#include "vk_core.h" #include "vk_cvar.h" #include "vk_common.h" #include "r_textures.h" #include "vk_renderstate.h" #include "vk_overlay.h" #include "vk_scene.h" #include "vk_framectl.h" #include "vk_lightmap.h" #include "vk_sprite.h" #include "vk_studio.h" #include "vk_beams.h" #include "vk_brush.h" #include "vk_rpart.h" #include "vk_triapi.h" #include "r_speeds.h" #include "vk_logs.h" #include "xash3d_types.h" #include "com_strings.h" #include #define LOG_MODULE LogModule_RMain ref_api_t gEngine = {0}; ref_globals_t *gpGlobals = NULL; static const char *R_GetConfigName( void ) { return "vk"; } static qboolean R_SetDisplayTransform( ref_screen_rotation_t rotate, int x, int y, float scale_x, float scale_y ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("(%d, %d, %d, %f, %f)", rotate, x, y, scale_x, scale_y); return true; } static void GL_SetupAttributes( int safegl ) { // Nothing to do for Vulkan } static void GL_ClearExtensions( void ) { // Nothing to do for Vulkan } static void GL_BackendStartFrame_UNUSED( void ) { /* Unused in Vulkan renderer. GL renderer only uses this to clear the r_speeds_msg string */ } static void GL_BackendEndFrame_UNUSED( void ) { /* Unused in Vulkan renderer. GL renderer only uses this to populate r_speeds_msg string. In Vulkan this is done naturally in R_EndFrame */ } // debug static void R_ShowTextures_UNUSED( void ) { /* Unused in Vulkan renderer. No need to debug textures this way */ } // texture management static const byte *R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer_UNUSED( unsigned int idx ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } static void GL_ProcessTexture_UNUSED( int texnum, float gamma, int topColor, int bottomColor ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static qboolean VID_CubemapShot( const char *base, uint size, const float *vieworg, qboolean skyshot ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return false; } // light static colorVec R_LightPoint( const float *p ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return (colorVec){0}; } // decals // Shoots a decal onto the surface of the BSP. position is the center of the decal in world coords static void R_DecalShoot( int textureIndex, int entityIndex, int modelIndex, vec3_t pos, int flags, float scale ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void R_DecalRemoveAll( int texture ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static int R_CreateDecalList( struct decallist_s *pList ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } static void R_ClearAllDecals( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // bmodel static void R_InitSkyClouds( struct mip_s *mt, struct texture_s *tx, qboolean custom_palette ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } extern void GL_SubdivideSurface( model_t *loadmodel, msurface_t *fa ); static void Mod_UnloadTextures( model_t *mod ) { ASSERT( mod != NULL ); switch( mod->type ) { case mod_studio: Mod_StudioUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; case mod_alias: // FIXME Mod_AliasUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; case mod_brush: VK_BrushUnloadTextures( mod ); break; case mod_sprite: Mod_SpriteUnloadTextures( mod->cache.data ); break; default: ASSERT( 0 ); break; } } static qboolean Mod_ProcessRenderData( model_t *mod, qboolean create, const byte *buffer ) { qboolean loaded = true; DEBUG("%s(%s, create=%d)", __FUNCTION__, mod->name, create); // TODO does this ever happen? if (!create && mod->type == mod_brush) gEngine.Con_Printf( S_WARN "VK FIXME Trying to unload brush model %s\n", mod->name); if( create ) { switch( mod->type ) { case mod_studio: // This call happens before we get R_NewMap, which frees all current buffers // So we can't really load anything here // TODO we might benefit a tiny bit (a few ms loading time) from reusing studio models from previous map break; case mod_sprite: Mod_LoadSpriteModel( mod, buffer, &loaded, mod->numtexinfo ); break; case mod_alias: // TODO what ARE mod_alias? We just don't know. break; case mod_brush: // This call happens before we get R_NewMap, which frees all current buffers // So we can't really load anything here break; default: gEngine.Host_Error( "Mod_LoadModel: unsupported type %d\n", mod->type ); } } if( loaded && gEngine.drawFuncs->Mod_ProcessUserData ) gEngine.drawFuncs->Mod_ProcessUserData( mod, create, buffer ); if( !create ) { Mod_UnloadTextures( mod ); switch( mod->type ) { case mod_brush: // Empirically, this function only attempts to destroy the worldmodel before loading the next map. // However, all brush models need to be destroyed. Use this as a signal to destroy them too. // Assert that this observation is correct. // ASSERT(mod == gEngine.pfnGetModelByIndex(1)); not correct when closing the game. At this point model count is zero. R_SceneMapDestroy(); break; default: PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("destroy (%p, %d, %s)", mod, mod->type, mod->name); } } return loaded; } // Xash3D Render Interface // Get renderer info (doesn't changes engine state at all) static const char *getParmName(int parm) { switch(parm){ case PARM_TEX_WIDTH: return "PARM_TEX_WIDTH"; case PARM_TEX_HEIGHT: return "PARM_TEX_HEIGHT"; case PARM_TEX_SRC_WIDTH: return "PARM_TEX_SRC_WIDTH"; case PARM_TEX_SRC_HEIGHT: return "PARM_TEX_SRC_HEIGHT"; case PARM_TEX_SKYBOX: return "PARM_TEX_SKYBOX"; case PARM_TEX_SKYTEXNUM: return "PARM_TEX_SKYTEXNUM"; case PARM_TEX_LIGHTMAP: return "PARM_TEX_LIGHTMAP"; case PARM_TEX_TARGET: return "PARM_TEX_TARGET"; case PARM_TEX_TEXNUM: return "PARM_TEX_TEXNUM"; case PARM_TEX_FLAGS: return "PARM_TEX_FLAGS"; case PARM_TEX_DEPTH: return "PARM_TEX_DEPTH"; case PARM_TEX_GLFORMAT: return "PARM_TEX_GLFORMAT"; case PARM_TEX_ENCODE: return "PARM_TEX_ENCODE"; case PARM_TEX_MIPCOUNT: return "PARM_TEX_MIPCOUNT"; case PARM_BSP2_SUPPORTED: return "PARM_BSP2_SUPPORTED"; case PARM_SKY_SPHERE: return "PARM_SKY_SPHERE"; case PARAM_GAMEPAUSED: return "PARAM_GAMEPAUSED"; case PARM_MAP_HAS_DELUXE: return "PARM_MAP_HAS_DELUXE"; case PARM_MAX_ENTITIES: return "PARM_MAX_ENTITIES"; case PARM_WIDESCREEN: return "PARM_WIDESCREEN"; case PARM_FULLSCREEN: return "PARM_FULLSCREEN"; case PARM_SCREEN_WIDTH: return "PARM_SCREEN_WIDTH"; case PARM_SCREEN_HEIGHT: return "PARM_SCREEN_HEIGHT"; case PARM_CLIENT_INGAME: return "PARM_CLIENT_INGAME"; case PARM_FEATURES: return "PARM_FEATURES"; case PARM_ACTIVE_TMU: return "PARM_ACTIVE_TMU"; case PARM_LIGHTSTYLEVALUE: return "PARM_LIGHTSTYLEVALUE"; case PARM_MAX_IMAGE_UNITS: return "PARM_MAX_IMAGE_UNITS"; case PARM_CLIENT_ACTIVE: return "PARM_CLIENT_ACTIVE"; case PARM_REBUILD_GAMMA: return "PARM_REBUILD_GAMMA"; case PARM_DEDICATED_SERVER: return "PARM_DEDICATED_SERVER"; case PARM_SURF_SAMPLESIZE: return "PARM_SURF_SAMPLESIZE"; case PARM_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE: return "PARM_GL_CONTEXT_TYPE"; case PARM_GLES_WRAPPER: return "PARM_GLES_WRAPPER"; case PARM_STENCIL_ACTIVE: return "PARM_STENCIL_ACTIVE"; case PARM_WATER_ALPHA: return "PARM_WATER_ALPHA"; case PARM_TEX_MEMORY: return "PARM_TEX_MEMORY"; case PARM_DELUXEDATA: return "PARM_DELUXEDATA"; case PARM_SHADOWDATA: return "PARM_SHADOWDATA"; case PARM_MODERNFLASHLIGHT: return "PARM_MODERNFLASHLIGHT"; default: return "UNKNOWN"; } } static int VK_RefGetParm( int parm, int arg ) { // TODO all PARM_TEX handle in r_texture internally switch(parm){ case PARM_TEX_WIDTH: case PARM_TEX_HEIGHT: case PARM_TEX_SRC_WIDTH: // TODO why is this separate? case PARM_TEX_SRC_HEIGHT: case PARM_TEX_FLAGS: /* TODO case PARM_TEX_SKYBOX: case PARM_TEX_SKYTEXNUM: case PARM_TEX_LIGHTMAP: case PARM_TEX_TARGET: case PARM_TEX_TEXNUM: case PARM_TEX_DEPTH: case PARM_TEX_GLFORMAT: case PARM_TEX_ENCODE: case PARM_TEX_MIPCOUNT: case PARM_TEX_MEMORY: */ return R_TexturesGetParm( parm, arg ); case PARM_MODERNFLASHLIGHT: if (CVAR_TO_BOOL( rt_enable )) { return true; } return false; } PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("(%s(%d), %d)", getParmName(parm), parm, arg); return 0; } static void GetDetailScaleForTexture( int texture, float *xScale, float *yScale ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GetExtraParmsForTexture( int texture, byte *red, byte *green, byte *blue, byte *alpha ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static float GetFrameTime( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 1.f; } // Set renderer info (tell engine about changes) static void R_SetCurrentEntity( struct cl_entity_s *ent ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void R_SetCurrentModel( struct model_s *mod ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // Decals manipulating (draw & remove) static void DrawSingleDecal( struct decal_s *pDecal, struct msurface_s *fa ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static float *R_DecalSetupVerts( struct decal_s *pDecal, struct msurface_s *surf, int texture, int *outCount ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } static void R_EntityRemoveDecals( struct model_s *mod ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // AVI static void AVI_UploadRawFrame( int texture, int cols, int rows, int width, int height, const byte *data ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // glState related calls (must use this instead of normal gl-calls to prevent de-synchornize local states between engine and the client) static void GL_Bind( int tmu, unsigned int texnum ) { if (tmu != 0) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("non-zero tmu=%d", tmu); } TriSetTexture(texnum); } static void GL_SelectTexture( int tmu ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_LoadTextureMatrix( const float *glmatrix ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_TexMatrixIdentity( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_CleanUpTextureUnits( int last ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_TexGen( unsigned int coord, unsigned int mode ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_TextureTarget( unsigned int target ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_TexCoordArrayMode( unsigned int texmode ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void GL_UpdateTexSize( int texnum, int width, int height, int depth ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // Misc renderer functions static void GL_DrawParticles( const struct ref_viewpass_s *rvp, qboolean trans_pass, float frametime ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } colorVec R_LightVec( const float *start, const float *end, float *lightspot, float *lightvec ); static struct mstudiotex_s *R_StudioGetTexture( struct cl_entity_s *e ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } // setup map bounds for ortho-projection when we in dev_overview mode static void GL_OrthoBounds( const float *mins, const float *maxs ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // get visdata for current frame from custom renderer static byte* Mod_GetCurrentVis( void ) { // ref_soft just returns NULL here // Not sure if we need to copy what ref_gl does. What it does is: // - Setup camera and call R_MarkLeaves() in R_RenderScene() // - R_MarkLeaves() sets RI.visbytes // will be eventually needed for culling in traditional renderer, see: // - https://github.com/w23/xash3d-fwgs/pull/96 // - https://github.com/w23/xash3d-fwgs/issues/93 // - Return RI.visbytes here (if not using custom rendering) return NULL; } // GL_GetProcAddress for client renderer static void* R_GetProcAddress( const char *name ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return NULL; } // TriAPI Interface static void TriFog( float flFogColor[3], float flStart, float flEnd, int bOn ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void R_ScreenToWorld( const float *screen, float *world ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void TriGetMatrix( const int pname, float *matrix ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void TriFogParams( float flDensity, int iFogSkybox ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void TriCullFace( TRICULLSTYLE mode ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } // vgui drawing implementation static void VGUI_DrawInit( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_DrawShutdown( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_SetupDrawingText( int *pColor ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_SetupDrawingRect( int *pColor ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_SetupDrawingImage( int *pColor ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_BindTexture( int id ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_EnableTexture( qboolean enable ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_CreateTexture( int id, int width, int height ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_UploadTexture( int id, const char *buffer, int width, int height ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_UploadTextureBlock( int id, int drawX, int drawY, const byte *rgba, int blockWidth, int blockHeight ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_DrawQuad( const vpoint_t *ul, const vpoint_t *lr ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static void VGUI_GetTextureSizes( int *width, int *height ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); } static int VGUI_GenerateTexture( void ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } static const byte* R_TextureData_UNUSED( unsigned int texnum ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("texnum=%d", texnum); // We don't store original texture data // TODO do we need to? return NULL; } int R_CreateTexture_UNUSED( const char *name, int width, int height, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("name=%s width=%d height=%d buffer=%p flags=%08x", name, width, height, buffer, flags); return 0; } static int R_LoadTextureArray_UNUSED( const char **names, int flags ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED(); return 0; } int R_CreateTextureArray_UNUSED( const char *name, int width, int height, int depth, const void *buffer, texFlags_t flags ) { PRINT_NOT_IMPLEMENTED_ARGS("name=%s width=%d height=%d buffer=%p flags=%08x", name, width, height, buffer, flags); return 0; } static const ref_device_t *pfnGetRenderDevice( unsigned int idx ) { if( idx >= vk_core.num_devices ) return NULL; return &vk_core.devices[idx]; } static const ref_interface_t gReffuncs = { .R_Init = R_VkInit, .R_Shutdown = R_VkShutdown, R_GetConfigName, R_SetDisplayTransform, // only called for GL contexts GL_SetupAttributes, .GL_InitExtensions = NULL, // Unused in Vulkan renderer GL_ClearExtensions, R_BeginFrame, R_RenderScene, // Not called ever? R_EndFrame, R_PushScene, R_PopScene, .GL_BackendStartFrame = GL_BackendStartFrame_UNUSED, .GL_BackendEndFrame = GL_BackendEndFrame_UNUSED, R_ClearScreen, R_AllowFog, GL_SetRenderMode, R_AddEntity, CL_AddCustomBeam, R_ProcessEntData, // debug .R_ShowTextures = R_ShowTextures_UNUSED, // texture management .R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer = R_GetTextureOriginalBuffer_UNUSED, .GL_LoadTextureFromBuffer = R_TextureUploadFromBuffer, .GL_ProcessTexture = GL_ProcessTexture_UNUSED, .R_SetupSky = R_TextureSetupSky, // 2D R_Set2DMode, R_DrawStretchRaw, R_DrawStretchPic, R_DrawTileClear, CL_FillRGBA, CL_FillRGBABlend, R_WorldToScreen, // screenshot, cubemapshot VID_ScreenShot, VID_CubemapShot, // light R_LightPoint, // decals R_DecalShoot, R_DecalRemoveAll, R_CreateDecalList, R_ClearAllDecals, R_StudioEstimateFrame, R_StudioLerpMovement, CL_InitStudioAPI, R_InitSkyClouds, GL_SubdivideSurface, VK_RunLightStyles, R_GetSpriteParms, R_GetSpriteTexture, Mod_LoadMapSprite, Mod_ProcessRenderData, Mod_StudioLoadTextures, CL_DrawParticles, CL_DrawTracers, CL_DrawBeams, R_BeamCull, VK_RefGetParm, GetDetailScaleForTexture, GetExtraParmsForTexture, GetFrameTime, R_SetCurrentEntity, R_SetCurrentModel, // Texture tools .GL_FindTexture = R_TextureFindByName, .GL_TextureName = R_TextureGetNameByIndex, .GL_TextureData = R_TextureData_UNUSED, .GL_LoadTexture = R_TextureUploadFromFile, .GL_CreateTexture = R_CreateTexture_UNUSED, .GL_LoadTextureArray = R_LoadTextureArray_UNUSED, .GL_CreateTextureArray = R_CreateTextureArray_UNUSED, .GL_FreeTexture = R_TextureFree, // Decals manipulating (draw & remove) DrawSingleDecal, R_DecalSetupVerts, R_EntityRemoveDecals, AVI_UploadRawFrame, GL_Bind, GL_SelectTexture, GL_LoadTextureMatrix, GL_TexMatrixIdentity, GL_CleanUpTextureUnits, GL_TexGen, GL_TextureTarget, GL_TexCoordArrayMode, GL_UpdateTexSize, NULL, // Reserved0 NULL, // Reserved1 GL_DrawParticles, R_LightVec, R_StudioGetTexture, VK_RenderFrame, GL_OrthoBounds, .R_SpeedsMessage = R_SpeedsMessage, .Mod_GetCurrentVis = Mod_GetCurrentVis, R_NewMap, R_ClearScene, R_GetProcAddress, TriRenderMode, TriBegin, TriEnd, TriColor4f, TriColor4ub, TriTexCoord2f, TriVertex3fv, TriVertex3f, TriFog, R_ScreenToWorld, TriGetMatrix, TriFogParams, TriCullFace, VGUI_DrawInit, VGUI_DrawShutdown, VGUI_SetupDrawingText, VGUI_SetupDrawingRect, VGUI_SetupDrawingImage, VGUI_BindTexture, VGUI_EnableTexture, VGUI_CreateTexture, VGUI_UploadTexture, VGUI_UploadTextureBlock, VGUI_DrawQuad, VGUI_GetTextureSizes, VGUI_GenerateTexture, pfnGetRenderDevice, }; int EXPORT GetRefAPI( int version, ref_interface_t *funcs, ref_api_t *engfuncs, ref_globals_t *globals ) { if( version != REF_API_VERSION ) return 0; // fill in our callbacks memcpy( funcs, &gReffuncs, sizeof( ref_interface_t )); memcpy( &gEngine, engfuncs, sizeof( ref_api_t )); gpGlobals = globals; return REF_API_VERSION; }