#! /usr/bin/env python # encoding: utf-8 # a1batross, mittorn, 2018 from __future__ import print_function from waflib import Logs, Context, Configure import sys import os VERSION = '0.99' APPNAME = 'xash3d-fwgs' top = '.' Context.Context.line_just = 55 # should fit for everything on 80x26 class Subproject: name = '' dedicated = True # if true will be ignored when building dedicated server singlebin = False # if true will be ignored when singlebinary is set ignore = False # if true will be ignored, set by user request mandatory = False def __init__(self, name, dedicated=True, singlebin=False, mandatory = False): self.name = name self.dedicated = dedicated self.singlebin = singlebin self.mandatory = mandatory def is_enabled(self, ctx): if not self.mandatory: if self.name in ctx.env.IGNORE_PROJECTS: self.ignore = True if self.ignore: return False if ctx.env.SINGLE_BINARY and self.singlebin: return False if ctx.env.DEST_OS == 'android' and self.singlebin: return False if ctx.env.DEDICATED and self.dedicated: return False return True SUBDIRS = [ Subproject('public', dedicated=False, mandatory = True), Subproject('game_launch', singlebin=True), Subproject('ref_gl',), Subproject('ref_soft'), Subproject('mainui'), Subproject('vgui_support'), Subproject('stub/server', dedicated=False), Subproject('stub/client'), Subproject('dllemu'), Subproject('engine', dedicated=False), ] def subdirs(): return map(lambda x: x.name, SUBDIRS) def options(opt): grp = opt.add_option_group('Common options') grp.add_option('-T', '--build-type', action='store', dest='BUILD_TYPE', default = None, help = 'build type: debug, release or none(custom flags)') grp.add_option('-d', '--dedicated', action = 'store_true', dest = 'DEDICATED', default = False, help = 'build Xash Dedicated Server [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--single-binary', action = 'store_true', dest = 'SINGLE_BINARY', default = False, help = 'build single "xash" binary (always enabled for dedicated) [default: %default]') grp.add_option('-8', '--64bits', action = 'store_true', dest = 'ALLOW64', default = False, help = 'allow targetting 64-bit engine(Linux/Windows/OSX x86 only) [default: %default]') grp.add_option('-W', '--win-style-install', action = 'store_true', dest = 'WIN_INSTALL', default = False, help = 'install like Windows build, ignore prefix, useful for development [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--enable-bsp2', action = 'store_true', dest = 'SUPPORT_BSP2_FORMAT', default = False, help = 'build engine and renderers with BSP2 map support(recommended for Quake, breaks compatibility!) [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--enable-lto', action = 'store_true', dest = 'LTO', default = False, help = 'enable Link Time Optimization if possible [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--enable-poly-opt', action = 'store_true', dest = 'POLLY', default = False, help = 'enable polyhedral optimization if possible [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--low-memory-mode', action = 'store', dest = 'LOW_MEMORY', default = 0, type = 'int', help = 'enable low memory mode (only for devices have <128 ram)') grp.add_option('--enable-magx', action = 'store_true', dest = 'MAGX', default = False, help = 'enable targetting for MotoMAGX phones [default: %default]') grp.add_option('--ignore-projects', action = 'store', dest = 'IGNORE_PROJECTS', default = None, help = 'disable selected projects from build [default: %default]') opt.load('subproject') for i in SUBDIRS: if not i.mandatory and not opt.path.find_node(i.name+'/wscript'): i.ignore = True continue opt.add_subproject(i.name) opt.load('xshlib xcompile compiler_cxx compiler_c sdl2 clang_compilation_database strip_on_install waf_unit_test') if sys.platform == 'win32': opt.load('msvc msdev msvs') opt.load('reconfigure') def configure(conf): enforce_pic = True # modern defaults valid_build_types = ['fastnative', 'fast', 'release', 'debug', 'nooptimize', 'sanitize', 'none'] conf.load('fwgslib reconfigure') if conf.options.IGNORE_PROJECTS: conf.env.IGNORE_PROJECTS = conf.options.IGNORE_PROJECTS.split(',') conf.start_msg('Build type') if conf.options.BUILD_TYPE == None: conf.end_msg('not set', color='RED') conf.fatal('Please set a build type, for example "-T release"') elif not conf.options.BUILD_TYPE in valid_build_types: conf.end_msg(conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, color='RED') conf.fatal('Invalid build type. Valid are: %s' % ', '.join(valid_build_types)) conf.end_msg(conf.options.BUILD_TYPE) # -march=native should not be used if conf.options.BUILD_TYPE.startswith('fast'): Logs.warn('WARNING: \'%s\' build type should not be used in release builds', conf.options.BUILD_TYPE) # Force XP compability, all build targets should add # subsystem=bld.env.MSVC_SUBSYSTEM # TODO: wrapper around bld.stlib, bld.shlib and so on? conf.env.MSVC_SUBSYSTEM = 'WINDOWS,5.01' conf.env.MSVC_TARGETS = ['x86'] # explicitly request x86 target for MSVC if sys.platform == 'win32': conf.load('msvc msvc_pdb msdev msvs') conf.load('xshlib subproject xcompile compiler_c compiler_cxx gitversion clang_compilation_database strip_on_install waf_unit_test') try: conf.env.CC_VERSION[0] except IndexError: conf.env.CC_VERSION = (0,) # modify options dictionary early if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'android': conf.options.NO_VGUI= True # skip vgui conf.options.NANOGL = True conf.options.GLWES = True conf.options.GL = False if conf.env.STATIC_LINKING: enforce_pic = False # PIC may break static linking conf.env.MAGX = conf.options.MAGX if conf.options.MAGX: conf.options.USE_SELECT = True conf.options.SDL12 = True conf.options.NO_VGUI = True conf.options.GL = False conf.options.LOW_MEMORY = 1 conf.options.SINGLE_BINARY = True conf.options.NO_ASYNC_RESOLVE = True conf.define('XASH_SDLMAIN', 1) enforce_pic = False # useless to change toolchain path, as toolchain meant to be placed in this path toolchain_path = '/opt/toolchains/motomagx/arm-eabi2/lib/' conf.env.INCLUDES_MAGX = [toolchain_path + i for i in ['ezx-z6/include', 'qt-2.3.8/include']] conf.env.LIBPATH_MAGX = [toolchain_path + i for i in ['ezx-z6/lib', 'qt-2.3.8/lib']] conf.env.LINKFLAGS_MAGX = ['-Wl,-rpath-link=' + i for i in conf.env.LIBPATH_MAGX] for lib in ['qte-mt', 'ezxappbase', 'ezxpm', 'log_util']: conf.check_cc(lib=lib, use='MAGX', uselib_store='MAGX') if enforce_pic: # Every static library must have fPIC if conf.env.DEST_OS != 'win32' and '-fPIC' in conf.env.CFLAGS_cshlib: conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS_cstlib', '-fPIC') conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS_cxxstlib', '-fPIC') else: if '-fPIC' in conf.env.CFLAGS_cshlib: conf.env.CFLAGS_cshlib.remove('-fPIC') if '-fPIC' in conf.env.CXXFLAGS_cshlib: conf.env.CXXFLAGS_cxxshlib.remove('-fPIC') if '-fPIC' in conf.env.CFLAGS_MACBUNDLE: conf.env.CFLAGS_MACBUNDLE.remove('-fPIC') if '-fPIC' in conf.env.CXXFLAGS_MACBUNDLE: conf.env.CXXFLAGS_MACBUNDLE.remove('-fPIC') # We restrict 64-bit builds ONLY for Win/Linux/OSX running on Intel architecture # Because compatibility with original GoldSrc if conf.env.DEST_OS in ['win32', 'linux', 'darwin'] and conf.env.DEST_CPU == 'x86_64': conf.env.BIT32_MANDATORY = not conf.options.ALLOW64 if not conf.env.BIT32_MANDATORY: Logs.info('WARNING: will build engine for 32-bit target') else: conf.env.BIT32_MANDATORY = False conf.load('force_32bit') linker_flags = { 'common': { 'msvc': ['/DEBUG'], # always create PDB, doesn't affect result binaries 'gcc': ['-Wl,--no-undefined'], 'owcc': ['-Wl,option stack=512k'] }, 'sanitize': { 'clang': ['-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address'], 'gcc': ['-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address'], } } compiler_c_cxx_flags = { 'common': { # disable thread-safe local static initialization for C++11 code, as it cause crashes on Windows XP 'msvc': ['/D_USING_V110_SDK71_', '/Zi', '/FS', '/Zc:threadSafeInit-', '/MT'], 'clang': ['-g', '-gdwarf-2', '-fvisibility=hidden'], 'gcc': ['-g', '-fvisibility=hidden'], 'owcc': ['-fno-short-enum', '-ffloat-store', '-g3'] }, 'fast': { 'msvc': ['/O2', '/Oy'], 'gcc': { '3': ['-O3', '-fomit-frame-pointer'], 'default': ['-Ofast', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funsafe-loop-optimizations', '-fomit-frame-pointer'] }, 'clang': ['-Ofast'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'fastnative': { 'msvc': ['/O2', '/Oy'], 'gcc': ['-Ofast', '-march=native', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funsafe-loop-optimizations', '-fomit-frame-pointer'], 'clang': ['-Ofast', '-march=native'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'release': { 'msvc': ['/O2'], 'owcc': ['-O3', '-foptimize-sibling-calls', '-fomit-leaf-frame-pointer', '-fomit-frame-pointer', '-fschedule-insns', '-funsafe-math-optimizations', '-funroll-loops', '-frerun-optimizer', '-finline-functions', '-finline-limit=512', '-fguess-branch-probability', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-floop-optimize'], 'default': ['-O3'] }, 'debug': { 'msvc': ['/O1'], 'gcc': ['-Og'], 'owcc': ['-O0', '-fno-omit-frame-pointer', '-funwind-tables', '-fno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer'], 'default': ['-O1'] }, 'sanitize': { 'msvc': ['/Od', '/RTC1'], 'gcc': ['-Og', '-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address'], 'clang': ['-O0', '-fsanitize=undefined', '-fsanitize=address'], 'default': ['-O0'] }, 'nooptimize': { 'msvc': ['/Od'], 'default': ['-O0'] } } compiler_optional_flags = [ # '-Wall', '-Wextra', '-Wpedantic', '-fdiagnostics-color=always', '-Werror=return-type', '-Werror=parentheses', '-Werror=vla', '-Werror=tautological-compare', '-Werror=duplicated-cond', '-Werror=duplicated-branches', # BEWARE: buggy '-Werror=bool-compare', '-Werror=bool-operation', '-Werror=uninitialized', '-Winit-self', '-Werror=implicit-fallthrough=2', # clang incompatible without "=2" # '-Wdouble-promotion', # disable warning flood '-Wstrict-aliasing', ] c_compiler_optional_flags = [ '-Werror=incompatible-pointer-types', '-Werror=implicit-function-declaration', '-Werror=int-conversion', '-Werror=implicit-int', '-Werror=strict-prototypes', '-Werror=old-style-declaration', '-Werror=old-style-definition', '-Werror=declaration-after-statement', '-Werror=enum-conversion', '-fnonconst-initializers' # owcc ] linkflags = conf.get_flags_by_type(linker_flags, conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, conf.env.COMPILER_CC, conf.env.CC_VERSION[0]) cflags = conf.get_flags_by_type(compiler_c_cxx_flags, conf.options.BUILD_TYPE, conf.env.COMPILER_CC, conf.env.CC_VERSION[0]) # Here we don't differentiate C or C++ flags if conf.options.LTO: lto_cflags = { 'msvc': ['/GL'], 'gcc': ['-flto'], 'clang': ['-flto'] } lto_linkflags = { 'msvc': ['/LTCG'], 'gcc': ['-flto'], 'clang': ['-flto'] } cflags += conf.get_flags_by_compiler(lto_cflags, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) linkflags += conf.get_flags_by_compiler(lto_linkflags, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) if conf.options.POLLY: polly_cflags = { 'gcc': ['-fgraphite-identity'], 'clang': ['-mllvm', '-polly'] # msvc sosat :( } cflags += conf.get_flags_by_compiler(polly_cflags, conf.env.COMPILER_CC) # And here C++ flags starts to be treated separately cxxflags = list(cflags) if conf.env.COMPILER_CC != 'msvc': conf.check_cc(cflags=cflags, linkflags=linkflags, msg= 'Checking for required C flags') conf.check_cxx(cxxflags=cflags, linkflags=linkflags, msg= 'Checking for required C++ flags') conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', cflags) conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', cxxflags) conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', linkflags) cxxflags += conf.filter_cxxflags(compiler_optional_flags, cflags) cflags += conf.filter_cflags(compiler_optional_flags + c_compiler_optional_flags, cflags) conf.env.append_unique('CFLAGS', cflags) conf.env.append_unique('CXXFLAGS', cxxflags) conf.env.append_unique('LINKFLAGS', linkflags) # check if we can use C99 tgmath if conf.check_cc(header_name='tgmath.h', mandatory=False): if conf.env.COMPILER_CC == 'msvc': conf.define('_CRT_SILENCE_NONCONFORMING_TGMATH_H', 1) tgmath_usable = conf.check_cc(fragment='''#include<tgmath.h> int main(void){ return (int)sin(2.0f); }''', msg='Checking if tgmath.h is usable', mandatory=False) conf.define_cond('HAVE_TGMATH_H', tgmath_usable) else: conf.undefine('HAVE_TGMATH_H') # check if we can use C99 stdint if conf.check_cc(header_name='stdint.h', mandatory=False): # use system conf.define('STDINT_H', 'stdint.h') else: # include portable stdint by Paul Hsich conf.define('STDINT_H', 'pstdint.h') conf.env.DEDICATED = conf.options.DEDICATED conf.env.SINGLE_BINARY = conf.options.SINGLE_BINARY or conf.env.DEDICATED if conf.env.DEST_OS == 'dos': conf.env.SINGLE_BINARY = True if conf.env.DEST_OS != 'win32': conf.check_cc(lib='dl', mandatory=False) if not conf.env.LIB_M: # HACK: already added in xcompile! conf.check_cc(lib='m') else: # Common Win32 libraries # Don't check them more than once, to save time # Usually, they are always available # but we need them in uselib a = map(lambda x: { # 'features': 'c', # 'message': '...' + x, 'lib': x, # 'uselib_store': x.upper(), # 'global_define': False, }, [ 'user32', 'shell32', 'gdi32', 'advapi32', 'dbghelp', 'psapi', 'ws2_32' ]) for i in a: conf.check_cc(**i) # conf.multicheck(*a, run_all_tests = True, mandatory = True) # indicate if we are packaging for Linux/BSD if not conf.options.WIN_INSTALL and conf.env.DEST_OS not in ['win32', 'darwin', 'android']: conf.env.LIBDIR = conf.env.BINDIR = '${PREFIX}/lib/xash3d' else: conf.env.LIBDIR = conf.env.BINDIR = conf.env.PREFIX conf.define('XASH_BUILD_COMMIT', conf.env.GIT_VERSION if conf.env.GIT_VERSION else 'notset') if conf.options.LOW_MEMORY: conf.define('XASH_LOW_MEMORY', conf.options.LOW_MEMORY) for i in SUBDIRS: if not i.is_enabled(conf): continue conf.add_subproject(i.name) def build(bld): bld.load('xshlib') for i in SUBDIRS: if not i.is_enabled(bld): continue bld.add_subproject(i.name)