent TLAS. Why: no need to mask-check geometry for opaque-vs-alpha
const uint instance_kusochki_offset = rayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint geometry_index = rayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint kusok_index = instance_kusochki_offset + geometry_index;
const Kusok kusok = getKusok(kusok_index);
const uint primitive_index = rayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint first_index_offset = kusok.index_offset + primitive_index * 3;
const uint vi1 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+0)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const uint vi2 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+1)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const uint vi3 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+2)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const vec2 uvs[3] = {
const vec2 bary = rayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsEXT(rq, false);
const vec2 uv = baryMix(uvs[0], uvs[1], uvs[2], bary);
const vec4 texture_color = texture(textures[nonuniformEXT(kusok.tex_base_color)], uv);
const MiniGeometry geom = readCandidateMiniGeometry(rq);
const uint tex_base_color = getKusok(geom.kusok_index).tex_base_color;
const vec4 texture_color = texture(textures[nonuniformEXT(tex_base_color)], geom.uv);
const float alpha_mask_threshold = .1f;
if (texture_color.a >= alpha_mask_threshold) {
@ -90,8 +100,11 @@ void main() {
if (rayQueryGetIntersectionTypeEXT(rq, true) == gl_RayQueryCommittedIntersectionTriangleEXT) {
primaryRayHit(rq, payload);
L = rayQueryGetIntersectionTEXT(rq, true);
payload.emissive.rgb += traceAdditive(origin, direction, L);
imageStore(out_position_t, pix, payload.hit_t);
imageStore(out_base_color_a, pix, payload.base_color_a);
imageStore(out_normals_gs, pix, payload.normals_gs);
@ -125,4 +125,37 @@ Geometry readHitGeometry(vec2 bary, float ray_cone_width) {
return geom;
#ifdef RAY_QUERY
struct MiniGeometry {
vec2 uv;
uint kusok_index;
MiniGeometry readCandidateMiniGeometry(rayQueryEXT rq) {
const uint instance_kusochki_offset = rayQueryGetIntersectionInstanceCustomIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint geometry_index = rayQueryGetIntersectionGeometryIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint kusok_index = instance_kusochki_offset + geometry_index;
const Kusok kusok = getKusok(kusok_index);
const uint primitive_index = rayQueryGetIntersectionPrimitiveIndexEXT(rq, false);
const uint first_index_offset = kusok.index_offset + primitive_index * 3;
const uint vi1 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+0)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const uint vi2 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+1)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const uint vi3 = uint(getIndex(first_index_offset+2)) + kusok.vertex_offset;
const vec2 uvs[3] = {
const vec2 bary = rayQueryGetIntersectionBarycentricsEXT(rq, false);
const vec2 uv = baryMix(uvs[0], uvs[1], uvs[2], bary);
MiniGeometry ret;
ret.uv = uv;
ret.kusok_index = kusok_index;
return ret;
#endif // #ifdef RAY_QUERY
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