#include "vk_brush.h" #include "vk_core.h" #include "vk_const.h" #include "vk_buffer.h" #include "vk_pipeline.h" #include "vk_framectl.h" #include "vk_math.h" #include "r_textures.h" #include "vk_lightmap.h" #include "vk_scene.h" #include "vk_render.h" #include "vk_geometry.h" #include "vk_light.h" #include "vk_mapents.h" #include "r_speeds.h" #include "vk_staging.h" #include "vk_logs.h" #include "profiler.h" #include "ref_params.h" #include "eiface.h" #include #include #define MODULE_NAME "brush" #define LOG_MODULE LogModule_Brush typedef struct vk_brush_model_s { model_t *engine_model; r_geometry_range_t geometry; vk_render_model_t render_model; int *surface_to_geometry_index; int *animated_indexes; int animated_indexes_count; matrix4x4 prev_transform; float prev_time; struct { int surfaces_count; const int *surfaces_indices; r_geometry_range_t geometry; vk_render_model_t render_model; } water; } vk_brush_model_t; typedef struct { int num_surfaces, num_vertices, num_indices; int max_texture_id; int water_surfaces; int animated_count; int water_vertices; int water_indices; } model_sizes_t; typedef struct conn_edge_s { int first_surface; int count; } conn_edge_t; typedef struct linked_value_s { int value, link; } linked_value_t; #define MAX_VERTEX_SURFACES 16 typedef struct conn_vertex_s { int count; linked_value_t surfs[MAX_VERTEX_SURFACES]; } conn_vertex_t; static struct { struct { int total_vertices, total_indices; int models_drawn; int water_surfaces_drawn; int water_polys_drawn; } stat; int rtable[MOD_FRAMES][MOD_FRAMES]; // Unfortunately the engine only tracks the toplevel worldmodel. *xx submodels, while having their own entities and models, are not lifetime-tracked. // I.e. the engine doesn't call Mod_ProcessRenderData() on them, so we don't directly know when to create or destroy them. // Therefore, we need to track them manually and destroy them based on some other external event, e.g. Mod_ProcessRenderData(worldmodel) vk_brush_model_t *models[MAX_MODELS]; int models_count; #define MAX_ANIMATED_TEXTURES 256 int updated_textures[MAX_ANIMATED_TEXTURES]; // Smoothed normals comptutation // Connectome for edges and vertices struct { int edges_capacity; conn_edge_t *edges; int vertices_capacity; conn_vertex_t *vertices; } conn; } g_brush; void VK_InitRandomTable( void ) { int tu, tv; // make random predictable gEngine.COM_SetRandomSeed( 255 ); for( tu = 0; tu < MOD_FRAMES; tu++ ) { for( tv = 0; tv < MOD_FRAMES; tv++ ) { g_brush.rtable[tu][tv] = gEngine.COM_RandomLong( 0, 0x7FFF ); } } gEngine.COM_SetRandomSeed( 0 ); } qboolean VK_BrushInit( void ) { VK_InitRandomTable (); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_brush.stat.models_drawn, "drawn", kSpeedsMetricCount); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_brush.stat.water_surfaces_drawn, "water.surfaces", kSpeedsMetricCount); R_SPEEDS_COUNTER(g_brush.stat.water_polys_drawn, "water.polys", kSpeedsMetricCount); return true; } void VK_BrushShutdown( void ) { if (g_brush.conn.edges) Mem_Free(g_brush.conn.edges); } // speed up sin calculations static const float r_turbsin[] = { #include "warpsin.h" }; #define SUBDIVIDE_SIZE 64 #define TURBSCALE ( 256.0f / ( M_PI2 )) static void addWarpVertIndCounts(const msurface_t *warp, int *num_vertices, int *num_indices) { for( glpoly_t *p = warp->polys; p; p = p->next ) { const int triangles = p->numverts - 2; *num_vertices += p->numverts; *num_indices += triangles * 3; } } typedef struct { float prev_time; float scale; const msurface_t *warp; qboolean reverse; vk_vertex_t *dst_vertices; uint16_t *dst_indices; vk_render_geometry_t *dst_geometry; int *out_vertex_count, *out_index_count; } compute_water_polys_t; static void brushComputeWaterPolys( compute_water_polys_t args ) { const float time = gpGlobals->time; #define MAX_WATER_VERTICES 16 vk_vertex_t poly_vertices[MAX_WATER_VERTICES]; // FIXME unused? const qboolean useQuads = FBitSet( warp->flags, SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS ); ASSERT(args.warp->polys); // set the current waveheight // FIXME VK if( warp->polys->verts[0][2] >= RI.vieworg[2] ) // waveHeight = -ent->curstate.scale; // else // waveHeight = ent->curstate.scale; const float scale = args.scale; // reset fog color for nonlightmapped water // FIXME VK GL_ResetFogColor(); int vertices = 0; int indices = 0; for( glpoly_t *p = args.warp->polys; p; p = p->next ) { ASSERT(p->numverts <= MAX_WATER_VERTICES); float *v; if( args.reverse ) v = p->verts[0] + ( p->numverts - 1 ) * VERTEXSIZE; else v = p->verts[0]; for( int i = 0; i < p->numverts; i++ ) { float nv, prev_nv; if( scale ) { nv = r_turbsin[(int)(time * 160.0f + v[1] + v[0]) & 255] + 8.0f; nv = (r_turbsin[(int)(v[0] * 5.0f + time * 171.0f - v[1]) & 255] + 8.0f ) * 0.8f + nv; nv = nv * scale + v[2]; prev_nv = r_turbsin[(int)(args.prev_time * 160.0f + v[1] + v[0]) & 255] + 8.0f; prev_nv = (r_turbsin[(int)(v[0] * 5.0f + args.prev_time * 171.0f - v[1]) & 255] + 8.0f ) * 0.8f + prev_nv; prev_nv = prev_nv * scale + v[2]; } else prev_nv = nv = v[2]; const float os = v[3]; const float ot = v[4]; float s = os + r_turbsin[(int)((ot * 0.125f + gpGlobals->time) * TURBSCALE) & 255]; s *= ( 1.0f / SUBDIVIDE_SIZE ); float t = ot + r_turbsin[(int)((os * 0.125f + gpGlobals->time) * TURBSCALE) & 255]; t *= ( 1.0f / SUBDIVIDE_SIZE ); poly_vertices[i].pos[0] = v[0]; poly_vertices[i].pos[1] = v[1]; poly_vertices[i].pos[2] = nv; poly_vertices[i].prev_pos[0] = v[0]; poly_vertices[i].prev_pos[1] = v[1]; poly_vertices[i].prev_pos[2] = prev_nv; poly_vertices[i].gl_tc[0] = s; poly_vertices[i].gl_tc[1] = t; poly_vertices[i].lm_tc[0] = 0; poly_vertices[i].lm_tc[1] = 0; Vector4Set(poly_vertices[i].color, 255, 255, 255, 255); poly_vertices[i].normal[0] = 0; poly_vertices[i].normal[1] = 0; poly_vertices[i].normal[2] = 0; if (i > 1) { vec3_t e0, e1, normal; VectorSubtract( poly_vertices[i - 1].pos, poly_vertices[0].pos, e0 ); VectorSubtract( poly_vertices[i].pos, poly_vertices[0].pos, e1 ); CrossProduct( e1, e0, normal ); VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[0].normal, poly_vertices[0].normal); VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[i].normal, poly_vertices[i].normal); VectorAdd(normal, poly_vertices[i - 1].normal, poly_vertices[i - 1].normal); args.dst_indices[indices++] = (uint16_t)(vertices); args.dst_indices[indices++] = (uint16_t)(vertices + i - 1); args.dst_indices[indices++] = (uint16_t)(vertices + i); } if( args.reverse ) v -= VERTEXSIZE; else v += VERTEXSIZE; } for( int i = 0; i < p->numverts; i++ ) VectorNormalize(poly_vertices[i].normal); memcpy(args.dst_vertices + vertices, poly_vertices, sizeof(vk_vertex_t) * p->numverts); vertices += p->numverts; } // FIXME VK GL_SetupFogColorForSurfaces(); // Render const int tex_id = args.warp->texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum; const r_vk_material_t material = R_VkMaterialGetForTexture(tex_id); *args.dst_geometry = (vk_render_geometry_t){ .material = material, .ye_olde_texture = tex_id, .surf_deprecate = args.warp, .max_vertex = vertices, .element_count = indices, .emissive = {0,0,0}, }; RT_GetEmissiveForTexture(args.dst_geometry->emissive, tex_id); *args.out_vertex_count = vertices; *args.out_index_count = indices; g_brush.stat.water_surfaces_drawn++; g_brush.stat.water_polys_drawn += indices / 3; } static vk_render_type_e brushRenderModeToRenderType( int render_mode ) { switch (render_mode) { case kRenderNormal: return kVkRenderTypeSolid; case kRenderTransColor: return kVkRenderType_A_1mA_RW; case kRenderTransTexture: return kVkRenderType_A_1mA_R; case kRenderGlow: return kVkRenderType_A_1mA_R; case kRenderTransAlpha: return kVkRenderType_AT; case kRenderTransAdd: return kVkRenderType_A_1_R; default: ASSERT(!"Unxpected render_mode"); } return kVkRenderTypeSolid; } #if 0 // TOO OLD static void brushDrawWaterSurfaces( const cl_entity_t *ent, const vec4_t color, const matrix4x4 transform ) { const model_t *model = ent->model; vec3_t mins, maxs; if( !VectorIsNull( ent->angles )) { for( int i = 0; i < 3; i++ ) { mins[i] = ent->origin[i] - model->radius; maxs[i] = ent->origin[i] + model->radius; } //rotated = true; } else { VectorAdd( ent->origin, model->mins, mins ); VectorAdd( ent->origin, model->maxs, maxs ); //rotated = false; } // if( R_CullBox( mins, maxs )) // return; VK_RenderModelDynamicBegin( brushRenderModeToRenderType(ent->curstate.rendermode), color, transform, "%s water", model->name ); // Iterate through all surfaces, find *TURB* for( int i = 0; i < model->nummodelsurfaces; i++ ) { const msurface_t *surf = model->surfaces + model->firstmodelsurface + i; if( !FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_DRAWTURB ) && !FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS) ) continue; if( surf->plane->type != PLANE_Z && !FBitSet( ent->curstate.effects, EF_WATERSIDES )) continue; if( mins[2] + 1.0f >= surf->plane->dist ) continue; EmitWaterPolys( ent, surf, false ); } // submit as dynamic model VK_RenderModelDynamicCommit(); // TODO: // - upload water geometry only once, animate in compute/vertex shader } #endif static void fillWaterSurfaces( const cl_entity_t *ent, vk_brush_model_t *bmodel, vk_render_geometry_t *geometries ) { ASSERT(bmodel->water.surfaces_count > 0); const r_geometry_range_lock_t geom_lock = R_GeometryRangeLock(&bmodel->water.geometry); const float scale = ent ? ent->curstate.scale : 1.f; int vertices_offset = 0; int indices_offset = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bmodel->water.surfaces_count; ++i) { const int surf_index = bmodel->water.surfaces_indices[i]; int vertices = 0, indices = 0; brushComputeWaterPolys((compute_water_polys_t){ .prev_time = bmodel->prev_time, .scale = scale, .reverse = false, // ??? is it ever true? .warp = bmodel->engine_model->surfaces + surf_index, .dst_vertices = geom_lock.vertices + vertices_offset, .dst_indices = geom_lock.indices + indices_offset, .dst_geometry = geometries + i, .out_vertex_count = &vertices, .out_index_count = &indices, }); geometries[i].vertex_offset = bmodel->water.geometry.vertices.unit_offset + vertices_offset; geometries[i].index_offset = bmodel->water.geometry.indices.unit_offset + indices_offset; vertices_offset += vertices; indices_offset += indices; ASSERT(vertices_offset <= bmodel->water.geometry.vertices.count); ASSERT(indices_offset <= bmodel->water.geometry.indices.count); } R_GeometryRangeUnlock( &geom_lock ); } static rt_light_add_polygon_t loadPolyLight(const model_t *mod, const int surface_index, const msurface_t *surf, const vec3_t emissive); static qboolean doesTextureChainChange( const texture_t *const base ) { const texture_t *cur = base; if (!cur) return false; cur = cur->anim_next; while (cur && cur != base) { if (cur->gl_texturenum != base->gl_texturenum) return true; cur = cur->anim_next; } return false; } static qboolean isSurfaceAnimated( const msurface_t *s ) { const texture_t *const base = s->texinfo->texture; if( !base->anim_total && !base->alternate_anims ) return false; /* TODO why did we do this? It doesn't seem to rule out animation really. if( base->name[0] == '-' ) return false; */ if (base->alternate_anims && base->gl_texturenum != base->alternate_anims->gl_texturenum) return true; return doesTextureChainChange(base) || doesTextureChainChange(base->alternate_anims); } typedef enum { BrushSurface_Hidden = 0, BrushSurface_Regular, BrushSurface_Animated, BrushSurface_Water, BrushSurface_Sky, } brush_surface_type_e; static brush_surface_type_e getSurfaceType( const msurface_t *surf, int i ) { // if ( i >= 0 && (surf->flags & ~(SURF_PLANEBACK | SURF_UNDERWATER | SURF_TRANSPARENT)) != 0) // { // DEBUG("\t%d flags: ", i); // #define PRINTFLAGS(X) \ // X(SURF_PLANEBACK) \ // X(SURF_DRAWSKY) \ // X(SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS) \ // X(SURF_DRAWTURB) \ // X(SURF_DRAWTILED) \ // X(SURF_CONVEYOR) \ // X(SURF_UNDERWATER) \ // X(SURF_TRANSPARENT) // #define PRINTFLAG(f) if (FBitSet(surf->flags, f)) DEBUG(" %s", #f); // PRINTFLAGS(PRINTFLAG) // DEBUG("\n"); // } const xvk_patch_surface_t *patch_surface = R_VkPatchGetSurface(i); if (patch_surface && patch_surface->flags & Patch_Surface_Delete) return BrushSurface_Hidden; if (surf->flags & (SURF_DRAWTURB | SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS)) { return (!surf->polys) ? BrushSurface_Hidden : BrushSurface_Water; } // Explicitly enable SURF_SKY, otherwise they will be skipped by SURF_DRAWTILED if( FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_DRAWSKY )) return BrushSurface_Sky; //if( surf->flags & ( SURF_DRAWSKY | SURF_DRAWTURB | SURF_CONVEYOR | SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS ) ) { if( surf->flags & ( SURF_DRAWTURB | SURF_DRAWTURB_QUADS ) ) { //if( surf->flags & ( SURF_DRAWSKY | SURF_CONVEYOR ) ) { // FIXME don't print this on second sort-by-texture pass //DEBUG("Skipping surface %d because of flags %08x", i, surf->flags); return BrushSurface_Hidden; } if( FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_DRAWTILED )) { //DEBUG("Skipping surface %d because of tiled flag", i); return BrushSurface_Hidden; } const qboolean patched_material = patch_surface && !!(patch_surface->flags & Patch_Surface_Material); if (!patched_material && isSurfaceAnimated(surf)) { return BrushSurface_Animated; } return BrushSurface_Regular; } static qboolean brushCreateWaterModel(const model_t *mod, vk_brush_model_t *bmodel, const model_sizes_t sizes) { bmodel->water.surfaces_count = sizes.water_surfaces; const r_geometry_range_t geometry = R_GeometryRangeAlloc(sizes.water_vertices, sizes.water_indices); if (!geometry.block_handle.size) { ERR("Cannot allocate geometry (v=%d, i=%d) for water model %s", sizes.water_vertices, sizes.water_indices, mod->name ); return false; } vk_render_geometry_t *const geometries = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(vk_render_geometry_t) * sizes.water_surfaces); int* const surfaces_indices = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizes.water_surfaces * sizeof(int)); int index_index = 0; for( int i = 0; i < mod->nummodelsurfaces; ++i) { const int surface_index = mod->firstmodelsurface + i; const msurface_t *surf = mod->surfaces + surface_index; if (getSurfaceType(surf, surface_index) != BrushSurface_Water) continue; surfaces_indices[index_index++] = surface_index; } ASSERT(index_index == sizes.water_surfaces); bmodel->water.surfaces_indices = surfaces_indices; bmodel->water.geometry = geometry; fillWaterSurfaces(NULL, bmodel, geometries); if (!R_RenderModelCreate(&bmodel->water.render_model, (vk_render_model_init_t){ .name = mod->name, .geometries = geometries, .geometries_count = sizes.water_surfaces, .dynamic = true, })) { ERR("Could not create water render model for brush model %s", mod->name); return false; } bmodel->water.surfaces_indices = surfaces_indices; return true; } static material_mode_e brushMaterialModeForRenderType(vk_render_type_e render_type) { switch (render_type) { case kVkRenderTypeSolid: return kMaterialMode_Opaque; break; case kVkRenderType_A_1mA_RW: // blend: scr*a + dst*(1-a), depth: RW case kVkRenderType_A_1mA_R: // blend: scr*a + dst*(1-a), depth test return kMaterialMode_Translucent; break; case kVkRenderType_A_1: // blend: scr*a + dst, no depth test or write; sprite:kRenderGlow only return kMaterialMode_BlendGlow; break; case kVkRenderType_A_1_R: // blend: scr*a + dst, depth test case kVkRenderType_1_1_R: // blend: scr + dst, depth test return kMaterialMode_BlendAdd; break; case kVkRenderType_AT: // no blend, depth RW, alpha test return kMaterialMode_AlphaTest; break; default: gEngine.Host_Error("Unexpected render type %d\n", render_type); } return kMaterialMode_Opaque; } static void brushDrawWater(vk_brush_model_t *bmodel, const cl_entity_t *ent, int render_type, const vec4_t color, const matrix4x4 transform) { APROF_SCOPE_DECLARE_BEGIN(brush_draw_water, __FUNCTION__); ASSERT(bmodel->water.surfaces_count > 0); fillWaterSurfaces(NULL, bmodel, bmodel->water.render_model.geometries); if (!R_RenderModelUpdate(&bmodel->water.render_model)) { ERR("Failed to update brush model \"%s\" water", bmodel->render_model.debug_name); } const material_mode_e material_mode = brushMaterialModeForRenderType(render_type); R_RenderModelDraw(&bmodel->water.render_model, (r_model_draw_t){ .render_type = render_type, .material_mode = material_mode, .color = (const vec4_t*)color, .transform = (const matrix4x4*)transform, .prev_transform = &bmodel->prev_transform, }); APROF_SCOPE_END(brush_draw_water); } #if 0 // TODO use this static void computeConveyorSpeed(const color24 rendercolor, int tex_index, vec2_t speed) { float sy, cy; float flConveyorSpeed = 0.0f; float flRate, flAngle; vk_texture_t *texture = R_TextureGetByIndex( tex_index ); //gl_texture_t *texture; // FIXME /* if( ENGINE_GET_PARM( PARM_QUAKE_COMPATIBLE ) && RI.currententity == gEngfuncs.GetEntityByIndex( 0 ) ) */ /* { */ /* // same as doom speed */ /* flConveyorSpeed = -35.0f; */ /* } */ /* else */ { flConveyorSpeed = (rendercolor.g<<8|rendercolor.b) / 16.0f; if( rendercolor.r ) flConveyorSpeed = -flConveyorSpeed; } //texture = R_GetTexture( glState.currentTextures[glState.activeTMU] ); flRate = fabs( flConveyorSpeed ) / (float)texture->width; flAngle = ( flConveyorSpeed >= 0 ) ? 180 : 0; SinCos( flAngle * ( M_PI_F / 180.0f ), &sy, &cy ); speed[0] = cy * flRate; speed[1] = sy * flRate; } #endif /* =============== R_TextureAnimation Returns the proper texture for a given time and surface =============== */ const texture_t *R_TextureAnimation( const cl_entity_t *ent, const msurface_t *s ) { const texture_t *base = s->texinfo->texture; int count, reletive; if( ent && ent->curstate.frame ) { if( base->alternate_anims ) base = base->alternate_anims; } if( !base->anim_total ) return base; if( base->name[0] == '-' ) { int tx = (int)((s->texturemins[0] + (base->width << 16)) / base->width) % MOD_FRAMES; int ty = (int)((s->texturemins[1] + (base->height << 16)) / base->height) % MOD_FRAMES; reletive = g_brush.rtable[tx][ty] % base->anim_total; } else { int speed; // Quake1 textures uses 10 frames per second /* TODO if( FBitSet( R_TextureGetByIndex( base->gl_texturenum )->flags, TF_QUAKEPAL )) speed = 10; else */ speed = 20; reletive = (int)(gpGlobals->time * speed) % base->anim_total; } count = 0; while( base->anim_min > reletive || base->anim_max <= reletive ) { base = base->anim_next; if( !base || ++count > MOD_FRAMES ) return s->texinfo->texture; } return base; } void VK_BrushModelDraw( const cl_entity_t *ent, int render_mode, float blend, const matrix4x4 in_transform ) { // Expect all buffers to be bound const model_t *mod = ent->model; vk_brush_model_t *bmodel = mod->cache.data; if (!bmodel) { ERR("Model %s wasn't loaded", mod->name); return; } matrix4x4 transform; if (in_transform) Matrix4x4_Copy(transform, in_transform); else Matrix4x4_LoadIdentity(transform); vec4_t color = {1, 1, 1, 1}; vk_render_type_e render_type = kVkRenderTypeSolid; switch (render_mode) { case kRenderNormal: Vector4Set(color, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); render_type = kVkRenderTypeSolid; break; case kRenderTransColor: render_type = kVkRenderType_A_1mA_RW; Vector4Set(color, ent->curstate.rendercolor.r / 255.f, ent->curstate.rendercolor.g / 255.f, ent->curstate.rendercolor.b / 255.f, blend); break; case kRenderTransAdd: Vector4Set(color, blend, blend, blend, 1.f); render_type = kVkRenderType_A_1_R; break; case kRenderTransAlpha: if( gEngine.EngineGetParm( PARM_QUAKE_COMPATIBLE, 0 )) { render_type = kVkRenderType_A_1mA_RW; Vector4Set(color, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, blend); } else { Vector4Set(color, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f); render_type = kVkRenderType_AT; } break; case kRenderTransTexture: case kRenderGlow: render_type = kVkRenderType_A_1mA_R; Vector4Set(color, 1.f, 1.f, 1.f, blend); break; } // Only Normal and TransAlpha have lightmaps // TODO: on big maps more than a single lightmap texture is possible bmodel->render_model.lightmap = (render_mode == kRenderNormal || render_mode == kRenderTransAlpha) ? 1 : 0; if (bmodel->water.surfaces_count) brushDrawWater(bmodel, ent, render_type, color, transform); ++g_brush.stat.models_drawn; if (bmodel->render_model.num_geometries == 0) return; // Animate textures { APROF_SCOPE_DECLARE_BEGIN(brush_update_textures, "brush: update animated textures"); // Update animated textures int updated_textures_count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < bmodel->animated_indexes_count; ++i) { const int geom_index = bmodel->animated_indexes[i]; vk_render_geometry_t *geom = bmodel->render_model.geometries + geom_index; const int surface_index = geom->surf_deprecate - mod->surfaces; // Optionally patch by texture_s pointer and run animations const texture_t *t = R_TextureAnimation(ent, geom->surf_deprecate); const int new_tex_id = t->gl_texturenum; if (new_tex_id >= 0 && new_tex_id != geom->ye_olde_texture) { geom->ye_olde_texture = new_tex_id; geom->material = R_VkMaterialGetForTexture(new_tex_id); if (updated_textures_count < MAX_ANIMATED_TEXTURES) { g_brush.updated_textures[updated_textures_count++] = bmodel->animated_indexes[i]; } } // Animated textures can be emissive // Add them as dynamic lights for now. It would probably be better if they were static lights (for worldmodel), // but there's no easy way to do it for now. vec3_t *emissive = &bmodel->render_model.geometries[geom_index].emissive; if (RT_GetEmissiveForTexture(*emissive, new_tex_id)) { rt_light_add_polygon_t polylight = loadPolyLight(mod, surface_index, geom->surf_deprecate, *emissive); polylight.dynamic = true; polylight.transform_row = (const matrix3x4*)&transform; RT_LightAddPolygon(&polylight); } } if (updated_textures_count > 0) { R_RenderModelUpdateMaterials(&bmodel->render_model, g_brush.updated_textures, updated_textures_count); } APROF_SCOPE_END(brush_update_textures); } const material_mode_e material_mode = brushMaterialModeForRenderType(render_type); R_RenderModelDraw(&bmodel->render_model, (r_model_draw_t){ .render_type = render_type, .material_mode = material_mode, .color = &color, .transform = &transform, .prev_transform = &bmodel->prev_transform, }); Matrix4x4_Copy(bmodel->prev_transform, transform); bmodel->prev_time = gpGlobals->time; } static model_sizes_t computeSizes( const model_t *mod ) { model_sizes_t sizes = {0}; for( int i = 0; i < mod->nummodelsurfaces; ++i) { const int surface_index = mod->firstmodelsurface + i; const msurface_t *surf = mod->surfaces + surface_index; const int tex_id = surf->texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum; if (tex_id > sizes.max_texture_id) sizes.max_texture_id = tex_id; switch (getSurfaceType(surf, surface_index)) { case BrushSurface_Water: sizes.water_surfaces++; addWarpVertIndCounts(surf, &sizes.water_vertices, &sizes.water_indices); case BrushSurface_Hidden: continue; case BrushSurface_Animated: sizes.animated_count++; case BrushSurface_Regular: case BrushSurface_Sky: break; } ++sizes.num_surfaces; sizes.num_vertices += surf->numedges; sizes.num_indices += 3 * (surf->numedges - 1); } DEBUG("Computed sizes for brush model \"%s\": num_surfaces=%d num_vertices=%d num_indices=%d max_texture_id=%d water_surfaces=%d animated_count=%d water_vertices=%d water_indices=%d", mod->name, sizes.num_surfaces, sizes.num_vertices, sizes.num_indices, sizes.max_texture_id, sizes.water_surfaces, sizes.animated_count, sizes.water_vertices, sizes.water_indices); return sizes; } typedef struct { const model_t *mod; const vk_brush_model_t *bmodel; model_sizes_t sizes; uint32_t base_vertex_offset; uint32_t base_index_offset; vk_render_geometry_t *out_geometries; vk_vertex_t *out_vertices; uint16_t *out_indices; } fill_geometries_args_t; static void getSurfaceNormal( const msurface_t *surf, vec3_t out_normal) { if( FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_PLANEBACK )) VectorNegate( surf->plane->normal, out_normal ); else VectorCopy( surf->plane->normal, out_normal ); // TODO scale normal by area -- bigger surfaces should have bigger impact // NOTE scaling normal by area might be totally incorrect in many circumstances // The more corect logic there is way more difficult //VectorScale(normal, surf->plane. } static qboolean shouldSmoothLinkSurfaces(const model_t* mod, qboolean smooth_entire_model, int surf1, int surf2) { // Filter explicit exclusion for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.smoothing.excluded_pairs_count; i+=2) { const int cand1 = g_map_entities.smoothing.excluded_pairs[i]; const int cand2 = g_map_entities.smoothing.excluded_pairs[i+1]; if ((cand1 == surf1 && cand2 == surf2) || (cand1 == surf2 && cand2 == surf1)) return false; } qboolean excluded = false; for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.smoothing.excluded_count; ++i) { const int cand = g_map_entities.smoothing.excluded[i]; if (cand == surf1 || cand == surf2) { excluded = true; break; } } if (smooth_entire_model && !excluded) return true; // Smoothing groups have priority over individual exclusion. // That way we can exclude a surface from smoothing with most of its neighbours, // but still smooth it with some. for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.smoothing.groups_count; ++i) { const xvk_smoothing_group_t *g = g_map_entities.smoothing.groups + i; uint32_t bits = 0; for (int j = 0; j < g->count; ++j) { if (g->surfaces[j] == surf1) { bits |= 1; if (bits == 3) return true; } else if (g->surfaces[j] == surf2) { bits |= 2; if (bits == 3) return true; } } } if (excluded) return false; // Do not join surfaces with different textures. Assume they belong to different objects. { // Should we also check texture/material patches too to filter out pairs which originally had // same textures, but with patches do not? if (mod->surfaces[surf1].texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum != mod->surfaces[surf2].texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum) return false; } vec3_t n1, n2; getSurfaceNormal(mod->surfaces + surf1, n1); getSurfaceNormal(mod->surfaces + surf2, n2); const float dot = DotProduct(n1, n2); DEBUG("Smoothing: dot(%d, %d) = %f (t=%f)", surf1, surf2, dot, g_map_entities.smoothing.threshold); return dot >= g_map_entities.smoothing.threshold; } static int lvFindValue(const linked_value_t *li, int count, int needle) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) if (li[i].value == needle) return i; return -1; } static int lvFindOrAddValue(linked_value_t *li, int *count, int capacity, int needle) { const int found = lvFindValue(li, *count, needle); if (found >= 0) return found; if (*count == capacity) return -1; li[*count].value = needle; li[*count].link = *count; return (*count)++; } static int lvFindBaseIndex(const linked_value_t *li, int index) { while (li[index].link != index) index = li[index].link; return index; } static void lvFlatten(linked_value_t *li, int count) { for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i) { for (int j = i; j < count; ++j) { if (lvFindBaseIndex(li, j) == i) { li[j].link = i; } } } } static void linkSmoothSurfaces(const model_t* mod, int surf1, int surf2, int vertex_index) { conn_vertex_t *v = g_brush.conn.vertices + vertex_index; int i1 = lvFindOrAddValue(v->surfs, &v->count, COUNTOF(v->surfs), surf1); int i2 = lvFindOrAddValue(v->surfs, &v->count, COUNTOF(v->surfs), surf2); DEBUG("Link %d(%d)<->%d(%d) v=%d", surf1, i1, surf2, i2, vertex_index); if (i1 < 0 || i2 < 0) { ERR("Model %s cannot smooth link surf %d<->%d for vertex %d", mod->name, surf1, surf2, vertex_index); return; } i1 = lvFindBaseIndex(v->surfs, i1); i2 = lvFindBaseIndex(v->surfs, i2); // Link them v->surfs[Q_max(i1, i2)].link = Q_min(i1, i2); } static void connectVertices( const model_t *mod, qboolean smooth_entire_model ) { if (mod->numedges > g_brush.conn.edges_capacity) { if (g_brush.conn.edges) Mem_Free(g_brush.conn.edges); g_brush.conn.edges_capacity = mod->numedges; g_brush.conn.edges = Mem_Calloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(*g_brush.conn.edges) * g_brush.conn.edges_capacity); } if (mod->numvertexes > g_brush.conn.vertices_capacity) { if (g_brush.conn.vertices) Mem_Free(g_brush.conn.vertices); g_brush.conn.vertices_capacity = mod->numvertexes; g_brush.conn.vertices = Mem_Calloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(*g_brush.conn.vertices) * g_brush.conn.vertices_capacity); } // Find connection edges for (int i = 0; i < mod->nummodelsurfaces; ++i) { const int surface_index = mod->firstmodelsurface + i; const msurface_t *surf = mod->surfaces + surface_index; for(int k = 0; k < surf->numedges; k++) { const int iedge_dir = mod->surfedges[surf->firstedge + k]; const int iedge = iedge_dir >= 0 ? iedge_dir : -iedge_dir; ASSERT(iedge >= 0); ASSERT(iedge < mod->numedges); conn_edge_t *cedge = g_brush.conn.edges + iedge; if (cedge->count == 0) { cedge->first_surface = surface_index; } else { const medge_t *edge = mod->edges + iedge; if (shouldSmoothLinkSurfaces(mod, smooth_entire_model, cedge->first_surface, surface_index)) { linkSmoothSurfaces(mod, cedge->first_surface, surface_index, edge->v[0]); linkSmoothSurfaces(mod, cedge->first_surface, surface_index, edge->v[1]); } if (cedge->count > 1) { WARN("Model %s edge %d has %d surfaces", mod->name, i, cedge->count); } } cedge->count++; } // for surf->numedges } // for mod->nummodelsurfaces int hist[17] = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < mod->numvertexes; ++i) { conn_vertex_t *vtx = g_brush.conn.vertices + i; if (vtx->count < 16) { hist[vtx->count]++; } else { hist[16]++; } lvFlatten(vtx->surfs, vtx->count); // Too verbose #if 0 if (vtx->count) { DEBUG("Vertex %d linked count %d", i, vtx->count); for (int j = 0; j < vtx->count; ++j) { DEBUG(" %d: l=%d v=%d", j, vtx->surfs[j].link, vtx->surfs[j].value); } } #endif } for (int i = 0; i < COUNTOF(hist); ++i) { DEBUG("VTX hist[%d] = %d", i, hist[i]); } } static qboolean getSmoothedNormalFor(const model_t* mod, int vertex_index, int surface_index, vec3_t out_normal) { const conn_vertex_t *v = g_brush.conn.vertices + vertex_index; const int index = lvFindValue(v->surfs, v->count, surface_index); if (index < 0) return false; const int base = lvFindBaseIndex(v->surfs, index); vec3_t normal = {0}; for (int i = 0; i < v->count; ++i) { if (v->surfs[i].link == base) { const int surface = v->surfs[i].value; vec3_t surf_normal = {0}; getSurfaceNormal(mod->surfaces + surface, surf_normal); VectorAdd(normal, surf_normal, normal); } } VectorNormalize(normal); VectorCopy(normal, out_normal); return true; } static const xvk_mapent_func_any_t *getModelFuncAnyPatch( const model_t *const mod ) { for (int i = 0; i < g_map_entities.func_any_count; ++i) { const xvk_mapent_func_any_t *const fw = g_map_entities.func_any + i; if (Q_strcmp(mod->name, fw->model) == 0) { return fw; } } return NULL; } static qboolean fillBrushSurfaces(fill_geometries_args_t args) { int vertex_offset = 0; int num_geometries = 0; int animated_count = 0; vk_vertex_t *p_vert = args.out_vertices; uint16_t *p_ind = args.out_indices; int index_offset = args.base_index_offset; const xvk_mapent_func_any_t *const entity_patch = getModelFuncAnyPatch(args.mod); connectVertices(args.mod, entity_patch ? entity_patch->smooth_entire_model : false); // Load sorted by gl_texturenum // TODO this does not make that much sense in vulkan (can sort later) for (int t = 0; t <= args.sizes.max_texture_id; ++t) { for( int i = 0; i < args.mod->nummodelsurfaces; ++i) { const int surface_index = args.mod->firstmodelsurface + i; msurface_t *surf = args.mod->surfaces + surface_index; const mextrasurf_t *info = surf->info; vk_render_geometry_t *model_geometry = args.out_geometries + num_geometries; const float sample_size = gEngine.Mod_SampleSizeForFace( surf ); int index_count = 0; vec3_t tangent; const int orig_tex_id = surf->texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum; if (t != orig_tex_id) continue; int tex_id = orig_tex_id; // TODO this patching should probably override entity patching below const xvk_patch_surface_t *const psurf = R_VkPatchGetSurface(surface_index); const brush_surface_type_e type = getSurfaceType(surf, surface_index); switch (type) { case BrushSurface_Water: case BrushSurface_Hidden: continue; case BrushSurface_Animated: args.bmodel->animated_indexes[animated_count++] = num_geometries; case BrushSurface_Regular: case BrushSurface_Sky: break; } args.bmodel->surface_to_geometry_index[i] = num_geometries; ++num_geometries; //DEBUG( "surface %d: numverts=%d numedges=%d", i, surf->polys ? surf->polys->numverts : -1, surf->numedges ); if (vertex_offset + surf->numedges >= UINT16_MAX) { // We might be able to handle it by adjusting base_vertex_offset, etc ERR("Model %s indices don't fit into 16 bits", args.mod->name); return false; } model_geometry->ye_olde_texture = orig_tex_id; qboolean material_assigned = false; if (psurf && (psurf->flags & Patch_Surface_Material)) { model_geometry->material = R_VkMaterialGetForRef(psurf->material_ref); material_assigned = true; } if (!material_assigned && entity_patch) { for (int i = 0; i < entity_patch->matmap_count; ++i) { if (entity_patch->matmap[i].from_tex == orig_tex_id) { model_geometry->material = R_VkMaterialGetForTexture(entity_patch->matmap[i].to_mat.index); material_assigned = true; break; } } if (!material_assigned && entity_patch->rendermode > 0) { material_assigned = R_VkMaterialGetEx(tex_id, entity_patch->rendermode, &model_geometry->material); if (!material_assigned && entity_patch->rendermode == kRenderTransColor) { // TransColor means ignore textures and draw just color model_geometry->material = R_VkMaterialGetForTexture(tglob.whiteTexture); model_geometry->ye_olde_texture = tglob.whiteTexture; material_assigned = true; } } } if (!material_assigned) { model_geometry->material = R_VkMaterialGetForTexture(tex_id); material_assigned = true; } VectorClear(model_geometry->emissive); model_geometry->surf_deprecate = surf; model_geometry->vertex_offset = args.base_vertex_offset; model_geometry->max_vertex = vertex_offset + surf->numedges; model_geometry->index_offset = index_offset; if ( type == BrushSurface_Sky ) { #define TEX_BASE_SKYBOX 0x0f000000u // FIXME ray_interop.h model_geometry->material.tex_base_color = TEX_BASE_SKYBOX; } else { ASSERT(!FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_DRAWTILED )); VK_CreateSurfaceLightmap( surf, args.mod ); } if (FBitSet( surf->flags, SURF_CONVEYOR )) { // FIXME make an explicit list of dynamic-uv geometries } vec3_t surf_normal; getSurfaceNormal(surf, surf_normal); vk_vertex_t *const pvert_begin = p_vert; for( int k = 0; k < surf->numedges; k++ ) { const int iedge_dir = args.mod->surfedges[surf->firstedge + k]; const int iedge = iedge_dir >= 0 ? iedge_dir : -iedge_dir; const medge_t *edge = args.mod->edges + iedge; const int vertex_index = iedge_dir >= 0 ? edge->v[0] : edge->v[1]; const mvertex_t *in_vertex = args.mod->vertexes + vertex_index; vk_vertex_t vertex = { {in_vertex->position[0], in_vertex->position[1], in_vertex->position[2]}, }; vertex.prev_pos[0] = in_vertex->position[0]; vertex.prev_pos[1] = in_vertex->position[1]; vertex.prev_pos[2] = in_vertex->position[2]; // Compute texture coordinates, process tangent { vec4_t svec, tvec; if (psurf && (psurf->flags & Patch_Surface_TexMatrix)) { svec[0] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][0] * psurf->texmat_s[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][0] * psurf->texmat_s[1]; svec[1] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][1] * psurf->texmat_s[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][1] * psurf->texmat_s[1]; svec[2] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][2] * psurf->texmat_s[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][2] * psurf->texmat_s[1]; svec[3] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][3] + psurf->texmat_s[2]; tvec[0] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][0] * psurf->texmat_t[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][0] * psurf->texmat_t[1]; tvec[1] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][1] * psurf->texmat_t[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][1] * psurf->texmat_t[1]; tvec[2] = surf->texinfo->vecs[0][2] * psurf->texmat_t[0] + surf->texinfo->vecs[1][2] * psurf->texmat_t[1]; tvec[3] = surf->texinfo->vecs[1][3] + psurf->texmat_t[2]; } else { Vector4Copy(surf->texinfo->vecs[0], svec); Vector4Copy(surf->texinfo->vecs[1], tvec); } const float s = DotProduct( in_vertex->position, svec ) + svec[3]; const float t = DotProduct( in_vertex->position, tvec ) + tvec[3]; vertex.gl_tc[0] = s / surf->texinfo->texture->width; vertex.gl_tc[1] = t / surf->texinfo->texture->height; VectorCopy(svec, tangent); VectorNormalize(tangent); // "Inverted" texture mapping should not lead to inverted tangent/normal map // Make sure that orientation is preserved. { vec4_t stnorm; CrossProduct(tvec, svec, stnorm); if (DotProduct(stnorm, surf_normal) < 0.) VectorNegate(tangent, tangent); } } // lightmap texture coordinates { float s = DotProduct( in_vertex->position, info->lmvecs[0] ) + info->lmvecs[0][3]; s -= info->lightmapmins[0]; s += surf->light_s * sample_size; s += sample_size * 0.5f; s /= BLOCK_SIZE * sample_size; //fa->texinfo->texture->width; float t = DotProduct( in_vertex->position, info->lmvecs[1] ) + info->lmvecs[1][3]; t -= info->lightmapmins[1]; t += surf->light_t * sample_size; t += sample_size * 0.5f; t /= BLOCK_SIZE * sample_size; //fa->texinfo->texture->height; vertex.lm_tc[0] = s; vertex.lm_tc[1] = t; } // Compute smoothed normal if needed if (!getSmoothedNormalFor(args.mod, vertex_index, surface_index, vertex.normal)) { VectorCopy(surf_normal, vertex.normal); } VectorCopy(tangent, vertex.tangent); Vector4Set(vertex.color, 255, 255, 255, 255); *(p_vert++) = vertex; // Ray tracing apparently expects triangle list only (although spec is not very clear about this kekw) if (k > 1) { *(p_ind++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset + 0); *(p_ind++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset + k - 1); *(p_ind++) = (uint16_t)(vertex_offset + k); index_count += 3; index_offset += 3; } } // for surf->numedges model_geometry->element_count = index_count; vertex_offset += surf->numedges; } // for mod->nummodelsurfaces } ASSERT(args.sizes.num_surfaces == num_geometries); ASSERT(args.sizes.animated_count == animated_count); return true; } static qboolean createRenderModel( const model_t *mod, vk_brush_model_t *bmodel, const model_sizes_t sizes ) { bmodel->geometry = R_GeometryRangeAlloc(sizes.num_vertices, sizes.num_indices); if (!bmodel->geometry.block_handle.size) { ERR("Cannot allocate geometry for %s", mod->name ); return false; } vk_render_geometry_t *const geometries = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(vk_render_geometry_t) * sizes.num_surfaces); bmodel->surface_to_geometry_index = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(int) * mod->nummodelsurfaces); bmodel->animated_indexes = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(int) * sizes.animated_count); bmodel->animated_indexes_count = sizes.animated_count; if (sizes.animated_count > MAX_ANIMATED_TEXTURES) { WARN("Too many animated textures %d for model \"%s\" some surfaces can be static", sizes.animated_count, mod->name); } const r_geometry_range_lock_t geom_lock = R_GeometryRangeLock(&bmodel->geometry); const qboolean fill_result = fillBrushSurfaces((fill_geometries_args_t){ .mod = mod, .bmodel = bmodel, .sizes = sizes, .base_vertex_offset = bmodel->geometry.vertices.unit_offset, .base_index_offset = bmodel->geometry.indices.unit_offset, .out_geometries = geometries, .out_vertices = geom_lock.vertices, .out_indices = geom_lock.indices, }); R_GeometryRangeUnlock( &geom_lock ); if (!fill_result) { // TODO unlock and free buffers if failed? Currently we can't free geometry range, as it is being implicitly referenced by staging queue. Flush staging and free? // This shouldn't really happen btw, kind of unrecoverable for now tbh. // Also, we might just handle it, as the only reason it can fail is 16 bit index overflow. // I. Split into smaller geometries sets. // II. Make indices 32 bit return false; } if (!R_RenderModelCreate(&bmodel->render_model, (vk_render_model_init_t){ .name = mod->name, .geometries = geometries, .geometries_count = sizes.num_surfaces, .dynamic = false, })) { ERR("Could not create render model for brush model %s", mod->name); return false; } return true; } qboolean VK_BrushModelLoad( model_t *mod ) { if (mod->cache.data) { WARN("Model %s was already loaded", mod->name ); return true; } DEBUG("%s: %s flags=%08x", __FUNCTION__, mod->name, mod->flags); vk_brush_model_t *bmodel = Mem_Calloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(*bmodel)); ASSERT(g_brush.models_count < COUNTOF(g_brush.models)); g_brush.models[g_brush.models_count++] = bmodel; bmodel->engine_model = mod; mod->cache.data = bmodel; Matrix4x4_LoadIdentity(bmodel->prev_transform); bmodel->prev_time = gpGlobals->time; const model_sizes_t sizes = computeSizes( mod ); if (sizes.num_surfaces != 0) { if (!createRenderModel(mod, bmodel, sizes)) { ERR("Could not load brush model %s", mod->name); // FIXME Cannot deallocate bmodel as we might still have staging references to its memory return false; } } if (sizes.water_surfaces) { if (!brushCreateWaterModel(mod, bmodel, sizes)) { ERR("Could not load brush water model %s", mod->name); // FIXME Cannot deallocate bmodel as we might still have staging references to its memory return false; } } g_brush.stat.total_vertices += sizes.num_indices + sizes.water_vertices; g_brush.stat.total_indices += sizes.num_vertices + sizes.water_indices; DEBUG("Model %s loaded surfaces: %d (of %d); total vertices: %u, total indices: %u", mod->name, bmodel->render_model.num_geometries, mod->nummodelsurfaces, g_brush.stat.total_vertices, g_brush.stat.total_indices); return true; } static void VK_BrushModelDestroy( vk_brush_model_t *bmodel ) { ASSERT(bmodel->engine_model); DEBUG("%s: %s", __FUNCTION__, bmodel->engine_model->name); ASSERT(bmodel->engine_model->cache.data == bmodel); ASSERT(bmodel->engine_model->type == mod_brush); if (bmodel->water.surfaces_count) { R_RenderModelDestroy(&bmodel->water.render_model); Mem_Free((int*)bmodel->water.surfaces_indices); Mem_Free(bmodel->water.render_model.geometries); R_GeometryRangeFree(&bmodel->water.geometry); } R_RenderModelDestroy(&bmodel->render_model); if (bmodel->animated_indexes) Mem_Free(bmodel->animated_indexes); if (bmodel->surface_to_geometry_index) Mem_Free(bmodel->surface_to_geometry_index); if (bmodel->render_model.geometries) { Mem_Free(bmodel->render_model.geometries); R_GeometryRangeFree(&bmodel->geometry); } bmodel->engine_model->cache.data = NULL; Mem_Free(bmodel); } void VK_BrushModelDestroyAll( void ) { DEBUG("Destroying %d brush models", g_brush.models_count); for( int i = 0; i < g_brush.models_count; i++ ) VK_BrushModelDestroy(g_brush.models[i]); g_brush.stat.total_vertices = 0; g_brush.stat.total_indices = 0; g_brush.models_count = 0; memset(g_brush.conn.edges, 0, sizeof(*g_brush.conn.edges) * g_brush.conn.edges_capacity); memset(g_brush.conn.vertices, 0, sizeof(*g_brush.conn.vertices) * g_brush.conn.vertices_capacity); } static rt_light_add_polygon_t loadPolyLight(const model_t *mod, const int surface_index, const msurface_t *surf, const vec3_t emissive) { rt_light_add_polygon_t lpoly = {0}; lpoly.num_vertices = Q_min(7, surf->numedges); // TODO split, don't clip if (surf->numedges > 7) WARN_THROTTLED(10, "emissive surface %d has %d vertices; clipping to 7", surface_index, surf->numedges); VectorCopy(emissive, lpoly.emissive); for (int i = 0; i < lpoly.num_vertices; ++i) { const int iedge = mod->surfedges[surf->firstedge + i]; const medge_t *edge = mod->edges + (iedge >= 0 ? iedge : -iedge); const mvertex_t *vertex = mod->vertexes + (iedge >= 0 ? edge->v[0] : edge->v[1]); VectorCopy(vertex->position, lpoly.vertices[i]); } lpoly.surface = surf; return lpoly; } void R_VkBrushModelCollectEmissiveSurfaces( const struct model_s *mod, qboolean is_worldmodel ) { vk_brush_model_t *const bmodel = mod->cache.data; ASSERT(bmodel); const xvk_mapent_func_any_t *func_any = getModelFuncAnyPatch(mod); const qboolean is_static = is_worldmodel || (func_any && func_any->origin_patched); typedef struct { int model_surface_index; int surface_index; const msurface_t *surf; vec3_t emissive; } emissive_surface_t; emissive_surface_t emissive_surfaces[MAX_SURFACE_LIGHTS]; int geom_indices[MAX_SURFACE_LIGHTS]; int emissive_surfaces_count = 0; // Load list of all emissive surfaces for( int i = 0; i < mod->nummodelsurfaces; ++i) { const int surface_index = mod->firstmodelsurface + i; const msurface_t *surf = mod->surfaces + surface_index; switch (getSurfaceType(surf, surface_index)) { case BrushSurface_Regular: case BrushSurface_Animated: break; default: continue; } const int tex_id = surf->texinfo->texture->gl_texturenum; // TODO animation? vec3_t emissive; const xvk_patch_surface_t *const psurf = R_VkPatchGetSurface(surface_index); if (psurf && (psurf->flags & Patch_Surface_Emissive)) { VectorCopy(psurf->emissive, emissive); } else if (RT_GetEmissiveForTexture(emissive, tex_id)) { // emissive } else { // not emissive, continue to the next continue; } DEBUG("%d: i=%d surf_index=%d tex_id=%d patch=%d(%#x) => emissive=(%f,%f,%f)", emissive_surfaces_count, i, surface_index, tex_id, !!psurf, psurf?psurf->flags:0, emissive[0], emissive[1], emissive[2]); if (emissive_surfaces_count == MAX_SURFACE_LIGHTS) { ERR("Too many emissive surfaces for model %s: max=%d", mod->name, MAX_SURFACE_LIGHTS); break; } emissive_surface_t* const surface = &emissive_surfaces[emissive_surfaces_count++]; surface->model_surface_index = i; surface->surface_index = surface_index; surface->surf = surf; VectorCopy(emissive, surface->emissive); } // Clear old per-geometry emissive values. The new emissive values will be assigned by the loop below only to the relevant geoms for (int i = 0; i < bmodel->render_model.num_geometries; ++i) { vk_render_geometry_t *const geom = bmodel->render_model.geometries + i; VectorClear(geom->emissive); } // Non-static brush models may move around and so must have their emissive surfaces treated as dynamic if (!is_static) { if (bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights) Mem_Free(bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights); bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights_count = emissive_surfaces_count; bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights = Mem_Malloc(vk_core.pool, sizeof(bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights[0]) * emissive_surfaces_count); } // Apply all emissive surfaces found for (int i = 0; i < emissive_surfaces_count; ++i) { const emissive_surface_t* const s = emissive_surfaces + i; rt_light_add_polygon_t polylight = loadPolyLight(mod, s->surface_index, s->surf, s->emissive); // func_any surfaces do not really belong to BSP+PVS system, so they can't be used // for lights visibility calculation directly. if (func_any && func_any->origin_patched) { // TODO this is not really dynamic, but this flag signals using MovingSurface visibility calc polylight.dynamic = true; matrix3x4 m; Matrix3x4_LoadIdentity(m); Matrix3x4_SetOrigin(m, func_any->origin[0], func_any->origin[1], func_any->origin[2]); polylight.transform_row = &m; } // Static emissive surfaces are added immediately, as they are drawn all the time. // Non-static ones will be applied later when the model is actually rendered if (is_static) { RT_LightAddPolygon(&polylight); } else { bmodel->render_model.dynamic_polylights[i] = polylight; } // Assign the emissive value to the right geometry const int geom_index = bmodel->surface_to_geometry_index[s->model_surface_index]; geom_indices[i] = geom_index; VectorCopy(polylight.emissive, bmodel->render_model.geometries[geom_index].emissive); } if (emissive_surfaces_count > 0) { // Update emissive values in kusochki. This is required because initial VK_BrushModelLoad happens before we've read // RAD data in vk_light.c, so the emissive values are empty. This is the place and time where we actually get to // know them, so let's fixup things. // TODO minor optimization: sort geom_indices to have a better chance for them to be sequential { // Make sure that staging has been flushed. // Updating materials leads to staging an upload to the same memory that we've just staged an upload to. // This doesn't please the validator. // Ensure that these uploads are not mixed into the same unsynchronized stream. // TODO this might be not great for performance (extra waiting for GPU), so a better solution should be considered. E.g. tracking and barrier-syncing regions to-be-reuploaded. R_VkStagingFlushSync(); } R_RenderModelUpdateMaterials(&bmodel->render_model, geom_indices, emissive_surfaces_count); INFO("Loaded %d polylights for %s model %s", emissive_surfaces_count, is_static ? "static" : "movable", mod->name); } } void VK_BrushUnloadTextures( model_t *mod ) { int i; for( i = 0; i < mod->numtextures; i++ ) { texture_t *tx = mod->textures[i]; if( !tx || tx->gl_texturenum == tglob.defaultTexture ) continue; // free slot R_TextureFree( tx->gl_texturenum ); // main texture R_TextureFree( tx->fb_texturenum ); // luma texture } }